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Ask to Join Pokemon: A Summer's Break

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"She was a Pokémon Coordinator at one point when she was in Hoenn. I can't think of anything else." Spectre said. 'Toli, Violet's okay and she gave birth to twin Eevees.' Orion telepathically told Toli. The Raichu grinned at Spectre and Luna. "I just got some good news telepathically." he said.
Luna was rather surprised. She obviously didn't talk to the electric type via telepathy. Then again most psychic types are capable of this and she saw a few of them in the resort. "Good news?" she asked.
"Yes. Orion said Violet's okay and gave birth to twin Eevees." Toli said with a grin. "Violet was pregnant?" Spectre asked. "Oh yeah, you weren't there when Icarus sort of brought that up while talking to the nurse." Toli said to Spectre.
"Violet was. She's a teammate of the Flareon who caused that explosion because he didn't know Honolulu was trying to calm you down." Toli answered. "I'm pretty sure that the Flareon's the father too. They're Eevees after all." Spectre nodded at what the Raichu had said.
While Icarus and most of the others were downstairs, fawning over the newborn Eevee twins, Hannah and Olivia, who had left shortly after her, were upstairs, looking around for things to do. Hannah was disappointed that she messed up again, and almost super-fangirl-explosioned on the babies, and Olivia was simply there to keep her in check. The two are normally never apart for long, that or Hannah has Bella with her. Olivia wandered around aimlessly, when suddenly her path was obstructed by a Gardevoir. "Oh, 'scuse me miss - hold up. I remember you from somewhere... weren't you the one that pulled Icarus and Hannah apart the first time? I'm Olivia. Nice to meetcha." She said, extending a vine towards the Gardevoir with an apologetic look on her face.

Hannah, on the other hand, was not exactly super thrilled with the Gardevoir. She was the one that pried her away from Icarus previously. She used her psychic abilities on her, and it wasn't exactly the most pleasant of experiences to go through. Hannah, out of sheer kindness, extended a vine out to her as well, though it was very shaky, and moved very slowly. She refused to speak, not wanting to bring anything up about previous events, and also not wanting to anger anyone. It was her third strike today. She didn't want anymore strikes within one day.
It was safe to say that Luna was perhaps shocked. She just smiled but shot a weary glare at Hannah, not ready to trust her just yet. "It's nice to meet you Olivia...does anyone need my help again?" she asked, concerned. Would anyone really approach a clearly powerful Pokemon that can unleash at any given time?
"No, nobody is in trouble. We just came from downstairs. Violet and Icarus are down there if ya wanna see them... the Flareon and the Ninetales from earlier," Olivia said, unsure if proper introductions were done between the 'couple' and the Gardevoir. "What is your name... names?" She said, suddenly noticing the other Pokemon.

Taking the smile and glare as a hint, Hannah immediately retreated her vine and stood directly behind Olivia. If anything was to hit her, it had to go through Olivia first. She waved her vine at the other Pokemon and bowed her head sheepishly before returning behind Olivia. She screwed up her first introduction... and second, but she didn't really want to take any more chances. She felt bad for what she did, and wanted to make up for it, but wasn't exactly sure how. She re-extended her vine to the three Pokemon, more hesitantly and shakily than before.
"My name's Spectre." the Mismagius introduced himself first. "And I'm Toli." the Raichu said. "It's nice to meet you." they somehow managed to say in unison.
Hannah squealed with cowardice as she grabbed Olivia by the waist and positioned her directly in front of her. Luna was powerful, she knew, and there was no doubt that there was still the feeling that she might lose her mind again. "Can you tell them I'm sorry?" She whispered to Olivia, who really didn't expect anything different from her.

With a sigh, Olivia proceeded to talk. "Hannah here apologizes for her previous actions. If there is anything she can do to calm the waters a bit, so to speak, then please name it, Luna, was it? I remember you being there the first time something happened with her, and I understand your distrust, but can you find it in your heart to forgive her?" She asked with an almost-smile, the kind that you would get from someone who hasn't smiled in a year and legitimately forgot how.

