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Dasken's aura flared to life, and the room became much warmer. The roof became scorched, and he tilted his head back loosely. He spoke in an eerily calm voice, and his face became emotionless. He held up a sphere of explosion the size of a beach ball.
"Someone is going to tell me what the hell happened." He glanced around the room.
"This is a clusterfrick, and I cannot tell what happened. So someone. Is. Going. To. Tell. Me. What. Happened."
Cassidy stood up and got a knife, needle, and thread and attempted to remove the spike out of Joshua's side. She pulled it out quickly and began to stitch him up. He could live, he was going to. She was now determined and began to heal him as fast as she could. She picked him up and placed him onto one of the beds asking for him to sleep. She then walked over towards winter who seemed to be in some sort of distress. She held onto her and spoke calmly to her. "Young lady, it's alright. You are here now with these wonderful people. You are safe." she said in a soft monotone voice.
Dasken turned to the woman. "Who the hell are you?" He bellowed. He looked around. "Did she start all of this?" Dasken shook his head, his aura growing a bit more, warming the room further. "Answers, people! Step by f***ing step!"
Cassidy spoke. "I feel like I started this but I am not sure. I was suddenly alive, and moving. I was surrounded by all these people and they said my son turned into me. Darcel." she spoke as a single tear strolled down her face. "No need to get violent, nor rude. Instead of standing there and attempting to hurt people, come over here and help some of them." Cassidy spoke. She seemed angry, but her voice was still soft and comforting.
Dasken's eyes turned orange. "DO NOT TELL ME WHAT TO DO," he uttered, "AND GIVE. BACK. DARCEL." He launched the sphere at Cassidy's feet, as close as he could throw it without hurting her.
Which was awfully close.
Winter just sobbed all she could see was her sister laying there frozen because of her , ice started to form over her body and anything it touched was slowly incased in the frozen liquid
The aura of Dask prevented the frozen liquid from getting too close to him; when it reached the visible part of the aura, it evaporated almost instantly. The room grew ever hotter.
Lyric pushed a large rock onto another making a small shelter for herself. She hid it and made the place look natural. Pulling herself under them, she hid herself from the world and curled into a tight little ball, passing out to keep her mind from breaking even more.
Cassidy didn't seem bothered. "Young man, it is not the best time for threatening. I do not know how I go there, so I can't give back Darcel. Violence doesn't need to be an option here." her voice was cold, but still sounded comforting. Cassidy held more firmly onto Winter incinerating any ice that formed onto her body. "You're alright dear, calm down sweety." she whispered.
Akron looked around at the hell that was ensuing around him. Some freaky wiman appeared where Darcel was supposed to be standing, Lyric was having a mental breakdown, and Dasken was about to actually explode. It was then that Akron finally snapped. "EVERYONE CALM DOWN!" The stress building up in Akron was at its peak, and seismic anomalies were occurring every second. He stomped once, and a huge shock wave vibrated through the ground, creating fissures everywhere in the vicinity.
(OOC: I hope you don't mind, but please read the next post while listening to the pasted music. It really helps you to get into Dasken's head.)
Dasken's eyes flared, his aura threatening to begin melting the roof of the bunker. His arm muscles tightened, revealing part of what he had been training for; his muscles were at least twice as large as they had been when he first arrived. His legs bent, his left eye twitched, and he bellowed.
His mind was in a roil of anger, one that he did not want to sift through. Something kept nagging at the back of his mind, and eventually, he discovered what.
His power was beginning to dwindle.
He instantly closed his mouth, then hunkered down into a position similar to a cross of a pro runner readying themselves for a race and a wild cat readying itself to pounce on prey. His head tilted down in a way that his face was both iluminated by the light in his eyes and darkened. The aura returned to a normal position, and he flexed his fingers. His mind raced, anxiety gripping him, but he did not allow it to show.
He muttered ever so quietly, "Give him back. That's all I want." His eyes glinted in a way that would trigger anyone's primal fear.
"Help me." He grinned.
Akron turned to Dasken, meeting his glinted eyes without fear. "Listen to me, Dasken. Focus. Don't let your rage control you. Block out this hell and focus on me. Darcel will come back, I promise. But first, you need to calm down."
