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Ask to Join Naruto: One's Nindo

"Ouch!" Asahi cried out when she got kicked, not because it hurt but she liked to pretend it did from time to time. "This is my sister Pottyface." She told the man she was speaking to while giving Karui a playful smug. "Give us some water with lemon please!"

Asahi dug her teeth into the nicely fried fish and bit a big chunk off it and started talking while chewing. "So, you think that girl is gonna snitch on us? Because you know what they say... snitches get punished, or something like that."


Previously Schrift007
Mori sat down on his staff as he listened to Yua. He felt like she was overreacting a bit, well just in his opinion. Should I tell her or not? I wonder if she'll shout more at me if I do... hmmmm what would Sensei do? Mori smiled up at her when she seemed to have stopped. He lifted his staff as he gave her a tap on the head with it, "Yua" bonk "Take" bonk "A" bonk "Deep" bonk "Breath" bonk "And" bonk "Calm" bonk "Down", he smiled. Clearly telling Mori off wasn't going to work, telling him how delusional his plan was didn't work at all. "So, you done? Look, maybe my idea was less of an amazing one than usual but then again a genius can't be a genius every time", he chuckled. "Alright, I get it. You don't want to fail this. You really don't, so I'm willing to do as you say. I'll put down my pride and ego just for the remainder of this exam. Does that work for you?", he asked. Well it just seems like wild card galore. First he makes enemies out of his allies, now he's putting his pride aside for Yua. Maybe it was a lot to expect from him. "Just to let you know, I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this so I can win, move on and not disappoint my clan. Got it? Now what now", he said. Mori's tone had shifted from its usual playful tone to a much more stern and serious one but now it seemed that it was going back to normal. He twiddled his staff in his hand as he looked at the chakra wasp then to her. Mori could probably easily complete this exam on his own, hell he probably didn't need Yua. So far she was just here to up his chances of passing, and if the leaf were to come she'd definitely come into use. So maybe not all of Mori's ego and pride were ushered away but he was gonna keep it under wraps for now if it helped, as much of a challenge as it may be.



Previously Sarah316
"Ah hey!" Yua called out as she raised her own staff to block the sudden and rather annoying "pokes" to her forehead with the staff as he seemed to brush off her rather scathing critique of his plans which caused her to frown. She was concerned if he had heard her at all, the fact he stills saw himself a genius after that said a lot though Yua managed to hold her tongue. And it seemed this decision had been rewarded as in spite of his subtle snark he did seem to agree to let her take charge and it seemed thankfully he had passing and getting his scroll in mind after which had caused her to let out a needed sigh. This time, of relief rather than frustration as had become common in this forest. "Well for one thing, we head in the opposite direction of those Konoha and Hasa ninja. We need to find a river or some sort of clean water source, no only would it allow us to ensure we have a vital resource noted, but those spots are bound to attract wandering ninja and thus scroll targets. Just have to strike when the moment is right and they least suspect it." Yua said, her idea seemed straight forward enough as she began to move and jumped to a nearby tree.

"Let's get moving, it'll probably begin to get dark soon and I least want to be on the right path before we set up camp." Yua said as she motioned for Mori to follow.


Rank 36 — Heavenly Skillful Star | Yan Roulan
Three Days before the Final Exams​

The final round of the chūnin exams was nigh and the Hasa viragos were making the final touches to their preparations. The forest cavern they'd chosen to call a (temporary) home bustled with kunoichi who were either scouting the area or moving reams of tags or boxes of scrolls inscribed with anti-sensory barriers. They had settled on this out-of-the-way cave yesterday and prior to that, had been blending in with the local citizenry.

They weren't particularly keen on hiding out in remote locations, since it was difficult to hide the traces of dozens of people and those traces would be very apparent so far away from local population groups; however, it was a necessary step. The reason for this necessity could be found deeper within the caverns...

Sagisō sat cross-legged across from a masked woman of similar height, watching with great interest as her pale white mask began to ripple, melting into her skin as her facial features began to re-arrange. The woman's skin tanned and her eyes reddened, her hair began to grow in large, unruly tufts. In a matter of seconds, she was the spitting image of Sagisō—perfectly identical down to her very scent.

"Tsk," Sagisō marveled. "The Kedōin Clan lives up to their reputation, your transformation is flawless."

The Kedōin clan possessed a special variant of transformation that was not only superior in copying a person's appearance and identifying traits but also lasted for several days once it was performed. To make the transformation even more believable Sagisō—and Asahi and Karui as well—were being copied by clan members who even shared their nature affinities.

"If you could copy my ninjutsu as well then you'd be nearly perfect, but I guess that's asking too much. Even if you could, you definitely wouldn't be able to in that state."

The skillful star held an amused smirk on her lips as she stared into the dull, unfocused eyes of her doppelganger. The latter was unresponsive as usual and Sagisō rose to her feet, giving her twin a pitying look as she swept out of her 'room'.

"How pitiful...may the stars safeguard your life."

She doubted her doppelganger would make it out of the Leaf alive, but then again, that was exactly why she was here.

"Anyways, I need to go check on the others...Asahi probably forgot the plan again, si~gh."

@=Nightshade= @Hecotoro

Asahi had forgotten the plan again, but she trusted someone would remind her of it. Spending time with people she felt comfortable with had made her drop her guard. She poked the look a like in front of her with her index finger and giggled, it was like looking into a mirror you could touch. She was glad she wasn't using goggles or that one jacket that smelled like crows and ashes, instead she had nothing covering her face, since she knew very well she was not to use her Byakugan at all until further noticed, the scolding from her higher ups had almost convinced her, but the one from her mother had made the deal.

"Remember to eat lots of candy, it's really good." Asahi stood up and dusted herself clean while giving her doppelganger a smile. "You need to smile, remember your name is Giggles, no wait, Smiley."

The clone forced a smile, looking more creepy than happy. Asahi gave her a thumbs up and walked out of the room, feeling uncomfortable with the look her clone had taken. She walked quickly across their little hideout and a big smile appeared on her lips as she got sight of Sagiso, which reminded her of something very important.

"When are we going to get my cat?!" She almost yelled as she approached her fellow teammate, "You promised me a cat." She said in a more serious tone as she got closer, "Unless you're a liar..." Her suspicious eyes began to scan her sister as if expecting an assault.


Previously Night's Shadow
Karui gave her doppelgänger a once-over, mildly impressed at the precision with which she had been copied, down to the last hair. The only thing missing besides her extensive abilities was the omnipresent light in her eyes, and while the clone’s glittered like her own, they seemed dead and empty. No one would be able to tell unless they were quite close to the fake Karui, though. And as long as her doppelgänger didn’t try to heal anyone with her woefully dissimilar medical ninjutsu, the differences were minuscule, practically invisible to the untrained eye.

“Keep a relatively neutral expression unless one of the others are threatened,” Karui instructed her replacement. “Then you may allow traces of anger to enter your demeanor.” Her clone nodded, eyes refocusing on something to the left of Karui. Her face relaxed into the most dead-looking resting bitch face Karui had ever seen, but she reached out and patted “herself” on the shoulder. “Good enough.” Though I don’t believe I look quite so… distracted, it’ll have to do. I wish her safe passage.

The Golden Wings Star stood, eyes scanning their temporary base for her teammates, and once her eyes landed on them, she approached. “I suppose it may still be a while,” Karui mused. “I believe she said when we make it to the third exam. We aren’t technically there yet, but it is essentially guaranteed at this point.” She offered a rare smile to her sister. “I’m sure you will get your cat.”


Previously Schrift007
Mori followed after Yua, for the most part he stayed quiet as he just followed obediently. This was going to be interesting, for Mori to follow someone was rare. Surely this was too good to be true, wasn't it? "You realise, if you told Sensei I was listening to you he'd probably not believe you. Right?", he chuckled. For once during the duration of the travel, he had finally broken his silence. Mori moved in the trees until he began to hear a promising sound, rushing water. This was great! Sure it wasn't that far away from where they had left off, but it wasn't bad. And if they stuck to Yua's plan they were sure to get those scrolls! Well Mori was being positive but then he realised something too, they weren't alone. Looking down bellow at the river, Mori noticed two shinobi. Just two sitting near it, they didn't seem to suspect a thing. Mori didn't notice any headbands; for the one he did see, well he didn't recognise it. Mori looked to Yua, then back down. This could be bad, couldn't it? But on the other hand, it was free scrolls! Seeing as the pair were together, Mori guessed that they would hopefully have the same scroll.

He looked at Yua, then to the pair. Mori didn't wait for her judgement. He jumped down from the tree and instantly went for the offensive. To his left was a male, standing slightly taller than Mori. His clothing was tight and secure, with his hair being tied up into a top knot. He seemed to be armed with what seemed to be a sword. As he came down from above, he weaved a few hand signs as iron sand wrapped around his staff making it longer. Swinging it down to the side, he knocked down the one on the right. Though this gave the boy time to spring up, and make a run for it. Shouldn't he... shouldn't he go help his team mate? Oh well, Yua can do that,he thought as he ran off after sword boy.

