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Ask to Join Outcasts(Official Reboot)—RP

"ENOUGH!" Monty yelled, forming a low-power energy blast in his right hand. He threw it at the ground right in front of Coal, and the resulting impact caused a blast of energy to explode underneath Coal. This would be powerful enough to send Coal flying, but not hurt him seriously. "Everyone cut the shit!" Monty growled. "Thanks to those two lovebirds, our position is compromised. We're gonna have to move."
Shawn lowered his gaze, his face completely hidden behind a veil of darkness. These kids weren't the brightest... but was this kid for real? He was tensing, about ready to show exactly why the group would come to respect, maybe even fear Shawn, until another kid spoke up, reaching his hand out, stopping the kid, until another person, Monty or whatever, interfered.
Shawn watched this transaction occur. The kids weren't exactly defending Shawn, but they understood the situation like he did. Shawn had made his point, and this kid was trying to escalate it.
This earned the two Shawn's respect. Monty and Darcel, if he could remember correctly. Hell, he hadn't been paying them much attention, but the two seemed a bit wiser than the others.
As Coal landed, Shawn walked up to him, his larger form silhouetted by the waning gibbous moon behind him. He came to a stop a few feet in front of Coal. "You done?" He asked.
Odilon sighed and leaped into a tree, crouching on a short but sturdy branch, surveying the scene below. If things went to hell, he could intervene easily. So far, Shawn, Darcel, and Monty had had a legitimate grasp of the situation at hand, and the others, namely Coal, were being quite melodramatic.
Coal open his eyes at Shawn and Snickered "heh... your real brave aren't ya.... Hahahaha" Coal said with a laugh. "Go on, laugh" Coal said before he tried to stand up only to fall right back down "dang....my legs" Coal thought to himself as he just lay back down on the ground "just wait.. my Hazard level..." Coal didn't finish his sentence says he fell unconscious again.
"No one's laughing. 'Cept you." Shawn replied, raising his face up a bit. That was when the kid collapsed, clearly unconscious. Shawn turned to look at Monty. "You didn't hurt him that bad, did you?" He asked. Not as a threatening question, but a light one of slight disbelief.
He looked back at Coal, before returning his attention to Dasken, still unsure if he'd knocked the poor kid out, or if he was just as unhinged as earlier.
As Coal lay on the ground a small earthquake appear under him as a figure came through the ground picking up Coal in the process. "Thanks" The figure said as he ran into the shadows away from the other Metas while covering his face. The figure climbed up a tree as he took his hands away from his face revealing himself as Golem who then place Coal on a branch in the tree. "Why must you always cause trouble for yourself Coal?" Golem asked the unconscious Coal.
Monty shook his head in disdain as he watched Coal fall to the ground. "How is he gonna rampage when one of my weakest attacks is enough to bring him down?" Monty asked no one.

Monty knelt down next to Nora, removing a handkerchief from one of his vest pockets and handing it to the little girl. "It's alright, Nora," Monty said in a soothing voice. Monty turned to the rest of the Metas. "We need to move, and fast. Does anyone have an idea where we can go?"
“Okay. We need to move out. NOW!” Quickdraw’s voice rang out from a tree limb. He stood with his arms crossed, and was tapping his foot. “Kids, What’s done is done. And we need to make some progress and get the hell out of the area. So that mineshaft Xander mentioned. We should probably head there. I know it’s unsafe, but we can camp outside it and work on it. So pack up your stuff. Cause we’re going!” His voice had adopted a scolding tone as the man was pissed.

“It’s not the time to be fighting with one another. We already have more people on our asses, and they won’t be holding anything back. So we don’t need to fight with ourselves.” The sound of the explosion scared the man to death. His immediate thought was that they had been discovered. but this turned out to be something worse. He could alreayd feel his face getting hot, but he kept a calm face.

The loud explosion was the first thing that woke Kevin up. Then the fighting and the craziness made it all seem worse. However Quickdraw was quick to demand peace and threw their only option at them. The man seemed angry, and it somewhat freaked Kevin out.

