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Private/Closed Naruto AU RP: discussion

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Thinking about it, I came up with the idea of the mind dominance technique by just thinking how can I take the mind body transfer further. By mixing the fact that it is possible to control multiple targets at once and how you can switch a target out of their body, adding in my idea of switching between multiple bodies and keeping a stash of basically dolls I created Misa’s jutsu
Naisu~ Except even at that I still get rebutted at every turn lol. I've barely managed to expand even the tiniest bit on their Kekkei Genkai. Still, I do quite like where you're going with this.

I'd suggest basing the Mechanics off of Execution by Kiss.

Also, note that this technique is entirely unusable without pre-existing corpses unless you've got a partner. The thing about Mind-body switch is that in needs a stationary target or else it can miss.

Oh, and your puppet bodies would all share damage since that's a characteristic of the Mind-Body transfer.

To be fair, I questioned Koop's use of it to. So it's not like I single you out :p
Thinking about it, I came up with the idea of the mind dominance technique by just thinking how can I take the mind body transfer further. By mixing the fact that it is possible to control multiple targets at once and how you can switch a target out of their body, adding in my idea of switching between multiple bodies and keeping a stash of basically dolls I created Misa’s jutsu
Hmmm, basically it's just mixing already existing Mind-Body techniques though.

https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Mind_Puppet_Switch_Cursed_Seal_Technique (Mind Puppet Switch Cursed Seal Technique)
https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Mind_Clone_Switch_Technique (Mind Clone Switch Technique)
Hmm, what if I were to remove the body part and only switch the mind part?
you'd probably need to expend chakra to keep all those puppets suppressed at the same time, which would likely put an upper limit on the number of bodies you could actually keep at once.

It doesn't remove the note that you take damage that your puppets do, but on the bright side, you would sorta get 'extra chakra' since each body would have its own chakra reserves.
Hmm, what if I were to remove the body part and only switch the mind part?

I think a fair conclusion has been drawn up for us. Provided a nice and neat detailed explanation of her various techniques, I could totally handle the expanded concept you have going on.

And ill be even more up for it if you leave mind Transfer jutsus main weakness alone. Damage done to them is damage done to you. So while it is possible to have a bunch of bodies stashed away that you can pop into when needed, if your killed in any of those bodies, the whole castle crumbles.

I dont believe the damage would transfer onto your other human dolls though. Think of it like this, if your possessed body loses an arm, your real body does as well, but youve still got others in perfectly normal condition. Over time, each body will rack up individual injuries that will all stack on your original form.

The positive? Youve basically got a squad of ninja that you can control as you see fit.

The negative? You must treat each of there bodies with care as you would your own. Because if not, your gonna be messed. up.
Well one of my ideas was to have a bunch disposable puppets on autopilot to fight for her. Will it be too much to make non directly controlled puppets not transfer the damage

So your mind isnt in there body, but you control them? May I ask how? Are you using chakra threads to wield them as actual puppets? Because that would take quite a bit of focus and heavily limit your current bodies mobility.
So your mind isnt in there body, but you control them? May I ask how? Are you using chakra threads to wield them as actual puppets? Because that would take quite a bit of focus and heavily limit your current bodies mobility.
It can be done using Mind-Body disturbance. It doesn't transfer consciousness but sends signals to hijack the nervous system. Not too sure of its restrictions though.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
So I made this


Am I too late? Or can I still join? I've never done a General Roleplay. Also, I may need advice to fix my character if something doesn't make sense that I post.

Its great to hear you wanna join, but the rps already pretty full as is. Apologies.

There's a chance we'll need new oc's after a large time skip has occurred in the story and/or an rper drops the rp. So I'd suggest keeping tabs on the thread.

And if you've got any interesting ideas, plot-wise, that would involve a new villain or such, message the thread creator, @Shen: King of the Mist, and there's a chance you could get an oc in that way.

Hope this helps. ^ ^

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Am I too late? Or can I still join? I've never done a General Roleplay. Also, I may need advice to fix my character if something doesn't make sense that I post.

Its great to hear you wanna join, but the rps already pretty full as is. Apologies.

There's a chance we'll need new oc's after a large time skip has occurred in the story and/or an rper drops the rp. So I'd suggest keeping tabs on the thread.

And if you've got any interesting ideas, plot-wise, that would involve a new villain or such, message the thread creator, @Shen: King of the Mist, and there's a chance you could get an oc in that way.

Hope this helps. ^ ^

I hath been summoned

Unfortunately we are kinda crowded as it is...but hey, you will be the first one we call if there is any openings ^^