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Helia took the extended handshake, or vineshake, speaking to Bella excitedly with yet another slight involuntary bow.

"The outfits are fantastic! They're everything I hoped, and yet somehow even better. You three know your stuff. Speaking of which, what's the status on the showcase so far? Any way I can lend a hand with my fair share?"
Hannah smiled sheepishly before her face returned to normal after receiving a compliment from Naya.

"I'm not sure, I didn't even realize there was a showcase going on until I was asked to make outfits. As for accessorizing, sure, why not. It makes things more fun!" Bella responded to Helia's and Honolulu's questions. "Here, we're gonna head out," she said, grabbing Hannah, "so you guys have fun! I'm gonna go see what's up with this one. You should see what's goin' on with that one." She said, first talking about Hannah, then about Icarus. She waved, and sped off towards the elevator, depositing their towels on the way out. Olivia still was locked onto Orion, not taking her eyes off of him for a split second.

Icarus was still under the towel, blush still present, thinking about his outfit and the inspiration behind it. Do I tell the others, do I wait until the showcase, should I just give up on the showcase? Ugh! Why!? He sighed audibly and shook under the towel, his neck fluff puffing out and emitting steam due to his own body heat. His salsa dancing interest was supposed to be between himself and Violet, possibly Wilson, but the Servines knew, and now it was likely that everyone else knew. Would they make fun of him? While that seemed unlikely, the thought lingered and worried Icarus to no end.
"I was just about to take everyone's pictures for the Showcase fliers, so people don't even know it's happening yet. I'm hoping to get everyone's pictures and the fliers done and up soon, though," Naya replied to the Showcase question, before turning to the Servines. "See you at the Showcase, then!"

(I'm gonna log off for the night. Try not to hurt yourselves while I'm gone, 'kay? >w<)
Luna remained outside, growing impatient. "Are any of you done in there yet?" she asked. She could always go back to the beach but was more eager to try the sauna. She wanted to know what her trainer experienced.
Syvery looked around, her shyness returning. She remembered Icarus talking going into the spa. She quickly ran inside, seeing massages, hot springs, aroma therapy, and.. Tea tasting? Syvery then approached the last door. When she slid it open, she got blasted by hot air, forcing her backwards and making it look like the door had opened by itself. Syvery was getting stares due to her still wearing the PR video costume. She started running before letting out a loud whimper.

"Would you like Chai or green tea?" Syvery shifted uncomfortably. Somehow, she got herself stuck in a tea tasting.
"G-green tea p-please." She replied nervously to the Gardevoir. All the Pokemon in the room were giving her occasional glances to the bright pink attire she was wearing. She sipped the tea quietly, wanting to leave the room as soon as possible without letting the other Pokemon see her? She sighed a sad sigh. She really liked the costume, but how was she going to leave?
"ow oww Ow OWWW HOT HOT" The thoughts caused her to start quickly drinking the tea, therefore burning herself.
"Remember... Patience is key..." The Gardevoir said in a slow weird voice in front of the room. Syvery pawed at her face to stop herself from screaming in pain.
"Looks like one of the Servines just left." Spectre told Luna. "You can go in if you want now." Meanwhile 'Why me? What did I do to deserve this?' Orion telepathically asked Flicker. Flicker just giggled.
Luna smiled as she opened the door and entered. A blast of hot air met her, forcing her to hesitate but she was going to try. Hopefully the Servine that just left was indeed Hannah... "H-Hello?"
Icarus decided he had enough sauna time. That and he was kind of tired of seeing Olivia and Orion do... whatever that was. In a flash, he was out of the sauna with a quick "Hi Luna!", towel on the rack, and already somewhere entirely different. He didn't really pay attention to where he was going, and as he looked around, he found himself not being able to recognize the area. It smelled like tea, though. He looked around and spotted an Eevee in a costume... hang on, that Eevee looks familiar... is that?

"Syvery? Oh, hi Syvery! How ya been?" He said, out of breath and not looking to great either. Since leaving the sauna, his leg pain grew again. He limped over to where Syvery was and sat next to her. "I just got out of the sauna. It was pretty neat in there. Is this tea?" He pointed to a cup of Chai Tea that was suddenly placed in front of him by a Gardevoir. Not wanting to wait, he quickly drank the tea. "It wasn't as hot as I would've expected, but it was delicious." He said, putting the cup back down.

Even though his leg started hurting again, the sauna seemed to have given him loads of excess energy, so much so that his neck fluff was practically standing on end, and it looked like he was vibrating if you stared long enough. "So, Syvery, how did you get your hands on such a lovely costume?" He asked, his speech accelerated compared to when last he spoke.


