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"Th--that was Vex?" Matt asked as he watched the illusion disappear from reality. "Why? What is he doing?" Matt asked as he looked at his hand, then made a fist. "No, I can't let this distract me now. Not here." Matt said as he looked back toward the fight.
Alex whistled and spoke to his next teammate. The stronger figure smirking and crossing his arms as he looked over to the other team, with a snobbish gleam in his eyes. He chuckled darkly and looked back to his teammates.
Antony and his team spoke. A man with dark skin stepped onto the arena. He had dreadlocks.
" So mon who is going to be my oponnet." He said as he looked at the other team. " I'm going to avenge my bro." He said.
"I am," the large man chuckled as he stepped forth and clenched his fists shut. His skin flared with a blue light as he kept walking forward, slamming his fists together. His eyes narrowed as he looked his opponents over.
"Alright then," Victorus chuckled and raised his fist up, slamming his hand into the ground, a shockwave originating it. The blue light circling him like in a wave motion, he looked at Emilio and glared.
Emilo dogged the attack before getting on his finger tips and spin kicking the man. " nice try mon." He said.

" Capoeira." Brandon said as he watched Emilo. "I've never seen this in real life." He said as he sat back. "Interesting."
"Just dont get to ahead of yourself," Grace flicked her eyes over to look at her love before turning her attention back to the area and smiling, "it's certainly amusing"?

Victorus growled and slammed his fists into the ground again before slamming his fist back into his opponents stomach.
Emilo was knocked back but still kept going. He jumped eight feet in the air fell diganol. He put his hand into the a fist as he got ready for the impact.
Victorus braced himself, actually creating a dent withing the ground before his knees buckled and he was forced down onto them. He glared and snarled, very angry at the moment as he charged, attacks quick but sloppy.
Emilo dogged the attacks with ease. " You getting sloppy mon." He said before round house kicking Victorus's face. " Time for you to go down mon." he said before kicking the man once again.
With that Victorus fell, his anger having gotten the best of him and now having more then a little concussion from the attacks. His eyes fell shut and he slipped to the ground.

Alex pouted from where he stood, folding his arms as he poutted and sighed.
Emilo stood over the man he picked the man up and walked him off of the arena to a medical tent. " You're be alright soon." he said.
"That's what I'm talking about." Antony said. He looked at Alex and stuck his tongue out.
Alex continued to pour as he flipped Anthony off, crossing his arms as he made a disappointed face.

The final memeber stepped forward. A mousy looking woman taking a very cautious step forward as she did. Her eyes scanning the area as she looked for her opponent.
A fine dressed middle aged man walked out. He walked towards her and offered his hand. "It's nice to meet you ma'am. May the best person win." He said
"May the best person one," Lola twitched as she shook his hand before immediately backing up and bouncing on her heels. She growled lowly and got into a sprinters couch.
Keith stepped back and looked at the woman. He smiled a little bit at the woman. "Let's make this interesting." He said before getting into a fighting stance. " I win I take you out to dinner." He said. "If you win I'll do whatever you tell me too."

Antony was dumbfounded. "Hey Boss this isn't the right time to pick up a date." He yelled. He looked at them and wondered what this woman's power might be.
"I accept? Sure," Lola titled her head in confusion but kept focusing. She disappeared, reappearing being him and throwing a punch into his back before disappearing again. She reappeared in another place, walking backwards as she looked at him curiously.
" So." He as he shook of the attack. " Teleportation or invisibility?" he asked curiously. He looked at her and smiled. He hopped that she didn't see his shadow moving ever so slowly towards her.
"Teleportation," Lola blinked as she kept walking in a circle around him. She tried to take head of her surroundings, eyes flickering about the pace before she teleporter to the other side of him, unsure of what he was planning.
She teleported again, back opposite to him before teleported infront of him. As she appeared she put herself in a spin, throwing her leg down to pull his out from under him before disappearing again and a little while infornt of him.
He smirked a little bit as he threw another reflected matieral at her. " If that's the best you got my team is going to win this he said as he knelt down and closed his eyes.
Lola moved out of the way and looked at the thing he kept throwing at her. She then looked at him a nd tilted her head, teleporting closer to jump on his back the away, disappearing then reappearing and attacking.
Lola gasped and braced herself as she was hit by the shadow, teleporting away just a little to late. She stumbled abit befor catching herself, looking at her opponent with wide eyes.
Lola froze and tried to teleport but found that she couldn't. She was very confused and looked at him, wondering what he had done as she was now stuck.
"Walk." He said as he started to walk towards her. " You're lucky I don't hit women." He said to her. " Just surrender and we'll be on our way." he said.
"Can't do that when I'm being held personed by you," she rolled her eyes and looked at him unamused. She walked forward and looked at him, "so yeah can't do that and where are we eating. I can't eat cheese".
He smiled in his victory. " Wherever you." before he could finish his sentence he heard a loud clap of thunder. He looked up at the sky as it started to rain. He looked down as the shadow disappeared. ' Shit.' he thought. ' hopefully she doesn't figure it out. " Just say you surrender." he said. "Then we can go to whatever fine restaurant this universe has to offer." He said.
She crossed her arms and tapped her foot three time and sighed, "I surrender"!

