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Kelvin walked up behind Earia. "Don't be so harsh on the girl, she's young so the best way to train her is to start off slow." He said.

In the hotel, Boris was already sleeping while Ken went out for a run. Horton sat on a bed beside Adam's body. Is he dead?" He asked.
"Where else would I be," she smiled back before turning to Akron and then looking at Josh. She chuckled awkwardly and grinned pathetically, "akron we were just catching up and someone here needs to keep better track of his body weight".
Earia turned towards Kelvin, "Ah nice to see you here." she smirked, "Maybe you should train her.. I have things to do with a few council members.." she sighed, for working was annoying. "Goodbye kid." she mumbled as she teleported away.

Darcel turned towards Horton, "His soul left his physical body, so I am taking care of it. When his soul returns, he should be fine.."
Joshua looked at Lyric and smiled. He then looked at Akron and frowned. He let out a breath and spoke from his heart. " I still love you Lyric." He said. after he said that he looked away not knowing what she might do or say next.
Matt laid back on the bed and took a deep breath and slowly let it out, "Well, hopefully Master Gramps returns soon so he can wake back up." Matt said as he put his hands behind his head and looked up at the ceiling. "I wonder when that ten vs ten will happen. It sounds pretty fun." Matt said quietly as he closed his eyes and began to fall asleep.
"I have to use the bathroom," she stood up quickly before retreating not to the closest restroom to try and collect her thoughts together with a deep breath. She leaned over the sink and glared at herself in the mirror, "don't you even dare think about it".
He frowned before he stood up and paid for the meals. He fucked it up again. He looked at Akron. "Take care of her." He said before retreating from the restaurant. How could he have been such a fool.
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Akron nodded to Lyric as she left. He glanced at Josh, who was now leaving. He hurried after Josh and put his hand on his old friend's shoulder. "Tut tut, Josh. You know better than to just leave." Like all those other times.
He looked over at Akron. " It's obvious she cares about you. Hell she was happier believing I was dead." He said as he looked at Akron. He then lifted an eye brow. " How the hell do you know who I am?" He asked. " We barley spoke before I screwed everything up." He shook his head. "Anyways yeah I'll stay." He said as he went back to the seat.
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Akron shrugged. "Some memories stay embedded in your mind, no matter how distant they are, perhaps. You know, Lyric cares for you more than you think she does. Sure, we're engaged. But you mean more to her than you realize. Nothing you do or did will ever change that." He turned around and headed back toward the diner. "I'll leave you with that," Akron called over his shoulder as he went inside and sat at his table.
Josh let out a breath and shook his head as he walked back in and sat opposite of Akron. "I'll stay." He said. " So what's been going on with you." He said.
Akron grinned and leaned back against his chair. "Well, there are a bunch of new metas arriving, people who can control electricity, water, measure levels of energy, all that sort of stuff. I'll guess Lyric told you everything else."
"Yeah she did." He said as he took a sip of his water. "So why haven't you guy's tied the not yet?" He asked. As he leaned back a little bit. " I mean while I was James you guys were just engaged. That was two years ago."
Akron chuckled softly and shrugged. "I don't know. I've been taking my time on that topic, since I don't know Lyric's opinion on the matter." He downed his Coke. "I mean, I guess I want to get married, have the wedding and all that, so I'm ready to go for it."
"Then go for it damnit." He said. before he took a sip of his water. He looked down at the cup for a little bit. "Truthfully I still feel strongly about her." he said. " But I've fucked up so much I don't think I deserver. She definitely needs better" He then looked at Akron "I'm just lucky she ended up with a good guy. Even if you are a bit clingy." He said.
Akron snorted. "Clingy? That's funny. To be honest, I've been a little distant for some time now. I'm a little busy working out and getting in shape, not that I needed it, though. I guess I just needed to vent a bit." He leaned back. "Maybe I'll ask Lyric about the wedding once she gets back from the bathroom."
"Then do it." Josh said as he lifted his glass to Akron. " To Mr. and Mrs. ..... Whatever the hell you're last name is." He said before downing the rest of his water.
Akron chuckled. "Um.. Hunter. Akron Hunter." He lifted his empty glass and poured some ice into his mouth. "So, apparently a little birdie told me you-slash-James were going steady with Miridia."
"It just wouldn't work out." he said. " Since I turned into two people.... I'll tell you about that later. And what that bastard did I doubt i'll be able to be with her. So I think I should just give up on romance all together." He said.
Akron chuckled. "If you can't find someone who loves you by going to her, then perhaps you should wait for her to go to you. Sometimes it's best to just be patient. I'm certain someone'll come along."
"Well." Josh said as he looked Akron. " Look at it from this prospective. You're kidnapped, the person mascaraed as you and tarnish's you're image. Next thing you know you get free only to find out that the woman you love is in the arms of another man. How would you feel about it."
Akron nodded. "Well, now that the image is here, let's add something onto that perspective. You find out that the one you love is now in love with someone else, and you dissolve into a depressed mess, believing that everything that transpired was your fault. You then go on to leave the one you love, even when she still cared for you. This now leaves a bigger blemish on your relationship together because you believe that you don't deserve her, and just when you think things are patching together, you leave again because of past mistakes, pouring salt on an open but healing wound."
"Touché." He said as he looked at Akron. " And now said depressed person get's captured and locked for two years with nothing to eat. He starts looking over his life knowing that he was in the wrong. After being rescued he tries to make up for his past mistakes and the people that he hurt. He falls back in love with the woman from his past life. He wants to try and start the relationship but knows it's too late." He said as he took a sip from his drink.
Akron lifted a finger. "Wait. But, he realizes he may have gone too far too soon and breaks down all over again, attempting to leave but is comforted by the one person whom he despises." He sipped his water and glanced at Josh, grinning.
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He then lifted his own finger. " But the person who he despises pulls him back from the edge. and he can actually call the man a friend. Probably the first real one he's had in a long time. Then they start talking about everything that's gone down in their history with the pronoun game." He lifted his glass to Akron.
Akron laughed heartily and held his glass up as well. He smiled warmly. "Glad you're getting better, man. Now then, when is Lyric getting back from the bathroom? She sure is taking her sweet time."
"Hell... this is unique..." The Master, Jace, looks at the Soul before him. Adam's Soul. It pulses a deep red. "I've seen souls before, but never my Pupil's... this is powerful." He takes the Soul, absorbing it to his mental form. "Now, to finally bring back Adam."

