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He nodded and fallowed her. He knew that he would have to take his time with her. He didn't want a repeat of what happened last time.
Miridia casted a teleportation spell and slipped past everyone into the abthroom to change into pj pants and a shirt. She then flopped onto one of the beds and turned the tv on to put a movie on for everyone. Se real ex and grinned softly.
Josh looked at everyone. He walked to a corner and sat down. He went over todays events in his head and frowned. was he a fucking idiot. He litteraly confessed his love to Lyric only to be rejected and not an hour or so later he confessed that he liked Miridia. ' I should of fucking waited.' He thought as he yawned. ' I'll take her advice, if I still feel this way I'll let her know if not oh well.'
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"Hahahahaha!" Vex' laugh could be heard filling the area around Adam and Matt but having no original location.
"So sad little Adam got his soul ripped from his body AND ditched by the only girl foolish enough to put up with his lack of human emotion? How tragic."
His voice disappeared from the room and focused in on Matts brain, putting up an intense quantum shield that would give even the strongest of being's trouble deciphering. They stood in Vex' place of solitude, the Outskirts. Vex' black military style outfit was gone and was replaced by simple shorts and a t-shirt, but the most noticeable change was his age. Now looking at him one could only assume the boy was somewhere around Matt's age. He took a fighting stance and gave the same sly grin he normally did.
"Ah....complete privacy.....It appears your abilities are ready to evolve again...it just doesnt seem you have that drive to push them over the edge, how bout I jump start that shall I?"
His voice was younger but gave off the same as it did while teaching. He stood there ready to battle, awaiting Matt's response.
Adam closed his eyes, and through his inner eye, he looked at the powerful shield surrounding Matt's Head. Even the string to pull and deactivate the Shield was blocked.It would take time and effort to destroy such a powerful Shield. Adam didn't let Vex's snide comments affect him. But this power... Matt had said Vex had been given Oros' abilities. This makes Vex all too powerful.
Maybe to the point to actually worry Adam...

The Master awaits for a glimmer of Vex to appear, sitting among the threshold of everything. The Omniverse. The Master's personal plane of existence. At least for him, as he is the only Jace left in the entire Omniverse. All the others either killed or died of old age, which is nearing The Master, closer than he's comfortable with. If he were in his Prime, Vex would be nothing but an beneath his Boot, but Old age has worn away not only his looks and performance, but also his Power. He's only a fraction of the Man he used to be.
"There you are." The Master smirks as he detects Vex. He listens to an echo of his voice, before disappearing again. The Master can tell he's entered into his little 'Outskirt'. Vex was foolish enough to let his presence become known.

The end of Vex nears.
Matt's real body feel over on the bed and lied completely still, Matt opened his eyes to find himself in Vex's outskirts. "Hmph this doesn't surprise me." Matt said to the younger Vex. Matt drew his sword and the blue part of his eyes turned a dark red, mirroring the hatred in his heart for Vex.
"If you want a fight it's a fight." Matt said to Vex as he looked at him with complete anger. His right again flashed purple and he felt his energy serge. Matt closed his left eye and tried to harness what ever new power he had in his right eye, but it seemed he had to awaken it first. "It seems that won't work right now..." Matt said quietly as a black aura seeped from his eyes and a barrage of arrows made from black lightning flew at the younger Vex from all sides, they seemed to have somewhat of a gravitational pull. Matt noticed something odd, the purple glow had not disappeared yet.
Vex smiled before throwing his arms out to his sides forming a tornado which easily bat the arrows away, the gravitational pull being overpowered by the extreme winds. "Ya know, I actually lost all memory of the first 15 years of my life, it was circumstantial for me to find out we grew up in the same city....a shame its gone now...." The tornado around Vex began to spark red as hot flames encased it. He threw his hands together compressing the tornado down into a fiery red ball of spinning energy before launching it at Matt. "How does it feel to know the person closest to you is the one who took everything away and you didnt even know..."