The chase wasn't hard or long, running through trees and the undergrowth. Weaving a few signs, Mori kicked his staff and jumped on as he sped ahead, getting close enough to land a blow towards the nin. Turns out this Shinobi wasn't as bad as Mori had thought, since he ducked down and rolled. Standing up, he approached Mori as he went to the offensive. Going for head aimed swings and some swings aimed for his body. "You know, you shouldn't have run from your friend there", Mori mused, as he parried with his staff. The pair exchanged attacks as they were locked into Taijutsu. Though every hit on Mori's staff only led to iron sand being thrown everywhere. It was starting to make a decent coating around the pair as it was starting to pile up one the floor. The other shinobi was starting to get tired as he put together a string of hand signs, jumping back and throwing his sword at Mori. It was easily avoided but Mori went back to the offensive as the boy armed himself with kunai instead. Again he seemed to weave hand seals before throwing them, this time, in completely random directions. It was confusing for Mori. He didn't get it but he continued to fight as the boy used another pair of Kunai. Again, same attempt. "Is that all you're gonna be doing?", Mori asked, as he was finding it increasingly annoying how the only hits he's landed so far hadn't seemed to slow down his opponent. Before the shinobi could go for another pair of Kunai, Mori's staff extended in a sudden burst as it knocked him over and onto his back. "It was fun, but I have a scroll to take", Mori smiled. "Heh... stupid sand, fallen for it". Something was up, the boy looked up at Mori with a large smirk. He was putting together hand signs, but with each one he did, lightning was starting to crackle from the kunai and sword that were thrown. Then Mori realised it as some crackled on his iron sand, he walked into a trap. Those Kunai, the sword... they were all connected and Mori had just walked into a giant web of electricity.

Mori dropped his staff, as he jumped back. Only finding himself to get caught in the wire. As he fell back he weaved only 3 simple hand signs, before hitting the wire and feeling the current in him. But then it stopped. Before the boy could finish the seals he was just frozen there. Staring up in a daze at Mori. "You realised it too?", he laughed, as the boy was frozen as he sat. Mori's arm extended out, covered in iron sand, as it grasped around the shinobi. Wrapping tightly around him and constricting him. "A tetsushi clan speciality. While you thought you were wearing away at my staff with it breaking apart you were only just setting up your own downfall. The ironsand that's coating the floor, I control it so you're in a pickle here. Now if you don't mind, I'll be taking this", he smiled as he reached for the shinobi's belt and pulled off his scroll. But Mori didn't stop there. Nope, this wasn't a victory. Well not yet. "It was fun but I'll have to be going now", he grinned as he lifted the boy up and slammed him down before throwing him into a tree. "Would Yua mind? I feel like she shouldn't mind too much". Mori weaved a few hand signs as two pikes were made from his sleeves. Grabbing the boy back Mori lifted him up, as Iron sand wrapped around his body. It was balling around him, becoming larger and denser. It was thickening and crushing. "Iron Maiden", he sighed, as the two pikes launched from the ground and into the large fist of iron sand. It pierced through, followed by a deafening cry. Mori then crushed his fist to finish the technique, instantly finishing off his opponent inside. Breaking apart the figure, and dropping the body. The iron sand slipped back into Mori's sleeve as it recollected it. "Time to go find Yua now, wonder if she's doing alright. Man can't wait to show her the scroll. I should also wash this blood off too", he chuckled as he went off to find Yua.

It was all very surreal to Niko; casually walking the roads of the Hidden Leaf Village. He looked on as shop-keeps peddled their goods, children ran about playing, and farmhands happily hauled their loads through into the shopping district. People were simply living their lives.

To most, these active city streets would feel so natural, but to Niko, being there- in Konaha, felt as if he were walking around in a place that didn't really exist. It was a place he associated with fanciful wars, and men who rose up like gods, and giant beasts ripping away at the once lush land.
In truth, Niko had an image in his head of Konaha being an ancient, war-torn land full of rough and unforgiving individuals.

But that wasn't the case. Much like the Sand Village, it was full of people who just wanted the best for themselves, and would work to achieve it.

In a way, it almost angered the Genin. Did none of these people realize the conflicts that had occurred here barely a lifetime ago? The wretched actions of the past left lingering scars, and it felt as if the Leaf Village had so easily disregarded those wounds. They were all so willing to act like none of it had ever happened.
It only made them feel all-the-more untouchable to the young man.

"Only a few more days, then I can finally get out of this place..."
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Azumi had ventured far and it seemed her journey was at an end, after some...eventful close calls, and a curious encounter just outside the tower Azumi had moved inside before the first day had finished. A couple other early finishers had greeted her but it seemed that those that finished within the first day had been a scare group.

Not that it mattered, those who finished first or qualified on the last day had the same result.

Opening the scrolls revealed one of the Konoha ninja, she assumed someone assigned to each ninja who had opened both scrolls inside. He passed a coagulations and seemed to confirm she had passed, and Azumi's expression seemed unchanged even with this. The ninja even joked it was okay to smile a bit at this accomplishment but for Azumi it was merely had seen as a next step in her end goal.

Indeed, there had still been more work to do.

Azumi stood alone in one of the many training areas Konoha had, which if nothing else had been a kind thing Azumi could begrudgingly say of this village, and had been in the middle of a Taijutsu exercise with a water clone of herself. Mostly she seemed to focus on defense, as she worked on hand to hand counters, blocks and evasion.

With but 3 days till the finals, Azumi wanted to refine every aspect of her game. In the event she had lost her umbrella, she needed to ensure she was not helpless in a close quarters situation as she blocked an ax kick and dove down to trip up the clone who had been forced to flip back as it gained distance. Azumi wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead as it seemed she had been training for a solid couple hours, but showed no signs of stopping soon.

She had a limited window to work with, and the two charged once more.

It all seemed to go so well.
They had managed to get the scrolls they needed within the first day, and as they had set up camp all seemed set for them to make it to the tower within the next day. Everything seemed to be going their way, and as they settled for the night Lightning and Thundra in their regular forms looked to get some rest with Kenji.

However, during the night a noise sounded which of course got their attention. It seemed to be a low frequency pitch, one that a normal human would struggle to pick up but ones that the Kumo shinobi and his ninja dogs easily had. While it had put them on edge, Kenji tried to calm Lightning and Thundra as he wanted to avoid a carless race to the source. Thundra seemed to understand even as she had some light growling, but Lightning seemed overcome by instinct and charged to the source.

As it turns out, it had been a dog call and a trap, as enemy ninja of the Grass seemed to have picked up on Kenji's little ambush and aimed to strike. It seemed to be a trio and once Lightning came to the scene, they aimed and delivered a trio of wind strikes. Kenji intervened and used a bit of flash step to get Lightning out as they tried to flee but had been cut off in a pursuit which led to a battle between the two. Lightnign and Thundra worked to transform to their man-beast forms, and the trio battled quite the explosive fight in the dark with their sharp senses proving to be helpful as they managed to force them to a retreat.

The one issue in this victory? They had managed to a desperation explosive and a bit of slight of hand to make off with the scrolls he had which forced them to try but ultimately fail to find them. And it had been too little too late when they finally managed to get replacement scrolls in this seemingly unending forest.

Their run in the exams, had ended.

Kenji walked down with Thundra and a guilty looking Lightning, as the ninja huskies walked alongside their partner and it seemed that Lightning had visible guilt over her perceived fault in "costing" them the second exam. Kenji seemed to take note of this, and as they passed by a lamp shop he decided to halt their walk as he crouched and stroked her on the top of her head.

"Still upset? There's no need to blame yourself, even when we lost the scrolls we still had days to make it up. Just wasn't our year, and it is something we can all learn from so we pass next time." Kenji said with an encouraging smile, and as Thundra barked in support Lightning seemed touched and offered a light lick to his cheek as Kenji stood up and rested his arms behind his head as he glanced around.

"Well, since we still got some days before we check the finals, might as well see if we can find something interesting to pass the time~"

Things seemed to be looking up for Tomiko and company, they already had gotten a pair of scrolls and just needed one more to get a complete set. The trio decided to camp for the first night to rest up and allow Keito a chance to recover. A sequence of shifts altered between herself and Mori had her currently on duty when the early sun of the next morning had began to shine. Though unknown to her, the fun ride in the forest had been about to take a speed bump.

A sort of make-shift group of what seemed to be a Suna and two Konoha ninja seemed to agree to a bit of an alliance of their own. One that had been secretly following the group ever since they had caught the tail end of their ambush of the Grass Ninja. Once they settled for camp the plan seemed simple enough, split them up and take the scrolls from each of them. And they had just the way to do this as they seemed to combine hand signs.

"Earth Style: Seismic Strike Jutsu!"
Tomiko barley had time to react when this wave of what seemed to be a concentrated rumble struck the heart of camp which caused their area to shake. Tomiko on instinct worked to call out to the others and prepared for a fight, before a slab of Earth under her feet rose up and Tomiko had been sent tumbling down a hill while the three ninja chased in pursuit.

Course, some clones had been made to keep the other two busy as Tomiko worked to skid down as she adjusted to her feet and blocked some kunai with her gauntlets. Tomiko had been forced to fight on the defensive, as strikes seemed to come from all directions as she had to keep on her backfoot; being driven further away from the camp and while she had worked to fend off their strikes a flash bang caused her to cover her eyes.

"Gah! You cheap...!" Tomiko cursed, before she realized a wire and claw grasped her pouch and pulled it along with the scrolls she had before the trio retreated deep in the forest, and Tomiko chased after them in horror and fury.

Sadly, they escaped. And as the days passed by the time she had gotten another pair of scrolls she had just been too late to make it to the tower.

"Damn it! I was so close..." Tomiko mused aloud, she had found a local Ramen stand and worked to have a meal given she needed something to sooth the soul. Naturally she had been a bit disappointed with her efforts, but she had to accept the outcome and if nothing else for her first go at the exams she had done pretty respectable.

Course, Tomiko aimed for more than just "respectable" but hey the noodles tasted good and that's all Tomiko tried to focus on. If nothing else, she hoped that Keito or Mori had more luck than herself, as while she'd rather be a finalist herself a teammate making it through would still be pretty cool.
Ugokasenai Keito, Iwagakure Genin
The boy blamed himself of course -- it's sort of his best skill, in that way:

If only he'd been less reckless with his body. If only he'd been able to push through and go farther without resting. If only he'd been more alert.

