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Private/Closed Outcasts: Reborn

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"Alright, if you say so." Alex said to Dave before walking closer to the rest of the group. "Perhaps we should go ask those people if they have any shelter we could stay in for the night." Alex said as his eyes faded back to the regular blue color. "I've been watching them for a while and they don't seem to be a threat." Alex added as he tightened the bandage around his head.
Adam scoffed. "Well, you aren't as dumb as you look." He replied before glancing in the direction that Alex had said people were.
He could sense their minds, so there was people, and not only that, they seemed to be healthy enough. A closer examination would need to be done to confirm whether they were human or meta.
"Yes. I'm going to be the 'grumpy guy'. I'll be the one who never gets along. That's my role." Adam said without looking at Marik. "And your role? You're gonna be the guy who believes he does the right thing, no matter how bad he is. A 'good soul in a bad body'." Adam smirked as he looked back at Marik. "You're gonna be the guy in my way when something needs to be done. So please, monitor your role."
Marik stared at Adam as he spoke, his crooked grin still present, accompanied with big wide eyes. "Hehehe. Maybe you'd sound smart if all the anger induced bravado didnt overshadow your choice of words." He finished before pulling out a sandwich as they walked, staring at Adam the whole time he ate. "Hm....the PTSD turns me ballistic....wonder how crazy they think....or know I am" He thought to himself thinking back to the bloodthirsty ruthlessness he possessed earlier.
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Adam raised an eyebrow, before frowning, still not looking at Marik. Not because he didn't want to, but mostly because he didn't care. "Careful, Marik. Don't try to be too hypocritical." Was his reply as stopped and turned around. The Plane had disappeared behind them. The Snowstorm was beginning to thicken. "Maybe you'd sound smart, Marik, if the show of savagery and insanity you displayed earlier wasn't obscuring your 'choice of words'." With that, he walked back to the Plane, not wanting to loose it. Not until everyone was out.
Not that he cared very much about any of them, but his own survival would be far more likely in numbers. At least until they reach a city or a town. There, Adam could dump them and move on his way. His path for revenge.
As Quickdraw walked along the outside of the plane's exterior, the cold air began to nip at his nose. Instinctively he pulled up his bandana over his mouth and nose and continued on. Then something caught his eye, or moresoe, his ear. It was some sort of air spirit asking if he had been captured by the military. He only gave a solemn nod as he stopped in his tracks. He had heard about air spirits during his time in the military, so he knew of their existance, and classification as Meta.
Lucas finished scavenging, only finding the first aid kit and the shotgun, which was now broken. Lucas had swung the stock at a soldier, but missed and hit the wall. Now all he had to protect himself were his fists, but he was confident in his ability to do so. He fashioned a makeshift-rucksack from a bed sheet and slung it over his back after putting the first aid kit inside. He walked out of the plane and stepped out into the snow and wind. "Damn it's cold," Lucas said to himself, pulling the jacket he'd found tighter.

Lucas only took a couple steps when he saw a huge guy standing over a few other Metas. He approached cautiously, but suspected he didn't need to after hearing the big guy speak. Lucas could tell he was a big softie. "Hi there," Lucas greeted. "I'm Lucas. You guys need some help?"
(@Dave Strider)
Dylan stood still as the chaos ensued around him, once all was quiet, he walked out of his still open cell and monotonously strolled down the hall. Some guards who survived the wave of metas wearily picked up their guns and pointed them at him. "S-stand... down... freak!" Dylan crossed his arms and stood there. "No." The guards opened fire as Dylan moved past the bullets with blinding speed and grabbed the face of one guard, crushing it and sending it flying down the hall to crash through the window, shattering the glass. He caved in another guard's chest with a powerful kick and decapitated a few more guards with strong punches to the face. By the time Dylan was finished, blood was sprayed across the walls and his hands were drenched in the liquid. "Now I have to clean this off," Dylan sighed and made his way out of the ship, taking a shortcut by jumping through the broken window. He noticed a group of people, 4 of them, whom he assumed were metas as well. Dylan walked toward them and greeted them with an expressionless face. "Hi."
Sky tilted his head, considering his options. After a moment of consideration, he said "Eh, I suppose I'll leave them. No point killing somebody who didn't have a say in the matter." Judging by the amount of nodding the soldier was doing, Sky assumed he was correct, then turned his attention back to the mystery man. "Well, I'd better be off. See you around, maybe. Assuming you're not dead by then. This environment isn't exactly what you could call forgiving for any flesh and bone.

