• Welcome back to Pokécharms! We've recently launched a new site and upgraded forums, so there may be a few teething issues as everything settles in. Please see our Relaunch FAQs for more information.
My name is Natalie, and I became a member here because I was curious about the Trainer Card maker thing. After I saw the forums, I got interested and decided to join.
So my first Pokemon game was LeafGreen (started playing when I was 8 or 9; I'm 18 now) and I've been hooked ever since, anxiously and excitingly waiting for the Hoenn remakes.
I am pretty shy around people when I first meet them. I love animals too. One more thing: I'm Canadian.
Okay, I'm done!


Formerly Aurora Beam
I've been here, but never took the time to introduce myself.

There's not much to say (isn't that sad) but I'm pretty good at drawing, writing, reading, poetry, and very nervous with tests
I have been here a long time top and at the start I was pretty shy back then and I didn't know if to introduce myself. As you can see im Bioaura, I love animals!, I like drawing (yet I have never put a drawing here XD), im one of the people that if you put a song a love you will see me moving myself to the rhythm (doesn't mean I do it well lol),besides my love of pokemon I love to see horror movies aside from the occasional Disney flick, I also have stage fright and im trying to over come it in reals, but when I was little I could talk to big crowd and don't feel a chill, and I also do big paragraphs about stuff XD. And I have a fascination for myths and legends so I know a lot about creatures and powers. That's pretty much it feel free to talk to me im usually in this site for a long time ^^.
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Hello everyone. :3
My name is Natalia, but call me Dimness or just Dim for short. I am 16 years old. I am from Poland. My first language is Polish, but I am good at English. If I make some mistakes, just let me know, I will try to avoid them in the future. :3
I got here by a game, that I play. For a long time I was trying to find a good Polish forum about Pokemon, which isn't negative attitude to new members. And I didn't find it. I wanted to be fresh with news, so I decide to register here. That's my history of getting here.
Maybe something about my preferences in Pokemon? I love Haxorus, Seviper and Weavile. Those are my favourite, but I like lot of Pokemon. Especially Dragons. My favourite generation is II generation.
I am wiriting stories and fanfictions. Year ago I was drawing digital art, but my tablet stoped working, and I cannot draw anymore. Maybe in future I will get new one.
And it's all. I can add, that I am a energetic person, who is a child inside. And that's all. :3

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Welcome @LunarAngel64 ♥ It's nice to meet you! Looks like we both started around the same time and we're the same age, heh~ Hope to get to know you better :D

And hello to you three that I've already kinda talked to or have seen around here before! @Aurora Beam, @bioaura, and @Dimness, it's nice to at least learn more about you all and I hope to see you guys around more~ ♥
my name is Thanos, my first pokemon game was pokemon diamond but i have watched the anime since the beginning, my favorite pokemon game is Pokemon HearthGold/SoulSilver I used to play pokemon a lot on my DS but I've been playing more on emulators lately, my favorite pokemons are blaziken and scizor, Im not really a competitive player, I just like story lines and have fun playing against my friends.
Well guess I should say my hellos. I actually stumbled upon this site by chance. I was born into Gen III but started with the original Red and Blue. The anime and games were very huge part of my life growing up entertainment wise and emotionally. Sadly to say I've still never played the Black and White games. I was and still am very into the Yu-Gi-Oh franchise and the DBZ series. I read manga and watch anime. I really enjoy making others laugh and feel welcomed. Please don't don't ask me what my favorite pokemon is because I don't have one and my brain will shut down just trying to process it. Though I do have a favorite type. I love the fire, ghost, and dragon types in no particular order. Hope I don't offend anyone (by accident) and I wish you all happy training.

Hope y'all enjoy this
right ok so.....

I had an account ages ago, but can't seem to find it anywhere. I even had an admin try to help me search via email addresses -cough @Linkachu cough-, bu't couldn't find anything.