Why did Tomiko have to be the one to fail? Wasn't that as much a failure of his as it was hers?

And even worse, he'd managed to steal a scroll from an unsuspecting, snoozing genin from Kumogakure on the third night. The young ninja realized and gave chase some time later, but Keito bested him in a short but and escaped to the tower as fast as he could.

'Be proud, boy,' His father, Kitomo, said, speaking soft words through the harshly distorted voice of his breathing apparatus, 'Not many shinobi make it to the finals on their first try'

"Neither should I have made if, if not for luck."
Keito sighed, putting his head down into his hands so he could tug at his tightly tied brown spikes.

'You completed your mission as she couldn't not complete hers. Luck is always a component.' Kitomo replied simply.

Every day for a month, Kitomo, Keito's older brother Kenshi, and Keito trained from dawn until noon, broke for lunch, then continued to train until it was too dark to go on. They chose to hone what skills he already possessed, strengthening his chakra control and tightening the mechanics of his kenjutsu in particular -- though, of course, he always made time for genjutsu and ninjutsu practice.

Still the doubts remained floating about his mind; and as the finals drew truly nearer, a worrying rumble built in his stomach and stayed put like a constant tremor.

Keito found himself walking around Konoha in a daze, a book of poems held lazily in front of him, though it was lowered, facing the ground as he shuffled his unconfident feet across the pretty streets of the Leaf Village. Maybe he'd simplt have to see where else luck could take him.


Previously Sarah316
~~~~~~Forest of Death~~~​
Yua moved with Mori and thankfully things seemed to go well enough they found some seemingly clean water but that quickly proved to be a secondary priority. As it seemed they were not the only ones around, as a pair of ninja seemed to be trying to get a drink which was all Mori needed to see before he charged to chase one off which startled the other. Yua naturally was caught a bit off guard by this, but decided not to waste the energy to wonder "why" at this point as she moved down to strike before the teammate had a chance to flee to aid the ally to grant herself the best chance at a possible scroll.

The ninja who had remained, a young man who seemed to be shorter than the one Mori chased off who seemed to wear loose and almost baggy clothing with sleeves that concealed his hands as he seemed to have a spiked dark mohawk of all things. He turned and saw Yua approach, as she already had her staff out and coated with the poison her body seemed to secrete. Yua aimed to strike his chest which prevented him from bringing his hands together to begin a jutsu attempt; instead, he revealed a few throwing knives he had masked by his sleeves and used them to block the staff. Yua frowned, she could not afford an extended fight in the event Mori lost his man and he returned to aid his partner or something. Yua aimed to swing the staff to strike the leg to both trip and try to expose the poison tip towards but the man jumped back and tossed a pair of knives Yua's way which she spun and used her staff to deflect. As the ninja landed he seemed to frown and shake his head, something felt off as he seemed to have a slight blur to his vision. A sample of the poison that seemed to mix in the air from Yua's body, which caused little more than a disorientation effect as it lacked the potency of a more concentrated dosage but it worked for Yua's purpose as she chased after and a sloppy dodge let to her striking his side with the staff.

"You bitch gaa!" The now further poisoned shinobi cursed as he jumped off the tree and attempted to toss a series of knives her way, but those sailed wide as the posion spread and Yua took advantage as she drove down on him and slammed him to the ground as she struck his gut with the staff while she had a foot to an arm to pin as she stood tall and glanced down at her foe.

"If you want an antidote, I suggest you surrender your scroll. Might want to act quickly on that, this poison won't make things easier..." Yua said as she outlined her conditions, and in spite of a light struggle he groaned from the effect of the airborn and staff poison in his system, and sighed as he soon surrendered his scroll. And it just happened to be the Heaven Scroll she needed, as Yua took it and dropped an antidote on his lap though before it kicked in bound him as to not be followed as she searched for Mori and soon she encountered her eccentric ally.

"Got the scroll, what about you?" Yua asked, saving her "why did you jump like that!?" rant for after they had left the area.

~~~~~~Konohagakure, 3 Days Before Finals~~~~~~​
Ever since the Forest of Death, Yua had taken the time to prepare for the exams both physically and mentally. She had naturally been happy she made it to the finals, but she knew the competition was only gonna get harder from here and this was the chance for her to properly prove herself. So for today she desired to make sure she was stocked up on the needed supplies which is why she decided to stop by a local weapon's shop as she scanned a selection of senbon. Some variety in distance weapons couldn't hurt, especially if combined with her innate poison abilities. "I'll take two packs please." Yua said to the weapon shop worker as the woman kindly loaded them in a bag as she exchanged the needed credits.

"Thank you and have a good day." The woman smiled kindly as Yua left with a smile on her face, already she seemed to think over ways to make use of this new weapon she had on her person.
Shiho leaned against the outer walls of the Hyuga Compound watching the clouds fly by. The young Hyuga was waiting for someone to show up, a person she had met shortly after the end of the second exam. "I did tell him to meet me here at around this time right? Its been a while so I might have forgotten." She said to herself as she stroked her chin.


Shortly after getting the scrolls that she needed, Shiho wasted no time leaving the Forest of Death. She needed to give her important report to her clan head. "I have to tell lady Hinagiku about this before I forget." She then got lost in her thoughts once again. "They got very defensive once they saw me, that one girl with the weird sword tried really hard to keep me from the girl I though I saw using Byakugan. I think she even called me by my heritage. Did she actually have our clan's closely guarded eyes and didn't want anyone finding out or did they just not want me interfering? Damn it sucks I couldn't get the answer for myself, now I can only hope the clan can solve this mystery."

While deep inside her thoughts, Shiho continued to walk forward, despite no longer looking at where she was going. This, as expected, caused her to bump into someone. The young girl recoiled back from the impact and held her nose. "Ow my nose." She looked towards the boy she had run into. "Um, sorry about that. I wasn't looking at where I was going." She apologized with a small bow.

It had been a group of overzealous Leaf genin that generously provided Kiro the means to swiftly complete the forest of death after he managed to escape the earlier chaos. Well, generous would be a bit of an exaggeration. The group had been quiet confident in their abilities. Considering they had ambushed him just like that coward earlier, they had no reason not to be. One by one they assaulted him and one by one they fell.

The first one came from his left, throwing a few aggressive palm strikes. Kiro simply deflected the first one thrown at his face by moving his head slightly to the left and using the back of his right wrist to deflect the boy’s left hand away. Of course, his opponent followed up by immediately throwing a palm strike with his right hand, which Kiro effortlessly dodged by sidestepping to the right. Then he sidestepped back to the left when the boy swiped with his left hand. At this point, the opponent had been leaning forward quite a bit, so he compensated for this by using the momentum for a spinning side kick. However, by putting his lead foot forward and then inverting it to facilitate the spin, the boy had essentially telegraphed the kick. Kiro stepped back outside the range of the kick, but just enough for him to grab the overextended leg. With his opponent off balance, Kiro grabbed the leg and then turned his body around to send him towards his incoming teammate who had run in to help.

As they collided and knocked each other down, Kiro had turned just in time to see their last teammate, who had a gold pendent necklace around his neck, charging towards him. He started with a similar attack to his teammate, except it was a punch instead. Kiro blocked it with a palm, causing the opponent to pull back and throw a palm strike. Of course, it was pushed away by the back of Kiro’s right forearm. Pressing forward, the Leaf ninja then attempted a knee strike. As his opponent initiated the attack, Kiro twisted his torso and brought his leg up to cross block by targeting his opponent’s inner thigh with his knee. Unfortunately, his opponent followed up quickly by launching his left hand forward like a blade. Kiro could hear what sounded like a razor as he narrowly dodged by attempting to move a bit to the left. However, Kiro didn’t manage to completely dodge it as there was a very thin line across his right cheek. It didn’t take long for what seemed like red liquid to starting flowing out the slash mark.


It didn’t take long his him to feel the sharp, piercing pain that came as result from such an injury. His opponent had coated their hand in what seemed to be wind chakra, which was known for greatly increasing cutting power. Letting his discomfort be known only drew a snicker from his opponent.

“Hurt by a little cut, bitch boy? There’s more where that came from!”

After the momentary pause, his opponent leapt forward like a wild animal, ready to finish off its prey. Seeing as how the previous attack had worked, it was only logical to try it again. Kiro didn’t need a dojutsu to predict the inevitable attack.

Once again, the Leaf shinobi started off with an aggressive punch using his right hand, which Kiro countered with his left while moving slightly to the right. In an attempted to take advantage, his opponent threw his other hand forward to his Kiro in the face. However, Kiro released the grip his left hand had on the fist of his opponent and committed to sidestepping completely to the right to dodge the palm strike. With his right hand now free, the Leaf ninja tried to swipe at Kiro with it, only for him to step back to the left and avoid the attack. The Leaf ninja growled in frustration and coated his left hand in wind chakra, before stabbing forward to his right, overextending his attack in an attempt to predict Kiro’s movements.

His prediction was only half correct as Kiro did indeed move to his left, but he also did so while taking advantage of the opponent his opponent had moving in the same direction as him. Kiro had his left palm open and raised while using the back of his wrist to further move the opponent’s striking forearm down in that same direction. Meanwhile, Kiro’s right hand was pulled back and clenched into a fist. With the opponent’s left hand out of the way, Kiro was able to turn his body using the momentum going left to freely throw a right hook into the left side of his opponent’s face. Before his opponent could even recover from that, Kiro turned his left his left hand into a fist and delivered a powerful uppercut right into the chest of the Leaf ninja, knock them slightly backwards. Then with one final attack to finish the combo, Kiro brought sent a palm strike towards the same area he had just hit. However this palm strike was clearly different, as Kiro had infused some chakra into it. On impact, there was loud boom as a small explosion occurred and the boy was blasted backwards, crashing into a nearby tree.

