• Welcome back to Pokécharms! We've recently launched a new site and upgraded forums, so there may be a few teething issues as everything settles in. Please see our Relaunch FAQs for more information.
Hello. I'm jjmyers0199, but you can either call me jj, jjmyers, or jjm (I respond to either one). I'm not new to pokemon, in fact, I actually learned how to read from pokemon. I haven't heard of pokecharms, but I did stumble across this while searching for a good forum to RP on. (Fun fact: I'm older than Pokemon by one day!)

Some info about me, though I really like RPing, I'm usually hesitant about joining even open RP for I'm afraid I might do something wrong. But when I do join one, I'm usually pretty good at it. I'm also fairly shy around other people, but once I get to know you, I'm pretty likable and fun to be around (hopefully).

I think thats all that you need to know about me. I hope to have fun with you all!
How's it going, Everybody? My name is Nate. I'm a long time pokemon player who has pretty recently (at least in the last few months) gotten into competitive play. I'm definitely into the whole RP aspect of the game, so I think our time here will be full of good laughs and some serious pokè-fun. (Yes, I tend to say some pretty stupid/cheesy things like that. So get use to it). Favorite pokemon is Musharna, I battle with her every day. I'm currently in a relationship with a wonderful girl who's a pokemon fan as well. I see marriage in our future, most definitely.

I look forward to meeting everybody, and I sincerely hope I fit in here.
Hi! I am shinyzora. some people say i'm a little shy, but I'll try not to be. I have rped a lot before, so it won't be that hard for me. Anyways...I am happy to be here!
Hello I go by prostylepoke. I'm not anti social persay but pretty darn close. I'm slowly trying to change that and joining this forum is part of my plan.
I'm new to PokeCharms, and what had brought me here was a Trainer Card someone had made and posted on G+. I thought it looked cool and wanted to try it for myself. So I eventually made an account to save the Trainer Cards and just jack around when I get bored. Name's Cody, and I'm from Texas in America.
What brought me here isn't the most magical way which I could have found PokeCharms, by any means. All I wanted was to make a signature for a different website, but through the guidance of Arceus, I was brought here. I hope my awkwardness doesn't stray you away, so here goes:

I'm Pikachewbacca, or Annabelle, or whatever you'd like to call me. I'm currently stuck in the never ending pile of paper and E-mails that people call 'school'. If you're thinking about becoming a lawyer, I have one word of advise for you; Don't. Training's a lot of work, but I somehow manage to find a surprising amount of time to talk trash with a bunch of nerds such as myself about all things Nintendo, and that's pretty cool. I've been playing Pokemon since Emerald, and my love for it still goes strong.

I spend my free time curled up in bed wonder-trading on ORAS and watching anime until I fall asleep, which is pretty much the life to have in my opinion. If you ever want to talk about anything ever, message me! I'm lonely...
Hello everyone, I'm Chancie or Chance or Chansey. I prefer Chancie how ever.
I have been a fan of pokemon since I was 9 or so, I remember being at that age playing the trading cards with my cousin.
Watching him and my other cousin play as well an different pokemon games for the gameboy advance..Old days.
I use to own a lot of the pokemon episodes on tape as well when vcr's were a thing haha. (An hellokitty)

I going back to school shortly, after I recover from a month long cold..its a bit nerv wracking to be honest so wish me luck.
How ever I enjoy role playing, and love to join in on some so feel free to ask.
Hello everyone! My commonly used username is BlueFireReaper (has been for the past 3-4 years). I remember making my own custom trainer card a long time ago, though now, my two are based upon my current playthroughs of Pokemon Blue and Platinum. I was born back in '96, so Pokemon was already a smash hit while growing up. My first game in the series was Blue on my green Game Boy Color. At this point, I've played all the main games except for B2/W2 and X/Y - though the latter is because I don't own a 3DS. I still play Pokemon a lot, but most of my time gaming, I'm trophy hunting on my PS3 and Vita. Also spending plenty of time with college classes (Japanese Major right here!), clubs, and friends. I haven't checked much of the forums out, but I think I'll be able to enjoy myself here.
Hello there! I'm Owasera, I'm still a young kid, but I believe I still have the right to say "Pokemon is my childhood!"
The first game that pulled me into the series was FireRed (I was born around it's time), and ever since I haven't been upgrading often. I currently own three games (FireRed, Diamond, and SoulSilver), but I'm still collecting the cards.