Olivia would not let go of Orion's arm. She was absolutely enthralled by him, and wanted him to herself. If anyone tries to separate us, then I'm gonna lose my mind... I'm sounding like Hannah! Ah well, hehehe! She thought to herself as she stroked his arm blades with her vines, humming to herself.
Syvery looked Icarus, the cup, and back up at Icarus. How did he do that?
"I wenth to do thhe PR videoth" She said, having burned her tongue. She looked closely at Icarus's leg. The swelling had increased, probably due to inflammation.
"Thereth was so many nicth Pokemonth!" She said with a cheerful smile. She then remembered why she was there.
"Can you help me geth a keith?" She tried to say, but failing miserably. "I needth a Keith to unlockth thhe dorth to the roomth." She then remembered that she still had the Mago and Chesto berry juice. She took a sip, now disappointed due to it being warm. She sneezed and said, in her normal voice, "Can you help me get a key so I can enter the hotel room? My PR video should be there by now and I really want to see if I got through the prelims... Are you okay?" Her tongue felt better, but it stilth hurt. Despite being in a semi bad mood due to being stuck in a tea chamber for the last couple of minutes, she tried to keep a friendly tone towards Icarus. She also didn't want to disappoint him, for he was a lot more energetic then usual. After watching him for a bit, she couldn't help but have a small smile cross her face.
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"Who, me? Yup! I'm great! Never better! Dang, that tea was great. A key you need? To the Klefki, onward!"

Icarus was all over the place, running straight to the elevator despite the limp. The energy he had acquired could've been enough to charge a battery at this point, and it didn't look like it was going anywhere. He had pressed the button repeatedly, but the elevator didn't open. "Ah, forget it! To the stairs!" Icarus yelled, running again to the stairs this time. He bolted straight down the stairs to the entrance area, where the Klefki was as usual. He looked scared when he saw Icarus. "I need a key. Room 120, lezzgo, c'mon." Icarus said, tapping his front paw on the table impatiently.

"Sheesh, okay. You need to calm down. In fact..." The Klefki handed Icarus a key, and pressed a button. An Ivysaur came from the stair well and used Sweet Scent on Icarus when he wasn't paying attention.

"What the... huh?... Why is everything... so pink?" He said in a daze before flopping onto the ground. He was still conscious, but unable to move.
Syvery blinked and stared blankly before realizing what was happening. She chased after Icarus and it was insanely difficult to keep up with him. She quickly jumped into the elevator as she watched Icarus disappear down the stairs... Did he jump off? She sat down in the elevator and clicked the lobby button. She tapped her feet lightly to the famous song, Dori Dori, english version.
[What color would suit the future me?
Let's try a palette of colors together
One, two, three]
The elevator door appeared to reveal a now.. <Was Icarus pink? Maybe I'm just seeing things.. I think> Syvery thought as she walked back over to the Flareon and started poking him.
"Helllo? You okay?" She noticed that Icarus had a key lying close to him. She picked it up and placed it in the pocket of her costume/dress. She then started dragging the dazed Flareon towards the hotel room hall way. She unlocked the door using the key and dragged him in before noticing a slip of paper. She flipped it over, attached to it was a card with a picture of her. The paper said,
"Welcome Syvery, to the PR Preliminaries! Reviewing your video has convinced us and you and one other of your choice shall be participating in the PR Video Tournament. We wish you the best of luck.
The category is, ~:Stars:~ "
Syvery's eyes widended before she started shaking Icarus. "I made it in! I made it in! I'm in!" She herself now was bouncing, full of energy and excitment. She jumped across the beds and twirled in the air, the ribbons swishing quickly behind her before she landed next to Icarus and gave him a video player. She placed her Trainer PR video CD in his paw and jumped in excitement.
After eating what's in the plate, Violet turned to her two Eevee who was full with the poffins that the Nurse brought. "C'mon you two- wait-" Violet muttered, watching Silver. 'He doesn't have those sparkles that a shiny has, he must be one of those Eevee that changes colour as they go' Violet thought, only noticing that Goldie was staring at her with his....blue tinted eyes.

Violet stood up, stretched and smiled down at her two Eevee, who also tried to stand up. Violet slipped on the dress that rested beside her and also put on the red flower crown. "Hmm, do you want costumes too?" She asked, instantly getting a nod from Goldie, followed by a hesitant nod from Silver, who wasn't so silver.