“Damnit, I still need to work on that.”

As the smoke cleared, Kiro was seen trying to shake of the steam and discomfort emanating from his right hand. However, he wouldn’t have much time to do so as the first person that attacked him was now getting back up. For some reason he was grinning and it soon became evident why that was the case. The boy pulled out a shiny new sword and then held out in front of him in some makeshift fighting stance.

“Consider that a fluke. We’re gonna kill you now, so I hope you’re ready.”

After the Leaf genin said that, Kiro just looked at him and his partners unimpressed.


“Get him boys!”

The one who shouted was the one who had been knocked into the tree. He was favoring his burnt chest, which was visible due to the protective gear covering that area being destroyed. Meanwhile, his teammate was now running towards Kiro like a maniac and flailing his sword around wildly. Like a fool, the genin must’ve thought simply having a weapon made him stronger. Of course, an unskilled sword user was perhaps just as dangerous as one who knew what they were doing, if not more.

Rather than camping back, Kiro flipped a kunai into the air he pulled one out before moving forward to try and disarm the ninja. The opponent swung left and right, then left and right again trying to hit the elusive Mist genin, but Kiro met each one with the kunai in hand. Eventually, Kiro had gotten close enough to where he could grab the boy’s wrist. After another careless swing, where the opponent poured too much energy into it, Kiro took advantage of their lost balance and got close enough to jam his kunai in their right arm, causing them to let go with that hand. Of course, Kiro wasn’t done as he punched the ninja in their face and then elbowed their remaining arm. This caused them to yelp in pain and lose their grip on the sword. Kiro tore the sword from their grasp and then tossed it upwards before push kicking the boy in the midsection.

As the Leaf ninja was knocked backwards, Kiro could hear his teammate running up behind him again. That would appear to be the only the boy could do in this fight as Kiro grabbed the sword in a reverse grip with his left hand when it fell and then turned only slightly to stab them right to through a major organ. Kiro could feel as the sword as the sword easily pierced through his flesh, cleanly going straight to the boy. Kiro wasn’t done, however, as he channeled lightning chakra through the blade. There were blue streaks of electricity and lightning coating the blade as an electrical hum filled the area.

“Stay down.”

With the blade penetrating the boy, that made it all the more easier for him to be completely paralyzed as the lightning had an entry into his body. At this point, he was nothing more than a vegetable.

“Y-you bastard!”

Seething with rage, his teammate shouted before charging at him once more. Kiro cursed under his breath as he was too slow to pull the blade out from the body of Leaf ninja and was forced to block attack with only one hand. He slapped the first punch to the side by moving it away with his wrist before blocking the punch from his opponent‘s right hand. The Leaf ninja cursed as Kiro forcefully turned their wrist, causing them to pull their fist back. They then pulled a kunai out and attempted to slash Kiro’s neck open. That wouldn’t as Kiro their wrist with right hand before finally managing to pull the blade out. Using the momentum the blade had as it escaped the body, Kiro turned his own body and slashed the other boy’s chest open. As the body of the second ninja collapsed, Kiro turned to face the last one as he flipped the sword into a proper grip.

What he didn’t expect was to be met with multiple blades of wind slicing through the air in his direction. Thinking on his feet, Kiro focused on increasing the vibration on the edge of the blade to increase its sharpness just enough to cut through the wind blades before they could slice him up.

“What do you think about these chakra blades? I think they’re pretty useful when I want to kill someone with wind release.”

Sure enough, in both of his hands were trench knives that were worn as brass knuckles, with a zig-zag shape to give them what seemed like teeth.

“They’re not bad. Swords are better though, as much as I’d prefer to not admit it. They’re just almost the perfect weapon for lightning release. So sharp and penetrative, which is only amplified by the other. Much better for killing I’d say.”

Kiro said with some mirth in his voice as he directed the Leaf genin with his eyes to his vegetable of a teammate bleeding out on the forest floor. Strangely, that only caused his opponent to begin chuckling before raising his fists.

“You’re funny my guy. The name’s Denji by the way. Those two were weak. They served their purpose as tools for me to advance after I kill you. After all, what else are ninja for, am I right?”

“I’m Kiro. And you’re not necessarily wrong. Here I thought the Leaf were a bunch of innocent snowflakes who didn’t know anything about the world outside those giant walls you hide behind.”

“Perhaps we were, but that day changed everything. That’s besides the point though. No lecture is gonna convince me that sword is better that these chakra blades. Wind is strong against lightning. That’s like some Academy level bullshit.”

“I suppose I have some time to teach you a lesson or two then. For starters, it’s not about the weapon, but how you use it.”

“Why don’t you go ahead and show me then, teacher? If you can that is.”

Denji cracked his neck to the side with a grin before blitzing towards Kiro at blinding speeds. Fortunately, Kiro’s eyes has been trained enough to react to high levels of speeds with those relative to him even without his dojutsu. Of course, it was still much harder to react. With every slash Kiro was only able to dodge, there would be a sharp gash on a tree in the nearby vicinity. Even his own teammates would soon be turned into nothing but meat and bones at this rate.

Kiro swing his sword sideways at one point, seeming to aim for his side and was countered by one of the chakra blades. Denji then attempted to slash at him with a wind blade. However, Kiro was quick enough to pull away to turn his around and then send a kick into the other side of his torso. Of course, that damage wasn’t enough to bring Denji down, so he lunged forward to continue his offense. They clashed a few more times, with the chakra blade grinding down the blade of the sword of each time thanks to the sharp wind enhancements.

“It’s only a matter of time before your sword is dunzo, buddy.”

Even though Kiro knew Denji was right, he didn’t seem that concerned at all. In fact, he seemed to smirk a bit.

“Heh. I hate using this, especially against idiots like you, so consider what I’m about to show you a sign of respect.”

At first, there was an expression of surprise on his face, which soon morphed into a grin with a glint of intrigue in his brown eyes.

“So that’s how it is. Things just got very interesting. At least, I know of a dumbass our age who would be very interested to know about this. That whole damned clan even.”

Judging by his tone, Denji must’ve held some ill-will towards the group of people he was referring too. Perhaps it had something to do with that day he mentioned earlier.

“A dumbass huh? Well, not if I kill both of you first.”

That response caused a laugh to erupt from the brown-haired Leaf shinobi. Clearly, he was confident in his victory, even with what Kiro had shown him.

“Sorry, but I know how that ability of yours works all too well. You won’t get me with that.”

“Okay buddy.”

They both jumped back for a momentary breather before lunging forward once more. This time Denji threw a wind-enhanced punch with his right hand, forcing Kiro to grab his wrist one hand, which left his other hand holding the sword to defend him from the follow up slash.

“I suppose it is true that shinobi can communicate with each other through, but I think is it. It was nice knowing you, Kiro.”

In a somewhat somber tone, Denji stated his farewell. However, the confident grin plastered over his face betrayed that he felt sentimental at all. That’s because from his angle, he was staring directly at the sword his chakra blade was grinding against. From the looks of it, the blade would fall apart at any second, allowing him to decapitate his opponent. It was good fight against a respectful opponent, but this duel was his.


The golden hue in the skies above was a sign that the sun was setting. A day was over. There in the grassy fields of Konoha was a young-brown haired boy laying down on his back, clutching a gold pendant necklace around his neck. Perhaps he just enjoyed cloud-gazing. Yet, there weren’t many clouds left in the sky. When he brought his gaze down from the heavens, into the growing darkness below the grassy hills, he could see a family walking along the sidewalk by a glistening lake, smiling and laughing with each other. People went by with a smile and the occasional hello. It seemed that fear and judgement was only a thing of the past for those wore the red and white symbol of authority in the Hidden Leaf village proudly on their back. That could be enough to get water in the eyes of a little boy who gazed back up into the sky, with an arm raised, seeming to reach for something.

“I don’t understand Mommy, Daddy. How come nobody is mad at them anymore? They’re so happy, but I can’t see you anymore because of them. It’s not fair. I wish I could you again...”


“Yeah, same here, Denji. Same here...

While Denji can been staring at the sword, Kiro had been looking at the clean, metallic chakra blade his opponent was countering the blade with. The perk of brand new weapons were their cleanliness, which left Kiro disheartened with the knowledge that they’d be dirtied the more they were used. In this case, the weapons were clean enough to the point where he could see his own reflection. In fact, the reflection could even be seen on another reflective surface.

Perhaps it had been planned by Kiro himself, but the weapons were slowly being angled in just the right spot to where Denji could see a reflection of Kiro’s eyes on the metal of the sword through the reflection of the metallic chakra blades. Blinking a few times, Denji inspected the blade as he just needed to keep the sword there for only a few seconds longer. Kiro could angle it how much he wanted, but wouldn’t save him. At least those were his final thoughts before his eyes were attracted to the red on the blade.

At that point, it was too late as his body was suddenly completely paralyzed. A signature genjutsu of those eyes. Even if it was for a few seconds, that was enough for a trained killer like the one before him. The last feeling Denji has was that of something sharp piercing through chin and straight through his head. Fortunately, likely as a form of mercy, Denji never felt the pain as he died almost instantly as the lightning infused sword pierced through his brain and skull before exiting the top of his head. His feet had left the ground before Kiro removed the sword just as quickly as it entered. The lifeless body of Denji then collapsed to the ground before him.

“Lessen over.”

Looking down at the body of his former opponent, Kiro remained silent for a few moments. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, this was a sight he could never forget. A sight, like many others, burnt into his eyes. Having a perfect memory was both a blessing and a curse. What made a memory even harder to forget was an object that still remained from those times. As Kiro gazed down the body, he couldn’t help but notice the gold necklace around his neck. He had seen the rather beautiful and clean object before, but now it was stained with red.

“Something like this shouldn’t be dirtied.”