Sky shifted back into his natural form and slid back outside, internally grimacing at the cold. A very low temperature limited his movement to some extent when incorporeal, meaning getting out of the Himalayas is slightly harder than it would normally be. But then again, he didn't have any particular reason to leave here, there's nothing to do back in the city for sure. Another change in the air flows made him change course again, going towards the front of the ship inside of the other side. The change was small, sure, but still noticeable for Sky, and also nothing natural (@Cloudswift )

Spotting the group of about five, Sky swooped down lower, untill he was hovering almost straight above their heads. However, the forming blizzard was making it kinda hard to see stuff physically. So, of course, the air spirit made a mental flick of his hand and the swirling bands of slow began to disperse, until you could easily see the pure blue sky, along with the wreckage of the ship. Sky momentarily registered that the guy below him has blood on his hands, then dismissed it as nothing. The girl, however, was the one who caught his attention, mainly because of the fact that she apparently just made a drastic change to the surrounds patterns, and that was still quite noticeable. Reigning to simply watch for now, he rose upwards until he was at a reasonable height, then settled down, and watched
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"You're right," Angelina said in agreement to Nathan. "A fair warning, though: I wouldn't trust too many of them. We should all stick together, but that doesn't mean we should trust everyone. You two seem like you actually give a damn about, well-" Angel nodded to the bodies of the deceased guards. "-that. So I feel like I can trust you two. I'm not too sure about the others, though." She said. "Some of them looked pretty damn merciless and showed a lack of regard for these guys' lives, and that bugs me."
Nathan furrowed his brow, and gave a small nod. "Um... I think..." His voice trailed off as a seemingly bloody man approached them, and said 'Hi'. (@OmnipotentOnion)
Nathan gave him a look of concern. "Uh... hi..." He replied. The blood mostly resided on his fists, and Nathan shuddered to think what kind of brutality this guy was capable of. Not like he could hurt Nathan. But for everyone else's sake. He turned back to Angel, still eyeing the newcomer. "...none of us know each other's names... I mean... we did say them in our cells... but I don't remember yours... so... I'm Nathan..." He said.
Lucas noticed the look in Nathan's eyes. He looked down at his hands, almost gasping as he realized how they must look. They were caked with blood, most of which belonged to soldiers. Oh my god, Lucas thought in horror, How many did I kill? Lucas took note of the two other Metas' injuries. "I have a first aid kit," Lucas mumbled as he took it out of his sheet. He handed it to Nathan, hoping he had the knowledge to use it properly.
A gunshot was fired into the air, to alert the Metas who had gathered. Quickdraw now stood about 15 feet away from them, with his revolver raised above his head. The barrel was smoking.

"You should all run. I've contacted help for the military. If we leave now, they won't be able to touch any of us. These soldiers need help and the government needs to know who you all killed. For their familiy's sake. Now get away from here!" He shouted glaring them all. As he looked around he saw kids there. Fucking Meta children. They shouldn't even been put through this whole process. This upset him, but he showed no physical signs of caring. The only emotion he showed was rage and he was trying use it to get thee Metas to leave.
Alex looked to the ground, he had killed some soldiers and he felt a little guilty, but felt more angry, "Who cares..." Alex mumbled, "They took us from our families, mistreated us, experimented us, and locked us up like animals." Alex said a bit louder as he picked his head up, many emotions rushed through his brain but the main one he was process was anger.

"The deserve it after what they did to us!" Alex shouted as his visual powers flared to life due to his rage, "Death is too good for them!" Alex yelled as his fists began to tremble.
Nathan took the medical kit tentatively, before fumbling and dropping it as a gunshot fired.
Looking up, he saw an adult. He was shouting at them. What he said was taken into care by the giant, and he shook his head at Quickdraw. "N-no..." He muttered.
"I can't leave... I... it's our fault..." His voice started trailing off as his feeling of purpose seemingly faded.
He wanted to say he felt sorry for what happened. He wanted to say that he would stay, so the others could get away. Someone needed to pay for the crimes committed on this day. But on the other hand, several of these people needed medical attention, and Nathan was the only one with medical experience.
On the off hand that the military failed to locate them, Nathan could look after those injured. He could protect them.
Nathan felt torn on decision, and hung is head, before swiping away some snow from the ground, revealing cold hard ground, which would be better for the boy he still carried.
He set the boy down, and began to look him over for injuries.
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"Lena," the scarf bender hummed as she wathes Nathan with the medical kit. She opted to standing back a small bit and started to fidget with where her scarf was wrapped around her neck. It loosened and has pulled part over her head to hide her eyes more.
Angelina rested a hand on Nathan's shoulder. "Hey, it's not your fault. We didn't kill anyone." She said, doing her best to comfort the gentle giant. After she said that, Marcus finally began to stir. He was still out of it, but it showed he was still alive, at least. His wounds were minor, mainly bumps and bruises, possibly a concussion from hitting his head during the crash. There were a few cuts, but nothing major.
Lucas walked away from the small group toward the wreck. "I'll get things for stretchers," Lucas called behind his shoulder. The boy entered the wreck through a broken window, careful. It to cut his hands on glass. He treaded lightly, noticing with a wince that every step he took echoed off the dilapidated walls. Lucas looked up at the ceiling and saw some pipes sticking out of the ceiling. He jumped up and ripped four of them out of the ceiling, yanking them out of the ceiling with a satisfying crunch.