I came attracted to the roleplaying forums, I'd seen users on social media make such nice sounding roleplay prompts that I figured I'd join in for a change. Note that I am quite behind on news and updates on Pokemon, so I'll most likely be roleplaying the older generations.

It was nice meeting you all!
Hey, um the name's ChampionZ_Pearl. I just made the name up on the spot when I made my account lol. So I'm new to Pokecharms. I originally just came to this site to make a bunch of TCs with the TCM. But now I just want to write some random stories from time to time here. Fun fact about me! My first pokemon game was legit Pokemon PEARL. Yeah, funny right? It's always a cool fact to tell people.
My favorite pokemon is Lucario. Loved it when I played Pearl, loved it in the pokemon movie, loved it forever since. But I do like Zorua/Zoroark from time to time. Especially their shiny forms ^_^ My first shiny pokemon was actually a shiny Skorupi in my pokemon Y. (Yelled around the house because of it.)
My favorite pokemon character/trainer is N. He's my "Pokemon" crush ♥
The Sinnoh region gets a lot of hate for some reason for being boring, but I personally thought it was the best. Next to Unova. (That gen got a sequel , of course it's awesome!)

I am a new member to this small community but it seems like a cool place to visit when I have my mind running around pokemon things. I just like to write small stories or deep stories about the pokemon universe. So I hope to do some more stuff around here in the meantime !
I'm Poimagic or Poi and I found out about pokecharms while surfing the web. I love to read Pokemon manga. My favorite Pokemon games are the Unova games and I like the cat related Pokemon. I'm a really good writer and even thinking about doing a role-play Pokemon story. The first Pokemon game I played was Platinum and I even got a lv 70 Torterra during the main story. I would say that my favorite type is either dark or fire.
So, I'm Trixie, or Trix for short. I've been playing Pokemon so long I actually don't know when I first started. My first game was blue when my dad bought it with me from one of those old game towers they used to have at EB games. I played it on his old Game Boy that he gave me, latter graduating to a clear purple GBC and then a silver GBA SP. I first played it at a cottage and can I tell you, when you can barely read, see the screen, or figure out how to use the stairs ingame - not the most engaging thing ever. But I've been a proud pokefan ever since. Not quite sure who my first starter was (the cartridge would never properly save. I used to pretend the screen glitches were mew and mewtwo's battles messing with it) but once I got my first serious game (FireRed) I chose Bulbasaur (Tried to name it flower but kinda spelled it wrong so now I'm stuck with a child named Pokemon). I enjoy reading, hiking, Pokemon, my NES, karaoke on my PS2 and costume design. Currently I'm in the process of trying to design an original Pokemon trainer costume and I'm going to soon start a new game on Y with a new team for this new trainer. I own Blue (Battery now replaced, started), FireRed (League completed), Platinum (League completed), HeartGold (Started), Black2 (Barely started), X (League completed, 2 shinies, M & F Vivillion collections more than half done each, and trying to complete the Pokedex), Omega Ruby (Started), Getting Y today. As you can see I have trouble finishing games. I first found this place while searching for a trainer card creator for this new costume I'm planning. That's about it
Hey! I'm Veronica, but in the Pokemon world I go by Kyoko (vKyoko). I'm here for RP, art, and Pokemon news.