Pulling the necklace off of Denji’s corpse, Kiro glanced at it for a few seconds before putting it away in a pocket and scavenging the body for an earth scroll. Unfortunately, they ended up having the same heaven scroll as him. It was quite ironic they had that whole fight while having the same thing. Kiro then went through the body of the vegetable and as luck would have it, he had the earth scroll. He was about to head out when he heard some rustling nearby. When Kiro glanced to his side, he was surprised to the last member of their squad still alive.

“Damnit. How could Denji die? Go ahead and finish me already so I could join him.”

The last boy spoke with a trembling voice. Kiro couldn’t tell if he was honorable or scared to die. Whatever the case, Kiro felt like he had already done enough. He should go before anyone else decided to vulture him again. Glancing down at the boy with his eyes, Kiro then threw the sword to the side.

“I think that’s enough killing for today. Whenever I hold a sword, someone always seems to die. Your friend didn’t seem to place much worth in you guys, but you still cared for him dearly. I can respect that. I’ll be generous then...”

With that, Kiro turned around and began walking away. The boy seemed grateful but heartbroken at the same time as he struggled to crawl forward while bleeding out. However, he became more frantic when the earth began to shake as there was a rumbling sound all around the area. It didn’t long for a gigantic snake emerge for its next meal. As the snake approached, the last survivor ended up falling unconscious. This meant he wouldn’t be awake long enough to understand what happened. Perhaps that was also thanks to Kiro. Rather than just chase after the Mist genin who was calmly walking away, the giant snake approached its meal, which consisted of a vegetable, a dead body, and a live prey.

“Hmm. I suppose I never did specify who my generosity was for.”

Soon after, Kiro had headed to the tower to submit his scrolls. There they told him about the next exam and when it would be taking place. He had also heard the girls from Hasa had been the first ones to pass. That wasn’t too surprising and it just confirmed to him they were some of the most dangerous ones there. Especially that Riceball girl. It may seem strange, but that random, tiny girl dressed as a cavewoman from what was probably from some back water village was the genin in the exams that interested him the most. That cockiness has to come from somewhere and it couldn’t just be because she had her teammates. Whatever it was, Kiro would find out eventually and he headed out into the bustling streets of Konoha, wonder what to do next. He found himself pulling out the necklace to look at it, but the stained object first reminded him that he needed to get cleaned up as soon as possible.

“Yeah, a shower would be perfect right now. I wonder how those two are doing as well. Maybe later I could meet up with Tsuki tonight and-“

Before he could finish, someone suddenly bumped into him from behind. This triggered Kiro’s automatic self defense measures since he had been caught off guard and he was already infusing chakra before he turned around to strike his opponent dead. However, he managed to stop himself when he saw it was just some Leaf Kunoichi around his age. The girl seemed respectful enough to apologize, so Kiro knew better than to go off on her at this point.

“It’s fine. Just watch where you’re going or else you might bump into the wrong person next time.”

He was about to just walk away, but then something caught his attention. Her eyes were a clear white color. Perhaps she was actually blind? On the other hand, she could also be part of the famed Hyūga clan considering they were a part of the Leaf. Kiro knew about them and their byakugan thanks to Ao, one of the bodyguards of the Mizukage. Kiro wanted to straight up ask her if she was a Hyūga, but knew better than to do that when it came to gathering intelligence. Fortunately, there was another way to confirm his suspicions.

“You’re not blind, right?”


Rank 36 — Heavenly Skillful Star | Yan Roulan

Asahi's expectations were spot on as Sagisō lashed out with a punishing whap!

"Enough about the cat!" She seethed, a scowl settling onto her face.She was beginning to grow annoyed with Asahi's carelessness.

She pinned the girl with a fierce glaring that promised dreadful retribution if she so much as uttered another ridiculous word in-spite of the situation.

Only once she was sure Asahi had been sufficiently cowed, did Sagisō relax and adopt a more solemn expression.

"We need to practice our transformation before we go back to the Leaf. Meihui says a combined transformation with our doppelgangers should hide us, but have to confirm it. If it works then we can go to the exams; if not, then we'll abandon this mission—too risky."

The dangerous and seemingly suicidal nature of their return to the Leaf had been rather troubling to Sagisō. Why would they return to the Leaf and risk their lives when there were no benefits at all to doing so? The Star Maidens certainly weren't a timid bunch, but that didn't mean they were suicidal. Driven by curiosity, Sagisō had asked her elder sisters the reason why they were still going through with this 'mission'.

Unfortunately, they had remained tight-lipped about the ultimate goal, leaving Sagisō to guess at their aims. Whatever it was, if the lives of a few sisters was considered 'worth the risk', then it would be nothing to sneeze at.

Divesting herself of such thoughts, Sagisō turned back to Asahi, sighing as she mumbled...

"And maybe after we finish practicing...we can go look for your cat."

@Hecotoro @=Nightshade=


Previously Swirled
It didn’t take long for the fiery shinobi to realize that he nor the girl that he was carrying in his arms weren’t being followed. Still, he ran just until he began getting exhausted, at which point he set Shiho down and stretched.

“I’m out. Try not to put yourself in a position where you’ll get killed again. I’m not gonna be there to whisk you away from danger this time.” As he walked away, the wounds that he endured from his rescue of Shiho had begun to register in his mind.

Between getting hit with shuriken, cushioning that girl’s fall, having to cauterize the wounds, and running for who knows how long, I need a fucking break.

There were plenty of trees to rest beside since this was, in fact, a forest, so Taiyo didn’t have much trouble finding somewhere to relax. Unfortunately, if not inevitably, the fiery shinobi was interrupted during his recreation by a stray kunai with an explosive tag attached to it. The attack was easy enough to dodge, since Taiyo was aware of his surroundings, but he was still annoyed by the assault nonetheless. Getting up with a growl, the fiery shinobi turned to face his attacker, a blond haired kunoichi wearing a beige top, brown pants and a forehead guard adorning a design reminiscent of a spider. Though it may have been hard to see, this kunoichi had a shit-eating grin on her face, satisfied by her assault.

“Aww, did little baby get woken from his nappy?”

“If you were paying attention, you’d notice I was never asleep. Now, can we skip the part where you pretend to be clever and get to the part where I put you in the dirt?”

Enraged by the retort, the enraged kunoichi shot a bolt of lightning at the Taiyo, which he dodged in a similar manner to the way he dodged the inciting assault of this brawl.

“Seems like I was more on the money that I was aware of. Where’s the creativity?” He had reduced his guard whilst dodging, allowing the kunoichi to land a kunai strike near his torso.

Alright then...

Losing his playful demeanor, the fiery shinobi threw an explosive tag of his own that exploded on contact with the ground in front of the kunoichi. She wasted no time in dodging the telegraphed attack, only for her to be ensnared by a scorching whip that Taiyo had conjured whilst throwing his tag. A smirk grew on Taiyo’s face as he watched his plan come along accordingly before pulling the kunoichi in to be struck by a fiery punch to the stomach. Once the punch connected, it seemed that the kunoichi was finished in terms of stamina, though Taiyo ensured she was down with a couple of additional punches to the throat.

You know, I could kill her right now…

But why bother? There's no reason to kill a target that's already neutralized.

After finishing that line of reasoning, Taiyo patted her down to see where her scroll was, grimacing during the process. Once he found the scroll, he distanced himself from the kunoichi he defeated and made sure that she had the scroll he needed. Upon confirmation of that very thing, it was up to the fiery shinobi to find somewhere to hide for the rest of the exams until it was time to submit his scrolls.

Can't wait to get these wounds healed...

Naturally Taiyo's family was elated to hear that he had moved onto the final exams, with his mother hosting a celebratory dinner to cap off the night. As Kurina Akugami was taking care of the dishes, her son took it upon himself to collect the grease that was created by the cooking process, making her job of scrubbing the pans much more convenient. However, this wasn't a service that the Leaf-nin offered to his mom exclusively: most of his neighbors offered up their grease when Taiyo came along. They were often confused about what a teenage boy would want with kitchen grease but they either brushed it off or Taiyo simply explained himself. Collecting mixtures of cooking oil and animal fat wasn't the only thing that the fiery shinobi did to occupy the time leading up to the exams. Satō not only ensured that his existing skills were kept sharp, but he also helped him develop newer ones.

“Hey Satō-sensei?” Taiyo began with uncertainty. He knew what he wanted to say, but he was unsure that he had the words needed to properly communicate his thoughts.

“What’s up?”

“I was wondering if I could ask you something...”

“You just asked me something. Do you have any other things you have to ask?”

“...Yeah. So I was thinking about the Akugami Nintaijutsu principle. It's great that I can ignite my fists and give my punches an extra...punch, but I think it’d be better if that was on all the time. You think I can do that?”

“It’s possible, but not with your level of chakra control.”

“Whaddya mean?!”

“Wait here.” The Jonin paused his drill and left into his house, confusing his student in the process. When he returned, he brought a cold cup of water and handed it to Taiyo.

“I want some tea, can you heat up the water for me?”

“Sure, lemme get the-”

“Without the kettle”

Realization slowly registered on the genin’s face as he ignited his hand. Instead of boiling the water inside, the water simply evaporated, as well as some of the cup. The rest of the cup seeped through Taiyo’s hands and onto the ground.

"Glad I didn’t use my good cups. Let’s try this again…”
By now, Taiyo had gotten the hang of the exercises that Satō put him through. Additionally, the fiery shinobi wasn't the only one learning new things about himself, as his sister had recently graduated from the academy and discovered her nature affinity: Wind. All in all, the leaf-nin was kept busy during the respite he got to experience from the exams, though he was now ready to get back into the swing of things. From a quick glance at his surroundings, it seems that others couldn't say the same. One of the more interesting things he saw on his stroll on the exam grounds was Shiho bumping into someone.