“As for the deer meat, we’ll have to dispose of it. It’s evidence. But we can get more later.” Quickdraw said sternly.
Nora took the handkerchief and slowly wiped her tears. She then suddenly stood up and hugged the man, until she shyly stepped back, looking at ground. "Thank you." she mumbled.

Darcel nodded, and instantly stood up. "Which way is the mine shaft?" he questioned, looking around.
Coal smiled as he open his eyes "hahaha...man that was fun...I mean that weak attack..wow" Coal told himself as he looked at Golem "thanks for bringing me" Coal added as he got up and jumped down from the tree branch.
"Coal please...what are you trying to prove... getting yourself attack like that.... you could have gotten yourself kill if that Shawn person would have attack with a weapon" Golem said in disbelief.
"Come on Golem my Hazard level should have gone up some" Coal explain excitingly to Golem who then pulled off his gauntlets before he started to bend the shape of them.
Shawn chose to ignore Frankenstein and his monster while nodding his head to the right. "I used to come up to these woods when I was a boy. Think I remember where the mine shaft was." As he said this, his face set. "But no one enters those tunnels until I give the say so. Don't need anyone getting killed by cave-ins, gases and whatnot. It's too risky." With that, he turned and started to make his way away. "Stay close. There's some heavy clouds comin' in, an' that moonlight aint gonna last."
Nearly an hour later, of walking through underbrush and whatnot, they soon came to the entrance of a tunnel, quite obviously man-made with the wooden support beams they could barely see. They'd reached the tunnel. "Quickdraw, you're in charge 'till I get back. If they show up, get them outta here. Don't worry about me. I need to check a few thangs."
With that, Shane entered the mine shaft, the darkness swallowing him.
Surprisingly enough, nobody had noticed Ahndrey, or paid no mind to him, besides Gaia.
I, personally, would like staying with this group as long as a free-for-all doesn’t start up again. I also do not expect any explosions or heatwaves to occur a second time, so walking around with these guys might be worth my while.
Not long after did he regret this, as they walked into a pitch black tunnel.
Coal soon turned the gauntlets into a sword "yes...I did it...Golem can you bel-" Coal was stopped from finishing his sentence as Golem knocked Coal out with his hands.
"I'm sorry Coal but I can't have you ruining this for me" Golem said as he place a watch like device on Coal wrist as he placed his index finger on the scanner. "I be back for you later Coal" Golem said a me he walked away from Coal.
“Okay kids. Gather around. We need to stay close until morning. So sleep if you can. You’ll need it.” Quickdraw said sternly crossing his arms. They’re predicament was growing weary. These kids were getting into the wrong kind of fights. He climbed a nearby tree overlooking the mine shaft. “I don’t want anyone near that shaft. You hear me? Now either lay down and sleep, or stare at the darkness. I don’t care as long as you stay here and don’t draw any attention to our position.” They’re needed to be time to stop and think. So that’s what he was doing. They had supplies, with the backpacks that were now piled up in the middle of their makeshift camp. But they would need more soon.
Darcel sat down, staring into the depths of the cave. I should've took a sample before he went in there... how are we gonna know if he is hurt? he repetitively played out worst case scenarios in his head, making him feel worse about the situation.