"How about we change your name to....Freddy?" She asked (Yep, THAT'S what in doin'), jumping off the bed and helping the two Eevee off the bed too. "Where should we go...?" Violet mumbled, opening the door and peering out. Goldie hid behind Violet and Freddy stood in front of her, also eyeing something to do. Violet started walking down the hallway, to the garden. The two Eevee walked under Violet and glanced around.

Some pokèmon awwed and some smiled, earning a smile from Violet. Once she entered, the two Eevee ran around, hopping and twirling in the air, well, more like Goldie did. 'Their eyes don't stay the colour they were born with, aw man...' Violet thought, watching the two Eevee.

Goldie found a navy blue bow and bent down to pick it up, only for his flower crown to fall in his eyes. Freddy's crown was nowhere in sight, probably squashed. Violet took the flower crown off Goldie and put the bow on his neck fluff, similar to one wearing a tuxedo. Freddy found a black bow and did the same as Goldie. The three smiled and ran to the flower field. They pranced around and laughed, totally forgetting about the rest that they needed.
Sitting in silence in the sauna was making Naya pretty uncomfortable. She was used to the exact opposite of this: noise and movement. Wanting to start a conversation but not knowing exactly what to say, she opened and closed her mouth a few times. Then, she ended up talking about the Showcase once again. "So... When will I be able to get your pictures for the fliers?" Internally face palming, she wondered what Ambrosia would think if she knew this was happening.
Honolulu shrugged her shoulders. Flicker was leaning on Orion and rubbing against him. 'Come on Flicker. It's bad enough that I have one female Pokémon on me. You don't have to make it two.' Orion told Flicker telepathically.
"What the? I dunno what that means." Icarus said while being shaken.

Whatever it was that granted him that boost of energy, whether it be the sauna, the Custap berry, the poffins, or all three, had faded when the sweet scent hit him. Syvery seemed excited about something, but Icarus was too dazed to even tell. He was simply being shaken around like a rag doll. "I just... wanna eat... or somethin, I dunno..." He said after being shaken, not knowing what to do with the thing in his paw.

Meanwhile, back in the sauna, Olivia broke the awkward silence. "Has anyone ever told you that you have the dreamiest eyes?" Her brain was no longer restrained by her normal, almost tsundere attitude. The sauna had melted that lock on her mind. Speaking of the sauna, Olivia suddenly had an idea. She began patting her head as if there was something wrong, then started to sway, eventually falling down into Orion's lap. Her eyes were closed, giving the impression that she was unconscious. If this doesn't work I dunno what will! Hahaha! She thought almost maniacally to herself.
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Orion sighed. Then a growl came from next to him. It was Flicker and she didn't like the fact that Olivia was now in her teammate's lap. "Flicker." the Gallade said in an accusatory tone.
Soon after the little adventure, Goldie and Freddy fell asleep. With a smile, Violet picked the two Eevee up and placed them on her back. "Better get to the room" Violet muttered, then turned in her heels and made a dash for the door. She made it inside and almost tripped over a red Eevee, but managed to get to hers, Icarus' and Sylvery's room.

She opened the door and quietly walked in. Violet jumped on her bed and set the Eevee down on the pillow. Violet took the Sailor Moon comic and continued reading where she left off, mumbling a soft 'hi' to Icarus and Sylvery. Violet glanced at her children who was curled around each other.
Olivia glanced with one eye barely open at Flicker, then shut her eye immediately, trying to make it look like she passed out from the heat. I hope this works...

Meanwhile, back at Room 120, Icarus noticed that Violet and the kids were now in the room as well. The children were sleeping, almost like he was. "Hey... Vio..." he said, his voice still slurred a bit, "Ya know what this thingy is? I dunno, Syvery gave it to me..."

He waved the CD around in his paws, and pointed to the video player. "And what is this thing here?" He asked nobody in particular. That sweet scent from earlier had done a number on his senses, but it was slowly but surely fading.
'She's faking it. Play along.' Orion told Flicker telepathically. "Are you okay?" he asked Olivia. He winked at Flicker who then started to fan the Servine with her paw. 'If Icarus and Violet can put on an act, so can we.' he thought.
Violet supressed a ton of laughter and just grinned at Icarus. "Shush, the kids have extremely good hea-" Violet stopped when she saw Freddy jump on Icarus and Goldie come and sit next to her, interested in the Sailor Moon comic that lay in front of her.

"Oh well....nevermind...." Violet mumbled, then smiled at Goldie who was reading the comic. Freddy was jumping on Icarus and flashing all around him in a blur of silver and brown. Goldie was hesitant to turn the page, so he waited for Violet to do it.
Olivia stopped herself from giggling in delight. Her plan was working! "It's just... so hot... I..." She said, pretending to be on the verge of passing out completely. She coughed once or twice for good measure. "P... please... I can't..." She said, and with that, she 'fainted' fully.

