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Open Outcasts Discussion

A bit.
Talk about outcasts, right?
Now... how are Dasken and Ashley going to get back?
More importantly, how are they going to be ACCEPTED ba-
(Updated Character Bios)
Brandon Moreland (Formerly Syler)
Apperaance: Mid twenties, Short blonde hair, he has a gotee. He wears a white Polo shirt with black slacks. Has emerald like eyes.
Ability: Copy cat ( Able to learn other people's abilities)
Strengths: Is a caring person, smart, able to take a few hits,
Weakness: His addiction to killing others, And he doesn't think rationally when his family is involved
Personality: He's a caring person, a bit sarcastic, a good follower
Lily Moreland ( Formerly Steven)
Appearance Early teens, has long blonde hair, with Sapphire eyes. though she does where many clothes her main attire is a peach colored dress.
Ability: Super strength and cellular regeneration
Strengths: Very calm, Goes head first into battle, very caring for those she calls friends and family.
weaknesses: Can be arrogant at times, doesn't think things through,
Personality: She's Polite, Calm, was somewhat spoiled as a little kid.
( New character if approved)
Samantha Rivers
Apperance: Short brown hair, Blue t shirt and jenes
Ability: N/A
Strengths : Is compassionate, knows karate,
Weakness: considers herself higher than though, can be too compassionate\
Personality: She's very caring person, loving, and neutering
(Please note that she will be involved primarily in Josh's story arc. Since I do plan on still writing as him even though he isn't in the group.)
Well eighteen is the age of consent in America. also isn't Dask 16 and Ashley 13. Would you want your thirteen year old daughter dating a sixteen year old.
You also have to keep in mind that Dasken doesn't know his real age; he has no birth certificate. He's merely going off of what he looks like,
To be honest, he was an early bloomer and is around forteen and a half.