"So it was you... I had a feeling." Matt said as he stood completely still, "I've let go of those feelings a long time ago." Matt said in a cold voice as he seemed to be engulfed by the ball of energy. The energy disappeared Matt stood there, completely unharmed. He was surrounded in a black aura his eyes burned an even darker red and the purple in his right eye glew even brighter. Matt then disappeared for a few seconds before he reappeared above Vex he surrounded his sword in a mixture of black and blue lighting as he thrusted it down at Vex.
"I have to end him here." Matt thought to himself
The Master opened his eyes. He had pin pointed Vex's energy to this location. He looked around. "I feel as though this is the wrong dimension..." He looked at the Shack. Vex's energy still emanating from it. "VEX! GET OUT HERE, YOU COWARD!" He yells at the Shack. "What is he doing out here... in the Middle of nowhere...?"
The younger Vex unsheathed his blade at the last second parrying Matt's attack before launching a high speed boulder at him from the side. "Dont you find it strange? Your past? You cant remember a lot can you? Only significant events....perhaps your still to young to know..."

The rickety wooden door to the shack slowly creaked open. All sound had died out and all the could be heard was what sounded like something being dragged through the dirt, it got louder and louder as it approached the door. ".......sssssssssss....." A slow distorted hissing could be heard as a blurred shadowy figured stepped out. It was Vex but, his legs were gone, replaced by a wispy black tail make of his aura, his face seemed blurry and distorted and he moved almost as if he was in slow motion. The creature before the Master was truly disturbing, one of the imperfect clones left behind to wither.
The Master curses. "I've tracked down the wrong source... I might as well handle this one, erase every trace of Vex's existence." The Master ponders, barely registering that the figure is still there. "Yes, that would do nicely." He looks at the Clone. "It's your lucky day, you imperfect abomination. Time to put you out of your misery." The Master's eyes glow light blue.
Matt surrounded his left hand in lightning and destroyed it without even looking at it. Matt landed on the ground and glared at Vex, "What are you even talking about?!" Matt asked, "You know thing about my past!" Matt yelled as he rushed Vex at a super high speed. Matt sent a barrage of sword slashes at Vex, a spark of lightning popped in his hand...
James met with the league. " So Josh got free. Fucking miridia." He said. He looked at the other two people.
"So how do you plan on taking care of him." Charles said as he looked at the wizards apprentice.
"We kidnap his brother." James said with a smile on his face. "We kidnap Steven."
Miridia laid back and sighed happily. She stretched after putting on the little mermaid, the witch having chosen it because it was her favorite movie. A shadow wrapped a blanket around her shoulders while another brought her tea, a nice glass full of a mixing green and pink liquid.
Josh watched the movie. " Hey weakling." He heard. He looked around." I'm not there." James said. " I think it's time we make a bargin."
" Go to hell." Josh said telepathically.
" You're life." James said ignoring the threat. " For Steven's."
Josh frowned unable to say anything. " Where." He said. He couldn't let that bastard kill Steven.
" The plaza twenty minutes come alone." James said before breaking their connection
Josh nodded. He stood up. He looked at Miridia he walked up to her and kissed her forehead. " Hey I got to go." He said not wanting to tell her the truth, He gently kissed her forehead. " Thank you for that date." He said. " Goodbye." He said before he started heading out.
Miridia looked at him confused about why he had suddenly left but didn't say anything. She trusted him to ask for help and wasn't afraid to come to her if needed. She was sure he wouldn't run off again, his track record perhaps deceiving her.
He stopped right outside the door and hit his head. He had to do it defiantly this time. He has to learn to rely on others. He walked back in and looked at Miridia. " I need you're help." He said.
"What happened," Miridia was immediately up and her clothes shifted into her journey ones. Her eyes narrowed and she crossed her arms, "you were about to leave again weren't you! I told you Josh"!
" James has Steven." Josh said as he looked at her. " He said that he spare Steven's life if I traded mine for his." He said as he looked at her. " I came back because... Because I'm tried of trying to do shit on my own. I need help."
"That bastard! alright, let's go kick some ass. Can I have a strain of your DNA quickly? I'll be able to make a death puppet for Steven so that he is teleported here if it breaks," Miridia nodded and pulled her jacket closer to her and fixed her sleeves with a muttering of swears under her breath.
