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Ask to Join Outcasts(Official Reboot)—RP

He turned to the boy who approached him and shouted, “Check the camp bags. There should be medical supplies. Or talk to the healer. Whatever works. And don’t use all the damn supplies.” The man turned away and heard Xander’s shout of food.

Quickdraw ignored the prospect of food and glared at Monty. “But what about the girl?” HIs voice was steady and silent. So Monty wasn’t the military boy like he was. Quickdraw was actually trained to be a Meta Fighter. Using his abilities to hunt other Metas. However, he knew that if that this man was only a foot soilder, than he wouldn’t know much about him. He might know about Miles Daniels, the man who had a massive kill streak against terrotists in other countries, was perceived as a hero, and died heroically a earlier this year. The man who seemed to be talked about by everyone in the military, whether it be Special Forces or MP. And that man was actually Quickdraw.

“Why protect that girl and build a connection with her. You’re older and more likely to die first to these enemies. What will that do to her? It seems that if your energy runs out in the day, then you’re a sitting target.”
After a few minutes, Dasken realized he couldn’t sleep. All of the sounds and the darkness sourrounding him made him anxiously uneasy. He stood up and swayed slightly, udoubtedly still tired physically but trying to get tired mentally, he decided to practice using his powers. He launched an explosion that made a larger oak tree collapse, but the sound that it made echoed around him for a ways, and so he decided to only practice with his heat. He tried to make a ray of heat, but only succeeded in making a heat wave. He did so away from the trees to prevent a forest fire, and tried to make a ray again.
Just another wave.
He decided that a ray would actually be too easy, since he only had to section off the heat, and focused on making a beam. He took a larger log from the campfire, then jamed it into the ground about five yards away. He kneeled down and aimed his finger at the log, imagining a visible beam of heat the width of his finger. He waited and focused for about two minutes and then tried firing it. All that happened was he radiated a smaller, more intense series of heat waves from his hands. He cursed under his breath and tried again, hoping nobody had noticed where he was.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
The young man stumbled across the road. "Help me..." He said, weakly. "Help!" He shouted, putting his hand on his belly. He walked like a drunkern man, trying to find someone to help him. He'd seen the last flames of the battle flicker out with the governmental subjects fighting the mystical humanoids.
Gaia grabbed a bandage and wrapped it around the strangers leg"their,now you can be on your way,or stay here,I'm to tired to really care right now"he said shooing the strangers and lying down on a log, attempting the sleep
Unfortunately for Dasken, Xander had in fact found his location, and had been watching the young boys practice from behind the treeline for a moment before shaking his head and stepping out.
"Stop, stop, stop. Your form is good, but your doing it all wrong my man." He said while kneeling down by Dasken, pointing his finger out like a gun.
"Ready....aim....fire!" He spoke as a ripple passed through the air from his finger, hitting the tree and effectively drilling a hole through the wood. He put his hand down and nodded at the newly formed hole.
"You cant just picture and force it, you need to focus on where the energy is concentrated." He finished, tapping the boys chest while speaking the last word.
"Picture yourself, picture a roaring energy surging throughout yourself, look for its source and draw from that power. Picture it surge through your body before finally escaping in one powerful attack." He finished, his voice getting quieter to allow the boy to concentrate.
Monty shifted his weight uncomfortably. This guy was asking a lot of questions, some that Monty couldn't even answer himself. Why am I protecting Nora? he thought. Monty looked down at the camp and saw that Nora had gotten the MRE he had tossed down a couple minutes earlier. Am I protecting her because she's just a kid, or is it...because of Madison? Monty pushed the thought aside as he formulated a response.

