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" Well come on." Brandon said as he offered her his hand. " we got an entire world to see." He said before leaning down and kissing his wife's lips.

James walked into a room with Valone and a figure that was standing in the shadows.
" So how is you're mission going." Valone asked.
" Going as planned." James said. He was smiling. " Miridia doesn't suspect a thing. All I had to do was say I was really sorry and she let me back into the fold. None of those fucks think I'm any different." He said. " Nice idea by the way. having me pretend to be upset about that lie. Middie said." He laughed as he sat down at the table. " So what's next."
"Simple." Charles said as he stepped out of the shadows. "We prepare for war." He said. " Soon the multiverse will be under the council's control." he said.
James looked at them. "What about Joshua. What should I do with him?"
" Kill him." Valone said without hesitating. " Get rid of that weakness and rise into the provinces we both know you're capable of.
"Come on," grace giggled and stood up, pulling him away from their seats and toward the exit. She pressed to his side and kissed his cheek, "we should go on a family vacation".

Miridia didn't show any signs of what her shadows were saying. She kept her anger hidden, the little devil that was the fragment of Middie giggling behind her skull as the dark witch had almost gone completely looney.
"yeah we should." Brandon said as he kissed her forehead. "Though we might want to wait until Alex is a little older first." He said as looked at her. " So where should we go." He asked. As he said that he was teleported to the ring. " guess the match is starting.

James walked into the dungeon and looked at Joshua. " You know you should be lucky. You're finally getting you're wish." He said before punching Joshua's stomach. " Ecu on antis." He said as a blade appeared in his arm. "Good bye Joshua." He said as he moved the blade towards Joshua
A shadow wrapped around James wrist and a figure that demanded respect stepped out of darkened corner. Miridia raised an eyebrow, tilting her head as she looked them over, though her smile wasn't her own. She wore the same grin that Miridia wore when she was shot but Miridia's eyes held a darkened glee in them, "care to explain? I wish to know why oh why my shadows have been buzzing like little bees".
"AND NOW, THE NEXT MATCH!" Bellowed a man into a microphone in the judge's area.
"For the Earth Six team..."
Zak's soft pretzel fell out of his mouth.
Dasken grinned.
"And Horton! And as for Earth Three..."
Darcel's face turned bright red. "W-WHAT?!" he held onto his head, and buried it into his chest. "Damn it!" he mumbled.

Earia giggled at the sight of the 15 year old. She remembered his blue-black hair, and his freckled face.

Darcel teleported to the arena, along with the other members. He turned his head back, and gave his team a terrified glimpse.
Ethan heard Horton being called and smirked. "All right big guy, go out there and beat up some losers." He said. Horton looked at Ethan. "Ok sir." Horton said before he was teleported to the stage.
Matt solemnly accepted his place in the match as the 15 year was teleported toward the arena. "Don't worry Darcel we'all be fighting together." Matt said with a serious look on his face. "We will win for sure." Matt said with as he made a confident grin.
Dasken nearly leapt out of the stands.
Upon noting the weird looks he was getting and Zak nearly melting into his seat directly next to Dasken, he shrugged. "So I have pride in my team." He turned back over the rail. "BEAT THEIR ASSES DOWN TO THE GROUND!"
A female cat like being stood in the arena. " This is purrfect." She said as she scratched her head. " So which of you boys am I up against." She said as she looked at them.
The announcer stood, extatic.
Darcel glanced in the direction of the cat, and looked towards Matt. "Hopefully.." he complained. He then heard Dasken screaming in the distance, and let out a soft giggle.
" I don't think we have all day boys." She said as she winked at them. "So which of you handsome and not so handsome." She said as she directly looked at Horton. " Am I up against."
(OOC, Actually I'm planning on introducing an alien girl myself. So after she get's freed from the dungeon she could interact with you're character.)
"Phft, this is why I hate cats..." Matt said as he ran his hand through his hair. Then looked around for the other members of the team, but he didn't see them. Matt then took a deep breath, he was ready.
James looked at Miridia and smiled. " It's nothing Miridia." He said as he smiled at her. " I just need to take care of something." He said as he tried to break free from the shadow. " Just have to deal with some prisoners."
Joshua muffled as he banged the helmet against the wall. He banged his head once fallowed by two times almost imidatly after each other fallowed by two more times then two more times.
"Make the blade go away," Miridia moved closer and crouched down beside Joshua, reaching out with her hand to lift his head and look over his helmet, "this is very finely crafted. Why does he where it"?
James looked at her. " He's a criminal." He said. " The helmet neutralizes his powers." He said as he walked closer to her. " You should go back to the stadium. I'm here to escort him to his execution." He said.
"Id like to see his face. I have a neutralizer with me if that helps," Miridia stood up and kept her grin on her face as she held her hands behind her back. She tilted her head and bunched her eyebrows together, "it's not like I have anything to do anyway. Magic users arnt allow or atleast I'm not allowed and I was growing bored".
" alright." James said. He looked at Joshua before he opened the mask. Joshua's faced was practically all bone there was no bit of fat on him. he tried to form words but couldn't do to not being able to speak for two years.
" Now you see him." James said. " Now you should get going." He said as he created a small blade. If he had too he was going to take her out.

