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In a flash there were hundreds of copies of Vex and Oros pouring down on top of the Master, all with similar fighting stances and all moving in perfect harmony. A large portion let real power spinning kicks while while another portion created large orbs of black and white energy that were launched faster than a person could blink. "Lets make it fun shall we?" Oros said as all the attacks were released causing a deafening boom and a large chunk of planet to be vaporized. "This is far from over...." Vex' said with a neutral expression.
The Master remained in his spot, unharmed, untouched. A look of disappointment on his face. "I'm sorry Vex... I really did hope your humanity was still somewhere inside of you." His light blue eyes flashed Purple, and he raised his arm at Vex and Oros. "I regret this..." The entire sky turned Purple, and massive vibrations fractured the time and space structure around the three. Vex and Oros could feel the pain of these vibrations tearing away at their bodies almost ripping them apart simply by sound. The Master then cracks his knuckles. "I suppose I could use a good warm up. It's been a while since I actually fought someone."
Vex tensed up as the pain set in, he breathed slowly keeping calm before speaking softly, "Godstep...." he took a step to the right disappearing into nothingness. Oros' black aura expanded as streams of orange energy passed through it. His energy became a shield around him, quantum powers blocking out even the most brutal of attacks. He formed a ball of concentrated dark matter in his hand before launching it at the Master. "Where the hell did Vex shift to...." he thought to himself.
The Master simply blinked, and the attack disappeared as he awaited Vex. His eyes flashed light Blue, and he held his staff firmly, a faint red glow appearing from it. "Oros. Your effort is futile. You know neither you nor Vex stand a chance. Give up while you still can." The Master felt a disturbance, and a feeling of dread settled upon him. He could feel Adam's energy approaching. "Damn kid..."
Vex stood in a plain without existence, outside space and time. He looked up to see the glowing outlines of Oros and the Master, along with another outline approaching. He floated up to eye level with the others, unsure how because it seems his powers had vanished. "Looks like I wont be of much help till the Master drops his guard." His voice was distant and echoed. After a moment his head snapped to the side quickly as the other white outline approached, a wicked smile crossing Vex' face. "Adam....."
"Do you wish to die?" The Master asks Oros. His face never changing expressions. He's serious. "You've pointlessly taken poor, innocent lives. You do not deserve to live. You deserve only death." His eyes narrow. Adam appears nearby. "Master! I'll help you... uh..." He remains in the air, unsure of what he's barged in on. "Adam. Stay back." The Master tells his Pupil.
"Im gonna enjoy this!" Vex rushed throwing his fist into the souls mid-section as hard as his body would let him, the pain echoing through the soul and reverting back into Adam's ribs. He quickly spun around smacking the soul in the back with his closed fist.
Adam cries out in pain, and the Master turns his head back, looking to his Pupil. "Enough of this." The Master growls, and his eyes flash Red. He thrust his arm forward at Oros, and several beams of Red energy shot out at the speed of light. The red beams smashed through Oros' defense, and barreled into him, nearly tearing through him. Adam has no idea what's going on. He can only feel excruciating pain.
Oros let his defense shatter at the last second and held his arms out letting the attacks hit him full force. As the attacks came into contact with him white voids of nothingness opened up all over his body absorbing the energy. He stared at the Master, the orange flares in his aura burning brighter.
Vex watched and laughed as the spirit's voice echoed through the void. He grabbed hold of the souls head and began driving his knee between its eyes over and over again. "Fighting you has never seemed so fun!" He bellowed while continuing his onslaught.
The Master's expression remained as calm as ever. He blinked, and disappeared, reappearing behind Oros, slamming the tip of his Spear into his back, the red glow bursting in an explosion of color and power, sending Oros hurtling away at Super Sonic speeds as the Master appeared above him and slammed his Staff down, cracking over Oros to send him flying down as he disappeared and reappeared near the ground. He looks up at Adam's position, and narrowed his eyes.
