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"Cool, cool." Akron nodded, staring at the ground again. He looked up. "Hey, Lyric. You know, it's been two years since we got engaged. Do you think it's time to start talking about the wedding?"
"Yeah. I was actually waiting to bring it up but never knew when we should have talked about it," Lyric sighed and smiled softly at him. She leaned over the table and kissed his forehead before sitting back down.
Darcel looked at Adam, and assured him he was safe. His vital signs were perfect, and he was extremely healthy.

Akki nodded, and glanced around. Something didn't feel right, so he decided to stand up. "I think.. I need to go." he mumbled, as he turned into a pile of blood and crawled into the floor.
After a little while Matt had found himself in a dream. The landscape he was in was barren and seemed to be in ruins. Matt walked around before he saw a fuzzy image, he walked closer to it before he saw Vex. "Vex! What are you doing here?" The dream Matt asked. Vex only stood there and smiled. Corpses of all of his friends and even his family appeared behind Vex as he stood there and smiled evilly. Matt jolted awake in a sweat, his eyes glowed red, "No!" Matt yelled as he threw his sword at the wall, causing is sword to pierce a dresser and a bit of the wall behind it. Realizing that he was awake, he looked around franticly, "Just a nightmare." Matt said as he tried to calm himself down. Matt looked at his sword which was in the wall still and then looked at Adam, "When did he?" Matt asked as beads of sweat dripped down his face.
"Not to long ago.." Darcel mumbled as he walked over towards Matt. The boy placed an arm on his shoulder, and slowed his heart beat. "Was it Vex again? Do you want to talk about it..?" he questioned the man.
"It's like.. he.. he entered my mind or something." Matt muttered. The teen took slow, deep breathes, "It was just a dream though, but it seemed so... Real." Matt then stood up and walked over to the wall and took his sword out of it and put it away. He then turned back to Darcel, "Thank you for helping me out. I really appreciate it." Matt said to Darcel as he tried to smile, but he couldn't...
"It's like he's haunting you huh?" He questioned as he folded his hands. "And no problem.. But once again, if you want to talk about it, I'm always here." he paused for a second. "I know a lot of things about loosing friends."
"Yeah." Matt said as he walked into the bathroom. Matt splashed some cold water on his face and looked up into the mirror. When he looked up, he noticed something odd, "Since when as my right eye had a purplish glow to it?" Matt asked as he blinked again, deactivating his visual power. The glow had gone away once he deactivated them. Matt walked back into the room and sat across from Adam, "So, we will have to catch you up, but we are glad you are okay." Matt said as he looked at Adam.
Alya sighed and she yawned sitting at the table and she blushed before stood up and she looked around, wondering why he had left , "Huh where did he go too " she said frowning and she smiled happily before she sat down again.
Darcel walked out the door, and stumbled a bit. He looked for his mother, for he had a question. He used track, and followed her blood's flow patterns trying to find her. He walked into the diner's glass door, smacking his face off of the glass
"Alright. 'Catch me up'" Adam replies. He's already returned to his old habits of leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets. "What have I been missing out on since my er... 'little dilemma'?" He took notice that Matt already seemed stronger than their last encounter.
Kai nodded and she smirked Charging at the Man with her dagger held close and she Slashed harder at his chest and back, she was acting like she wanted to kill him.
"Well, where do I start? Right now, 10 of us are in a tournament and we have advanced to the final stage." Matt explained as he ran his hand through his hair, "I've well.. Seen everything with Vex. It seems that his brother has died and entrusted all of his powers to him. Now Vex is evil and has already destroyed dozens of plants with with." Matt said as he looked toward the floor. Matt then looked at Adam, "This part may be a bit hard for you... Alya ditched you as soon as she saw you were 'dead' and was on a date with some other demon." Matt said as he awaited Adam's response.
Adam looks at Matt. "... what? Come again? I almost thought I heard you say; 'Alya ditched you'. Am I hearing this right?" His eyes narrow slightly, but a new feeling overcomes Adam that he's never felt before. He doesn't let it enter. Not yet.
"Yeah... Sorry, Darcel can give you some more details about it." Matt said as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his head. "I think it was because she thought you were dead..." Matt explained, as he didn't want to hurt Adam. Matt walked over to Adam and patted the older teen on the shoulder.
Adam's eyes widen slightly. "She... I... what... how... but... that... why... who..." Adam can't form a sentence as this processes through his mind. "She... left me... directly after I 'died'?" His voice is full of disbelief and skepticism. "I... I don't believe that. Alya wouldn't do that. She... no. She wouldn't."
Adam is in denial.
Alya sighed when she saw him, she had came back to the room and she shivered, she feared him so much it was just that she thought he was dead...it was a main reason she feared that he was one day gonna kill her " Hi adam" she said sitting down.
He quickly looks at her. "Hey... um... Alya..........." He isn't sure how to begin. "Did... did you... uh... Matt said... I... you... did you... are you... are you... breaking up with me...?" He crossed his fingers hopefully, hoping Matt must have been lying.
