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"We dear. You are pregnant and have young on the way. I'm a white witch and can seen these things," Miridia smiled and kissed her forehead before offering her hand to lead her to the main bedroom so she could relax.
Alta listened closely " Yeah if you are pregnant we can help" she said and she looked at her body, she didn't look pregnant but looks could be deceiving " she is wow thats great...." she said looking at Her and she walked in the living room and she sighed " I hope everything goes well" she smiled happily.
Catharine walked into the living room and sat down. She moved her hand over her stomach. So she was pregnant. She smiled before she laid down.
Alta sat beside Catharine and she sighed " Catharine if you need anything i'm here too" she said smiling at her friend and she sat in a chair and she closed her eyes and she smiled
'His Soul... It's so unique, it should be easy to find... yet it is not...'
The Master found himself searching through the dark void of lost souls, and the living ones. He made sure to steer clear of those living, as it may affect the person. Adam's soul had to be the only Black one. It had to...
'What is it is not? You stupid old man. He always spoke about his favorite color being Red...'
He searched in vain. He could not find the very unique soul possessed by Adam, or at least, it was possessed by Adam. For all the Master knows, Vex could have destroyed the soul, or simply taken it.
'I am not looking in the right place.' He thinks to himself. 'I need to go someplace much worse than this.'
Matt was teleported back to the stands where he then requested to go to the hotel room. Matt went into the bathroom and washed up and took a shower. Once Matt got out of the shower he redressed and looked at himself in the mirror. The images of Vex kept recurring and Matt reflected upon them. Matt angrily slammed his fist into the side of the sink, breaking a chunk off but it regenerated almost immediately. Matt grit his teeth and thought, Why? Why does it have to be like this?!
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Deep in space bright light could be seen shooting by planets at a high speed, planets with life being turned to dust almost immediately. "Faster...." Vex said to himself in a rough wild voice as he picked up speed, the stars around him looking like white streaks because of his intense velocity. His eyes were completely white as he monitored the echo dimension, more specifically, the Master. A large cartoonish grin spread across his face, "Not even close..."
Joshua walked around the stadium until he saw Lyric he let out a breath and sat beside her. He still loved her even if they couldn't be together. Luckily she thinks he's dead so she'll just think he's a doppleganger. He looked at the stadium wondering who might be next.
Lyric looked at the man that sat down beside her from the corner of her eye, deciding to pay better attention to the opponents she may be up against. She leaned back and sighed happily.
Joshua shook his head as he stared at the battle. He wondered what was so great about some tournament. " Barbaric." he mouthed. As he continued to watch.
Lyric sighed as she watched, studying potential weaknesses or loose points in defense. She wished that she could talk to someone but Miridia had disappeared.
Catharine rubbed her stomach and looked upwards. " Thank you both." She said. a tear came out of her eye. She rubbed her stomach as she thought of what names she might give the child. She then looked around. " ah have either of you seen Josh?" She asked.
Alta shook her head "No Miss Catharine..." she said and she smiled at her " I haven't " she said rubbing her arms and she smiled at her " I'm glad your having a child that means a new child in your life" she smiled happily.
Matt walked into the main room of the apartment and requested to go to where Darcel and Adam were. Matt was teleported to where they were and walked over to them, "So, how's he doing?" Matt asked Darcel as he looked at Adam's lifeless body. Out of nowhere Matt got a vision of Vex destroying planets that were all inhabited. Matt feel to his knees and again, his visual power had activated almost immediately. The red in Matt's eyes glowed a deep red as a single drop of blood came out of them, Vex stop this now! Matt yelled in his mind, hoping it reached Vex.
Darcel turned and looked at Matt. He gripped onto him, trying to help him stand. "Matt?! What's going on? Is it Vex?!" he questioned him. The drop of blood drifted into the air, and floated next to Darcel. It formed a small orb, as Darcel studied Matt's behavior. He slowed his heart beat, hoping to calm him down.
"Come on, Jace, you can do better than that." The tall, red headed Man loomed before the Master, a younger Master. Only about 15. "I'm sorry Master, but you're too strong..."
"Nonsense. You just don't want to hurt me."