The Master appears by Adam's side, ignoring the people near and far as puts his Hand on his Pupil's Chest, and ejects the Soul into him. "RGAAAAAAH!" Adam cries painfully as he is reunited with his Soul. Jace stands. "Someone explain what's happened to him. I have business elsewhere. I will train Matt another day, but not yet." With that the Master disappears.
Kia groaned, she felt that pain rush thru her body, "that hurt" she laughed a little and she ran back and she looked, at her and she grinned running at him with speed and she slashed at his stomach then went away and shoved the dagger into his back.

Alya thought "yes we were a couple" she said and she drooped a little "But i don't even know if he's a alive because in there all i see is a dead body...so i just want to move on"
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Lyric came out after collecting herself and slipped into the seating of the table. She blinked and looked at them, confused at why they were all cheery. She leaned back and relax, "so what did I miss"?
" Not much." Josh said. He scooted over a bit so that she could sit down. He looked at her and smiled a little bit. He ate his food and wondered what he might say to her to ease the shroud of unconfortness that he felt.
She bit into her burger and looked at them before eating a fry and tilting her head. Her eyes raked over them and she looked for any sign of something wrong, "so do I get to know why you two are so buddy buddy"?
"Ugh... crap... what... what happened?" Adam moaned as he straightened himself in his sitting position. He felt like crap. "Vex!" Adam quickly got to his feet, and looked around, realizing he was not in the same place he'd just been. He felt light headed and woozy as he fell back onto the ground in the same spot he'd woken up in.
" Me and him had a conversation while you were in the bathroom." Joshua said before looking at her. He smiled a little bit. "Look Lyric you can just forget about what I said earlier. I knew it was a longshot."
"And I'm really sorry about it. It's just that you kept leaving and it actually really hurt me when you did," she laughed softly, focusing on playing with the straw of her drink before taking another her bite of her burger. She looked at them with a crooked smile and tried to not go rigid with uncomfortableness, "so what should we talk about"?
" I don't know." He said as he took a bite from his own burger. He could feel the uncomfortableness. ' Miridia I need you're help here.' He thought as he looked at Lyric. " So then.... What do you both want to talk about?"
'What for? Need context to help you,' Miridia looked at Adam and nodded her head to him, sitting back and stretching her arms. She then made her way to the kitchen to get water.

Lyric sighed and looked at akron. Smiling at him before taking one last drink, "you should come see how big Sabrina and Zack have gotten, Josh. Also meet little Cassie".
" Really I guess that would make sense." He said as he looked at her he took a breath before he finished his burger. He smiled at her. " See you later." He said as he stood up wanting the awkwardness to end. He paid for his meal and started out the door.