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Darcel teleported behind the man, and stood up. The man's punch stopped mid-throw, sending a shock up Campbell's arm. "What's your power? Or are you actually going to show me." Darcel questioned, and he tapped his foot onto the floor.
Alta nodded "oh i kind of forgot what i was in human years...i think i'm a little older around 18 ...not sure maybe i should look at my history again" she said and she smiled at her "oh i love to play games and sometimes if i'm able to play pranks " she said smiling and she drooped "but sometimes i like to just rest and settle down and rest" she said smiling.
Champbell turned around and looked at Darcel. " I can't really show it here." He said. " My powers are water based. They figured they lost anyways so they sent their weakest to fight." he said. "Sorry to disappoint.

Catharine smiled a little bit. " I'm a bit of a prankster myself." She said with a smile though resting is great as well." She said " So how long have you been here?" She asked.
Darcel looked saddened. "Did you master water manipulation?" the boy sat down again, he began to treat this battle more like a slumber party than an actual fight.​
"Not really." he said as he sat down in front of the boy. " I can breath underwater, swim fast, and talk to fish." He said. " So how about one of us surrenders meet up later to talk more." He said.
"Hmph. That guy." Matt said with a smirk on his face as he watched Darcel talk to his opponent. Matt then looked back at Adam again, "Gramps really has to hurry. I don't think anyone else knows he is here." Matt said with sigh, not knowing what is going to happened to Adam.
Darcel nodded. That's the exact opposite of what he expected, but he was definitely a sucker for kindness. He kind of hoped for an actual fight, but that's all he needed. The boy wasn't ready anyway.

The crowd's faces sagged as they watched the two competitors talk to each other peacefully.

Earia sighed, and simply called the match a draw. Her brother was an idiot, something she didn't understand.
Darcel grabbed onto his hand, "We'll see what the tournament brings." he aloud the man to lift him up, as he walked over towards Matt. He let out a laugh, "I think I had the best battle."
"Yeah, probably." Matt said sarcastically as he gave a faint smile. Matt then pointed toward Adam, "What should we do with him? His soul is separated from his body and that Super Gramps guy is going to get it back." Matt said in a more serious tone. "I've also witnessed some horrible things... Dealing with Vex..." Matt muttered as he looked toward Darcel.
Alta sighed and she shivered "oh for a few years..." she said and she laid back on her chair remembering the day , she was thrown into the portal and sent to earth, then taught english so she could talk to others but other than that her life on earth was good. "what about you?" she asked
"Vex..? What do you mean... Is he?" his voice trailed off, and his eyes flashed between colors. "I'll can take care of Adam's physical body.. But what did you exactly see..?" he questioned as he walked over towards Adam.
"Vex fought with that Master Gramps guy... Vex is still alive, but... His brother was killed. His brother entrusted Vex with all his power and told him anger was the only way to get stronger. Vex may very well be a threat now." Matt explained as he went through the various scenes in his head, reflecting upon them. "I saw the whole thing... Vex's pain and anger he felt... He destroyed an entire planet with just his aura." Matt said as a chill ran up his spine.
Darcel's face became pale. "With just his aura you say.." he took out his vile, and poured it into Adam's mouth. He began to tend to the lifeless body, and kept the man's blood circulating. "Do you think he.. Will come after us?"
"At this time... I'm not sure." Matt said as he placed his hand on his forehead. "He may come after Adam or just come after us with the will to destroy." Matt said in a serious tone. "I would hate to have to fight him, he did train me..." Matt muttered as he looked toward the floor.
"That would be hectic.. He definitely is ridiculously strong after all." The three were teleported back to the seating area, but Darcel ended up asking to go back to the hotel room. He watched Adam carefully, and sighed due to boredom.
" I came to this universe today." She said as she smiled at the girl. " I was raised on another earth." She said. " So I learned the language pretty fast. " So what do you want to talk about?" She asked.
Alta sighed and she nodded " Oh really ...." she said and she looked down and she moved her arms a little " Wanna go on a walk..i kind of like walking and talking" she smiled standing up and she smiled " I don't what do you want to talk to her"
" Sure." She said as she walked to the door. she opened it and waited for her friend to come over.
Joshua watched them before he closed his eyes and fell back to sleep.
Alta ran after her and she smiled happily " yay" she said following her friend and she smiled happily
"i'm glad i meet another alien ..." she sighed happily.
"Well then." She said as energy surrounded her. Her pants turned into a mini skirt while her shirt turned blue then turned into a tank top. Long blue gloves appeared on her arms as her hair became more straightened out. She looked at Alta before flying up to her and hitting her face. " Sorry if that was too much." She said.