Selly looked at the men. " Either one of you decide or i'm going to take it that none of you are able to hit a woman. She said. " Too scared of my claws maybe."
"Hmph." Matt said as he glanced at the cat lady. "Any takers on her?" Matt asked as he looked at Darcel and Horton. "If you guys don't want to take her I will." Matt said with a smirk.
Matt then looked back at the cat lady, Cat powers? What can that do? Matt asked to himself as he quickly analyzed her.
"No. You do know how pledging yourself to someone works? No matter if you have another you still pledged yourself to me and I'm a magical being so doing that was like signing a contract and you should know how dangerous that can be. Put the blade away and back down or so help me," Miridia growled and took a step forward. Her shadows giggles and a few materialized into tall grinning creatures, a few make themselves seem as they circled their master and the aggressor.
Joshua weakly grabbed Miridia's sleeve. " H...Hel..Help MMME." He strained. " P...Please Mir...Mir... Mirida." He said. As he looked up at her. "Fuck this. By the way bitch I'm no longer you're servent." James said as he snapped his fingers as he was teleported away.
Catharine woke up and looked around the room she was in. " Hello!" She yelled. She saw two people in the room. One looked like he hadn't had a meal in weeks and the other was a woman. " Can you please get me out of here?" She asked.
"Of course dear," Miridia smiled and broke his harnesses before one of her materialized shadows picked him up, oddly warm like a blanket.
The witch them moved to the girl and nodded to her, shattering her entrapment equipment and another shadow picked up Catharine.
" Thank you." Joshua said weakly as he looked at Miridia. He smiled. " I still pledge myself to you Miridia. Even if i'm back to being Joshua now." He said.
Catharine looked at them and smiled. " I'm Catharine." She said. " Who might you both be?"
"Joshua Moreland." Josh said as he looked at her.
"Just call me Miridia," the witch smiled at both of them before nodding to her shadows and opening a portal to the room she was staying in. She walked through and her shadows followed her, whispering quietly in her ears as she focused on getting them food and drink.
Joshua slowly took a bite of bread knowing that it was a bad idea to eat it all at once. "What have I missed? What did he do?" he asked her.
Catharine watched them as she ate. She thought back to her friends who would never see another sun rise.

Selly looked at the boy. " Well come at me boy." She said as she walked up to him. " If you think you can."
Matt smirked as he drew his blade, and waited to activate his Sharingan. "I'll let you have the first move." Matt said as he glared at Selly. Matt then looked back toward Darcel and nodded. Matt readied his blade, ready for any attack Selly was about to throw at him.
"Not much since he has return," Miridia sighed as she sat down and calmed her shadows who were now practically buzzing with delight. The witch flopped back onto a bed and sighed, "just so you know. If I barge out of the room suddenly and you here yells don't follow me. The shadows want to hunt and have chosen a target but I don't want that to happen".
Understood." He said as he continued to eat. He let out a breath and pulled Miridia close to him as he kissed her lips. " Sorry I just to do that. Not to mention the fact that we still have a date."
Catharine raised an eye brow then giggled.
"You didn't see anything," mirida pointed a finger at her other guest as she looked at Joshua with stern eyes. She crossed her arms and stood up, "well that date will have to wait until later. We have something more pressing here. I don't want either of you moving from this room or without me or someone I trust".
"Understood" They both said. Joshua looked at Miridia. " Once again I'm sorry for that behavior Ms. Miridia." he said before he took a bite out of his food.
"What have I said about the miss thing. Seriously drop it, makes me feel old," she made a face at the word and shook her head before starting toward the door, "I have to go. The shadows will be watching you and if anyone tries anything will notify me and attack".
Selly smiled as she jumped at the boy she bared her claws as she tried to slash at his face.
Joshua looked at Miridia and smiled. " Well I like to mess with you." He said. " Plus I'm saying it as a sign of respect.
Matt easily deflected the slash with his sword, then he shot a kick right at her stomach, hoping to send her flying backward.
She's pretty fast, and I better be careful of those claws. Matt thought to himself while launched the kick. He got ready to activate his eyes the next move.
She felt the man's kick. She grabbed his foot and moved her claws towards his face again. " You'll have to be better than that." She said.
At that moment, Matt activated his Mangekyou Sharingan. Time seemed to be slowed as he electrified his foot, shocking the cat lady and avoiding the second slash toward his face. "This is where the real fun begins." Matt said with a smirk as his eyes burned red. He then used lightning to quickly get behind the lady and he then shot a series of kicks and sword slashes at her.