Nora held onto the handkerchief and snuggled up in the jacket Monty had given her. She wasn't sure why the soldier treated her with such kindness, but she more than appreciated it. She found herself falling into a deep sleep quickly, for she was comfortable for once.
Golem appear from behind a tree as he saw the other Metas before he sat down next to Nora "Metas such extraordinary creatures...how can I research them" Golem thought to himself as he pulled out his sword and stabbed it into the ground. "Child let this gift help you achieve your greatest goals" Golem said as he pulled out a Flower and place it in her hand. Golem stood up before he walked over to the Mineshaft but stopped before he could go any further.
Dasken remained silent after waking up, and he woke up so suddenly yet indiscretely that nobody noticed when he disappeared deeper down the mineshaft. His calm demeanor mixed with the maelstrom of negativity surrounding him would be enough to drive away any normal person he crossed paths with. He looked back at Ashley, breathing properly and seemingly just asleep, and the negativity practically doubled. He walked quickly and quietly deeper and deeper in, until he was sure nobody could see or hear him. He then knelt down, and blasted the floor with heat until it began to melt. He remained so calm and stoic while he released more and more power that you wouldn’t be able to guess he kept applying more and more pressure to himself.
They were right. I’m a f****** monster.
After melting a crater the width of the cavern, Dasken slumped against the wall and sighed gently. A monster nobody could love.
As Dasken pressed on, he soon entered a small cavern. Several holes in the cavern ceiling streamed in moonlight, allowing the young man to see some. Not very well, but enough to make out a figure standing in the center of the cavern, facing him. The figure remained quiet for a few moments, until he finally raised his head. "It's not safe to be in here righ' now. Go back." Shawn ordered sternly, making out the features of the boy, and concluding it was the same one he'd previously knocked out. "If you know what's best for you."
Dasken sent a warning shockwave out from his body, so hot that it fused some of the dirt and rocks on the round loosely. His face was still blank, but now he looked up at Shawn ever so slowly. His body still as a statue, save his head and neck. Then, without warning, Dasken’s eyes shot wide open, and insanity sparkled within. His neutral mouth had turned into a cheshire grin in a matter of moments, and he said no words. He just laughed.
The laugh was utterly unnerving; his voice got high-pitched and scratchy, and he kept getting louder and louder. He didn’t move his body, and his lungs were barely visible, inhaling and exhaling with his laughter. Then, he did something utterly unexpected.
He lifted his left arm, then bit down onto his wrist until he heard something pop. He laughed even harder, teeth stained with blood and eyes shining now with insane bloodlust. He laughed even harder than ever, and he began shaking. The blood on his limp wrist oozed out in a steady, red flow while he turned around and cracked his back by twisting in one direction, then the other. He then showed off further his flexibility by leaning back with straight legs into an almost-90-degree arc. Throughout all of this, he still laughed.

Then, all at once, he stopped.