Queen Kathryne walked through the area as she was getting ready for her teams match. She stopped as she felt a very familiar yet forign energy. She looked and saw herself fighting against someone. "Interesting." She said
Alta blushed when the first strike to her face when thru her and she yawned "Hmm nice i love your power " she said smiling and she smirked and a light blue energy appeared around her and a blue force pushed Her back and she sighed "my turn" she said running at her and she jumped up and she punched her in the face "Hmm was that to much?" she asked teasing her.
Miridia was alerted that someone had shown up in the room and immediately teleported back to them. She looked around and relaxed once she saw that nobody was hurt. The witch then turned her attention to te new comer, "now who are you"?
Alta looked at Miridia and she waved "Oh hi there....i'm Alta..." she said bowing to the witch and she smiled at her " Nice to meet you...Miridia" she said smiling and she sighed " I'm sorry i didn't ask to visit before i went in your room"
"It's fine as long as you aren't going to to hurt my friends her. Joshua, have you eaten," the witch nodded the turned to look at the skinny man. She walked over and checked his jaw and eyes, unsure how much damage the mask had done. She then turned to the aliens, "can I get you nth anything"?
Alta sighed and she looked at her and she smiled happily " Of course i would never hurt your friends" she said bowing and she looked at her friend again and she smiled " Oh sure can i have a drink"
"Of course," Miridia nodded and a cup of tea appeared infront of her. She then sat back on a chair and started to drink a glass of tea herself, a shadow keeping her alert on the fight.
Alta smiled and she stared at the tea and she started to drink it, her blue slimly like hair moved in happiness and she smiled at her " thanks for the tea" she said giggling.
Catharine took her water and drank. She wondered how quickly it took these starngers to become her friends. Maybe she might be safe here after all. She place a hand on her hand. another headache. She's been having them quite frequently as of late. not to mention the fact that she's been throwing up recently.

Josh opened his eyes and saw Miridia. He let out a breath before he got up and quietly left the room. He wanted to look around this place. He was pretty sure James wasn't around.
Alta walked to Catharine and she sat beside her and she smiled at her and she felt something wrong with Catharine "Hey Catharine is their something wrong..." she asked looked at her with worried eyes. " ....Sorry i can sense when someone is in pain..." she whispered embarrassed by her power and she sighed.
"I'm fine." She said as she looked at Alta. " I've just been having a lot of headaches recently." She said before she could say anything else she ran to the bathroom and threw up. "I'm okay." She said.

Josh looked around the city. " Wow this place is something." He said as he moved around. He saw people just stare at him and go the other way. He let out a breath as he continued to walk.
"Have you tried to do you species way of reproduction as of late," Miridia asked as she moved behind her to hold her hair or whatever back so her puke wouldn't get in it.
" About a year ago." She said. as she looked at the witch. " It can't be that." She said. She was a bit worried. She knew human pregnancies are nine months. But she never really thought about how long Quzacion pregnancies might be. Let alone the fact that she has had any of it in a long period of time.
Alta drooped and she shivered and she ran after her and she looked at her " wait what you might be pregnant "she said and she looked at her " what if its coming soon?" she said and she looked at Miridia and she smiled at her.
(Is she pregnant because Miridia should be able to tell)
Miridia hummed and her head, crouching down to lift her chin to look down at her and smile. Her white witch senses looking out for any signatures of extra life, "is there something you should be worried about? If the sire of the child is something you are worried about then we can protect you.
( Yes she is. though Quzacions pregnancices take about a year and a half that's why she doesn't know she's pregnant.)
" No." She said immediately. "Orion was a wonderful man. And I'm not pregnant." She said. " Last time me and orion.... Did the deed it was about a year ago. before he went into a coma." She said. She couldn't be pregnant. could she.

Joshua walked towards where this alleged tournament was being held and walked into the stands. He wondered if anyone he knew was involved in it.