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Selly fell to the ground wounded. She stood up and looked at the man. " You're..." She said as she took a step foreword and fell down.
The ref raised a flag signifying that Selly was unable to fight.
Brandon examined Matt. " Interesting." he said. "He slowed down time and took her out without batting an eye. I'm going to have to learn that."
Alucard watched the fight and smiled. " He's going to be fun to take out." he said.
"It's over already?" Matt asked as his eyes turned back to normal. Matt shrugged and walked over to Darcel and Horton, "Well, we got one win." Matt said with a smirk. Matt then sat down and turned back toward the field, "I wonder who will be next." Matt said as he stretched in his seat.
Hmm, time wasn't really slowed in the real world, but it seemed like it was slowed for me. Must be a new ability of my eyes. Matt thought to himself.
Darcel patted Matt on the back, "Nice job, you completed that very quickly." he smirked regaining hope for a small bit, until he thought about who could possibly go next.
Matt smiled at Darcel, "Thanks, you'll do great too." Matt said, trying to reassure Darcel. Matt then got a strange feeling. Like someone was standing behind him or something. Chills ran up his spin as he quickly turned around, to see nothing was there.
What was that just now? That was really weird. Matt thought to himself as he looked back toward the battlefield.
Darcel took account on Matt's strange behavior. "Thanks.. But what's up with you? You're heart rate just increased strangely..." he commented, as he took a sip from his vile. He spilled some on himself, but it didn't seem to do much. "I wonder who's next, this round is running kind of slow." he thought to himself.
"I don't know... I just felt as if there was someone or something standing behind me." Matt said as he looked at Darcel as a bead of sweat dripped off of his cheek. Matt then looked at the vile, "What's in there?" Matt asked as he motioned toward the vile. "You always seem to have it with you." Matt said as he put his hands behind his head.
"Strange.." he sighed, then thought for a second. "This vile contains a 'healthy' liquid I created for the tribe's people.. It kind of grew on me.." he rubbed the back of his head, then slipped the vile into his pocket again.
Horton got up from the bench. "I guess I will go next." He said as he walked to the middle of the stage. He looked down and closed his fists. Ken eyed Horton. "Now we can finally see what he can do." He said.
"Oh I see." Matt said to Darcel as he watched him put the vile away. Matt then looked up at Horton as he got up, "Good luck, make sure to win." Matt said with a smirk as he leaned back on the bench. "I wonder who he will be fighting. Hopefully someone that won't give him much trouble." Matt said as he closed his eyes for a few seconds the jolted them opened when he began to see an image of Vex with corpses surrounding him.
Darcel nodded, then laid back. He kept lowering Matt's heart rate gently, making sure that it didn't beat to fast. "Matt.. what do you see? Does it have to do with your weird eye magic.." he sighed, "I wish I could see too, heh."
Matt took a few seconds to respond, "No.. It's nothing to do with my eyes.. It's Vex." Matt said as he made a fist. "You wouldn't want to see any of these things." Matt said as he looked toward the floor. Matt sighed, "I keep seeing images of... corpses surrounding Vex in a completely destroyed landscape." Matt said as his fist began to shake.
Darcel sat up, and pondered on Matt's response. "Vex... but why..?" he mumbled. "Does that mean.. He's a murderer?!" the boy couldn't believe the words spilling out his own mouth.
"Allow me." A voice said behind Matt, and he felt an arm rest on his Shoulder. Matt could then see the image clearly now, and the destruction, and the voices. An entire civilization, murdered. Vex and his brother Oros committing Genocide. Matt felt himself return to reality as the hand left his Shoulder. Whoever is behind him had temporary taken over Matt, and amplified his power by the hundreds, using his power to spot out Vex and Oros. "I have you now..." The Old man muttered. A tall, cloaked figure stood behind Matt, with a rather intimidating figure. His Cloak is midnight Black, and reveals nothing about him excepts his size. His voice betraying his Gender and Age. His sudden appearance here, is... well... sudden.
"I don't know." Matt said as he continued to looked at the ground. "One of Adam's clone things appeared next to me--" Matt froze as the man touched his shoulder. Matt slowly turned his head around to face him, "Who are you?" Matt asked as he tried to analyze the person, but couldn't due to the clock. Matt slowly backed away from the man, "Who do you have now?" Matt asked as he glared at the man, he was startled by his sudden appearance.
The Old Man lowers his Hood to reveal a shiny bald head and a bushy White Beard. His Eyes shining pure White, resonating an almost heavenly glow. "I am a simple Old Man looking for Vex and Oros. Your power has been of great assistance to me, but now, I must get on my way." He croaks as he begins to turn away. "You know, Matt... you have a very unique, powerful ability. Maybe, once I return... I could teach you to harness it to It's fullest potential."
Matt looked at the old man as he turned away, at a loss for words due to his appearance. "Harness it to it's fullest potential?" Matt asked quietly as he looked up into the sky. "Maybe gramps, maybe." Matt said as he looked back down, "Good luck with Vex and Oros." Matt said as he watched the man begin to leave.
"I don't need luck to kill a couple of Psychopaths. Only skill." He replies, and disappears before them. Traveling through time and space, seaking out Vex and Oros. 'They've brought this upon themselves.'