I'm shy at times, but I am a bold person in general. I started with Pokemon Gold/Silver versions, and have had the character Kyoko ever since!
Welp, as you can see i am Danishberg. What brought me here to pokecharms is the trainer card maker i found here a phew months back.
Im sometimes shy, or quiet and always up for a good Rp!
I guess even though i've been her for a couple weeks now, i should still Introduce myself!
My Name Is Curtis Eldering From Canada I'm now 22 yrs old & I'm a pretty huge Pokemon Fan!
I also love Music, Sports & Video Games & talking with people who share my passions!

I've been playing pokemon since i think 1999 if not then in 2000 at some point because i remember playing pokemon while i was in Grade 1. I've pretty much have nearly every pokemon Game (handheld & console) since then & have watched the Show since around then too. Join the TCG for a small time & wet the the movie theatres for pokemon move 2, 3 & 4 i think. I watched pokemon non stop sometimes a VHS 3 times in a row. I remember crying when anything semi sad occurred, Butterfree, Pikachu, Charmander, Charzard, Cubone, Pidgeot, Lapras, Bulbasaur & other moments. Recently Chimchar's story & basically any pokemon goodbye & just sad things like when Misty, may, max, Dawn, brock left. Oh i cried in the movies too, Ash/pokemon crying, Lugia, Celebi, Latios, Lucario, All of ash's near death moments. Almost did in the Victini & Genescect movies too.
I had pokemon toys and a lot of them, i had cards, shirts, key chains. I even dressed up as Ash & pikachu on 2 different halloween's. I use to play pretend pokemon with my brother & sister. And the best imitation of Bulbasaur goes to me :)
I've even got pokemon music on Cd's & now my iTunes & i loved the music pokemon makes.
Man pokemon was the best & still is i'ved always loved it.

Even though mainly due to a little ( pokemon just didn't seem cool to parade around anymore in my mind) I stopped for a while somewhere in the middle of Hoenn just from growing up but got back into it by the end of the Diamond & Pearl series Which i'm glad i did D&P turned out to be my all time Fave Seasons! i kinda lost interest for a bit again going into Highschool though i would still play it for a while. I'd say I started becoming as big a Pokemon fan as i am now around B&W not my fave season but when they announce a brand new Generation was happening it got my attention. I got Black and watched the show again. I even Join the Training card League after 10 years in about 2011 or 2012. Kind have that Zekrom Deck & even created my own Deck Zekrom & Groudon & umbreon & Electic & Saybeleye & Zoroark & Scrafty just to name a few.

Sorry aboot my pokemon spelling i will make mistakes i've always been not all that smart. Also i'm trying my best to always think positive when it comes to pokemon. I try to not get negative aboot certain things that happen within the universe of pokemon. The world needs more positivity and less negativity.

The past fews years ever since X&Y came out was the first time since i was a kid where i felt intune with whats going on in the Show & the games. I watched the Episodes as if i only knew a few details and not predicting the future made it so much easier to get involved with & continue watching. I've now watched the first 2 episodes like 4 times now & i'm working on finishing the season to get caught up.
I've pretty much watched every single episode pokemon has ever made now and i wear that honour with pride!

Recently i've finally gotten the grip of how awesome Wonder trading can be & having friends to trade with.
When i was a kid outside of my brother i had no one to battle or trade with So i usually just traded with myself but it wasn't any fun doing it that way.
The Community of Pokemon is such a wonderful gift to be a part of and it feels amazing when your involved somehow.
I've probably gone on way too long but I hope you fellow poke pals will give me a chance to show you what pokemon means to me & how much i love this awesome franchise.

my top 10 Favourite pokemon:
Pikachu, Lucario, Bulbasaur, Houndoom, Heracross, Chimchar, Typhlosion, Poliwhirl, Celebi & Shpeal

Thats my long intro & now you know more aboot me then you likely want but hey I am very passionate aboot Pokemon!
Thxs for your time.
I guess even though i've been her for a couple weeks now, i should still Introduce myself!
My Name Is Curtis Eldering From Canada I'm now 22 yrs old & I'm a pretty huge Pokemon Fan!
I also love Music, Sports & Video Games & talking with people who share my passions!

