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Open Outcasts 2 discussion

Lol. You're like, my best friend now, simply for knowing Dave Strider and Homestuck.
You too, @Taylor Boulet
Actually, no Taylor. You are my GF as long as you don't try to be Rose again, because Dave and Rose are kinda siblings...
I prefer Homestuck MeGaLovania. It was cool.
Don't get me wrong, Sans is cool,
But I am over Undertale. I exchanged it for Homestuck. So good.
*Sigh* It feels like so long ago I was jamming out to Sans wrecking Chara, and enjoying it.
Now I'm cussing at Dave for choosing Karkat over Terezi.
Fuck you Dave.
Should have gone with Terezi.
Take inspiration from the Internet... For example Alyssa Reinhardt is based of a Succubus and The Overwatch Character Reinhardt although Amon wasn't really inspired from anything other than... I got nothing
Sometimes my family tell me My personality changes Subconsciously whilst I change Languages but to be Frank I can't tell the difference
I mean, I could get what they mean, for some people. But since I don't know you personally I don't really have any place to talk. All I do is act chill and wear shades.
Oh and @Jagson here's your first Village Member I have one heck of an Entrance for her

Name: Cybele Faunus
Appearance: Cybele is a short girl standing at 5'6 and has Ginger hair which is tied into twin tails she wears a Lime Onesie-like Dress with a cape like back starting from the buttocks area and a ring hole in the part just above the breast she usually goes bare-footed around the Forest

Her weapon is a giant pair of Scissors with Green worn out Bandages on the handles
Power: She can control, grow and animate Trees, plants, Forest Creatures that were only know to Man by Fairy Tales
Strengths(Talents and stuff like that): She is very skilled in Parkour and acrobatics so trees will not be much of an obstacle to her
Weaknesses: Fire she is deathly afraid of Fire just even a tiny spark will send her cowering in fear
Personality: She is very cowardly but her Forest Friends will most likely fight for her instead of her actually battling toe-to-toe with the enemy but when needed she will prove to be a very difficult opponent

Might change this after waking up
So, is this still open? I was seriously annoyed about missing out on the first outcasts, and want to know if this has gone too far to join
Name: Hyrain
Appearance: Hyrain is... Interesting. Focusing on him will make him slightly fuzzy, a bit like TV interference. However, if you're focused on something else, he is perfectly visible, even out of the corner of your eye. So, therefore, describing him is hard. You can tell that he has a dark colour scheme, with dark blue and black, and wears a hoodie. That's about it
Power: The ability to control air (yeah, I know. Real original of me, but I can't think of anything better). This extends to the following- Being able to create any sort of weather, from hurricanes to tornadoes and the windspeed, so pretty much controlling all natural weather, having the ability to fly, and a running speed much higher than a usual human. As well as this, he can transform into an intangible, gaseous form in which the only thing signifying his preference is a slight shimmer in the air, whilst still being able to attack. However, the downside to this is that you can literally but him in a bottle. In this form, Hyrain is very easily contained, to the point at which any sort of airtight container could hold him
Strengths(Talents and stuff like that): A good tactical thinker, quiet intelligent. Good at coming up with things on the spot
Weaknesses: Touching the ground will both stop his powers and hurt him. If you ever see him, he's normally levitating a few inches above the ground. Also, can asphyxiate more easily than a usual person , going underground will practically kill him, and always priorities the well-being of his friends over anything else
Personality: Not super talkative. He won't turn down a conversation, but will never try to start one. Somebody you'll want as your friend, but get on the wrong side of him and you're in a spot of trouble. Hates pollution, and dislikes normal humans, both for Outcasting him and slowly destroying the world. A human life doesn't mean much, and he won't hesitate before ripping the air from their lungs
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Cheers. I'm probably going to add some things to it, even change the power completely since my writing is really not on par at the moment
Assuming they're still in that prison, I can get thrown in late, and be there when you wake up as a new arrival. Sound good?