Adam cried out in pain, unsure of how to react, unsure of what to do. The pain was one he'd never experienced before.
Oros stopped his flight and breathed heavily as his wounds healed, he looked at Vex then glanced at the Master. "He'll need some time..." Oros said thinking about his brother. "You better love me for this!" He smacked his hands together letting energy build before holding them out in front of him. Orange waves of unstoppable quantum energy slammed into the Master from either side, being compacted down into a smaller and smaller point before quickly expanding outward. The whole planet went pitch black for a second, a loud whistling sound could be heard and when light filled the sky again, a small black orb could be seen in place of the master, intense pain and struggle spread over Oros' face. "Victor hurry up!" His voice echoed through reality back into the spirit dimension.
Vex looked over to see his brothers energy dwindle to almost nothing. "Looks like ill have to speed this up...Godshift" as he said this half his body seemed to pixelate and float away before reassembling back in reality right next to Adam. "I must work quickly!" both halves spoke at the same time as one half grabbed the spirits neck and the other half grabbed Adam's coller. He roared, pulling them apart with all his energy, a crackling glow was brought forth as the body and soul were slowly ripped away from each other.
The Master narrowed his eyes as he raised his hand to the orb, and after a few moments, it disappeared with a 'pop'. A thin bead of sweat trickled down the old man's face. His eyes widened, and he glanced up at Adam and Vex. "No!" He growled. At faster than light speeds, he rose to their position, slamming the side of his staff into Vex's Jaw, cracking it in two as he then deftly swung the staff the other way, and the hilt smashed into Vex, crushing his sternum as the Master grabbed a hold on Adam's arm and the two disappeared, the Master having taken Adam and fled, hoping he was not too late.
A few main parts of the battle flashed before Matt's eyes, "It seems to be over." Matt said as he grit his teeth, "Hopefully Adam didn't die." Matt said quietly as he pulled his fist from the crater he created in the wall. The whole in the wall immediately regenerated, Matt looked up from the floor and walked around the fighter's bench, he pondered on the various thoughts that entered his mind as he reflected on the visions.
Vex' halves snapped back together, the injuries he sustained freezing him in place as they healed. "Moderfurghshh....." he sputtered trying to talk before he was completely healed.
He cracked his jaw back in place and looked down at Oros who was lying on the ground barely alive. "You idiot, we never use our full power remember?"
Vex began trying to heal his brother only for Oros to grab his hands and stop him. "No Victor...this is the perfect chance to complete your training..." Oros' voice was rough and ragged, he poured his very life energy into that attack just to hold off the Master.
"What are you talking about?! You need to be healed!" Vex' voice was panicked as he felt his brothers soul energy flicker.
Oros grinned, "Your growth has slowed drastically, its not because your reaching your limit or your training is to easy...You no longer have the motivation, the key element to increasing your strength is the will to push your limits, youve lost it."
Vex' eyes began to tear up as his brother spoke, unsure of what to say.
"What you need is motivation.." Oros said as he pressed his thumb against Vex' forehead. "Im giving you all the power I can, use it well."
Tears began to stream down his face as he realized his brother plan, "Please dont die Oros...."
The older sibling winced as his energy began to flow from him to Vex. "There is one absolute way to obtain more power....anger. Anger will overtake you, let your hate build and along with it, so will your power....I love you brother" As Oros finished the last his energy poured into Vex.
He stared at Oros' lifeless body as tears poured from his face, the last remaining family he had, his own brother, died in his arms.
"WHAT WAS THE POINT!?!?!" His voice was a broken as his will, "WE COULDVE KEPT TRAINING! YOU DIDNT HAVE OT DIE!!" He roared digging his hands into the ground, the newfound energy surging around him.
He tilted his head up, anger and confusion filling his eyes, he screamed as the ground cracked around him, the planet slowly being engulfed in light, then, the explosion.