I've been playing pokemon since i think 1999 if not then in 2000 at some point because i remember playing pokemon while i was in Grade 1. I've pretty much have nearly every pokemon Game (handheld & console) since then & have watched the Show since around then too. Join the TCG for a small time & wet the the movie theatres for pokemon move 2, 3 & 4 i think. I watched pokemon non stop sometimes a VHS 3 times in a row. I remember crying when anything semi sad occurred, Butterfree, Pikachu, Charmander, Charzard, Cubone, Pidgeot, Lapras, Bulbasaur & other moments. Recently Chimchar's story & basically any pokemon goodbye & just sad things like when Misty, may, max, Dawn, brock left. Oh i cried in the movies too, Ash/pokemon crying, Lugia, Celebi, Latios, Lucario, All of ash's near death moments. Almost did in the Victini & Genescect movies too.
I had pokemon toys and a lot of them, i had cards, shirts, key chains. I even dressed up as Ash & pikachu on 2 different halloween's. I use to play pretend pokemon with my brother & sister. And the best imitation of Bulbasaur goes to me :)
I've even got pokemon music on Cd's & now my iTunes & i loved the music pokemon makes.
Man pokemon was the best & still is i'ved always loved it.

Even though mainly due to a little ( pokemon just didn't seem cool to parade around anymore in my mind) I stopped for a while somewhere in the middle of Hoenn just from growing up but got back into it by the end of the Diamond & Pearl series Which i'm glad i did D&P turned out to be my all time Fave Seasons! i kinda lost interest for a bit again going into Highschool though i would still play it for a while. I'd say I started becoming as big a Pokemon fan as i am now around B&W not my fave season but when they announce a brand new Generation was happening it got my attention. I got Black and watched the show again. I even Join the Training card League after 10 years in about 2011 or 2012. Kind have that Zekrom Deck & even created my own Deck Zekrom & Groudon & umbreon & Electic & Saybeleye & Zoroark & Scrafty just to name a few.

Sorry aboot my pokemon spelling i will make mistakes i've always been not all that smart. Also i'm trying my best to always think positive when it comes to pokemon. I try to not get negative aboot certain things that happen within the universe of pokemon. The world needs more positivity and less negativity.

The past fews years ever since X&Y came out was the first time since i was a kid where i felt intune with whats going on in the Show & the games. I watched the Episodes as if i only knew a few details and not predicting the future made it so much easier to get involved with & continue watching. I've now watched the first 2 episodes like 4 times now & i'm working on finishing the season to get caught up.
I've pretty much watched every single episode pokemon has ever made now and i wear that honour with pride!

Recently i've finally gotten the grip of how awesome Wonder trading can be & having friends to trade with.
When i was a kid outside of my brother i had no one to battle or trade with So i usually just traded with myself but it wasn't any fun doing it that way.
The Community of Pokemon is such a wonderful gift to be a part of and it feels amazing when your involved somehow.
I've probably gone on way too long but I hope you fellow poke pals will give me a chance to show you what pokemon means to me & how much i love this awesome franchise.

my top 10 Favourite pokemon:
Pikachu, Lucario, Bulbasaur, Houndoom, Heracross, Chimchar, Typhlosion, Poliwhirl, Celebi & Shpeal

Thats my long intro & now you know more aboot me then you likely want but hey I am very passionate aboot Pokemon!
Thxs for your time.
Just a heads-up, not a good idea to put your full name online. First name and/or "username" is fine, but with all the jackasses online trying to steal shit like identities, your last name can help them.

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
@TrimGuide4662 I'm sure that if as an adult, @Curti old enough to decide for himself whether leaving his full name on the internet is safe or not. Besides, sometimes for stuff like business or whatever purposes, it's actually beneficial to leave your full name so long as stuff like social security number, address, and/or middle name (which can give quite a bit of identification compared to just first and last name) aren't publicized.