"I guess I'm protecting her because she's the smallest of the group. After all, she be a pile of blood and organs if I hadn't killed my commander." Monty glanced back at the moon, it's semi-circular appearance becoming ever brighter in the darkness. The man looked back at the other guy. "Children are and always have been the most valuable resource on the planet. Protecting them is always crucial, right?"
Dasken, upon hearing Xander’s voice, threw an arc of heat and an explosive wave at the direction of him. He flinched when he saw who it was, and proceeded to listen to the man’s lecture. He took aim at another tree, and tried doing what Xander said. The result was an intense wave of explosions and heat that didn’t even reach halfway to the tree, and Dasken sighed. “Why are you even here?” Dasken asked, growing more and more anxious by the minute.
“Actually, staying here would be so bad. I just want to keep somewhat of a low profile.”
Ahndrey was about to step over the bush before seeing a small explosion meters away from him.
“On second thought, I would rather think this through for a while.” He sat back down.
Xander smiled softly at Daskens question, the wave if heat being deflected by a hazy glowing wall in front of Xander.
"Im here because your one of us, whether or not you like being around these people is none of my concern. My goal is to make you all more powerful, and hopefully myself in the process." He finished, his smile vanishing as pointed towards the log.
"Now, try again, focus. Picture your energy maintain its shape until it comes into contact with an object. You have to hold its form otherwise itll detonate early." He finished, taking a step back from Dasken to give the anxious boy his own space.
Dasken was growing frustrated - not because he couldn’t do it yet, but for whatever reason, because Xander was trying to help him. He didn’t even send out a warning as he mindlessly aimed towards the tree and let loose a wave of heat so intense that it spontaneously ignited the log - and the grass around Dasken.
Coal looked up as he saw smoke but only for a moment "what could that be" Coal wonder to himself as a stood up and began to walk in the direction to the smoke. Coal then looked around for any sign of a threat close by to him, but to no avail as it was clear expect for the small birds around Coal. The view from Coal eyes began to darker as he got closer to the source of the smoke before he had to create a gas mask for himself so he won't faint.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
The young man stumbled, then approached a tree. He hit his body against a lonely tree and gave off a small scream. The scream turned into mad laughter. "Water." He said to himself. "I need water." He looked around, trying to find a human being.
Gaia ignored the explosions thinking it was just another meta and spoke to Ahndrey"if you want to stay your free to, just don't pull anything,you may have not noticed but we kinda shocked, rocked, shot,burnt,and blew up" a militia today so we're a little on edge"Gaia said still lying on the log unable to sleep"gah,I can't sleep, need something electrical,hey quickdraw,there any battery's in those packs"he said rubbing his eye
Nora sat in the flower patch, examining the people around her. She observed the roars of bombs in the distance, and the crackling of the blazing fire. The other Metas had such strong and useful powers, while she was stuck with something she's only used once. Like most children, she became jealous. But not jealous in the normal way, she wanted to make a difference and she couldn't do so. She wanted to protect those she loved, but she couldn't. She laid back, and looked up at the stars. She ached for her family, and their soothing embraces. As she stared up at the ink colored sky, she wondered if her family was looking up in stars, missing her too.

Darcel was fast asleep now, dreaming about being some form of doctor. What a little nerd.
Coal should feel to the ground as the gas began to overwhelmed him as he started to faint from the lack of oxygen level around him began to drop rapidly. "Dang it why can't I go forward" Coal thought to himself as he used the last of his strength to create a barrier around him. "I need to rest..." Coal said as he fainted.
"Coal...Coal.." a voice called out as Golem appear to Coal "I can't believe you... just give up" Golem said as he started to punch though the barrier and grabbed Coal while he jumped into the air. "I got you now Coal... don't worry... well make it...I promise" Golem added as he landed back to the other Metas before he left a pair of rock gauntlets for Coal.
“That’s reeking bullshit,” Quickdraw thought to himself. It was obvious she reminded him of someone. But he was trying to make excuses to tell himself that it wasn’t the reason. Maybe it was a dead family member. However it wasn’t something to be concerned about. He received the info he needed.