Matt saw the whole thing.. Vex's brother's death, and the explosion of the planet. Matt dropped to his knees and held his eyes. His eyes glowed a dark red between his fingers, "What... Just... Happened?" Matt asked as it seemed he had felt the pain Vex was feeling. Matt's eye flickered as beads of sweat dripped down his face.
The Master appeared beside Matt, holding a limp Adam in his arms. "Damn kid." The Master growled as he landed on his feet. Adam had been pushing himself beyond his limitations lately, but this seemed to be too much... Adam seemed... lifeless...
"Kid. Take him." The Master thrust Adam upon Matt. "His Soul is gone. I must retrieve it." With that, the Master disappeared.
Matt's eyes continued to glow a dark red as he looked back at The Master and shook his head in understanding. Matt picked up Adam and carried him over to the wall and place him up against it. Matt looked down at Adam as the red in his eyes intensified, the blood vessels in the white of his right eye even glowed...
Catharine looked at Alta and smiled. " My species is able to manipulate energy." She said. She took the tea and looked at her. " So how is you're home planet like?" she asked.

Helios bit deep into the crystal like skin and shattered it. " Don't try to mess with me Elephant man. My teeth can break through anything."
Alta sighed and she began to think, " Oh its nice, caves and water just about everywhere but we have such a harsh gravity" she said and she smiled "that we have to live in caves most our lives before we began able to make machines" she said and she looked at Catharine and she shapeshifted into a cat and she sat in her lap " You know your nice...so whats your home like?" she asked.
She petted the now cat Alta. " I don't know." She said. " I was sent to earth at a young age. My kingdom was in a state of civil war. So my farther sent me and a close friend of hiss's son to earth." She said. " The they came there. Everyone on earth that I care about is dead. My husband, My best friend and everyone else that I ever cared about." She said before a tear came out of her eye.

Josh gently touched Catharines shoulder. " Well you're here now." He said. " I'll do what I can to protect you." He said.
" Thank you." Catharine said.
Alta sighed and she drooped before she turned back human and she hugged her close " I'll be here for you too" she said and she shivered " I don't know much from my planet except what it looks like like 200 years ago but now i think everyones dead " she said and she drooped " Its not like my kind could live anyway we can easily die " she said and she looked at Catharine and she hugged, pressing her face into her chest. " Hey wanna be my friend?" she asked smiling.
Horton flinched. "That's useful." He said to the dog man. He then sung his arm to slam Helios onto the ground. He then crystalized his arm. "But that won't help you from advoiding impact." He said quietly as he smashed his arm strait at Helios.
" Gladly." She said as she was suffocating on the shapeshifters chest. She pulled out and smiled. " Yeah You're my friend." She said.

Helios yipped. His hands started to twitch before they stopped moving. "And he's out." Brandon said. " I guess we'll move to the next round no matter how the next match goes."
Alta blushed and she pulled away, "ekk sorry..." she said and she sat on her legs and she smiled "sorry for almost Suffocating you" she said and she smiled happily "yay a new friend"
Catharine smiled as he saw her. "So then." She said as she looked from Alta to Joshua. "Do you know when Miridia is expose to get back?" She said. She then looked at Alta. " Yeah it's going to be nice to have friends again." She said as she pulled both of them into a hug.
Alta smiled and she sighed happily before she looked down " Huh Miridia....whos that?" she asked and she sighed " I don't her" she said and she laid on Catharine's lap and she yawned looking at her " Hey Catharine...wanna maybe hang out with me?" she asked smiling.
Joshua raised an eye brow as he looked at the image before him. " Well I think I'll leave you both alone for a bit." He said as he headed to one of the beds. " Also Alta Miridia is the person who is renting this room." He said before laying down on the bed. his body quickly adjusted to the feeling of the bed. as it felt much better then the accommodations he's had.

Catharine smiled and looked at her. " Sure." She said. "What do you want to do?"