Hannah fiddled around with her ribbon as she awaited either forgiveness or a massive psychic blast to the face. She waved at the Mismagius and the Raichu, Spectre and Toli respectively, and restrained herself from giggling when they spoke in unison. To them, the giggling meant going nuts, and she didn't want to startle them.


Icarus nommed on a poffin while the babies poked at his neck fur. He winked at Syvery, the one who apparently made the poffins, as a sign that they were delicious. He detected the Mago berry flavor, which instantly hooked him. That would've been all he could focus on if it hadn't been for the small Eevee babies. "They are so adorable." He muttered to himself. It felt like his heart was melting, which was weird for a fire type. They were seriously too cute. He poked the silver one in the nose, and it reached up in an attempt to do the same. Icarus leaned closer to it, and it managed to poke him in the nose as well. "Daww, guys, I might die from cuteness here. They really are too cute, you were right Naya." He jested, with a calm laugh afterwards.
Luna sighed. She didn't really trust the psychotic grass type but if this Olivia character was positive she was tame, the Gardevoir eased up a bit but still kept her psychic energy stable...just in case. "If you truly believe her...insanity...is at rest...I f-forgive her. But if she dares to raise hell again, I'll give her a taste of my full potential." she glared. Secretly, she actually hoped Hannah would slip up, feeling rather uncomfortable with so much anger building up inside her.
"Believe me, she is indeed in check." Olivia said, starting to become a little more tense around this threatening Gardevoir.

Luna's psychic power was not to be underestimated, Olivia and Hannah both knew. The last thing they both wanted was to make her angry. "Well, it was nice meeting you guys. Will you be going to see the babies?" Olivia asked, her voice audibly more cautious and tense in tone. "Hannah and I were going to relax in the salon as originally intended. I'm sure the others will follow suit eventually, even if they aren't with us. If you want, then the salon is on Floor 3, and the infirmary is in the basement level. Bye bye!" She waved as she took Hannah by the vines and dragged her to the elevator.
Luna suddenly realized what she had just done: scared off some new friends. She sighed, covering her face with one of her hands. 'Oh...good going, Luna...' she thought. The Gardevoir didn't really answer, lost in her mistake.
Luna took a deep breath and exhaled. Well, atleast she had SOME one to keep her in check. "...Th-thank you. So this Spa...what's it like? I believe my trainer went there once and said it was quite relaxing. Is that true?" she asked. Maybe she just wasn't relaxed enough.
"That what I hear." Toli told her. "Of course I've never been to one. Though I could probably use it, since I help babysit Cody's little sister Anna. Sweet little kid, but sometimes she gets into trouble unintentionally. Thankfully Sekhmet the Luxray is there to help watch her." Toli smiled at Luna. 'Oh boy, did I just ramble on to Luna?' he thought.
Syvery was once again, sitting under the table. Although the entering and exiting of Pokemon didn't bother her as much at the moment, she still felt uncomfortable and didn't really like confrontation. She smiled at Icarus feeling accomplished. However, she felt a very gentle, but unsettling anger. She looked up at the Gardevoir but quickly retreated into the safe cozy shadows of the bed. After some time, she quietly crept up behind and jumped up onto Icarus and whispered, "So, how are you and Vio related? Are you two married or dating?" She then let go and tilted her head with curiosity in her eyes. She still didn't know much about Icarus and Vio. She was also careful to stay behind Icarus to avoid as little eye contact as possible
Naya watched the Eevee called Syvery hide under a table again. She must be really shy... she thought with sad eyes.

The Persian almost copied Icarus's laugh, still looking at the babies. "What did I tell you, hm?" It was then when she looked up at him. "How is your leg feeling? Any better?"

Freedom continued to play with the golden Eevee, allowing it to poke him, then lightly poking it back. He smiled throughout the playtime.
Icarus responded to Naya first. "My leg is fine now, I think. I haven't tried walking yet, but I think I can. I'll try later." He said, poking at the wrapped up leg.