“Well she’s safe for the night. You should sleep while you have the chance. Tomorrow will be one hell of a ride.” He said the final sentence a bit more grim, as he hopped off the tree limb he was sitting in, and made his was into the woods, to patrol the surrounding areas.
Xanders ears picked up on a harsh pattern of vibrations in the distance, realizing it was someone screaming, he looked towards Dasken, maintaining his calm computer.
"Hold that thought." He said plainly before dashing off through the woods, heading in the direction of the harsh sound.
"Nothing but woods for miles, this cant be good." He thought to himself before stopping in the location near the sound.
"Hello? Anybody out here!" He yelled, hoping they would hear him call.
(@JohnsonAce )
Coal woke up as he looked around as he only saw the others Metas "Golem why?" Coal asked him as he saw the Rock Gauntlets on the floor "gauntlets huh.. I already have a idea" Coal thought to himself as he stood up. Coal then walked into the forest to train for a moment to raise his Hazard level "Alright began training, now" Coal said as he took a deep breath before he began to Focus his powers into his hands. "Come on... come on" Coal told himself as his hands began to formed into spikes though the gauntlets as he started to stab the tree with spikes over and over again.
Dasken sighed out of relief and sat down. He looked at the night sky, and he thought about what he could have left behind. I might have had a family. I might have had friends, maybe even a girlfriend. I might have people looking for me, if only I wasn't so damn incompetent. Why can't I just succeed at one thing I do? He thought to himself. He rolled onto his side, at least closing his eyes if not to sleep.
"SPIKE BALL" Coal yelled out as his hands transform into spiked balls in which Coal continue to attack the tree with as he began to grow tired. "Don't stop Coal" Coal told himself as he jumped into the sky while the ground around him began to raise underneath them in which he landed safely on his feet. Coal then felt the ground grabbed on to his right foot before he jumped into the air again as he launch a drill kick into the tree tearing a hole into it which caused it to explode on impact as the pressure was too much for it to handle.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
The young man wandered around for a long tine, pushing through the cluster of trees that surrounded him. He heard a yelling sound. It sounded like a man shouting 'Hello! Anybody out there?' The young man sped up his walking pace and then turned it into a run. He could see a strong and muscular looking man in front of him and the image of his brown spikey hair and millitary like style got larger and larger as the young man got closer.
The young man staggered in front of the man. "Help me!" The young man shouted. He looked at the muscular man in front of him. The young man could tell that the muscular man was older than him, but this did not matter. "I need help!" The young man exclaimed. "I am unsure what has happened to me. One minute I was in a truck...then I appeared here...Where is civilisation? I need to get back to it!"
Ashley stepped out from a bush after causing it to quiver for a second. She saw Dasken and waved, albeit the smallest bit timidly, and walked over to him. "Hey, I just had an idea," she said, "Y'know how you can control heat and stuff? And I can control fire? What if we linked those two together, and we made a superhot, super lethal fire?" She made hand motions as she talked, excited.
Dasken rolled over and was somehow blushing and flushed at the same time. She seemed so excited about the idea of combining their powers. As she walked towards him, he felt himself sweat heavier and heavier, and his body tensed up. He couldn’t believe she was talking to him of all people! “I... I mean, I-I-I guess...” he stuttered, tripping over his words. He was waiting for the punchline to be him, for her to somehow make fun of him or to turn him in to the authorities or to attack him or something. But she didn’t.
I’ll hate myself for asking this... He thought to himself.
“W-wanna try..?”
Ashley grinned. "That'd be awesome!" she said, a slight breeze filtering through the trees to accent her happiness. She'd never encountered another meta back in her hometown, so she'd never gotten to have the concept of combining powers before. Actually, she'd never really thought of other people with powers until she'd seen it on the news, and that hadn't exactly been a great introduction. People being taken away because they were viewed as a threat...It was actually pretty sad. The way she saw it, unless certain people were considered likely to attack others, the government had no right to kidnap these people from their homes and dump them into the middle of nowhere. But what did her opinion matter, she was just a fifteen year old girl. Ashley didn't really want to think of any of this right now.
Dasken got up awkwardly, and he felt his knee pop. he flinched a bit, then cursed himself mentally. He took a deep breath, then gathered his focus. He took a deep breath, and tried to let himself go loose. It obviously didn't work.
"Ready?" Dasken asked Ashley, clearly anxious.
Coal sat down on the ground as he saw Dasken and Ashley. "Hmm combining powers...Ha fools" Coal thought to himself as he started to close his eyes before he lay down on the ground. "How could they think that their powers can combine... I mean really" Coal added, but stopped before he thought of anything else. "Wait what if my power can do that too?" Coal asked himself as he stood up and looked at Dasken and Ashley "Do you think it would work with mine?" Coal asked them.
Ashley shrugged. “Maybe if you find someone with powers like yours.” She turned back to Dasken and offered a hand with a smile. Dasken took it gingerly in his own and Ashley closed her eyes. Wind whipped around them as her power collected itself.
“Now?” Ashley asked.
Dasken nodded.
They willed their powers out together, trying to imagine them in the same form as one another.

The resulting shockwave blasted heat so intense that it ignited the trees around them, it was so fast that neither Dasken nor Ashley could even blink before it hit them, and was so loud that their ears were ringing. The wave was a visible wave, and appeared as switching the colors of blue and yellow. Dasken stumbled around, noticing Ashley lying on the ground nearby. He pulled at his hair, the ringing slowly dying down, and paced back and forth, mumbling inaudible insults at himself. He suddenly felt drained, like every ounce of effort was removed from him, and he kneeled next to Ashley, head down and hair covering his eyes just as the wave began to dissipate.
Odilon's head turned sharply to see a blinding wave of fire and heat and immediately flared up his aura to see what was going on. He propelled himself from the tree branch he was sitting on and jumped through the trees, reaching the clearing in a mere 4 seconds. He saw the same boy who had metal spikes in his back huddled over the girl who had been tending to him. "What happened here?"
Darcel sprang up, the sound startling him. He shook his head in disappointment , expecting that one of the Metas finally lost it. On that note, he decided he could at least help. He followed the direction the noise sprung from, and found himself in a clearing. In the clearing laid Ashley and Dasken beside her. "Dasken?! What happened?" he suspected the worse... that he hurt her.