Anyways, welcome to pokecharms, @Curti! That's a very long introduction but it's good to see a long-time Pokemon fan join us ^^
Yeah thank you for the heads up. I guess i want to beleive i have a ton of trust i people in the pokemon world!
Thanks also for noticing my post.
Just a heads-up, not a good idea to put your full name online. First name and/or "username" is fine, but with all the jackasses online trying to steal shit like identities, your last name can help them.

@TrimGuide4662 I'm sure that if as an adult, @Curti old enough to decide for himself whether leaving his full name on the internet is safe or not. Besides, sometimes for stuff like business or whatever purposes, it's actually beneficial to leave your full name so long as stuff like social security number, address, and/or middle name (which can give quite a bit of identification compared to just first and last name) aren't publicized.

Anyways, welcome to pokecharms, @Curti! That's a very long introduction but it's good to see a long-time Pokemon fan join us ^^

Thxs for welcoming me to the community. it always feel good when a post i make gets noticed! Even if it was a long introduction i thank you for going through the torture of reading the whole thing.
I gave my first and last name because this place seems like a decent community so i felt that my name would be safe :)
Last edited by a moderator:

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
@chuhiros welcome to Pokecharms! I really liked the Yang sprite you submitted and the Ruby is cute too ^^ we have a good number of members in the LGBTQIA+ community (myself included) so I think you'll fit right in.

Also yes, I agree. Sprite edits are hard.
Um... Hi to everyone! I'm not sure about how present myself, but I will do my best!
My name is Julia, but you all can call me Vulxpina, ones of my favorite pokémons are Vulpix, chandelure and shinx.
Apart of pokémon I enjoy read and draw. I'm from Spain and I'm still learning english, but I love write and talk it, so I practise all the days, so I don't have any problem to understand english speakers ^^
I wish have a great time over here, nice to meet you all! :D
Hello hello! Truth be told I'm mostly interested in roleplaying, but I figured it was a good idea to drop in and introduce myself so! Hello, my name is Delta! Delta Hexagon. I like shapes, robots, space, and pokemon, of course. I'm a freelance artist and fulltime production worker in a sheet metal factory!

I've been playing pokemon ever since Red and Blue first came to Canada many many long years ago and haven't missed out on a new release yet. I'm really excited for Pokemon Go and the new Sun and Moon games.

My favourite pokemon in no particular order are: magnemite, aegislash, dunsparce, anorith, bergmite, lunatone, porygon, sigilyph, electabuzz, murkrow, and cryogonal.. though I'm probably missing a lot. I love so many pokemon they're all great.

So yes hello! Nice to meet all y'all~!
(I don't know if this thread is dead enough for it to be a lil bit frowned upon for me posting in here but here goes)
Hey there, I'm Ronnie. I've been playing pokemon since around the Ruby/Sapphire days, so since I was quite small. I haven't been a forum goer in a while, since like 2012? Basically I'm here because of the trainer card maker. I was initially just going to make an account for that but then I saw the forums, and that brought back memories from the good ol' days. So now I'm not exaclty sure what I'm doing here, probably will end up RPing, maybe chilling in the art area from time to time. I'm a full time high school student and I also direct a children's bell choir at my church part time, so that's fun. I'm not mean or anything (hopefully) so don't be afraid to talk to me or anything?
So anyway, yo.
Hello everyone, as you can see I'm Almas Rei. Feel free to call me as either of the two though. I thought of this name after putting together two names I use for games, but I'm trying to think of a last name that can go with it as what I have now would be the first and middle names. My first thought was Aurora as the last name using another name I like to use in games, but If anyone can give some ideas that'd help. I guess I should start with the intro now, huh?

I can't really give any description of myself other then I think of myself as strange. I kind of wander from here and there in my interests, but I enjoy trying new things from time to time. I like games, music, manga, light novels, anime, and some other things. I'll try putting the names of some manga I'd want to recommend in my sig, if you want to know where to read them just ask and I'll give a link to a site I use.