Oros floated in the lower atmosphere of a desolate storming planet with his eyes closed, focusing in on the approaching energy. Vex floated a couple hundred feet below his brother, leg cross and a swirling black energy encasing him, a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead. "Dont lose your focus Victor, only two more hours now..."Oros turned his attention to a specific point in the sky, "Not long now....."
"Waiting for something?" A voice asks behind them. The Master floats in the air, his Staff in hand. "Oros and Vex. Hmm. Which of you wishes to die first?" He removes his Cloak, revealing a simple white Tank top and black shorts underneath. "If you're taking turns, that is."
Helios walked towards the arena. his tongue moved right and left. The dog human looked at the elephant man. " Nice to meet you." He said. " Let's have a good match." He said before scratching his ear.
"Yeah you too." Horton said before backing up a few steps. "Now may the best fighter win." He said. Ethan looked from the stand. "I sure you will be familiar with Horton's power, especially you amazon." He said looking towards Lyric.
Oros turned around slowly locking eyes with the Master. "Your energy seems to skip across the sky, ive never had so much trouble tracking someone. You seem to have skill but you will not threaten me nor my brother..." hIs eye were cold as a faint black aura began to pool out around him. "Lets start off light, shall we?"
The old man smirks. "Don't get cocky, Oros. That will be your down fall." His eyes turn to a light blue, and he crosses his arms. "You will fight. You will fail. You will die." The energy around them begins to feel spiked with unknown energy.
Smells like Death.
Oros shrugged at the Masters comment, "Oh I can tell your power far exceeds mine, because of that we'll fight you at the same time..." He looked down at Vex and snapped his fingers causing the swirling black energy to fade. Vex blinked rapidly while breathing heavily, "Why did you stop the training?" he questioned his brother. Oros waved Vex over. "Looks like a familiar face came to visit." Vex stared at the Master surprised by his presence.
"I noticed you had a Dark presence about you when we first met, but I know that you're better than this." The Master tells Vex. "You're not a killer. You're a good man, going down the wrong path."
"You've got no right to tell me who I am. You didnt sense a dark presence, I let some of myself show through..." his white aura ignited, black arcs of lightning flashed through it. "Easy Victor, you know he's powerful, dont be hasty." Oros floated close to his brother, they took similair fighting stances back to back. "Whenever your ready..." Vex said slowly to the Master.
"Hmm. You trained the young boy, Matt, yes? You saw yourself in him. His potential, his skill, his personality. He's becoming a fine young man. You can still turn yourself around. You can still be there for this young boy. For Matt. For Kia. For the others. You'll hurt them. Do you really wish to do something like that to the people who love you, and care about you?"
"Kia? Please, that relationship was simply cover. Dont make assumptions." Vex said with a smirk before and image of Matt popped into his head. His eyebrow twitched slightly in agitation, "The kid'll do just fine, leave it alone....."
The Master shakes his Head in disappointment. "It's always a shame to watch such amazing potential being wasted for no reason. It's always worse when I have to kill them." He twirls his staff in hand, and holds it out. "I'll make this quick."
Matt's left eye twitched as he saw an image of Vex and Oros fighting the old man, "So it has a begun." Matt said as the image faded. Matt made a fist and punched the wall in anger, "He was supposed to train me to fullest potential." Matt grumbled as his fist shook in the small crater he created in the wall.
Alta busted into the room where the other alien humanoid was and she smiled " Opps i was told could meet a another humanoid here" she said and she looked around and she turned into her liquid form and she walked around, her slimly texture followed her and looked like it was apart of her body which it was and she looked around "hmm maybe she's not here" she drooped
" Why did you barge in here!" Joshua said as he stood up. He tried to move an object to throw at the interuder only to find out that his powers were gone.
Catharine stood up and looked at the alien. " I'm Catharine from planet Quzac." She said in a simple yet respectful tone. " Pleasure to make you're acquaintance Ms...
Alta looked at him "even if you did throw something at me...i wouldn't feel it i'm a liquid shapeshifting species " she said and she looked at Catharine and she walked over turning human like and she sighed " Alta from the Planet Keiqia " she said smiling at her and she bowed " its nice to meet you too" she said and she winked at her.
" Nice to meet you Alta." Catharine said. "Would you care to join us?" She asked as she sat back down. Joshua took his spot and slowly drank his water.
Alta blushed a litte and she sighed " sure what are you doing?" she asked sitting beside her and she smiled at her. " So how did you lose your power sir.." she asked.
Horton held his hand up to block the dog's bite. He let the dog bite its arm. On the stand Ethan turned to everyone else. "Remember that tumor I kept? Yeah..." He said as the arm the dog bit into started to crystalize. "...That's Horton's power." He said.
" It's a long story." He said before drinking some more water. His frail body needed nourishment but he was afraid what might happen if he over indulged.
Catharine looked at her and smiled. " We're waiting for the owner of this room to show up." She said. "She rescued both of us from a dungeon earlier today.
Alta nodded and she sat beside them and she sighed " so the owner is coming soon?" she asked and she laid back in her chair and she smiled at Catharine "so whats your powers?" she asked her.