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Open Outcasts 2 discussion

@Sky5372 They escaped from the prison.
You could go to time's bunker or head to the village where Jonathan is trying to make a peaceful life instead of killing people and making the goverment fear them more.
Dude. If you've seen said powers, which I've taken from my persona/OC, you will understand why I need to underpower it. If it's okay, I could always add in the thing where the guy can dissolve into air at will, or just turn him into said persona alltogether, which should be fine
Apologies, I must depart now. I'll see what happens tomorrow, and may have to go to a different prison with the speed this is going. Goodbye
@koopa000 or anyone for this matter. Any idea on a villain to hire Zane? If you don't, can I just have him speaking to the villain without the villain revealing himself? I was thinking that after the second breakout happens, it gets the villain's attention to hunt down the outcasts. Btw, Zane's hunt will be relatively slow as to not rush a threat immediately into the story.
Name: Gale Stromwin
Appearance: long brown hair, brown eyes, she wears a blue tanktop, shorts, and no shoes
Power: her power is the ability to turn into a dragon like creature(though it is quite a painful process) and teleportation
Strengths(Talents and stuff like that): she knows many diffrent things about survival(from editable plants to sustainable living)
Weaknesses: she can be to protective to the point she'll sacrifice herself for another
Personality: motherly and a worry wort at some points. She can get flustered easily and is not the best with flirting.
Name: Viper Marin
Appearance: she wears a yellow top,
Power: Animal shifting
Strengths(Talents and stuff like that): is a very a good fighter, good at keeping calm
Weaknesses: is very by the book and can easily get disoriented
Personality: cold and calculating

Here's not my villain but his assistant
The surveillance room is at the end of the hallway, where the "T" branches off. The entrance is on the ceiling and the door is almost like a submarine hatch.
Yeah, but still, I'm assuming they didn't special order this place, or anything like that. And with the current state of the world in the RP, there are probably people who built underground bunkers to store multiple people who could have gotten arrested. The entire place could have once been a safe place for people with powers.
Yeah, after people's next post, Dave'll have some shut eye. I'm gonna make my character sheet for Dirk, too. Btw, I'll need a villain in the far future that could murder Dirk, preferably a Villain, and that Villain will eventually be murdered by Dave, because it's that super cliche showdown that everyone shakes their head at, and I wanna do it.
In the far future.
Name: Dirk Strider
Appearance: Tall, thin, and rather chiseled appearance. Wears a pair of sleek, triangle shades and a simple, orange ball cap. Has leather, fingerless gloves and wears a simple white T-Shirt. Simple black jeans, a belt, and grey, cool tennis shoes. Pale skin and light blonde hair like Dave.
Power: All of Dave's powers, just maxed out in strength and power. Is a better Dave, in other words.
Strengths(Talents and stuff like that): Is impossible to shaken, or scare, or even cause any sort of emotional reaction out of. Even looking right at death, he'll at least attempt to cut his face off with his trusty Katana. Is skilled at it, as Dave is, but is yet again, better.
Weaknesses: He doesn't understand this word, so he leaves it blank.
Dirk Strider needs no weakness. He simply has no time for that bull shit.
Personality: Cool, calm, and calculating. Never says a word, as he has nothing he cares to say, about anything. Is not afraid to kill whoever, even his own bro, if it comes down to it.