Yeesh, not even 5 minutes in after I've last seen her and she's already tripping over herself. I'm surprised the Hyūga don't keep a leash on her or something.

Shrugging it off, he noticed someone else walking around like him. The stranger seemed uncomfortable and it looked like he was holding a book of some kind. Having nothing better to do, Taiyo decided to hit up this person and see if he could get a conversation going.

"That's a cool book you got there, can I see it?"
Ugokasenai Keito, Iwa Genin

"That's a cool book you got there, can I see it?"
An unfamiliar person asked the day-dreaming Keito; of course, he'd gotten caught up in the book's words again. Cryptic and abstract, maybe a little over his head. But they felt sort of familiar, in an indescribable way. Even though he could tell a voice was calling to him, something about the words made it hard for Keito to turn away -- though only for a second.

"Hmm?" Keito's eyes strayed up from the book to the boy who'd approached him; the curious boy seemed to be a shinobi himself -- a local from the Leaf, "Sure, if that's your sort of thing, sure."

He held the book out to the stranger, still opened up to the page he'd been reading;

Be you the stone or the one who throws it?
Be you the shadow of the stone or the shadow of its caster?
A stone can be so many things. A foundation. A devastator.
A village or that village's gravesite.
Be you the stone, or the one who throws it?

"It's, eh, by Ige Goro," Keito said, trying to make small talk. He tugged at the tightly tied spike of brown hair that jutted out from his head, "A poet from Iwagakure. He wrote a really popular book right around the time of the First Tsuchikage's reign, I think."



Previously Swirled
The leaf shinobi was grateful that the person he struck up conversation with was willing to share what was in the book, especially given that the head coverings each wore suggested that they should be bitter enemies.

"Sounds...deep. I dunno, I was never much for poetry," Taiyo chuckled awkwardly as he read the lines on the page, "Well, even if I don't get it, its still sounds pretty cool, but not as cool as the guy that wrote the thing. Have you ever read that book you were talking about?" While talking to his acquaintance, the fiery shinobi decided to take a crack at interpreting the poem he read.

He definitely talks about how stones can be used for creation or destruction, but I'm just a little confused at the whole "Be you the stone or the one who throws it" line. Is the stone supposed to represent a weapon or a building block?

Maybe its supposed to represent both...

Ugokasenai Keito, Iwa Genin
The answer he got was pretty much the answer he expected, although Keito was pretty glad that the Leaf shinobi still seemed interested in chatting anyway; maybe he was into history or something? It was a spectacular time, after all -- the founding of their villages being essentially ancient history to the young genin standing in the streets of Konoha.

"Yeah I'm still working on deciphering it, myself," Keito said, chuckling a little and shrugging his shoulders, "I did read Goro's first book. More essays than poems. He was trying to convince clans that uniting under the Tsuchikage was the sensible thing to do. It's...straight-forward, very blunt. I like the poems and all, but I don't know if I'm smart enough to understand them yet."


Previously Swirled
Admittedly, Taiyo was grateful that he wasn't the only one lost in the grandiosity that the poem had presented. Though he came up with a possible interpretation, he'd wait until later to offer it up.

"To be honest, that essay sounds like its my speed. Sure eloquence is admirable, but sometimes you just gotta get to the point, y'know?" The leaf-shinobi let a chuckle that was directed at his own statement, figuring that there was nothing wrong at laughing at your own words.

"Though as I was reading the thing, I did manage to come up with a possible interpretation. Mind if I share it with you?"
Ugokasenai Keito, Iwa Genin
Of course, Keito was being a bit modest in his own right; like his amiable new friend, he - too - had his own interpretation of the old words he'd been reading. He better have some idea, given that he'd been reading the book for the weeks following his surviving the Forest of Death -- Keito hadn't managed to day-dream his way through that entire time. Then again, he wasn't often prone to speaking on something first, without hearing whomever might be heard.

"Sure," He said with a smile, leaning his left wrist against the butt of his sakabatou's hilt, "I always love to hear how different people react to the same ideas. And you're from a different village from me, too, maybe that'll actually make a difference...or maybe not, I donno. Anyway, tell me what you're thinking."
Asahi's eyes filled with tears while Sagiso scolded her, she didn't feel pain from the hit but the feeling behind it was strong. Karui's presence seemed to calm her down and Sagiso's change of attitude did earlier, it didn't change the fact that Asahi still felt offended.

"I'm not going to let you pet it." She told the famous Riceball as a way to pay her back for making her feel bad. "Okay, let's practice this technique, I wish I had a chance to fight those other shinobi though, I was really having fun fighting the fire guy, although he seemed extremely cocky, but he was really good with his fireballs so maybe that's why? I should find a way to fight around fire, all my wind did was make it difficult for me to attack and we could've kept fighting if he hadn't gone after my Cupcake!" She had decided to make Karui the cupcake of the team. "And then that nasty Hyuga had to ruin everything! We would've all been just fine if she had just stayed back but no, typical Hyuga."


Previously Schrift007
"Oh I got the scroll, and that other nin isn't coming back any time soon. Well he should be dead by now, iron sand works miracles", he chuckled as he flashed his scroll to her. Mori was excited, he had some blood pumping through his veins and he felt like he could take on an army. Knowing Mori if the opportunity came he'd do it.

3 week time skip baby! WHOOP WHOOP!

After the forest of death ordeal, Mori had left the forest of death with a bigger ego than he ad entered it with. He was excited, he was hyped up! And why shouldn't he be? Mori was advancing through the exams, he'd be able to please his clan. Live up to be a true Magnet Release user of the Tetsushi clan. That was the plan, wasn't it? The following morning he woke up, Mori went to a small place he had found. A forest where nobody could really bother him. It wasn't a bad spot to train, because train he did! For the past couple weeks Mori had been preparing for the next exam. He was sharpening his current Jutsus, trying to get the hand sign speed quicker while trying to throw attacks much cleaner. His targets? Well he used any tree in sight to practise. So far he had been making deep markings in the tree, slashing at it and using it as a dummy for his bostaff. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary, standard simple training. "I'm still slow, oh god if I don't win this exam... oh god I'll be in trouble", he sighed. Mori stabbed his staff forwards, as instead of striking the tree head on, it instead curved around it. As it curved, it stabbed into the tree. Holes were made, multiple deep stab holes in the tree. The snake of a staff kept moving up, going higher and higher into the tree. For a brief moment there was silence before loud cracks were heard in the tree. Branches fell, many landing around Mori. Mori pulled back the staff, unwinding it from the tree. "guess my control isn't so bad with my staff", he smiled. Mori had the staff wrap around different branches in the tree, before constricting different loops around the branches.

It was only a couple hours later did Mori feel like that was maybe enough for the morning. "I should get something to eat... I really should", he groaned, as he realised he forgot to take food with him. A mistake, big one for Mori. No red bean dumplings or that amazing dango, he might as well have died on the spot without his two favourite foods. As he walked down the roads of Konoha looking for food, he saw Yua. "Oooo Yua! Hey Yua!", he grinned as he bounced up and down as he waved at her. Mori walked over, his staff was still in his hand as he held it behind him. "Looking around at Konoha boys? Man that's a first", Mori's tone was obviously teasing, as he dragged on the last sentence.

"Huh?" Still rubbing her nose, Shiho heard a rather odd question from the boy she ran into. The young Hyuga pondered on what was asked before she finally figured out what he probably meant by it. "Oh its because of my eyes right? Well actually, I'm a Hyuga." She pointed towards her eyes. "These right here are my clan's prized Dojutsu, the Byakugan." She exclaimed with a smile.

An awkward moment of silence followed after Shiho explained to the stranger what her stark white eyes were. "So uh." She looked him up and down, spotting a mist headband. "You're from the Mist huh. I assume you're also participating in the Chunnin exam then?" She spoke, breaking the silence.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Raiku's plan seemed to have worked and when Tsuki jumped in the air to dodge the attacks he had went past her and taken her scroll. Unfortunately for him however he quickly realized him and the kunoichi both had Earth scrolls. However the Uchiha quickly thought of a plan and fled the area, heading for the tower. He had some encounters with other ninja along the way but none resulted in him gaining or losing more scrolls. However when he reached near the tower he did some hand seals and performed a summoning jutsu.

"Yo, what's up Raiku? I thought you said you weren't gonna summon me in these exams."

"Right, I'm not fighting anyone right now though. Say Ramer, I need you to find someone with a scroll that looks like this but has a heaven seal on it instead of Earth. Preferably one with two of them."

His crow summon nodded at Raiku and flew into the air to search for someone like had been described. Fortunately, Ramer actually surprisingly found a Leaf ninja not too far who had finished fighting someone and noticed that they had taken a scroll from their opponent. The ninja however quickly complained that they both had Heaven scrolls and grumbly decided to head towards the tower like Raiku had done. The crow went back to the Uchiha and reported this to him.

"Great job, Ramer, I knew I could count on you." Raiku rewarded Ramer with some fruits before ending the summon. He headed towards the Leaf ninja and walked up to him casually, even though the stranger was on his guard.

"What do you want? You trying to take my scrolls or something? Couldn't just get one yourself?" the Leaf ninja told Raiku.

"Relax man, I know you have two Heaven scrolls and don't need one of them. I have the same situation but with two Earth scrolls. How about we trade?"

The leaf ninja looked at Raiku suspiciously but after he took out his two Earth scrolls he agreed to the deal. However after they swapped scrolls the Uchiha placed the genin into a genjutsu using his Sharingan to let him burn the two scrolls the other ninja had.

I wish I didn't have to do this... but at the end of the day this is a competitive test, having less people pass this exam means I have a higher chance of passing the final exam.