Then Syvery asked her question. His face went redder than the outfit he was still wearing. He snapped his head back towards the babies, and the silver one giggled. The golden one continued poking practically everything around it.

He decided to try walking again, so he scooched off of the bed slowly, and hit the ground. Initially, he winced in pain, but he was able to walk, albeit with a limp. Icarus was surprised that Nurse Abigail hadn't noticed this, but there was something bigger at hand. "Man, you guys are the greatest. Like, really, I owe you guys. Name something, I'll do it." Icarus said to everyone, a close-eyed smile on his face as he walked back to the baby Eevee twins again so they could play in his neck fluff for the billionth time.
(I was planning on controlling the two Eevee by myself, do you also know your breaking the rules? Playing as other people charaters, I would be alright if you played as their chosen personality, but, your not.)

Violet wasn't paying attention to anybody, only the two Eevee. "Their boys and Icarus, I highly doubt your the father, I mean, look-" Violet said, gesturing the the silver Eevee that was about the dog back flip off the bed, but thankfully Violet wrapped a tail around him and pulled him back. The golden one was actually 'missing', he was hiding timidly under Violet's head, squeaking whenever somebody came close to him.

The flower crowns lay limply on the Eevee's head. "Well, for now in not sure about the names, but nicknames is gonna be Goldie and Sliver" Violet said, watching Silver, who tried to bite Icarus' nose with his surprisingly, already out, teeth.
(Ah. I had no idea. I thought they were going to be like the NPC's I made. Sorry. My bad, won't happen again! :'|:up:)

"Hey, even if I'm not the father, I'm still proud, and if required, I'll still act like one. Two baby boys, and they are both adorable. Goldie and Silver, eh? How original." He jested at Violet, sarcasm practically oozing from his last sentence. He hadn't noticed the silver one's teeth, and he leaned a bit too close. Chomp. "Hey, ow! My face, mine!" He said, fighting back the instinct to shake him off.

"H-hey, uh, once you're feeling better, w-we can (okay, ow, leggo) go to the spa like originally planned. That is, u-unless you don't want to. I'm completely fine with that. I just thought it would be relaxing. (Seriously, please let me go.)" Icarus said, switching back and forth between telling Silver to stop biting him and asking Violet if she wanted to go to the spa.


The elevator stopped on the third floor, and upon walking out, an aroma of flowers hit them almost immediately. It was no Sweet Scent, it might've been Aromatherapy, but it was definitely calming. They walked over to the Simipour at the entrance, and as Hannah simply walked in, Olivia stayed back for a second and spoke to her. "Just gonna say this: It's possible that a bunch of others are going to be here, I dunno. If they are, watch out. It's like trouble gravitates towards them, no matter what they do. You'll know who I'm talking about if they come. Bye!" She waved and jogged to join Hannah. The Simipour tilted her head in confusion, but waved the warning off.
Violet laughed at Silver and Icarus "Like I said, nicknames only, to be honest, I want to only name them when they evolve, cause' having a Vaporeon with the name Flare is gonna be quite unusual" Violet replied, gently nipping Silver on the ear to tell him to stop biting Icarus. "Spa sounds nice, we can tame these two to comb their hair down...or at least try..." Violet said, glancing at Silver who was trying to pay Icarus on the nose with his paw. Goldie peeked out from in between Violet's front legs that somewhat barricaded him. He watched Silver carefully but still managed to stay out of view, well it was easy to hide if your fur is mostly golden like your mom.
Once Silver stopped biting Icarus' nose, he got up and pulled up a chair to sit on. "Vio, just saying, if you're tired, we should probably stay here. I don't want you passing out like I did a couple times. It's not fun, trust me. If you aren't tired, then the spa is fine whenever you're ready, but rest comes first if you are tired... hang on. Weren't there two?" Icarus said, looking around. He noticed Silver, as it was hard not to notice the one that just bit him, but he failed to notice the other one. "Goldie! Goldie, where are you? Gah, where did he go?"