She crackled her nose up when a water drop hit it and sneezed, teleporting backwards as she did.
She moved back to her team, hiding from the rain.
Kia sighed as she watched the fight and she sighed "Great what are we gonna do now..." she said and she groaned, she missed vex and she drooped, she didn't think she would have to deal with him.

Alya looked at the sky and she sighed " Hmm what now?" she asked blushing and she got up , she grabbed kia's hand and she walked with her and she found the portal and she jumped thur going back home and she laid on the couch "glad to be away from that world" she said
Adam continued to lay on the ground nearby, still unconscious. But asleep, his mind is more powerful. Far more powerful than when he's awake. He explored the the multi-verse once again, looking again for Vex and the man he was with. Keeping tabs on them would prove useful. But as he found them, he immediately encountered the massive barrier around them, blocking them from him. He strained to get past the barrier. He needed to see the man's face... In reality, Adam began to sweat again, his mind straining yet more. He's working himself more than he needs. He needs rest, not strain. He growled loudly in his sleep, still straining against the mind power of the man and Vex. He needed to just get one little glimpse...
Matt anxiously waited in his seat, he had a feeling he would be next. "I wonder when the next match will start." Matt said as he leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes, hoping not to see that horrific seen of Vex again. Thankfully for him, he didn't.
I wonder who everyone else back at the house is doing. Matt thought to himself as he reopened his eyes.
Grace leaned back in her seat. She sighed and stretched boredom starting to take a hold of her mind as she sat there and waited for the next match. She crossed her arms and shuffled in her seat,
Wishing her son was with her.
Brandon leaned a little back as he looked at the empty stadium. " Any time now." He shouted. He looked over at Grace. " You want to leave for a little bit?" he asked her. Even if he was able to spend time with grace he wished Alexander was there with them.

The man in the mask looked around. He turned his head to the new captive. She was still out cold. He started hitting his head against the wall trying to loosen the mask. It's been two years since that bastard kidnaped him.
two years ago.
James looked at the abandon campsite. "Yeah this can make a good area for a cabin." He said He turned to one of the trees and did his best to break it off. ' Damn Joshua was a lot stronger at this.' he thought. part of him wished he could go back to that time before he killed himself. He looked at the tree and tried to figure out a way to mark it. "Alright all I have to do is."
" Greetings." A man said. James looked at him. He looked like an angle of light. " My name is Valone I belive I can help you." He said. " I can turn you back to the way you were."
" What's you're price?" he said.
"Nothing." Valone said. "Though obviously they will probably think you're a doppelganger.
" I'm sorry but I have to decline." he said. " Last time a made a deal it bit me in the ass."
Valone shook his head as he held out his hand. " Valosesas." He said. A chain pierced through James as he was cut into two beings. One of the man he is and one of the man he was.
Joshua snapped back to reality as he tried to get the attention of the chained girl.
"I would love to get out of here," grace sighed as she shuffled once again, crossing and uncrossing her legs as she tried to get comfortable.

Miridia was relaxing when she heard something very interesting. The shadow she latched onto James, singing a very beautiful and curious tune.