He stood, back hunched and eyes dull yet again, staring directly at Shawn. He didn’t blink for a solid 45 seconds.
Shawn watched the awkward, disturbing display before him without flinching. Kids got problems. He thought to himself. Dasken was hurting himself. That was okay with Shawn. Shawn was also in danger with this kid. He could feel that heat. He was also okay with this. As long as the group wasn't in danger, meaning Shawn could attempt a peaceful solution before anything got too out of hand.
"Stop." He ordered, his loud voice echoing throughout the tunnels at around the same time the kid did stop. "Think about what you're doin'. This aint you, and you know it."
Dasken lifted his left arm, watching Shawn unblinking, and smashed it with all of his might into the wall. The wet crack echoed through the caverns. He looked like he was holding in laughter. “Stop me.” He muttered in a surprisingly deep voice. He shashed it into the wall again. “Hit me.” Dasken muttered, smile struggling to return. One last wet crunch, and his left arm was completely limp. “KILL ME!” Dasken bellowed, once again breaking into maniacal laughter.
Stop me
Shawn was definitely on the verge of doing that. The kid was mental. Talking wouldn't work on him. Not very much, at least.
Hit me
Shawn was considering it.
Kill me
"Shut the fuck up." Shawn growled the moment Dasken had said it. "I don't know what you're going through right now, but It's gonna stop. It's not a maybe, It's not a hopefully, no. You're gonna stop."
He took a step closer, never averting his gaze from Dasken. "You're delirious. Unstable. You need time to think, and heal. You need to rest. You're stressed, I get it, I do. But this is too far. I don't wanna have to hurt you, kid. But you hurt any of them out there?" He pointed his arm in the general direction of the group outside of the mine shaft. "Then I won't hesitate."
Ahndrey was backing away very slowly, and he finally decided to speak up.
“I, for one, liked him better when he was half-asleep.” He looked around, quickly realizing that his input wasn’t exactly needed at the moment. He continued to back away, confused on whether or not this was a display of bloodlust, depression, or insanity.
Coal open his eyes as he saw a watch like device on his wrist "Damn" Coal said as he tried to take it off but every time it gave him a powerful shock "Damn it" Coal said. Coal then saw the finger scanner on it as he tried to place his finger on it but to no avail "Ok let's try this one more time" Coal told himself as he tried again.
Golem picked up his sword as he began to walk into the Mineshaft pushing aside anyone who was in his way "Time for the big break... hahaha" Golem said with a wicked laugh as he started to approach Shawn and Dasken.
“I need time to heal.” He broke into a fit of laughter. “Then why the F*** ARE YOU HERE TALKING TO ME!?” He laughed even harder now, breaking into a coughing fit, then began gagging. After a little bit of this, he waved his limp arm at Shawn. “THIS is what I do when I don’t get time. You’re not GIVING me time. If you won’t give me time, you might as well take the rest of my time away.” He lauged just as hard as before now.
"I don't control the goddamn universe you psycho bitch!" Shawn yelled angrily, throwing up his arms. "You need to stop. Stand. The fuck. DOWN." Shawn growled, pulling out a sidearm that had been tucked away behind him, pointing it at Dasken with the skilled hands of an experienced shooter. "Stop." He turned the safety off, and cocked it. "The others can't see you like this. And they sure as hell can't see you if you keep it up. I'll do anything to protect these kids. It's the only thing that's keeping me going. And anyone who stands in the way of that is already fucking dead."
He didn't plan to use the gun. It was more to show how serious he was. Hopefully, Dasken would get the message. "Just calm. the fuck. down."
Monty eyed the Golem suspiciously as it made it's way into the mineshaft. "Hey," Monty growled. "What do you think you're doing?" Monty didn't like the way this thing was acting. It may have helped in the fight against the soldiers, but it's behavior was beginning to deteriorate. First it knocked out Coal, then stabbed the ground next to Nora, then slapped an enhancement restricting bracelet on Coal, and now it had a sowrd drawn and was making it's way into the mineshaft.
Dasken’s cheshire grin widened to impossible lengths when he saw the gun. His cackling was so intense that he got ligtheaded and stumbled a bit. “You think I’d rather hurt them than myself? They’re not monsters like I am! You know. You knocked me out! You knew I was a monster, so be the big hero! Slay the monster! Save the group from nonexistant doom! Go for it! Everyone’ll be safer because of your choices!” Dasken laughed so hard that he fell onto his rear, and was literally rolling on the floor laughing.
Golem turned to face Monty "why don't you worry about Nora" Golem said as he started to walk out of the Mineshaft but stopped before he reached the end "Oh and if your looking for Coal....Good luck" Golem added as he exited the Mineshaft with his sword.
Coal stood up as he realize that the device wasn't going to come off unless he had the one who put it on him "GOLEM!!!!" Coal yelled out as he started to run where Golem had went to...the Mineshaft.
Shawn's grip tightened on the weapon, before he tucked it back, turning the safety on as he did so. "No." He stated. "You said it yourself. 'Save the group from nonexistent doom'. You're right. You'll only harm yourself." With that, he turned around. "I expect you to pull your shit together by the time I get back." He growled over his shoulder. "Now get the fuck out of this mine."
With that being said, he disappeared into the darkness, just as the dark clouds (mentioned earlier) covered the moon, plunging the faintly lit cavern into darkness.
Xander craned his neck to the side, taking note of the injured boy on the ground crying out to him.
"Its okay kid, im here to help, just keep your voice down. My names Xander, nice to meet you bud" He said softly as he knelt down next to the injured boy, a small smile on his face.
"Uh, jeez, these injuries." He muttered, glancing the boys damaged body up and down.
"Okay kid, im gonna help you, but you gotta keep this between us." He finished the last part in a slightly more serious tone before placing his hand on the boys chest, activating his powers as he did so.
Dasken’s laugh echoed. He knew it would more than likely remain in Shawn’s head for days to come.
Which is why he instantly began to cry when he could no longer see or hear him in the corridors. His crying was silent; burning eyes shedding crocodile tears, shaking and swallowing the pain reverberating in his left arm. “You’re the monster,” he restated. “You’re the monster... you’re the... mon... ster...” he began to hiccup while sobbing, trying to contain it. He felt exhausted; why did he do that to Shawn?
He curled up, draping his left arm over himself, teeth gritting and tears flowing.
Coal appear from the sky Using a drill kick which was about to hit Golem "GOLEM YOU CAUSE TO MUCH TROUBLE... NOW DIE" Coal yelled out as he got closer to Golem.
Golem raise his sword as he made a single slash at Cole "you want that Thing off...so be it" Golem said as he started to laugh "HAHAHAHA".
Coal landed on the ground as he felt no pain at all. "Ha...you are weak are y-" Coal stopped as his eyes grew large with shock as he blood began to run down his arm. "N-nani....how did you....AHHHHHH" Coal yelled in pain as he arm was violently sliced off as the blood began to pour out of his bleed socket.
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“Jesus Christ. What’s up with all of this,” Quickdraw muttered under his breath as he leapt out of the tree and landed beside Monty. He raised his rifle and aimed it towards the Golem’s head. “Okay. I’m sick of this cryptic bull shit.” However as he was about the pull the trigger, that psycho kid Coal came down and tried to fight it. However it was to no avail, as the Golem sliced off his arm.