After retrieving more bedsheets from the crew quarters, Lucas was on his way out when he passed the armory. I wonder what's left, he thought as he walked into the room. Most things were looted, either by other Metas or surging normies. One thing, however, caught Lucas's eye. It was a war hammer with a polished wood shaft about five feet long. On the top was a simple steel head with some kind of gen set in the middle. Lucas picked up the war hammer and gave it a couple swings. It had a perfect weight, not too heavy and not too light. "Cool," Lucas said aloud. He secured the war hammer to his back with some rubber-covered dead wire.
Marik heard a gunshot back at the crash and broke out in a sprint that direction, "Oooooh I wonder how many soldier's are left." He said to himself with a small laugh. When he made it back to the plane he saw a small group of meta's gathered together, an unfamiliar man standing a short distance away. He silently looked around at the destruction he'd caused, cringing slightly, "Ouch, looks like PTSD and superpowers dont mix...I did tell them it would get a little messy." He thought to himself while scratching the back of his head. "These people deserved it anyways, they tortured me most of my life. They needed to die...right?" He grabbed his head as memories surged forth, memories of the 'doctor's' who operated on him, memories of the numerous horrific test's he was put under to find the weakness to his abilities, memories of the painful surgeries they performed on him while conscious to 'test' his pain tolerence, but worst of all, he remembered his screaming...such a shrill young voice slowly turning psychotic and harsh over time, he remembered the military organization who funded the operation that drove him mad..."Right, they SHOULD die." He concluded as the flashbacks stopped, his breathing now slightly sporadic.
Alex continued to shake with anger before looking up at Quickdraw, "Thanks for calling them, that'll give most of us the chance to continue taking revenge." Alex said with a cold voice, his eyes continued to glow, the red grew a bit darker as his eyes continued to reflect his emotions. The teen then looked over to Nathan and began to wonder why he felt this way even though he had experienced the same things as Alex.
Adam leaned against the plane, listening to the banter occurring around him. At Alex's last remark, Adam couldn't help but laugh hysterically at him. "Taking revenge? You really aren't that smart, are you?" He sneered before pushing himself off the Plane. "Because of the asshole with a gun, they're going to send elite units. Those skilled in killing meta's far more powerful than you. The government takes this kind of stuff seriously. Every Country does." Adam scoffed at Alex before turning away. "You wouldn't hope to survive the onslaught. None of you would."

Nathan wrung his hands nervously as he could practically feel anger radiating off of almost everyone. Tensions were high. Enemies would be made. Nathan didn't want to agree with what the emo kid, Adam, had said, but it was true. There couldn't be another logical alternative, unless the government decided to get lazy, which was doubtful.
"You're a little piece of shit huh?" Quickdraw said, aiming the gun at Alex. "Think about it. They were given orders to do this. Forced to. I was apart of the military, long agao, abd if you wouldnt follow their orsers they would kill your family. They don't want to hurt you, but the real men in charge do. Killing their pawns only proves their point. Killing them makes you seem like a monster. You may be a Meta, but you are still a human being, so don't you dare kill any innocents. If you wanna kill anyone, kill the leaders, but the not the innocents. Now I'll give you a choice. Change your mind or end up with a bullet in your skull." The man's words were harsh.
Dylan wiped his bloody hands on a piece of cloth stuck in the pocket of his leather trench coat and shoved the cloth back in, folding his arms over each other. "I'm not a fan of what the military is doing, but I'm not out for revenge. Sure, their actions piss me off, but if they provoke me or anyone I'm close to, then I'm gonna bash some heads together."
Alex grit his teeth and began to draw his blade as the words from Adam and Quickdraw echoed through his head. Alex's handed tightly clenched the hilt of his sword to the point of his knuckles turning white. The teen took a deep breathe and let his blade slid back into place in the sheath. The teen said nothing as he turned his back to the group and disappeared into the nearby treeline.