Miridia nodded as she took a strand of hair from him. She extracted the DNA, then searched through it to find Steven. She summoned a puppet and locked it to the man before putting it safely hidden and nodding, "let's go".
"Yes," she nodded and stopped him. She grabbed his head and whispered a quick spell, shrinking down and turning into a serpent. Her scales shining in the light. She looked up at him and hissed, waiting to be picked up.
She slithered up his arm and into his shirt, curling around his neck. She poked her head out of the top and looked forward. Her tongue flicked out then back in as she scented the air, "I'll give you directions".
"Alright." He said. He quickly walked out of the hotel and looked around. " Right or left." He asked. He felt weird with her around his neck yet at the same time protected because of her.
"Left," Miridia sighed and got comfortable. She stopped moving and flicked her tongue out again, continuing to do so once and a while to pretend like an actual snake.
Josh turned left and continued walking. " Thank you Miridia." He said. " I'm sorry for how I acted during the "date." it was out of line. especially after what happened earlier today." He said as he continued to walk.
"No problem and it's ok. Take the next right," Miridia hummed and nuzzled against him to point out out to the exit. She stayed hidden in her snake form and laid her head down.
He felt her moved around his neck. He turned the way she pointed. " So after we rescue Steven where do you think we should put him?" He asked. " I'm thinking that maybe Fae should look after him." he said. " While James knows about her I doubt he'll think we sent Steven there. plus Fae might be able to help out with Steven's problem."
"Oh but of course. Plus Fae is staying in our dimension and if they were to attack her or anyone so close to the last war we had then it would paint the biggest target on their backs. So far is the best option," Miridia hissed as one of her scales she didn't notice was loose. It stung but she didn't mention it.
He turned and walked into the Plaza. 'Show time.' he thought as he stepped forward. He saw James looking at him. " So you arrived." He said. With James was Steven. He had dirt all over his face. His clothes were torn and his hair was a mess.
Steven looked at Josh. "Brother." He said in disbelief.
"It's me Steven." He said as he hugged the younger man. " Alright a deals a deal." He said. James smiled as he ramed his hand through Josh's stomach.
Steven screamed when he saw that. Josh fell to the ground.
Miridia quickly wrapped herself around James. She quickly grew large and large, gaining a set of arms and torso. She changed into her familiar form as bones cracked and reform, her shadows materializing into a walls then a dome of giggles and audible laughter. The witch looked downy at him and tilted her head, "hello little rat".
He tried to move his hands but couldn't. " I'll get you back." He said as he teleported away. The puppet disappeared as Josh came back. " I felt that." He said. Steven quickly ran up to his brother and hugged him. " Hey." He said.
" Hey." Josh said. He smelled Steven and his eyes started to water from both seeing his brother again and from the fact that Steven probably hasn't showered in the past two years.

Josh looked at Miridia. " Well get the bastard." He said.
"Oh we will. Now get on," the snake woman hissed and coiled around the two like a sheild. Her scales flashed and her shadows dissipated quickly in fear of their master. Here upset like head looked down at them as she offered the ride and ignored the looks of other patrons, "I'll make new puppets for you both when I get you bother to safety".
Josh got on top of Miridia fallowed by Steven. Josh slowly petted her feeling her scales.
" What's going on." Steven said in disbelief. "Who is she and how did she turn into a snake. He asked.
"I'll explain later." He said.
"I'm a witch darling. It's something I do," Miridia laughed before she zoomed quickly toward the room they were staying in. Her strong arms pushing her forward as her tail helped propel her. She looked back at him and smirked happily.
" Weird I'm thinking more of a salamander than a snake. I mean she does have arms after all." Josh said with a smirk. " Still She has helped me through a lot." He said. " Even if I can be a total pain sometimes."
Steven tilted his head. " ah." Steven said not wanting to say what he was thinking.
"This is a naga form. It's meant to have arms," Miridia rolled her eyes and lifted herself up before sliding to a stop at their place. She shrunk down back to her carriable size and slithered about before climbing James and sitting on his shoulders.