The Master, Jace, swiped his hand through the air, and the memory faded. "Not what I was looking for." He grumbles as he can practically feel the soul of Adam draw nearer. "I'm so close..." He moved on his way, and another memory interrupted him.
"HOW COULD YOU!?" Jace cried at the Monstrosity before him that had claimed to have killed his Master. "I'll kill you!" He lunged, wielding the Rapier he had grown fond of. The Creature used It's thick arms to block each attack, and thrust it's massive left arm directly into Jace's chest. He went flying into a nearby Mountain. The Earth shook under the impact.
The Monster was a fake. It was just his Master in disguise, getting Jace to use the full extent of his power. Jace had been 17 at the time.
Jace shot from the Mountain side at the speed of light without his Rapier as he began pummeling blows at the Creature. It didn't appear as though Jace had arms, as they moved so fast, but this Creature blocked every blow, and dished out more pain than Jace could deliver. After every tactic, he could not even hit the Creature.
The Master waved this memory away. It was a distraction, and captivating. If he wasn't careful, he could get trapped here forever. He just needed to get to the right spot, and switch dimensions, grab Adam's Soul, reunite it with his Body, then find and kill Oros and Vex. "I need just a little more time..."
"Yeah.. it's Vex." Matt said as he panted. "His power has increased immensely. He was destroying planets with life just back flying past them. Turning them to dust." Matt said as he held on to Darcel's shoulder and used it as support as he stood straight up. "I don't know what he did to me to allow me to see these things." Matt said as he slowly walked over to the bed and sat on it. Matt took a deep breath, "Thanks for trying to help me out." He said to Darcel as he looked toward the floor. His face looked puzzled and confused.
Darcel sighed, and walked back over towards Adam's body. His hands faintly glowed, as he pumped Adam's heart. "I.. I really don't have an answer.. Maybe he is just trying to scare us? Warn us?" His voice broke a small bit, "Threaten us..?" He suggested. The boy let out another sigh.

Earia stalked around, as she watched the battles from above. Her axe dissipated, then remade itself into a scythe. She waited anxiously for her turn.
Kia sighed as she sat in the room, she knew vex would never come back to her and if he did...she would die before him , she got up and she saw Adam, she looked at him for a second and she went outside.

Alya groaned and she bent down next to Adam's body "is he dead?" she asked and she drooped "i guess our relationship didn't go as long" she said and she yawned " What was he doing?" she asked drooping.
Darcel turned towards Alya. "He isn't dead... But his soul left his mortal body. If he is able to return, that's why I am taking care of his mortal body." he sighed, and his hands began to glow brighter. "I'm not entirely sure.."

Earia felt a presence leave the hotel room. "Someone wasn't invited.." she mumbled to the announcers. The woman teleported in front of Kia, and held her Scythe to the girl's neck. "I don't remember inviting you here." she whispered in a soft, mono-tone voice.
Kia gasped and she whimpered " Hey Adam invited me...and so did vex..sorry" she drooped and she groaned saying his name , she was still mad for him leaving her for his evil deeds.

Alya groaned " ...." she stared and she drooped " Adam was ok for a boyfriend but i can't handle him..." she said standing up and she walked pass Darcel " i wanted a demon or something...Adam is just to powerful...i'm just afraid that he is gonna snap and kill me" she said shivering.
"Excuse me mam but I'd like to ask what you are doing," Miridia stepped forward and switched places with Kia. She met Earia's eyes with a cold look and didn't flinch when she felt the metal of the blade, "she is a guest of mine".
Earia pulled back her blade, "Ah... A witch." she let out a maniacal chuckle, and her blade dissipated. "I have a few of those on the council." she spoke, as she folded her hands behind her head. "Nice to meet you Miridia and Kia, I am Earia." she took a small breath, "The runner of this event... I don't really like guest, but I can make an exception for two cute women like your self." she smirked, and another laugh escaped her.