This account I will actually use, because I know @Demelza, @Linkachu, and @Teapot will murder me if I don't ^^;

Anyhow, for those of you who don't know me, my name is Michael, a 19 year old living in South Florida. I'm not going to go into a massive description (did that in my profile), but I know a decent amount of the people here, so I know it's gonna be fun :)

Hi (again) everyone!
Hello I am Jay Jay 12 I have joined pokecharms today in hope to further my experience in pokemon my only question is how do you put pokemonon your trainer card


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
Hello I am Jay Jay 12 I have joined pokecharms today in hope to further my experience in pokemon my only question is how do you put pokemonon your trainer card
Welcome to 'Charms!

Below the big white Trainer Card strip at the top, with the card preview on it, there's a set of tabs. The one on the end is Pokémon - click that, click/search for a Pokémon, then click the panel you want. Rinse and repeat until done.
Uh...I'm sonicdash759. I came here after I was banned from other roleplay sites due to depressive behavior...(please don't ban me. this place could be my last hope for happiness)
I like to draw and listen to music and write fanfiction. I'm currently working on a Pokemon fanfic that has my OC...I think that's it for now...please don't ban me again. please don't hate me.
Hey My names Pedro just like others I get real in the whole role play thing with Pokemon like I started out in the Johto to Kanto and now I am in The Unova. I like posting on my Facebook Page I made and on the occasion twitter. Well real new here and willing to take pointers so please feel free to message me thank you and nice to meet you guys and gals :)
Hello, everyone! My name's Amity, but you can really call me whatever. :) I've been playing Pokemon games since 5th grade (2007), but I've watched the show since I was a little pup. (I really only watched the original one, though.) I have Leaf Green, Diamond, Silver, Black, and X! I can't really decide which of the new ones I want though. ^^; Anyways~ My favorite Pokemon is Ninetails, even though I don't use one very often. If I had one irl it'd be more of a companion. Kind of like Misty's Togepi, I suppose. My favorite types are Dragon and Fire, hands down. I like to consider myself a collector, and I love trading! :)
Hello, everyone! My name's Amity, but you can really call me whatever. :) I've been playing Pokemon games since 5th grade (2007), but I've watched the show since I was a little pup. (I really only watched the original one, though.) I have Leaf Green, Diamond, Silver, Black, and X! I can't really decide which of the new ones I want though. ^^; Anyways~ My favorite Pokemon is Ninetails, even though I don't use one very often. If I had one irl it'd be more of a companion. Kind of like Misty's Togepi, I suppose. My favorite types are Dragon and Fire, hands down. I like to consider myself a collector, and I love trading! :)