I've been playing pokemon since silver and crystal were released, which were my first pokemon games, and have been enjoying it since. I've played many of them just going at my own pace and trying to do what I wanted to, but I've never played in online battles really. Might try to at some point though.

I found pokecharms just when I was looking up stuff on sun and moon. I found the rp stories interesting and want to give it a try. I've never rp'ed before so I hope I don't cause too much trouble. This should end before it gets any longer, so here's my closing. I'm a bit strange, but I hope to get along with everyone and I look forward to the interesting things I might find here.
My name is Brindepth. I have been rping for a while now, and I thought this would be a new experience. Fact is, I've never rped with pokemon before. Anyways, Nice to meet ya, and I hope I can fit in.
Hiii my name is Mariana and my first game was Black, but so far I've also played Heartgold, Yellow, X, and Omega Ruby!! My favorite pokemon are the least liked ones (Trubbish, Vannilish, etc) and the pink ones, since that's my favorite color.

I also fall asleep a lot since I have narcolepsy so usually If I don't reply to someone it's either cause I got distracted or I fell asleep! So yeah, feel free to strike up a conversation with me any time!! I like to think I'm a little interesting!
You can call me Naki, I like anime and I've been into pokemon since i was little. My first Pokemon game was Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team, and after that it was Pokemon Diamond
I think my favorite Pokemon could be Lugia or Leafeon and my favorite shiny Pokemon are Ho-oh, Mega Gardevoir, and Emboar.
If you'd ever like to battle please let me know but you would need to wait a while because I may still not have my party sorted out.
Anyways, I am eager to make new friends so feel free to talk to me!
Hey, hello, hi and greetings! I'm Zamcio (perhaps you won't manage to read it correctly) but you can also call me Matt (as it is my real name). Long story short - Pokemon fan from earliest years. Currently on challenge to finish EVERY single Pokemon game (only Core series) using only my beloved Raichu or my fav Pokemon from played region.
About myself... I'm IT student and amateur graphic and game designer. Soon I will end that either wonderful and awful time called 'teen age' as I'm going to celebrate my 20th birthday (I'm so old ;-; ).
I won't go for my Pokemon history as it is so typical and boring that if you by any chance decides to read it, you will give up as soon as you will start it. My dream is to create and bring on my own YouTube channel (not only about Pokemon of course). I guess that's pretty much it.
See you guys at Creativity Corner and RP forums later ;) Most probably I will attend to other forums as well.
My name is betafrost(I prefer frost.) I have rped a lot before, mostly with pokemon. My favorite pokemon is eevee. I can be shy, but I am mostly curious.
Hoi, Pokécharms community:angel:
My name's Cas, and I'm a crazy fan of the Pokémon games, less the anime.
I enjoy writing fanfictions in my spare time, including of Pokémon and many other fandoms, but I prefer to bring light on the less known characters from the games, and often the anime: Elite Four members, intriguing Pokémon trainers, etc.
I do not like writing fluff and shipping fanfictions, but I love romantic roleplaying. I feel that when I'm writing both emotional sides myself, it feels bleak, forced and unreal.
My favourite types are Dark, Normal and Dragon.
Guess I've had my say in this. Good day, frens:)
Hello! My Names Faith and this is the first pokemon fourm I've ever joined! I've been on KH forums before and some other games I'm really into (Steam games mostly) reddit and tumblr.

Competitive play aside, I LOVE cootsie pokemon also. I enjoy collecting and breeding pokemon, and roleplaying. ~ I'm here to get pointers and make new friends! I've been playing pokemon since I was about 7-8. My first games consisted of the N64 pokemonsnap and colloseum, until on my 10th birthday I was given my first game boy advance with pokemon gold/silver and crystal. I've been playing ever since. :)

Very nice to meet everyone!