He couldn't have gotten far, which calmed Icarus a bit, but he was still worried to a certain degree. Losing a newborn isn't exactly something someone can overlook.
The golden Eevee instantly sunk back once his nickname was called. "Goldie is right here Icarus" Violet said gesturing to the golden Eevee that was easily hidden out of sight. Silver barked at Icarus, clearly not happy about him not getting to touch his neck fluff. Goldie peeked out a bit, staying hidden and looking directly at Icarus with his emerald green orbs.
"Ah, phew. Okay. Hi Goldie." Icarus waved to the small Golden Eevee who had been hiding with his mother.

Silver barked at him, so in response, he pulled the chair closer to the bed and let Silver poke his fluff. He smiled at them both, then yawned. Laying down on the chair in such a way so Silver could still play with his neck fluff, he felt himself drifting off. I guess it wasn't really Vio who was tired, huh? He thought to himself. He patted the chair and looked as Syvery, as if to ask if she wanted to be on the chair as well. He watched Silver play and Goldie stare at him as he faded away into the grasp of sleep with a smile still plastered on his face in place of a blush.
Violet smiled at Icarus, then at Silver, who yawned and climbed into the barricade that Goldie was in. Casting a glance at her golden Eevee, she heard soft sighs escaping his mouth and his now closed eyes. Silver had also fallen asleep, curling around his smaller brother. Violet used psychic to drag Icarus on the bed too, then rested her head in the pillow, casting one last glance at the two Eevee before drifting off into a peaceful slumber.
Well, this isn't the strangest dream I've ever had...

Icarus was completely aware that he was dreaming, but he couldn't control anything. He just knew that he was asleep. Anything that happened didn't affect real life... much.

Icarus looked around, and saw that he was in an open field of wheat-like plants. There were bubbles absolutely everywhere. Nothing else was going on, so out of sheer boredom, he decided to pop the bubbles. Every bubble that popped burst into miniature sparkles, which made Icarus feel happy.

Meanwhile, in reality, Icarus was not immobile. Whenever he poked a bubble in the dream he extended his front paws out, as if he was doing it in reality. He didn't extend it far enough to hit anything, but it was still something that happened. The smile that he had fallen asleep with didn't alter throughout his long rest, and even though he was within a dream, he still couldn't wait to go to the spa.
(Also partially my fault. Sorry about that, Kitsune. :'|:'|)

When the family(?) had fallen asleep, Naya slunk out of the room, whispering a last "congratulations" in their direction. Freedom followed soon after, swooping out of the room fairly quickly. He closed the door, so as to let them all sleep in peace, and turned to the Persian. "So? Where to now?"

Naya thought for a minute. "Well, I still need to work on those posters for the Showcase... I'm going to go buy a camera. Would you like to come along?"

"Nah," Freedom replied, "I'm gonna head back to the garden. See ya later!" And with that, he flew away.

"See you!" Naya called after him, heading to the gift shop for some supplies.
Syvery quietly shook her head, but when Icarus was moved to the bed, she jumped onto the chair and sat. The room was now quiet. She quickly went over to the entrance of the room and closed the door before returning to the chair. She then, starting quietly began to hum. The song that meant so much to her in the past. It was the song that kept every Pokemon sane during her experiences in the berry fields. She then closed her eyes before, she herself began drifting away... Until she fell off of the chair she was on.
Luna chuckled. "That's nice. I think I'll try the spa. Please, lead the way," she insisted. Yes. Hopefully a trip to the spa should get her to ease those tense feelings inside. Ever since Nicole had told her and her teammates, they've been curious. Now the Gardevoir will be the one bragging to the Vaporeon and Lullamera once they reunite again...
Violet heard a thump and instantly her eyes snapped open and flew to her two Eevee, who were still in their position that Violet had fallen asleep with. Icarus was still on the bed, then, out of instinct, Violet timidly casted a glance beside the chair, then gasped. She used psychic to lift Sylvery off the ground and lay her next to her.