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Lyric let him go and finished her food with a sigh. She smiled brightly at her fiancé and blinked, "where have you been? I didn't see you at the tournament"?

Miridia leaned back on the counter and tried to reach out to Josh, asking if he wanted a teleport back to the room.
"Yeah sure." Joshua said. He let out a breath and sucked it up. " I'm not that depressed bastard anymore." He told himself. " I can get through this."
'Alright. Stand still," Miridia rolled her eyes as she caught the fleating thoughts and casted a teleportation spell to bring Josh back to the room. The white witch also keeping tabs one the other alien friend.
"What did you do," Miridia hummed and offered the man a cup of tea before sitting back on a shadow and sipping her own, a book appearing infront of her.
" I told Lyric how I felt about her." He said as he sipped his tea. " Don't know what I was expecting. All I did was make everything a lot more awkward." He said. " God I really am terrible at romance." He said.
"You've told her that how many times then ran away. You are quite bad," she hummed and sipped her drink. She opened her book with one hand and started looking through the pages.
"Yeah I know." He said as he laid down. " Luckily she's with someone who cares about her." He said. "Truthfully I was going to change my act around her. Those two years being chained up really did change me." He said. "I'm sorry for how things turned out between us as well. I think I should just stop dating. It'll probably be better for everyone."
"That is up to you. Some people usually try to go out with people that arnt the same person. Maybe you are right and should focus on yourself for a bit. I'm not a psychiatrist do I can't say for sure," Miridia shrugged and sipped her tea. She lowered her book and hummed in thought for a moment, "perhaps that was the best thing to happen".
" You're right." He said. " Thanks Miridia. You always seem to be the one person I can talk to who actually tries to explain things." He said before laying his head on the pillow.
"I'm a interdimenional traveling white witch that can turn into a snake monster and talks to mostly invisible shadows. If I don't then no one will," she shrugged and offered to refill his tea as hers was done and being refilled as they spoke. The witch continued to read but her eyes flickered over to look at him, "so your powers. How have you been without them"?
He gave her his cup. He looked at her and smiled. " I actually feel great without them." He said as he looked at her. He didn't know what he was thinking but just said it. " Would you like to go out with me.... Just as friends of course."
"I would like too. Will you be joining us back at home after this is done or leaving to make your own way," Miridia hummed and slid off of the shadow chair to flex her leg muscles and hand the cup to a close by shadow.
"Well me and Lyric have been talking about getting everyone out of my cabin so I can cut back on it and start building more houses. Also I'm building a forge so you could also move in as a leather smith or blacksmith to help expand our homestead," Miridia offered her hand so that she could teleport both of them from the room to walk about, "so where too"?
" I don't know." He said as he looked at her. " Do you know any good places in this universe." He said as he looked at her. He gently held her hand.
"No. I know a great seafood place a couple over but didn't you just eat," she tilted her head as she started priming a spell for use. She sighed and looked him over, "though you do need to eat more. Still need to get you to a healthy weight as my magic only did so much".
"Yeah I should probably put some more meat on these bones." He said as he looked at her. He then frowned. "I'm sorry for what James put you threw." He said as he looked at her.
"Let's not think about it," she said before teleporting them to a large restaurant that was built into the water. She walked forward and got a table on the lower floor, making her way down to the floor that's Windows looked into the water and reefs. Fish swam around the circular room, illuminated by lights outside.
"Wow." James said as he looked at the windows. He smiled a little bit. "This is beautiful." He then looked at Miridia. " So how have you been the past couple of years?" he asked.
"Good good. Trying to get people out of my house and until their own but good," she sat down and flipped open a menu that was layed there. She straightened her back and looked at him with soft eyes, "I've been thinking about perhaps getting an apprentice or maybe going on another journey through dimensions like I did when I was younger".
He looked at her. " If you want a companion for that journey you can count me in." He said as he looked at her. "If you'll have me." He said as he took a sip of his drink.
"It's still up in the air as it would mean leaving everyone for a period of time that I haven't decided if I want to go through. Also you would have to realize that we'd be going through dimensions were things are very diffrent and you won't be able to say anything. In some witches are still being hunted so are forced to live in shadows," Miridia ordered the lobster and a glass of white wine as she wanted to relax a little bit.
He orderd the same thing. " It doesn't matter." He said as he looked at her. " I will have one hell of a witch by my side." He said. He looked at her. He blushed as he noticed how beautiful she was. " Damnit I can't do it." he said as he looked at her.
"Do what," she asked as the drinks arrived and picked up a her glass to sip it. She looked at him with curious but bored eyes. A small smile playing on her face as she leaned back.
He sipped from his wine and looked at her. " I can't stop searching for a relationship." He said as he looked at her. " I wanted to just come here as a friend but I just can't see you that way Miridia. You've been there for me so many times. And I've done my best to not hurt you. You've given me advice and guidance." He took sipped his wine as he looked at her." I think I'm falling for you." He said as he looked at her. he braced himself for whatever she might do next.
"Well then good for you," she shrugged and smiled. It was a friendly smile, no judgment held anywhere on her face. She leaned forward and lifted his chin took look at him, "I am not rejecting your advance but I want you to think about this a little more. You were just with a woman that you said and loved but couldn't have. I want you to to think a little more and maybe wait a few more days".
"Okay." He said. He broke the exoskeleton of the lobster before starting to eat it. He looked at her and smiled. " So other than that how has you're day been?" he asked.
"Busy. I met the person who is running the tournament as she tried to attack one of our alien friends. Had to keep one of our friend's body going because he went on an out of body walk," she shrugged and took a bit of the food. The witch looked at him then raised an eyebrow, "I have to ask. What was your life like before you became an outcast"?
" Other than the depression it was alright." He said. " I learned how to box at an early age and even one a few matches in my league. They actually thought I had a chance to go big." He said. " Even if I didn't know who Brandon was at the time me and him were close. And even if my mom disowned me I still loved her. Hell I got in my first fight trying to protect her honor." He said. He then looked at her. "What about you. What was you're life like before all of this." He said.
"I was pampered and given anything I wanted to make up for my parents always having to travel. We went with them of course but there was always a nanny with us," she shrugged and took another bite. The witch remembered her earlier years and shrugged, "my brother was the heir so I didn't have to worry about it".
" So you were born with a silver spoon." He said. He smiled a little bit. He then looked at her. " You never said anything about a brother before. Did something happen to him?"
" I understand." Joshua said as he took another bite of his lobster. " So how did you get control over mana. Did you jump into a pool or were you burn with them?"
"i didn't fall into a pool. Mana comes from everything just in diffrent doses. Much is so weak it's useless to try and harvest it but other things give off stronger amounts. I ate a plant that produced it when I was to young to understand and grew up with my abilities," Miridia shrugged as if not caring.

"That is why we are in this dimension," Lyric sighed as she finished up her burger and fries.
"Why did you leave for a bit? You know when you just up and left Lyric with akron. Zack tried to follow you but I haven't been able to read his memories any deeper and I'm being nice and not readying yours," miridia hummed and leaned back in her chair to give off a more relaxed air. She kept her eyes on him, bringing her glass to her lips and siping it.
Akron nodded. "Strange. I wonder if the tournament's started yet." He looked down, thinking back to his conversation with Josh. Should I ask her about the wedding? Is it too soon?
"Oh it has. You missed the first matches. They were quite fun," she giggled at him and relaxed in his presence. The glyph user looked about as she examined the building hand smiled? "Funny how things can look so similar yet you know they can be diffrent".