Alya sighed and she nodded " yes Adam i am...i'm breaking up with you but for a reason that i can't explain " she said blushing and she stood up and she started to walk away.
Adam watched her leave in disbelief. "Oh... oh... damn... Master should have let Vex finish me off... that would have hurt a lot less than this..." He closes his eyes. "Nothing good has come of me trying to play the part of the Hero... I can't do... anything right..." He sighs. "These people will be better off without me. I'm a burden..." He looks back to place where Alya had disappeared, and winces in the strange pain he feels. "Women..." He mutters, and turns around on the spot, walking away in the opposite direction Alya went, pulling his Hood over his Head.
"You're not a burden to us, Adam. You're our friend." Matt said as he faintly smiled. "Women are women and sometimes you just gotta let them go." Matt said to Adam, trying to support him. Matt then got serious, "Alright, so. Will we have to fight Vex in the future?" Matt asked Adam, "He's... Done too much." Matt muttered under his breath.
Josh looked at her. " I left because I was up to here." He said as he raised his hand a little above his head. "With all the continual bullshit that was going on." He said. " I was just sick and tired of it so I needed to leave. I knew I made a mistake for not telling Lyric but I thought the ends would of justified the means." He said. " And for a while I was happy out there. I didn't have to constantly wonder if Dask would blow up anything. I could sleep on a decent bed make my own living. but when lyric was kidnapped I had to step back into this world."
"You sound still hung up on her. Tell me the truth Josh. You love me but not like you will ever love Lyric so why did you let her go? I know your depression played a factor but you had to realize that she would have helped you with that," Miridia sighed and looked at him with a raised eyebrow, truely curious.

"I hate to wait any longer but let me grab darcel quickly. He just ran into the window," Lyric giggled before she stood up and jogged outside to bring in her adoptive son and situate him at the table with her to be husband.
Adam sighs. "Vex is priority number one. He's powerful, and corrupt. Both of those lead to bad men, and he's the worst. We're not just going to fight Vex, we're not just going to kill him. We are going to wipe him from existence." Adam growls, channeling this new found feeling of hatred and loss into one thing. Vex.
" Because I didn't want to burden her. After all the stuff that she..." He stopped not wanting to go into greater detail. She told him that in private he wasn't going to tell her. He let out a breath. " Besides She's happy and that's all that matters to me." He said with a smile on his face. " I will always love her. But I know I must move on." He then looked at Miridia. " You've been there for me ever since that fuck up of mine. Hell you had every right to kill me, but you didn't. and during my time as James I started to feel deep emotion towards you. I sound pathetic don't I?"
"You sound like you are trying to get over heart break," Miridia smiled and stood up to lead him back to their dimension. She didn't press and kept a comforting aura around him, "let's go and I'm still asking you to take a few days before you confess to me again. If you are truely sure in three days then I want to see how our relationship will play out".
"Alright." Josh said as he looked at her He smiled as he walked beside her. " So then do you want to do anything else. it isn't like either of us have anything better to do at the moment.
"I was planning on putting a movie on for everyone in the room so would you like to help me decide," she offered and looked around. She saw a dance floor and raised an eyebrow, "or we can dance for a bit if we don't want to return so early".
"Ahh sure." He said as he looked at the floor. " If you want to dance." He said as he put his hand out to her. He smiled softly. He looked at Miridia. She was beautiful. He did care about her and in three days he'll tell her.
She accepted his outstretched hand and nodded her head in agreement. She hummed and pulled him to the floor with a soft giggle, "in three days if you tell me then I want you to know that I won't let you disappear randomly. I don't need the stress, ok".
He smiled at her. "Okay." He said. He placed his hands onto her hips and moved with the beat of the music. " I won't disapeare on you." He said with a soft smile on his lips.
"Hmph, I'm alright with that. He's done something with my mind and killed to many innocent people." Matt said as the blue in his eyes turned to a dark red and lightning bolt patterns surrounded his pupils, the dark red color reflected the hatred in his heart. Matt's right then glowed a purple with ripples in it for a split second, "There it is again!" Matt exclaimed as the purple glow faded from his eye.
"You're energy has a massive spike when that occurs." Adam informs Matt, intrigued. Out of nowhere, Kelly flew in and landed on Adam's Shoulder. He grinned. "There's a sight for sore eyes." Kelly rubs her face affectionately against his. He could feel some of the inner turmoil calm down a bit.
She put her arms on his shoulders and followed the steps that he was following her. She humend softly and smiled leaned forward to rest her forehead on his chest, "you better not. I'm not afraid to hunt you down and I can be a lot worse then James".
"I could trap you in a pocket dimension where you are forced to go through your worst memories over and over again, feel the same pain," she shrugged and kept in time with the music that was playing. The witch could do many things, "or maybe slowly harvest your mana and make you watch".
" Noted." He said. He felt her closeness and began to blush. "Miridia I know you want me to wait but my answer will still be the same." He said. " I want to be with you." He said before he kissed her forehead.
"Still wait," Miridia pulled away and smirked at him, walking off the dance floor to talk to shadows and see where everyone was and what they were doing. The witch sighed and looked at Josh, "time to go home"!