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Private/Closed Naruto AU RP: discussion

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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
You don’t know how long she had that body, could have been since I introduced her body

So, wait....Misa is a Yamanaka who uses Mind Transfer jutsu to steal bodies?

A few questions....

1. So Misa's real body is stored away somewhere being cared for?

2. Can you keep use of the targets body forever? Mind Transfer was never stated to have a time limit, but its almost always stated to work for, "a short period of time".

3. Yamanaka are capable of utilizing there own jutsu while switched. So I was curious as to what made you believe they could utilize a possessed bodies jutsu?

4. How did you even manage to obtain a Yuki Clan body? They usually travel in groups while outside the Mist, and I dont see you just walking in a jumping in a random person unnoticed.

So she has a collection of bodies and basically brought the body we know here in the mist like picking cars to drive?
So, wait....Misa is a Yamanaka who uses Mind Transfer jutsu to steal bodies?

A few questions....

1. So Misa's real body is stored away somewhere being cared for?

2. Can you keep use of the targets body forever? Mind Transfer was never stated to have a time limit, but its almost always stated to work for, "a short period of time".

3. Yamanaka are capable of utilizing there own jutsu while switched. So I was curious as to what made you believe they could utilize a possessed bodies jutsu?

4. How did you even manage to obtain a Yuki Clan body? They usually travel in groups while outside the Mist, and I dont see you just walking in a jumping in a random person unnoticed.
1. It’s stored away somewhere yes

2. She can keep them forever. When she leaves the bodies, they essentially become mindless dolls on autopilot

3. Expansion of the ability is guess

4. The body belonged to a child, curious and naive. It shouldn’t be too difficult to lure her out for a bit

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Yes, it’s pretty messed up when you think about it

That’s actually kinda cool and messed up of a concept. Fitting of an Akatsuki member for sure. :)

I’m just wondering how she came about this power. As Sasori has a reason how he advanced his art: by becoming a puppet. Deidara with explosion style with those hands, etc
I feel this kinda....breaks how Mind Transfer is supposed to work ^^'

This was my exact issue, but im looking for a positive, lol.

2. She can keep them forever. When she leaves the bodies, they essentially become mindless dolls on autopilot

Is this also expansion of abilities? Im not saying ive got a problem with it, im just looking for an explanation as to why/how it became so different than prior.
Is this also expansion of abilities? Im not saying ive got a problem with it, im just looking for an explanation as to why/how it became so different than prior.
I made an original ability where she places these seeds inside her transfer’s minds and those are the things that allows her to freely switch between bodies and keep them under her control
I made an original ability where she places these seeds inside her transfer’s minds and those are the things that allows her to freely switch between bodies and keep them under her control

*See's seed-based jutsu*

Seed's create plants. Plants are like smol trees. Trees are made of wood.

Misa is a wood style user confirmed.

XD Nah im joking. Im aware plants have been utilized without wood release in the past, id just like to know what it is.
I’m just wondering how she came about this power. As Sasori has a reason how he advanced his art: by becoming a puppet. Deidara with explosion style with those hands, etc
Well she was a genius who grew too ambitious, not caring about human life as she uses them for her research. She wanted to explore the furthest reaches of her clan’s kekkai genkai

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Am I the only one who finds this...exploitable? Basically all Misa has to do is get this "seed" in someone and then Mind Transfer for a game over even if she is somehow forced out of the body XD

Not if they have to be subdued and then woven together into the brain of the enemy. Like taking hours to do when the enemy is unconscious. It just takes preparation
Well she was a genius who grew too ambitious, not caring about human life as she uses them for her research. She wanted to explore the furthest reaches of her clan’s kekkai genkai

.....this doesn't address my question/concern XD

I am asking once she manages to get the jutsu in, even if she is kicked out the target becomes mindless making this a one shot weapon. Just curious if there was anyway to break this without becoming a figurative vegetable. Or if "just don't get caught scrub" is the only solution here XD
Well she was a genius who grew too ambitious, not caring about human life as she uses them for her research. She wanted to explore the furthest reaches of her clan’s kekkai genkai

A fair explanation. One that drives many ninja to greater heights.

However, I dont care about the changes youve made, I simply care about how you made them. Its best to have a concept fleshed out in writing before you put in it in the story.

Perhaps take some time to work out details on how everything related to this.....'Mind Domination Jutsu' works? Its really quite useful from a story-telling perspective to know your own limitations.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
A fair explanation. One that drives many ninja to greater heights.

However, I dont care about the changes youve made, I simply care about how you made them. Its best to have a concept fleshed out in writing before you put in it in the story.

Perhaps take some time to work out details on how everything related to this.....'Mind Domination Jutsu' works? Its really quite useful from a story-telling perspective to know your own limitations.

^ this.

This makes an Akatsuki member.

Bear in mind it took 6 months for me to fully flesh out Damos
Hey just like Kyuu with the Hyūga, I’m using what I have from the Yamanaka and expanding on its capabilities. There’s a jutsu that switched the target’s consciousness into a doll
Naisu~ Except even at that I still get rebutted at every turn lol. I've barely managed to expand even the tiniest bit on their Kekkei Genkai. Still, I do quite like where you're going with this.

I'd suggest basing the Mechanics off of Execution by Kiss.

Also, note that this technique is entirely unusable without pre-existing corpses unless you've got a partner. The thing about Mind-body switch is that in needs a stationary target or else it can miss.

Oh, and your puppet bodies would all share damage since that's a characteristic of the Mind-Body transfer.