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He smiled at her as he walked around externally he kept his suave appearance internally he had no idea what he was doing. He already gave up on their relationship yet something kept pulling towards her. " So what kind of food do you like?" He asked.
The dagger clanked off of Earia's armor, and a small spark shot into the air. "My armor is made of it too.. But can't you see that you are faster? More powerful?" she suggested. "If an opponent has armor, try to slash at the person's openings and or flaws in the armor." she smirked, and looked down at the girl. "I'll change my armor, for this one has no weaknesses." she suddenly appeared in silver armor, her chest slightly exposed. "Try now."

Darcel nodded, and bent onto the floor. A demon erupting from his back.

The demon had black hair, and curly ram like horns. His skin was bright red, for his body was made of blood. "Hello master.." his voice was deep and soft, and very alluring.
"I'm not very picky. Where I'm from food is food. As we kinda live away from society," Lyric tried to explain as she smiled at her guide. She was keeping her guard up though, the experience with bad Dopplegangers making her wary of the man that looked like Josh.
" Oh that's interesting." He said as he walked until he stopped infront of what looked like a diner. ' Surely they have food in there." He said as he walked to the door and held it open for her. "Ladies first." He said.
Alya waved "Hi i'm Alya" she smiled at him and she giggled happily before she sat down " Are you....the blood demon Darcel told me about" she asked and she smiled at her.

Kia nodded and she smiled, she was faster, and a lot powerful probably even powerful than when she was vex, she ran back at her and she slashed at her chest armor and she blushed seeing her chest
"Thank you," Lyric stepped in looked about to see what the place was like, humming softly as she took the details in.

Miridia patched over to people and found Josh and Lyric. She rolled her eyes and giggled, whispering to Josh with the shadows, "what are you doing"?
' I walked to the stadium sat by Lyric without noticing it." He said. " Nothing was going on so I introduced myself as Andrew. Since I doubt she even remembers me.' He said before finding a table and sitting down. " So Lyric how has you're day been?" he asked her.
The dagger broke the armor, and cut into Earia's skin. "Isn't it powerful?" she seemed unfazed by the fact that she was bleeding everywhere.

Akki Blushed, and seperated himself from the boy's body. He wore Black daedric armor, with hints of dark red here and there. "I'm the only blood demon there is.. Nice to meet you Alya, my name is Akki." he smirked.

Darcel looked weirded out that his father figure was with Alya. He teleported back to the hotel room to leave the two be. He patted Matt on the back, and took care of Adam's physical body.
Matt sighed as he looked Adam's lifeless body, "Man, girls can leave just a leave a relationship just like that." Matt said to Adam's body. "We'll have some explaining to do once you wake up man." Matt said quietly he tried to smile, but he just couldn't. Matt then scowled, "Vex.. He killed many innocent people, nearly killed Adam, and hurt some of my friends." Matt said as his eyes glowed a dark red, "I will get... Revenge." Matt said as his right eye flashed a purple color with ripples for a split second.
"Good. It's been very interesting though I do miss my little ones," Lyric sighed as images of Sabrina and Zackery popped into her head. She sat down across from him and her face had a gentle smile.

Miridia giggled and rolled her eyes as she let two have their fun and looked back to darcel and Matt, nodding to them.
"Little ones." He said as he looked at her. " What are their names?" He asked. a waiter brought over a couple glasses of water. He looked at her and smiled. He wanted to tell her but knew it was best if he didn't not yet anyways.
"Sabrina, Zackery, and my youngest Cassie," Lyric smiled and took a sip of water, eyes flickering around as she looked around the place then back at him. She shuffled a bit and straightened her back, "what about you? Do you have kids or anyone"?
"No." He said as he took a sip of water. "Every relationship I end up in I always end up ruining." He said thinking back to when he and Lyric were dating and then to him and Miridia. " One way or another. I think I'm just going to give up on love." He said. " So since you have kids are you married?" he asked.
Matt looked surprised after the purple flash in his eye faded, he then looked over to Darcel, "I guess you're right, but I think fighting with him is inevitable." Matt said coldly as he turned to look out the window. Matt sighed again, "So, do you know if there is anymore matches involving us?" Matt asked as he watched the various scenery out the window.
"No. We are engaged but have never gotten actually married," Lyric laughed gently as she brushed some hair out of her face and leaned forward to rest her cheek on her elbow. She relaxed but kept am ear out, "though he's seemed a little more distant as of late".
"At the end.. it's going to be 10 V 10.. So we are going to be in that.. " he paused. "I'm not sure about anything else though.. Anyways, I shall refrain from fighting that monster."
"That's a shame." He said. " If I was engaged to you I would've married you in a heart beat." he said. He gulped. " Please don't take that the wrong way." He said. " I mean if I knew you then yeah I would've." He let out a breath. " I'm sorry I just seem to be rambling on please ignore all of that."
Lyric giggled at his rambles and covered her mouth with her free hands as her eyes danced with amusement. She leaned back and shook her head, "it's fine. It's endearing infact, a compliment even".
"10 v 10 huh." Matt said as a smirk ran across his face. "That will be.. Interesting." Matt added as he continued staring out the window. Matt then closed his mind and felt something stirring deep within his subconscious mind. Whether it was a new power or something else, he was not sure.
"Thanks." He said as he looked away a bit. He let out a breath and looked at her. " I have a confession to make." He said as he looked at her. " We have met before."
"We have," Lyric asked as she furrowed her brows in confusion before but on her lower lip and squaring her shoulders, raising her chin as she looked at him, "from where"?
Akron woke up and clutched his stomach, realizing how hungry he had been. He walked into the kitchen and noticed no one was there. Oh, well. Might as well eat out, then. Akron found a nearby diner about two miles away and headed inside. He walked over to a table next to the door and casually looked at the menu. "Hm, the fried chicken sounds great. Maybe I should get that," He said out loud.
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" You knew me as Joshua." He said. As he looked at her. " You probably think I was some idiot who got eaten by hounds." He said. He looked over to Akron who some how magically teleported here. He clenched his hand into a fist before looking back at Lyric with a smile.
Kai gasped and she froze the cut and she drooped " Ekk Earia i'm so sorry" she said and she smiled at her and she drooped"Please forgive me for cutting you..." she frowned and she nodded "yes mistress i am stronger now"