Darcel smiled and mumbled. "I know a pretty handsome demon.." he suggested.
Kia blushed and she shivered "thank you....wait cute you think i'm cute?" she asked and she smiled happily " Thank you Earia" she said and she smiled happily before she walked up to her " Hmm can i ask...can you ...hmm teach me how to fight with bladed weapons" she smiled at her.

Alya blushed and appeared behide him "handsome?...is he crazy...please say no..." she said sighing, she was about to lose her mind after what she had seen with Adam.
"Why thank you. I do hope this event won't damage our relationship," Miridia rolled her eyes and folded her hands infront of her with a gentle smile. She then backed up a step and turned her head to looks Kia over then back at earia, "you are with the concil? How nice".
Earia gave Miridia a wide grin. "Indeed. Sorry to disappoint white witch." She began to walk away until she heard Kia. "Isn't it bad to talk to strangers?" a devilish grin escaped her as she put her hand on the girl's shoulder, teleporting them to a practice arena.

"He isn't crazy... He is more like a dad than anything." he gave her a smile, "If you're interested, you know who to talk to!"
Kia gasped and she looked at Earia and she smile "wow this looks good" she said drawing her daggers and she smiled "I'm pretty good at Swift attacks and lunging attacks" she said smiling.

Alya nodded "OK Darcel?" she said "do i talk to you " she wagging her tail and her horns were showing ,"i wanna meet him" she smiled happily.
"Darcel. Are you talking about your blood friend," Miridia sighed as she walked over to take a seat beside the out of it Adam. She did a quick check before rolling her eyes and sighing, "what exactly led to this"?
Joshua yawned. He looked at Lyric. then looked at the stadium seeing that nothing was going on. He let out a breath. Hi I'm.... Andrew it's nice to meet you." He said as he lifted his hand towards her.
Darcel smiled at Miridia. "Akki get's lonely sometimes, especially when he isn't bothering me." he laughed a bit and turned back towards Alya. "I don't really now, but his soul left his body.. But can you take care of him for a bit Miridia? I want to show Alya my demon friend."

Earia looked at the girl, "Swift you say? Try to attack me." she smiled.
"Lyric," she looked over and nodded to him with a friendly smile. She took his hand and shook it. She noticed it was a break and stood up, looking about to see if there was anyplace to get food or if she could see some of her friends then sat down again, "so what dimension do you come from"?
"This one." He lied. " I'm a local." He said. He doubted she would see through that since Joshua was technically dead. " So where are you from?" he asked. He smiled a little bit as he looked into her eyes.
Kia smiled and she ran at her and she slashed at her chest.

Alya smiled happily and she giggled happily before she looked at them " Ok can i meet him now" she asked them.
Earia grabbed onto Kia's dagger, and broke it in half. "Too slow.." she mumbled. "You should really try this instead." she smirked as a small, pure black dagger appeared in her hand. "It's made out of the moon's energy.. I made it myself." she handed it to the girl.
"Oh! Well do you know where a good place to eat is," Lyric tilted her head and matched his smile. She crossed her arms and stretched her back, sighing happily when she heard a few bones wake up.
Kia gasped and she groaned " thank you Earia" she said taking the dagger and she felt a surge of energy go thru her and she smiled happily "wow" she said smiling at her and she hugged her.
Darcel hit the button on the wall, and a guard appeared. He told the man to take Alya and himself to a fancy place, before looking back at Miridia. "Take care of Adam for me!"

Earia looked at the girl. "No need to thank me.. Or hug me on that note." her voice was cold and empty, "Try to attack now." she smirked.
"We shall," Lyric laughed softly at his wording and took his hand gently, smiling. She blinked a couple times as she took the arena in one last time befor the next matches.

Miridia rolled her eyes and nodded with a smirk and giggle. She pushed healing spells and kept her charges blood flowing.
Alya blushed when they arrived and she looked around "wow this place looked nice" she said smiling at her surroundings and she smiled at Darcel waiting to meet the demon.

Kia nodded running back to the other side , she turned around and she ran at back at her slashing at her chest and trying to attack her.