Alta sighed and she put a hand on hers "well i want to get to know you to see if i like you as much as i like you right now" she said and she chuckled "you are kind of pretty but you know looks can be deceiving " she said and she nodded "oh ok Joshua" she said smiling and she sighed as she looked Catharine. she was happy, she meet another alien girl, she never did like humans because they were weird but she had always had a taste for other aliens. well girls that was but thats not her fault its how she was raised her species were a all female race the well you get the memo. they were different.
" Well let's get to know each other." She said as she moved her hand away from the other girl. She was a little creeped out by her but she could look past that part. She smiled though it was only a shadow of how she use to be with her friends. Her loving husband Orion who died only a few months ago trying to protect her, While she decided she would try and make things better in this universe she will always remember those who died because of her.
Alta looked at her and she stood up, and she looked at her and she sighed "sorry for sitting in your lap" she said and she ran over to a chair and she sat down, she groaned this time, she felt stupid now because she didn't know that she had to be slow unlike her customs "So ....we are friends right?"she asked and she smiled " Sorry if i creeped you out" she said. "I come from a species that has one gender..thats why i'm weird....please don't think i'm trying to be like that..." she said and she sighed again " Also my species is a liquid species that can shape shift into almost anything thats a animal or humanoid" she said and she smiled.
" Yeah we're friends." Catharine said. "But just know that I'm Hetero okay." She said with a smile. " So tell me about yourself Alta." She said as he she leaned back in her chair.
Alta nodded and she nodded "sure...." she said drooping, now kind of feeling sad, "oh about myself well i'm 16 in human years but in alien years i'm 23 " she said and she sighed and she drooped " so what about you?" she asked.
Darcel heard the announcer's blare, "Next Match!" He glanced around terrified, until he clenched his fist. There was really nothing that could of prepared him for a fight, but he knew he had to. He walked over towards the center, and patted Horton on the back."Good one." he mumbled.
Matt looked away from Adam, and looked toward Darcel. The look on his face lightened up a bit, "Good luck Darcel!" Matt yelled as the red in his eyes lightened before it turned back to light blue. "Hurry up Gramps, Adam's body is getting cold." Matt said as he sat on the bench as he glanced over at Adam every few minutes.
The Master found himself outside of the Shrine. "Hmm." It was worse than he remembered. Beaten, weathered, old. Just like him. Oh the Irony. The Master could be found outside one second, and the next second he was inside, before the Monument. He could remember training here as a Child. The eyes of the Monument, shaped like a Lion with the face of a Man, opened. "I would like to see him." The Monument stares at him, then it slides slowly to the side, and the Master appears in a Study, laden with Cobwebs, Books, and a lone Skeleton. "Sorry about this, Master." The Master says, and points his finger at his former Mentor. The Skeleton turns to dust, and an orb falls to the Chair it sat upon. It's small, and black. 'I never thought this day would come...' The Master picks up the orb, and it faded. His eyes flashed black, and he gasped as the powers of hell itself entered him. His eyes returned to their usual Brown. "Now I have the power to..." His eyes return to Black, and he fades away, entering the next realm, in search of Adam's Soul.
Dasken took a seat and leaned back after Darcel's match. He knew Horton and Matt would do just fine; he also knew that Darcel needed all the motivation he could get. He looked around, curious on when he would get a chance to fight.
Darcel turned back towards Matt, "Thank you!" he replied back. After a few seconds, he became inpatient. He sat down and crossed his legs, and held his hands in a triangle position. "Teleportation? Bombs? Possibilities.." he thought to himself.
Campbell walked onto the field. He knew his team lost but at least he would try and score a victory. event though he knew in these kind of conditions he was probably the weakest. " Good luck." he said to Darcel before bowing in a sign of respect towards the younger man.

Catharine looked at her. "I'm twenty one in earth years but I'm twenty four in Quzacion years." She said as she smiled at her. " What do you like to do for fun."
Darcel stood and bowed, but then sat back down. His hands went back into triangle position, "I do not strike first. Go ahead." he whispered, fear tingling in his voice.