Raiku quickly left using Body Flicker and reached the tower. He opened the scrolls which revealed a proctor who congratulated the Uchiha on passing the exams. Raiku thanked the man and smiled from happiness, excited to only have one more test left before he hopefully passed and became a Chunin.

Lord Fugaku, Shisui, Father... I'll make the Uchiha clan proud. I'll show all the other villages why our clan is one of the most respected in the world, I will notno, cannot fail.
After the forest of death had concluded, Hisato had managed to snag not one, but two scrolls securing his triumph over the second portion of the exam. Hisato was eager to look around the leaf village. Eat snacks, try out some pickup lines, make new friends, and speaking of new friends. Hisato spotted a few people. A weird looking tall lanky boy with curly brown hair and a dark skinned man with black hair with auburn tips.

Hisato had absolutely nothing better to do. Nobody in particular to talk to, so why not these people? So that's exactly what Hisato did. "What's up? How's it goin'? Chunin exams, huh... Hoo boy... What a time a be a ninja. Hisato grinned and stood next to the two as if they were old friends. "Nice to meet ya, charmed I'm sure. Hisato Gato, just so you know!" Hisato said cheerfully.
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Previously Swirled
"Alright. I noticed was the duality of a stone in our lives. Just like how a stone can be use defensively as a foundation for a wall or to begin the creation of a building, it can also devastate a village or it can just bolster your offenses in a fight. I was originally confused by the lines "Be you the stone or the one who throws it?"; I was wondering what was the stone supposed to represent there, and that's when I realized the duality that the poem was alluding to," Taiyo finished his explanation of his thought process around the same time that a newcomer arrived. He had given him and Keito an arm hug as if they had been childhood friends as opposed to strangers that have just met.

"...Hey..." Taiyo shrugged at the stranger's forwardness. Although he invaded personal space on the first meeting, he was polite enough to introduce himself. This served as a reminder to the fiery shinobi that introductions were something he neglected to address, "My name's Taiyo Akugami, nice to meet the both of you." At this point, the Leaf-nin was put in a bit of an uncomfortable position. He would've preferred the conversation to have gone uninterrupted, but he didn't want to alienate the otherwise friendly individual.

"My friend here was just showing me some poetry from Iwa and I was telling him my interpretation of it after reading it," Taiyo began talking to Hisato before turning towards the person he was conversing with previously, "Do you mind showing him the poetry?"

Thoroughly irritated by the ordeal, Tsuki made an effort to escape the forest confrontation between herself, the Hyūga heiress and her ally. What she failed to realize was that someone took her scroll in the process, information that wasn't processed by the icy kunoichi until it was too late for her to pass. Admittedly, although she was unhappy with her failure, she was more ashamed by the fact that she would inevitably have to discuss her shortcomings with Kiro. The thought of the undesirable conversation loomed within Tsuki's mind throughout the duration of time between the second and third exams.

Now would be the best time to discuss the inevitable, but since I have no idea where he could possibly be, I suppose I'll take this time for myself

Sighing with exasperation, Tsuki looked for activities to keep herself busy. After browsing through a local weapons shop and replenishing her supply of explosive tags, she looked for a place to sit down and collect her thoughts. Eventually, a bench came into view, an ideal place for her purposes. Now that she had a place to relax her feet and present the implication that she didn't want to be disturbed, she was able to properly reflect on what happened.

"I was careless. Not only did I fail to properly coordinate with my ally, I failed to ensure that my scroll was secure." Recounting the events that have transpired, Tsuki opened her notebook to the notes regarding herself, "No matter. Reminiscing wistfully about the past is an exercise in futility. Simply put, I will make efforts to improve from my previous failings." With renewed resolve, she had begun theorizing techniques that could be useful in the future.
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Ugokasenai Keito, Iwa Genin
Keito listened patiently as the Leaf shinobi explained his interpretation of the Iwagakure poetry; he was wondering the right way to respond in earnest when a third - apparently even more affable - shinobi slithered his way beside the chatting boys like they were old pals from back in the day.

Though not perturbed by the friendliness, Keito was keen on maintaining personal space in all forms -- he took a good step back from his new friends, utilizing his long legs to add a couple feet of distance between the three of them.

"My name's Keito," He responded, almost apprehensive to give his name; the Iwa shinobi felt like these two were not quite his enemies, but he could never know if or when they might be -- Keito wasn't quite sure what to do with that knowledge, though it still made him feel uncertain about just offering up his name to any and everyone.

Taiyo - the Leaf genin - mentioned something about showing the new kid - a ninja from the Mist - the Ire Goro book; Keito obliged, though he felt almost at odds with himself.

'This feels almost like I'm...back at the Academy,' The Stone genin thought, 'I think my dad would try to murder me if he saw what was happening right now.'

"Here you go, if you want it," Keito said, offering the book to Hisato, "It's...by an old, dead guy from the Stone. His work meant a lot to us, you know -- back in the day."

To be honest, Kiro didn’t expect her to reveal it so easily. Perhaps their clan and kekkei genkai weren’t held to secrecy as much as Ao made it seem. That or this girl was just careless. Either way, the unexpected reveal was enough to leave Kiro at a loss for words for a few seconds. The Hyūga were not only one of the four noble clans of the Leaf, but they were also world renowned for their dojutsu, the byakugan. To meet one here in the Leaf so casually was a bit amusing. Gazing at her stark white eyes with his own dark black ones, Kiro decided to continue with this conversation, wondering if it could lead to anything else worth while.

“I guess all Hyūga really do share those same white eyes. Makes me wonder if that’s the case for other clans. But yeah, your assumption was correct. I just finished the latest exam, so I was gonna go get cleaned up before looking around this village or something. How about you?”

Considering the girl had said ‘also’ with her last question, it was reasonable to assume she was partaking in the Chūnin Exams. Whether she’d further confirm or deny she was still in it was up to her.
Hisato grinned excitedly when Taiyo and Keito introduced themselves.

"Poetry" Hisato said.

"Poetry? Reeeaaading? Damn... My arch nemesis. Words" Hisato thought to himself. Hisato looked at the book, and held it carefully so that he wouldn't accidentally cause any wrinkles or damage to the book.

skimmed through it once then began reading it as he glanced through the pages a second time. As Hisato read through the book, he made a few jokes and commentary here and there. Occasionally throwing some witty philosophical banter into his commentary.

"I see...What an interesting perspective..." Hisato said.

Hyūga Estate

It would be no overstatement to say the clans of the Leaf village possessed the widest and most extensive, unified array of kekkei genkai and hiden techniques anywhere in the ninja-world. With no less than five (5) kekkei genkai and double that in hiden techniques, including two of the three great dojutsu—the only two that mattered—and lesser renown, but still respectable hiden such as Ino-Shika-Cho. Each of these Clans guarded closely the keys to their power, whether it be the secrets of their bloodline, jutsu or otherwise; but, none were more meticulous with this than the Hyūga.

If one were allowed to stroll through the pristine halls of the Hyūga estate they would find them largely deserted; after all, it wasn’t even the crack of dawn; but, at a more bustling time, one might quickly note that most Hyūga went about with their foreheads covered, regardless of whether they were shinobi or otherwise.

For now, the lone figure traversing these halls at such an untimely hour of the morning was a not-so-simple maid who covered her forehead with a headdress. If one were to be so rude as to peer beneath this covering, they would uncover a curse of emerald green—the mark of a caged bird that bound every Hyūga’s will. Well…almost every Hyūga.

The number of Hyūga who could claim complete and total freedom could be counted on one hand: the current Clan head, Her Grace, Lady Hinagiku; her wastrel of a brother, a cur who’s name fouled the mouths of those it touched; and, her daughter—“Hime?”

The echo of fingers against hardwood was obnoxiously loud in the quiet of the morn.

“C-come,” though only a single syllable, it sent shudders of sympathy through the maid’s heart.

The door slid away, revealing the young heiress to the Hyūga Clan. She cut a sorry figure: a mess of cold sweat and plastered hair against deathly pale skin. She kneeled before a short desk, and in spite of the bandages it was easy to tell that her knees had swollen painfully.


For her failures in the Chūnin Exams, the heiress had been punished with bouts of solitary confinement. For a few hours every day, she knelt in this room in silence and solitude. It was generally seen as a light punishment, and would’ve been almost perfunctory, had she not been denied the mercy of medical ninjutsu. The leg-wound she’d received during from Hisato had turned a simple punishment up to eleven; her punishment had prevented it from healing and in turn it had made her punishment that more gruelling.

Each tremble and tremor feed into a vicious cycle; a unique agony, like being encased in ice whilst fire ran through her veins; teetering between numbness and searing pain.

“Her Grace will see you now,” the maid relayed and Furījia nodded.

Despite her punishments, she would not be allowed any leniency. Her morning duties still needed to be completed punctually and without err. After which, as her punishment ended today, she would to set about restoring her lost standing. For the heiress of the Hyūga to fail before reaching even the finals was a great embarrassment and a shame she would have to shoulder. She could only pray it would not mar her too greatly.
Shiho let out a light chuckle upon hearing the comment about her clan's eyes. "That we do. As for other clans, I recently learned that the Sharingan have to be activated in order to show up. So they're pretty different compared to us since we just get veins popping out around our eyes when we activate our Dojutsu." She commented, remembering her first conversation with Raiku.

"So I was right, well I also just finished the second stage of the exam." Shiho said in response to the second part of Kiro's dialogue. "What are you going to do now? We have a month to rest before we start the third stage of the exam." Shiho asked. "Do you know your way around the village? I can show you around if you want."