Alya nodded and she bowed to him, the Fire demon looked at him and she smiled happily " Hi i'm Alya i'm a fire Demon" she said smiling at her and she sat beside him " Are you nice?"She asked
"Don't worry child.. I didn't feel it." she smirked, and changed back into her heavy armor. "Try getting behind me, and striking me there." she suggested.

Akki bowed back to her, and took her hand, leading her to a seat. "If you call raising an orphaned child nice, then I guess so. I would do anything for that boy." he spoke.
"I now you didn't die. You gave me those memories back but I thought you were going by James now," she hummed then turned to look at akron and smiled at him. She moved over and whistled at her fiancé, "akron! Why don't you join my and Josh"?
Kia nodded and she ran back and she charged at Her and she slashed at her chest and she went behide her and she tried to to slash at her back trying to break it.

Alya nodded and she smiled at him " Yeah your a lot calmer and nicer than my last..." she said and she drooped. adam was nice but crazy "and your not crazy" she smiled
She knew.... Joshua tried to wrap his head around how that might of happened. ' James you fucking bastard.' He said. Joshua stood up. " You know I'm not that hungry now." He said doing his best not to show any signs of jealousy. He threw some money on the table. "This should be enough for you both." He said before making his way outside.
Earia nodded at the girl's attack. "Good one, but I could've easily deflected it.." She looked around, "Try harder."

Akki nodded, "I've heard of Adam, Darcel likes to talk to me while he sleeps. I resent in his blood stream, but we finally learned to disconnect for some time.." he sighed, and turned back towards her. "How are you this evening ms Alya?"
"Josh! Sit down! I haven't been able to talk to you like this in forever or so help me," Lyric stood up and spun to grab his hand and force him to stop, eyes narrowed as she looked him over and tugged him towards the table, "and you look awe fully skinny! Not a healthy size so come here".
Kia nodded and she bowed , she ran back and she went to attack her again, slashing harder and trying harder.

Alya smiled at him and she looked down " Huh you knew of adam" she said and she smiled happily and she sighed "he was ok but too crazy for me" she said and she smiled "I'm good for tonight." she smiled.
"Where have you been? What happened to being James," she leaned forward after sitting back down and rested her chin on her hands, humming softly in question.
Earia grabbed onto the girl's head, and pushed her face first into the ground. She grabbed the girl's arms, and folded them onto her back. She stole the girl's dagger, and twiddled it in her hands. "See, an easy opening.. Hit as hard as you can, don't see me as a practice 'friend' see me as an enemy." she tossed the dagger back to Kia.

"I'm glad to see you're good ma'am." he sighed, "Did you have a connection with Adam? You seem to care for him a lot." he questioned the she-demon.
" A person... I don't know his name or remember his face appeared in front of me." He said as he looked at her. " He offered me power, anything I wanted." He said. " I already made one deal with a witch and I screwed everything up then." He said. " Anyways the person through some kind of chain into me and separated me into two beings. James and Joshua. James being much darker than me over powered me and joined the wizard. Me I was put into a dungeon with a neutralizer helment on. I stayed there until Miridia freed me earlier today." He said. He looked at her. " It wasn't me that showed you those memories. I asked Miridia to keep them a secret because I knew you were happier without me in you're life."
"I understand the last part but are you ok," she asked as and leaned over to reach our, lifting his chin to look at his face to see any lasting damage that might have been. She made an upset face and sighed, "are you sure you are safe? Maybe Miridia can get you home or in a pocket dimension"?
"I'll be fine." He said. He looked at her. " If James wanted to kill me I'm pretty sure I would've been killed a long time ago." He then looked at her. " I don't think I have my powers anymore." he said.
"Are you fine without them? I'm sure Miridia could look into but no draw backs it pains," the mother pressed and moved over to his side of the table to get a better look before ordering a burger and shooting Josh a look that said he had to order or he wasn't leaving the dinner.
" I'll have what she's having." He said. He looked at her. "I'm fine without my powers." He said as he smiled a little bit. " Thanks for being here." He said.