Hey there!. I've been a back and forth here quite a few times, but only due to stuff going on in my own personal life. There are a lot of great people here. Drop by chat sometime as well!
Um, Hello.. I'm Cheeyev.. I mostly joined here to post my crappy Poke-Fusions on this site.. (Which will be seen later in the Creative Corner) Sorry, I'm pretty Pessimistic and whatnot, and I compare myself with the real pros at Fusing Pokemon (Who I'll never be as good as)..
But anyways, I'm Cheeyev, a pretty depressing user with a few disorders (Aspergers, Autism, OCD, GAD, and of course, Depression), and I make Poke-Fusions for an online living, I think.. Sorry.. (Yeah, that's a habit of mine, I say sorry way too frequently.. Sorry..)
My first Pokemon Game was Pokemon Blue (Blue is also my Nickname), my second was Pokemon Leaf-Green, my third was Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team (With the other one coming in forth), my fifth was Diamond, my sixth Pokemon Rangers, and my seventh Pokemon Black. Unfortunately, I started to get bored of the series gameplay after Black when I watched a video with different proposed Gameplay (That seemed much more fitting for a Pokemon Spin-Off of sorts like Rumble, but for me, I realized the Main Pokemon Games Gameplay was pretty repetitive, for me, at least), but I'll still be a fan of the real Pokemon themselves.
My favorite Pokemon is Smeargle (Mostly because I like Dogs (Some of them, at least) and it expressives Creativeness according to one of my friends, which is my Fusions sometimes). Although if I did actually own Pokemon, I would less likely battle with other Pokemon and more or less keep them as companions, like Amityvillager.
I'm also a pretty a pretty avid Music listener (Even though the only songs I listen to are from Video Games), and I love Fakemon (Again, mostly because some of them have really awesome ideas that I would love to see become official), and can be pretty funny at times, and.. uh.. Sorry..
Uh, I think that's all I need to say.. Is it? I hope so..
Well, I'm FluffySylveon and I decided to make an account after lurking around here for a bit. My hobbies include writing, reading, playing video games and drawing. I'm usually a very reserved person and am a bit shy, but I can take a while to open up to others. I just hope to be able to have a fun time here and meet a lot of new people. That's about all I can think of to put here.
Hello! I'm Gewalee and I'm new in this forum. I don't really know why I decided to join Pokecharms, but I've known this place for a few years, so this may be the reason xD
Since English isn't my country's main language, I sometimes may mistype and/or use the grammar incorrectly.
My first Pokemon game is Pokemon Crystal. My friend suggested it to me, and it was very fun, although my favorite game is Pokemon Emerald.
My favorite Pokemon are Quilava, Darkrai, and shiny Haxorus because of its cool appearance, Steelix because I love steel-type, and Slakoth because it's lazy like me.
I'm not really good at drawing, but I love coloring with the color pencils! xD
That's all I think I should put in my introduction. Nice to meet you all.
Wow, these posts are almost a year old, I feel like I'm walking in on an old creaky attic and I'm finding all these neat photos of people before me.
But, since I'm working on social skills, wynaut (ayyy) introduce myself!

Hello, lovelies! I'm Castel, a genderqueer guy from Twinleaf town. (or Massachusetts aha)
I'm 14, and I've loved Pokemon for 7 years! I had Pokemon cards up until I was 9, then I got Pokemon Pearl and fell in love with the games. I felt like a real Pokemon trainer, and it helped me cope with the family feuds at home. My love for Pokemon in general has skyrocketed recently, but never once has it weakened from day one! ♥ I don't know where I would be if I never discovered Pokemon! I would have missed so many friends in my timeline, it would've been crazy! Anyways, my favorite Pokemon are Gengar, Garchomp, Empoleon, Garchomp, Giratina, and Xerneas! It's my team currently in Pokemon X.

I found out about Pokecharms through making lots of trainer cards this morning, and I remembered a while back I made a trainer card, but I never saved it, just downloaded the image. So I finally said "what the heckie, i got nothin to lose" and made an account. It already seems like a fun place here, by how well-explained the rules are, and how many ways your profile can be customized! I can't wait to have fun adventures here with you all! :D
I am GalaxyEyeOlRye and I love, love, love Pokemon. I am a huge video game fan as well as a big anime fan. I love to talk with others, meet new people, discuss different interests, and just have a good time doing so. I am most of the time quiet and reserved, but can easily strike a conversation with anybody that would like to get to know me more. I'm happy to be a part of this site and I look forward to having a great time with you guys here. From yours truly, GalaxyEye. OL' RYE!!
Helloooo!!! :p My name is Matilda... I'm a lonely and impish nature person. It's not that hard to get along with meh.
I've been liking Pokemon since I was 9. My first Pokemon game was Sapphire, so definitely getting Alpha Sapphire!~ :D
More about me in my profile! Just joined yesterday, so definitely get to know me! I hope I get to know everyone! At least. :nom::p


Formerly Midnight Midna, MoonSnow
Hello all i slightly for got to Introduce my self my name is John just a 22 year old pokemon nerd that's always up for a good convo i joined about a year or so ago i dunno when and i kinda for got to say who i was in this thread i for got this place had a Forum i dun't remember my other account i had here though but yeah i made a new one starting fresh hoping to get good friends here and i am loving the site so much though i keep for getting i have it saved on my hotbar on chrome so yeah this is it for now maybe you might see me alot i am a friendly guy though but shy at first so yeah anyways it's nice to finally say and get it of my chest before i for got XD
Hey, hey! Long-time user, first-time poster. I'm 22 years old but still 10 at the core of my heart. Pokemon and I have been rocking it since 1999, but my first game I ever owned was Pokemon Sapphire. It's pretty much a given that I am extremely excited for Alpha and Omega.