Previously Sarah316
Yua turned to a familiar voice as it seemed Mori had caught sight of her which of course caused a wave of mixed emotions. On one hand, he was a familiar face and they had made it out of the forest together, on the other hand...it was Mori, and the forest showed that they had not really communicated well. But hey, that part of the exam passed and so had they so perhaps he had learned something from the experience. "Well if by "boys" you mean these..." Yua mused as she showed off one of the senbon packs she had gotten from the weapon shop before she slipped it back in her pouch. "...then guilty as charged." Yua "clarified."

The Sand kunouchi turned to her teammate as she folded arms over her chest but had a friendly enough look on her face. "So I hope you've been able to keep out of trouble since the Forest?" Yua asked with her own obvious subtle tease back to the Mori though she hoped this was something she'd afford to joke over.

“The sharingan, huh? Yeah, I’ve heard of that one before.”

Kiro said, briefly diverting his black eyes from hers for a second when she brought up the sharingan. That information wasn’t anything new to him unfortunately. Not that she would know. Considering the girl lived in Konoha, it was strange that this was new information to her. She should’ve known quite about one of the two great dojutsu that resided in her village. At least, the girl did confirm how one could notice the byakugan. His suspicion that she was participating in the exams also turned out to be correct. That meant the Hyūga could be a potential opponent during the latter stages of the next exam.

He wondered what else she could show him when it came to the Leaf village or its people. Fortunately, the girl ended up being more generous than he expected. Even forgetting that he was Uchiha scum, Raiku still left a bad impression on him when it came to Leaf shinobi. So this Hyūga girl kindly offering to show an outsider like him around her village made him wonder if it was just Raiku who was the pathetic one. That or she was just another girl putting up an innocent act for some plot. However, considering she did easily reveal her prestigious heritage, Kiro felt it was alright to give her the benefit of the doubt for now.

“Well, I was planning to take some time to look around this village and do some training during the break. So, if you’re sure it’s not gonna affect
any plans you might have, then it’d be cool if you could show me around.”

The sound of scrapping was accompanied by quick strokes of Bao’s kunai as he rapidly shaved away at an ice block. It had been a few weeks since the end of the second phase of the chunin exams, and after waking up with his arm mostly repaired the genin had been able to acquire two scrolls and make it on to the next phase with ample amount of time to fully recover.

Layla and her siblings watched with dazzling eyes as they eagerly awaited the dessert they had grown to love. Every stroke was more than simple food preparation, it was an art. And for Bao, it was was his favorite form of training. With each stab he aimed to shave a slice of perfect proportions, thin enough to allow for a fluffy snow-like flake but not so thin that it immediately melted. Any flaw in consistency was an unacceptable fault of his dexterity.

Hundreds of times he completed the motion until it was done to perfection, and the end result was three heaving orbs of the powdery substance along with a smaller bowl for baby Kyo.

Next came the fruit, which he had already cut in order to save time decorating before the ice could begin to melt. He dressed each of the bowls in the preferred fruit of each child, chopping the ones for Kyo into especially small pieces and then drizzled on a layer of sweetened milk, creating a colorful mountain of fresh and frozen flavors.

Not as good as mom’s but I’m getting closer!

Bao smiled to himself, wanting to take a moment to appreciate his food art creation, but he had forgotten who his costumers were.

“LET’S EAT!” Layla and Ringo lurched forward and snatched their bowls. Their stomachs had no admiration for visual appeal, taste was all that mattered. In just the few weeks Bao had spent getting to know the children, he was proud to have brought them out of their shells, but in doing so he may had inadvertently spoiled them as they lost a bit of modesty from being pampered with food well above their social standing.

I guess that’s a good thing though. Nobody should ever have to worry about going hungry.

Bao smiled through a sigh as he watched his hard work being instantly devoured. “You need to eat too.” He whispered, holding baby Kyo and feeding her a small spoonful of the bingsoo. A grin broke out on the toddler’s face and she giggled in contentment.

“At least you take your time to enjoy.” He laughed and took a bite of his own. Can’t blame them though, it is delicious.
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Previously Swirled
Despite his misgivings, it seemed that Keito was willing to include Hisato in the previously two person conversation, putting Taiyo at ease.

"Yeah, it's really cool," He smiled at Hisato before turning to Keito, "By the way, you never told me your interpretation of the poem. I'd like to hear your thoughts on it if that's all good with you." Now that the effort to include the intrusive Kiri-nin was made, the fiery shinobi wanted to redirect the conversation back to the topic that he and the Iwa-nin were discussing.

It's actually kinda nice that I can have a casual conversation with people that I should hate by all accounts. I just wonder what Satō-sensei will say about this.
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Previously Night's Shadow
“Cup…cake?” Karui asked, an eyebrow raised. First Chips, now Cupcake… maybe all that Leaf Village food has gotten lodged in Asahi’s mind. Though I am completely unsure of exactly what constitutes me as a “cupcake…” She shook her head of the confusion. “No matter. It was a setback, no doubt, but we can overcome it in time. We just have to make sure our transformations make us completely unrecognizable. Sagiso is right; it would be best if we practiced, but once we are finished with the exams, then we can find a cat for you.”

Karui already had a transformation in mind, and while it the idea of transforming into a boy repulsed her, it would not arouse much suspicion about her being a member of Hasa. She would have a rather forgettable face with a few freckles, a painfully average shade of brown hair, and dark, muddy eyes that no one would think twice about. Blending in with the crowd would be their best chance of not being discovered. Of course, if either of the others had input on how exactly they should blend in, Karui was all ears; she didn’t mind taking orders from Sagiso, though Asahi would likely need some more maturity and a healthy dose of skepticism before Karui would take her orders. Mildly amused at the thought, Karui shook her head, clearing the slight smile from her features.
Ugokasenai Keito, Iwa Genin
Taking the book back from the Mist genin and sliding it back into the satchel at his right side, Keito let out a small sigh; first he looked up to the sky near the sun, then back to the ground at the shadows at each of their feet.

"Oh," He looked back to Taiyo, having lost himself in thought for a moment, "Uh, sure. Well, I think it's talking about people. Some people give orders, some carry them out. People can build walls and make a village, or people can build an army and burn down a village. The question at the end is kind of like Ige asking the reader to think about that, when the time comes."

Again, Keito looked to confirm the sun's position in the sky and the direction of his shadow.

"I have to get moving," The genin said, his eyes drifting toward the edge of a park across the street from where the trio had converged. Keito pointed a finger across the way to indicate thusly to his new acquaintances, "You're...welcome to walk and talk if you'd like. I've just got to get back to training for the day."

With little ceremony, Keito turned from Taiyo and Hisato and took off across the street and into the park, his long legs carrying him an impressive distance in a short few strides in an almost slinking motion. He didn't get very far before he noticed to the side of his path a kid around his age chipping away at a block of ice with a kunai. The ice-chipper was accompanied by a pair of younger kids (wait, and a baby?) lying in wait with bowls as if they were being served at a food kitchen. Keito, caught off guard by the general absurdity of the sight, paused and watched - suddenly unbothered by his untimeliness - as the shinobi chef made his garnishes upon his creations and handed his customers back their now-filled bowls of bingsoo.

The Iwa genin - thoroughly stopped in his tracks for the moment - rest his left palm against the hilt of his sakabatou, cocking his head to the side almost like a curious dog as he observed the scene like one might a painting in a gallery.


Previously Swirled
The fiery shinobi nodded at Keito's interpretation of the poem, noticing a difference in thought pattern between the two of them as he spoke. Whereas Taiyo had looked for a metaphorical meaning hidden within the poem, the Iwa shinobi went for a more practical explanation that could be applied to the real world. The leaf-nin wanted to discuss this similarity with his unlikely friend, but Keito announced that he would be returning to his training before he got the chance. The stone-nin was willing to walk and talk, but Taiyo believed that he should be left to his own devices.

"Take care Keito," The fiery shinobi sent his new friend off with a small wave before turning to Hisato in an effort to ensure he wasn't being ignored, "I have some training of my own that I ought to get back to, see ya later Hisato." He gave a similar wave to Hisato before walking away. On his way he heard the repeated sound of clanging against what could only be a hard, rigid surface. Out of curiosity, Taiyo turned to face the source of the banging, only to find that he recognized the person responsible.

Wait...is that Bao?

With slight uncertainty, Taiyo began to walk towards the people enjoying the frozen dessert in the park. His pace became slightly quicker and more relaxed when he realized that the ice chipper was the familiar face he thought it was.

"Hey man, it's good to see you again!"

Rank 36 — Heavenly Skillful Star | Yan Roulan

The trio of star maidens had gathered in a large cavern, their doppelgangers beside them as they were watched over by their eldest sister, Meihui.

“Go ahead,” she prompted. “This should work, but if it doesn’t we’ll need to re-assess.”

Sagisō nodded and turned to face Asahi and Karui, she’d already been briefed with basic instructions. Reaching for her doppelganger, their fingers interlaced and slowly, deliberately, Sagisō wove hand seals using her doppelganger’s fingers: transformation!

Where there once were two perfect copies of Sagisō, there was now one plain-looking girl who appeared much older.

“Asahi,” she spoke gruffly, revealing that even her voice had been changed. ”Check my chakra with your byakugan.”

The combined transformation technique meant that there were now two people inhabiting a singular form. This meant that two chakra signatures would be naturally produced by the body or perhaps the chakra signatures would fuse in a gestalt form; maybe neither would happen and instead, the dominant chakra would prevail. It was hard to say exactly what would happen, but barring the last occurrence, the results would help them conceal their chakra signatures, preventing them from being identified easily by the byakugan.

Perhaps too enthralled by the taste of his own food, Bao had hardly noticed the arrival of the familiar leaf shinobi.

“Oh hey Taiyo, how’s it going?” He mumbled through a mouthful of shaved ice and fruit, yet still proceeded to take another bite, noting the strange ninja watching from a distance. “Who’s that guy?”