Nora sat up, gripping onto the flowers beside her. She was dreaming peacefully, and didn't suspect such an occurrence. Her expression was completely shocked, and she sat their paralyzed.
Dasken was shutting down mentally. His eyes were wide and twitching, fear clearly evident. His body was spasming at random intervals and he mumbled unintelligible words and phrases. He held his head in his hands, squeezing tighter and tighter.
Coal took a step back as he watched the two fall down from their combine powers. "My God" Coal said as he looked at the others who quickly came to the source of the occurrence "Dasken.... Ashley.. I hope your ok" Coal added as he turned around before he walked over to a Flower bed. "How am I going to get stronger....my Hazard level...I need to get Stronger!!!" Coal said to him as he fell to his knees.
Just as Monty began to drift asleep, he heard an immense explosion that startled him so much that he almost fell out of the tree. The man squinted into the darkness, spotting the source of the explosion. It came from a spot about a quarter of a mile from the camp, and Monty could pick out three figures silhouetted in the flames that engulfed one of the many hills that dotted the area around the forest. Monty rolled over, falling from the branch he was sitting on to the one diagonally beneath him. He jumped down to the ground, rolling to avoid injury, and stepped into the dying firelight of the camp.

"Is everyone alright down here?" Monty asked, looking around at the startled and shocked Metas that lined the camp.
Darcel keeled down next to the two, placing a hand on Ashley's shoulder. He scanned her for a second, then he lifted his hand. He looked up at Dasken, and spoke. "She's fine.. She just passed out from shock." he reassured him, looking back down at the girl. "She'll wake up soon, I promise."

Nora -being the little girl she was- began to cry. The explosion terrified her.
He heard everyone talking, but Dasken couldn’t figure out what they were saying. He couldn’t decipher if the ringing in his ears was still left over from the explosion or from stress. An explosion of heat erupted from his body, accompanied by a bloodcurdling shout.
Darcel stepped back, and stared at the now screaming Dask. He hasn't experienced anything like this before, so he wasn't sure what to do. He began to quiver a bit.

Nora now curled herself into a ball, attempting to wipe away her tears.
Dasken tried to piece together words to describe the agony, hoping someone might possibly understand his pain. All that happened was his scream intensified, so he closed his mouth, and the veins on his neck bulged while his face turned red from holding back the yelling. A large crater appeared behind him with a boom as loud as a stick of dynamite.
Coal turned his head to see Nora who was crying "Hey now, no need to cry" He said as his tears began to fall down his cheeks. "But why do I fell like crying?" Coal asked himself as he began to cry "god why?...why is this happening to us?" Coal called out at the sky for a answer that would never come back to him.
A sudden fist lashed out, slamming into the Dasken's mid-section at an angle, with surprising strength that would no doubt catch the meta off guard. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?" Shawn yelled, standing over Dasken, his face red. "Are you tryna get us all killed!? You know they don't just attack during the day."
He turned around, kicking the ground in anger, sending dirt flying as he rubbed the back of his head rigorously. "Damnit..." He muttered. He knew the others wouldn't truly understand why he'd attacked Dasken, at least some of them, but Shawn was looking out for the whole group here. That light display, and these sounds were going to get them found out, if they weren't already about to be attacked by a large opposition of military forces, now that they were undoubtedly a threat to the public, and considered international criminals. Probably top of the wanted list too.
He wasn't about to let anybody fuck this up, and if this Dasken kid kept going on like this, he'd be more trouble than help. He'd be a detriment. Then Shawn would really have to take action.
"Couldn't ya'll have waited? There are still populated areas nearby. Closest is probably less than 10 miles away." He growled, adding "Ignorant fucks" under his breath, turning back to Dasken, glaring, body tensing as he awaited any type of retaliation. If he received any, then he'd really be forced to use his abilities, which was something he'd kept under the belt until now.
Coal turned to face Shawn "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!!!!" Coal yelled out as he stood up from the flower bed keeping his head down. "We were ok....AND IT DOESN'T MATTER IF WE MAKE A NOISE...but the one thing that I Know is that NO ONE PUNCHES A FRIEND OF MINE AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!!!. Coal yelled out as his first turned into a spike. Coal turned to face Shawn "Get ready" Coal said as he Dash straight to Shawn "GO TO HELL!!!" Coal screamed out.