I am taking sprite requests, so if you mosey over to the spritework thread I should be there with the specifics. Nice to meet everyone!
Hello! I'm Delphox. I made this account a long time ago when X and Y weren't officially released yet, and I was trying to make a trainer card (like the majority). I came back on here the other day to check if the Trainer Card maker was updated, and I went to create an account and then remembered I had this one. ^^

Some things I enjoy are drawing, writing, reading and playing video games, but I'm also interested in anime and manga. My favourite anime is probably either Naruto or Baka and Test, and my favourite manga would have to be A Thousand Years Ninetails. My favourite Pokemon is actually Flygon, and my second and third places change constantly... I'm quite indecisive. My favourite generation is the fourth gen, and I've never played the third gen so I'm looking forward to the remakes! :D

If you'd like to chat you're more than welcome, though there's no guarantee I'll be very active. I hope to talk to some of you while I am, though! :)
Hai everyone~ My name is Rebecca, and I joined yesterday owo
Um I've been playing pokemon since Emerald/Ruby/Sapphire and LeafGreen/FireRed.
Some hobbies include reading, swimming, playing pokemon mostly Diamond, Black 2 and X
I love reading manga and watching all different kinds of anime~
*waves* I like chatting to people ^^
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Ok... not THAT much proud, but at least I've joined and I'm happy :blush: But- ;_; I have problems... A Digimon fan in a Pokemon community? RIDICULOUS!!!!:-O But I'm also a Pokemon fan. A cross-fandom breed. A hybrid. However you wanna put it. :'| But my name is Renemon, and I'm proud to join :8B: NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY!!!!
Hey my Name is Edge Ryujin one of the few of the Ryujin clan, but you can call me Edge. i'm male 15 years old and what brought me to pokecharms was the Trainer Card as i never made before. i decided to make and account and see what other things i can do.

So my first pokemon game was pokemon Stadium and i was surprised that i was barely older than it by a year and 3 months but i remember it like it was yesterday playing the game everyday. i like Anime Video games Card game ect. You get the Point. i also like playing Soccer(go go Germany). Now lets see if anybody gets this reference. Have a Niiiice Weeeee.

Ok... not THAT much proud, but at least I've joined and I'm happy :blush: But- ;_; I have problems... A Digimon fan in a Pokemon community? RIDICULOUS!!!!:-O But I'm also a Pokemon fan. A cross-fandom breed. A hybrid. However you wanna put it. :'| But my name is Renemon, and I'm proud to join :8B: NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY!!!!
Dont worry i am a digimon fan too People like lots of things that seem the same but different or are rivals in fandom
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I just wanted to say hello to everyone on the site! Pokémon has always been an awesome community of people and I look forward to speaking with you all more in the future.

Thanks for reading!
Sorry if my English is Bad

Hi everyone! my name is Daryl but you can call me Lehux if you like (my account name is LeonHu but i name it by accident.)

I made this account in Nov 21, 2013. but then i forgotten my password after i made it, and I recovered my password so yeah.

I am a bit of a shy person, I am 14 years old, I like playing games, I also like spriting but not good at it, Gen. II was one of my favorite Generaions because of the story.

That's all I have to say and thank you for reading :)
My proper name is Julianne Fowler, I live in Dixon, Missouri USA. Takinas is actually the name of a fictional character I have been developing since I was in high school.

I stumbled upon Pokecharms on pure accident while looking for updates on the upcoming Hoenn remakes. I didn't know Pokemon had it's own version of khinsider.

Most of my time is spent sleeping, drawings, playing video games, job hunting, or working on class assignments. I am working towards my Bachelor of Science in Media Arts & Animation. My goal is to be an illustrator.

I can't think of anything else to add aside from the fact I have far too many interests, once of which is Star Trek The Original Series.