Dasken grinned maniacally at Akron. "Why, I'm in complete control." His cheshire grin took an encore, and he slowly turned to completely face Akron. "The only hell here is my current position." He allowed the light to glow from his eyes again, and his grin widened. "Akron... do me a solid and turn around."
Cassidy held onto Winter patting her back, making sure she fully calmed down. "Sir, my name is Cassidy, I am Darcel's mother. I have a theory that he did a Blood transfusion spell, then maybe Seth did a soul transfer... I am not entirely sure. I do not want to be here, I want my son to be alive right now, not me. It is unnatural for someone to come back from the dead and we are going to leave it that way. I want my son to come back too." She spoke out as she soon shifted her attention back to winter.
Winter stood up and stepped in front of Cassidy "you won't harm her cause you will harm Darcy in the process and you'll have to get through me first" she said as her hair started to float upwards, her wings spread out, and her eyes had blue flames coming out if them
Dasken retorted, "I AM HERE, YOU ASS! DON'T YOU SEE? I'M FIXING THIS!" He whipped around again, his aura increasing slightly. "IT'S TAKING ALL OF MY GODDAMN WILLPOWER TO NOT BLAST THE EVER-LIVING SHIT RIGHT OUT OF YOU!"
"Guys please calm down, we can just discuss this as easily. I'm sure Darcel wouldn't like to see everyone fighting like this either... I do not wish for everyone to fight or for I to use my powers.." she whispered.
Dasken froze. His back tensed. His left eye stopped twitching, and he became very still. His aura dissipated, but the flare in his eyes didn't. He slowly, ever so gently, turned around.
"C... c..." a single tear fell from his eye, which quickly evaporated.
"Cassidy..?" He fell to his knees. "Mom's... mom's friend..?" He fell onto his hands. "You... you're the one who helped me... you said those exact words... In that exact tone..." tears began to stream down his face, mostly evaporating.
"You tried to help me control them..."
He looked up, his eyes back to their normal, hazel-gray. "You... you..." he backed up against the wall, and put his knees to his chest. His mind went blank, his heart throbbed, and his tears flowed.
"You died because of me..."
Cassidy nodded towards Winter but went the opposite way of the exit. She walked over towards Dasken and bent over glancing into his eyes. "Shh, child. It is alright now. I do not have any hard feeling towards you." She whispered. Cassidy wrapped her arms around him struggling to hold in her own tears.
Dasken's chest heaved. He couldn't stop from bawling. He tried to speak, but the sentences became slurred and caused him to hyperventilate slightly.
"She... So nice... I... She got killed... I'm terrible... She became... I did..."
Akron closed his eyes, and picking up a skill he learned from some ancient monks, tapped into Dasken's chi and rubbed a spot on his back. "There. His thoughts will become more centered now."
Dasken stopped trying to speak and just cried. Even with his recentered chi, he felt he had nothing else he could do. He cried for a solid two hours, until he couldn't shed another tear. His throat dry, his face tear-stained, his eyes red, and his mind miserable, he attempted to stand and wound up stumbling over himself.
"Please be quiet darling, we shall talk later. No need for your tears." She said as she gently wiped Dasken face. Cassidy stood up and walked over towards winter. She grabbed onto her hands and guided her to her exit. "Lets go calm down together." she whispered.
Akron caught Dasken in time, gently patting his back. "Calm down. It's over now."
He left the three to talk and looked for Lyric. He found her outside camp curled up in a little ball and slowly walked up to her. "Hey. You okay?"
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Dasken finally managed to balance himself against a wall. He took several deep breaths before his breathing returned to normal. He tried to use his powers to fly away, but he only managed to get to the entrance before falling hard on the ground. He panted and tried again. This time, he only managed to get a little bit off the ground. Cursing himself, he attempted to stumble and trip noisily up the stairs.
As he struggled, he kept trying to use his powers. Each time, he almost tripped, until he got near the top and did actually fall with a hard thump. He half yelled and half laughed, and slouched over, obviously frustrated.