Alex hopped up into a tree and looked up into the white, winter sky. "Why, why did it have to come to this?" Alex thought to himself as he slowly began to calm and his eyes faded back to blue. The young meta sat back against the tree and closed his eyes and took deep breathes.
'Ex-military dude is right.' Angelina thought, glancing back at Quickdraw. 'These guys were only following their orders. The guys who killed them are only making us all look worse.' She continued her train of thought. "As soon as we take care of the wounded, we need to get out of here. Those guys he called will be here soon, and they'll be prepared to take down all of us." Angelina said out loud. 'Taking that in consideration, I doubt any of us wanna be here when they arrive.'
Alexandrea listened to the other metas' arguments and sighed as she looked up to the sky. "I wouldn't know what any of them went through but it must be very harsh." She thought. "I wish I could have realized what was happening sooner and maybe I could have prevented all this from happening, but I was too young back then." she thought.
Sky spun round as a small, unknown piece of metal shot through his body, accompanied with a bang below him. Catching the pellet with a gust of wind, he brought it closer to observe it, then suddenly recoiled, allowing the the bit of what he now knew was lead down towards the ground. Lead was among the most among the most toxic materials for Sky, along with Mercury, which was commonly treated as the essence of the earth, and Co2, to name a few. Flying downwards, he was eventually level with several trees, and seeing a person on one of the branches, decided to go and greet him. Or at least ask him what was happening (@Rhabby )

Sky's body collected itself into a tangible form, casually standing on the nothingness next to the boy's branch. Turning to face the Meta, he asked "Hi. Do you know what's happening here?"
Alex had his eyes closed and was just clearing his mind. A memory popped into the young meta's mind and it was a positive one..

It was the night before Alex had been captured by the police and a mysterious individual appeared in front of his usual path. This individual looked at Alex and smiled, before Alex could say something, the man spoke. As soon as I had heard rumors of you I rushed over here as fast as I could. The man said with a friendly smile. What do you mean? How did you find me? Alex managed to say, this guy had an odd presence. You see, you and I are very alike.. We have similar powers and I just would like to give you this small piece of advice... the man continued as he drew closer to Alex, Your emotions are a powerful thing when it comes to your power and that can be a good thing.. The man said before Alex interrupted him. What does this have to do with anything? Alex asked with a bit of an angry tone. Just don't allow your anger and rage to get the best of you okay? The man said with a smile as he placed his hand on top of Alex's head, the wind blew his hair out of the way which revealed that his right eye glew a bright purple, You really do remind me of my little brother. He said before dissapearing into the night.

"I wonder... Maybe that guy was right." Alex muttered to himself as he sat upon the tree branch, before Sky appeared next to him, scaring the crap out of him. "Holy! Man you really scared me there." Alex said as he regained his balance and looked at Sky before hearing his question. "What's going on? Umm.. I guess we're just figuring out where to go next. I just needed a break from them." Alex explained, "I really don't know too much myself, it's all happening so quickly, you know?" Alex said as he looked back into the winter sky.


Previously Mecha Who
''Wow.'' Jim said seeing the plane crashed. He entered it,and a lot of soldiers were dead in the ground. Jim don't knowed what to say. It was terryfing for him. Jim accidentaly stepped on a soldier,that had a picture on his hand. Of his son. Jim walked back,more terryfied than ever. ''These guys are monsters...'' He slowy said watching the body on the floor. He jumped the body and continued in the corridor. As he walked,he saw more bodies,and he just became more terryfied. He finnaly exited the corridor,entering a door saying: 'Control Room',Maybe it had information of his past. Jim entered the room,and it had a lot of computers. He turned on one computer,and it had a lot of confidencial files about the Metas that were here.
But there was nothing about him. The cold air entered by the broken window,and Jim thinked about his past. Nothing.
Jim could hear the door to the control room slam behind him.
"Well well well. You really suck at hiding." Adam stated, his arms crossed as he glared at Jim. "Alright, down to business. Who the fuck are you and what do you want? Because if you're here on behalf of the government..." He looked around the control, before lowering his voice. "I'll end your fucking life."

"Listen... we need to... stay together... and... find someplace for the night at least..." Nathan spoke up again, trying to thaw the icy tension firming around everybody. An obvious divide had appeared amongst them. Two groups. Neither liked each other that much, which was not good when it comes to survival.