“Can’t we just have one hour of sanity,” he muttered bringing the gun’s barrel up so it would point at Golem’s head. Then he pulled he trigger.
Monty summoned a substantial amount of lunar energy and focused it into his hands, almost likee the move that that one guy did in the one anime Monty didn't watch. Monty released the blast, shearing off the Golem's sword arm and cutting halfway into it's torso before he dispersed the attack. The man looked at Quickdraw and saw that he had a gun pointed at the Golem's head.

Golem fell to the ground next to the bleeding Coal. "Coal.... Your research was greatly appreciated....but my job is done now... goodbye....and tell Nora.... Believe.." Golem said as he closed his eyes.
Coal started to start as he cover his blood as he walked over to his dismember arm and picked it up before he took it over to the Pebbles with used to be Golem. "Let's see if you have any finger left" Coal said to himself as he found what was left of Golems index finger and used it to unlock the wrist device.
As Coal was free, rain drops began to fall down soaking the forest with its drizzle. Quickdraw however remained motionless and seemed to be simply starring at the dark clouds above. Rain streaked across his face, making the bandana over his mouth become soggy. He lifted his hand up, and brought the bandana down uncovering his mouth and revealing a bit of stubble. The rain was something that always brought him pleasure, and helped ease his stress. However he soon snapped out of it, as the downpour began to increase.

“We need to find shelter! How safe is it in there?” he shouted turning to face the entrance to the mineshaft, as lighting flashed overhead.
Coal then place the device on his only arm as it glowed before it an announce in a English slang "Meteor Galaxy". "Woah Meteor Galaxy huh I can work with that" Coal said as he looked around. "Can someone help me with this blood" Coal asked as he started to walk around the flower bed waiting for a response.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
The young man, who had dropped to the ground, felt Xander's hand on his chest. The large hole in his skin started to heal up. The cuts and scars on the young man's forehead also started to heal as the young man felt the vibrations. The young man's eyes were closed the entire time.

Suddenly, the young man's eyes shot open. He looked up at Xander. "Hello Xander, my name is Rory." The young man managed to get up and as he looked down at his wounds he knew he was much better. "I have to say, those powers you have really do come in use!"
Darcel stared at Coal, amazed how he is still speaking. He instantly placed his hand onto his stump, and began healing him. He hesitantly picked up the dismembered arm, placing it onto the wound. He forged the two together, giving Coal his arm back. "You're very reckless sir. " He mumbled, his hand twitching a bit.

Nora sat up, wiping the rain from her face. She had a mysterious flower in her hand, so she decided to place it in her pocket. "Are we allowed in..? Shawn isn't back yet..." She questioned.