Dave squinted at everybody around him. "Ah... fuck... why are we hanging around in the cold...?" He asked, his voice a little strained, but he added a chuckle at the end, looking down at his leg.
The gash was deep and didn't look pretty.


Previously Mecha Who
''What? I'm a Meta too. And you don't really want to know what I'm doing here. It's a thing that I don't want to talk about.'' Jim said getting up. ''And,I don't like to battle,I think that we need to team work. Fights are just a distraction.'' He said turning off the computer and walking to Adam. ''I'm Jim. And I want you to get out of my way.'' Jim said looking at Adam's eyes. He knew he killed some cops. Jim,even terryfied,looked straight at Adam's eyes.
Adam smirked, being forced to contain a snort of laughter. This guy's attitude was laughable.
Looking around again, Adam shook his head. "Nah. I don't think I will. You see, I don't trust you. Random guy comes out of the mountains in the middle of the Himilayas. Pretty fucking screwy."
He took a step forward, sneering at Jim. "I don't think I'm satisfied with my answers." He snapped his finger, and the world went dark for Jim. He could only see himself, and Adam. "Just you and me, Jimmy."


Previously Mecha Who
''My name is Jim,not Jimmy.'' Jim said walking back. ''Look,I don't want to fight,just,let me go,okay?'' Jim asked again for Adam. What the fuck this guy want? Jim thought to himself. He was now really terryfied,and seeing just Adam made him even more terryfied.
Adam rolled his eyes. "I can literally taste all that fear radiating off of you. Hell, even all these normies had more balls than you, Jimmy." He scoffed as he crossed his arms again. "You're the one that entered the plane, well, snuck into the plane. I have no way to know if your lying to me or not, Jimmy."


Previously Mecha Who
''Well,this is why you will trust me. You can't just kill people that can be useful,like me. So,let me pass.'' Jim said becoming more relaxed. ''And,call me what you want. I don't care.'' He said walking to Adam. This guy is weird. Jim thought to himself again.
"Oh, but Jimmy, the fun hasn't even started yet." With that, Adam flicked his finger, and the world went dark for Jim. "This is called blindness. Next up is something called being mute. Then? I'll make you deaf. I'll make you lame. I'll make you hurt." Adam smiled widely. "Or, you could spill the beans, and this while incident never even happened for you. Memory modification."


Previously Mecha Who
''So... Okay. I don't remember my past,even making a lot of tries. After seeing that this plane had Metas in it,I thought it could have my data. But,there is nothing here. And that is the true.'' Jim said with the most honest voice that he can do. ''Just please don't say this to anyone.'' Jim asked Adam. ''Don't tell to anyone,Adam.'' He said with a really deep breath.
"You won't even remember you told me, Jimmy." Adam replied casually as Jim's vision returned, and Adam flicked his hand again.

Adam closed the door to the control room behind him, walking swiftly away. Jim didn't seem capable enough to live on his own out here. There were more.
He'd left Jim unconcious back in the room, having wiped his memory clean of Adam. It wasn't hard, considering there wasn't a lot of memory to dig through. Jim would be out for only a couple of minutes, and he'd resume what he had been doing.


Previously Mecha Who
Jim falled on the floor. In a question of minutes,he waked up. ''What happened? Bah...'' He said getting up. ''I was seeing the computer. But there is nothing here,so it's better get moving.'' Jim said exiting the room. He saw Adam and was going to talk with him. ''Oh... Hi? What's your name?'' Jim asked Adam. ''My name is Jim.'' He said walking to Adam.
"Okay, we need to search for any extra clothing, blankets, sheets, and things like that. Search the crew cabin, but leave some for the few remaining soilders. They'll be here overnight." Quickdraw said, crossing his arm. His pistol was already snugly in its holster. "While you're at it, check for any food. So who's willing to go. The others would do a sweep of the area, but not stay to far. Look for anything useful or importan, paths, trails, cliffs, etc. I'll search for gear, so let's split up." Quickdraw was already barking orders and trying to get these kids organized. He was considering leaving once they were good on their own, but only God knew how long that could be.
"Umm, I can help search for supplies in the wreckage." Angelina volunteered, raising her hand slightly. She straightened up and walked over to Quickdraw. While the man was intimidating, the girl already liked him a lot more than she did some of the other Metas. Once she was next to him, Angelina whispered to him. "And, in all honesty? I'm not sure how many of these guys you can trust with leaving things for the survivors. The big guy, the small girl, and the unconscious guy with the dreads would, and maybe the speedster. I'm either not sure about the others or know they wouldn't."
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