Omigosh omigosh this is actually working I am such a genius! Why didn't Hannah try doing this instead of losing her mind? Olivia thought triumphantly.


"Oof!" Icarus grunted as the silver Eevee jumped onto him. "What the? Why?" He asked, not really understanding what just happened.

As Icarus was being jumped on and Syvery was still jumping, his senses started to return gradually. He blinked a few times before regaining them completely. "Hold on, how did I get in here?" He asked Violet and Syvery.

As the silver Eevee was jumping, he jumped onto his leg. He yelped, quickly putting a paw over his mouth to muffle the yelp. He didn't want to startle the children, but that did hurt him. His leg was not okay, and the fact that it didn't heal yet was unsettling.
'She fell for it. Keep it up!' Orion told Flicker telepathically. Then he used Psychic turn down the heat a little. Honolulu watched their little act and stifled a giggle.
She pushed the silver Eevee off lightly and put her to the side. "Careful now, Icarus just hurt his leg today." She carefully un wrapped the cloth and looked carefully. "It swelled up from a high source of heat.. I think.." She said slightly unsure. She walked over to the ice container and placed some ice into the bag, crushed the ice, and placed it gently on Icarus's leg. She yawned and said, "Isn't there room service?" She was slightly disappointed that she wasn't able to show her video, but it could come at a different time.
Bella went into the spa from the elevator in a panic, having forgotten Olivia. She grabbed a towel quickly and sprinted back to the sauna, where she saw that she had 'passed out' on top of Orion. She walked over to Flicker and continued looking at this scene. "Is Olivia alright?" She whispered in Flicker's ear. "I don't get this. Hannah is super calm downstairs, but then I come here and... this."

Hehe, this is going magnificently. All he has to do is take me away, and boom. Insta-relationship. Or at least that's how it works in the mangas. Olivia thought to herself, creating a mental image of herself cackling maniacally.


"Room service? Uh, I think so? I saw a phone on the wall, but there's no way for me to actually reach that." He said, looking down in anger at his height disadvantage. The room was practically designed for taller Pokemon, like some of Wilson's team members. There was a Gliscor, a Milotic... Bah! No! I can't start thinking of that, it'll make me sad! "Anyways, Syvery, what even is this?" He asked, referring to the CD in his paws. This was not the first time he asked this, but he didn't know that.
Freddy growled and more of his fur turned brown. "L.....L..." Freddy tired to talk, but he failed miserably. Goldie tilted his head slightly at Icarus and then looked at his leg. Violet sighed, shaking her head. She moved slightly and pulled Freddy before he could lunge at Icarus again. She set the brown and silver Eevee next to her golden one.

"Oh, Silver is now Freddy, he doesn't have a nickname anymore, but I guess Goldie's name IS Goldie..." Violet muttered, turning the page of her comic. Goldie squealed and then turned down to look at the comic, instantly reading. Freddy growled and searched for something to sink his teeth into, he then spotted Sylvery, who shoved him a bit too hard.

Freddy then whimpered when he tried to stand, his front right leg instantly gave way and he toppled over. "Freddy?" Violet questioned, helping the Eevee sit up. "Oh my!" Violet suddenly exclaimed, moving back. Freddy's paw was twisted in a way that he couldn't stand on it. "Oh...Sylvery...you must of shoved him a bit too hard..." Violet mumbled, getting a bandage from the drawer and wrapping it around Freddy's twisted paw.
"She's fine. She just faked passing out in hopes that Orion will instantly fall in love with her." Flicker whispered to Bella. "Not the first time this has happened to Orion. He can't help that some female Pokémon think he's hot."
Syvery looked down, murmuring, "sorry.. I didn't mean too.." She looked up and jumped onto the bed bed. Freddy was now staring straight at her, clearly unfriendly. She hesitated for a moment and took off her pink glove that was part of her costume and extended her paw towards Freddy.
"Go ahead, I don't mind.." She said softly. Something about this reminded her of the past which made her only feel a bit more guilty. Despite that, she maintained a friendly smile towards the small Eevee.
Freddy tilted his head and started pawing Sylvery's paw with his injured one. "S...Sy...Sylv......Sylverrrr...S-Syl..." Freddy managed to say some letters, but he couldn't say Sylvery's full name. Freddy limped over to Sylvery and licked her nose, then sat down in front of her and rubbed his head against her outstretched arm.

Goldie watched Freddy intently, wagging his tail slightly. Goldie made a squeak and wagged his tail viciously, he set his gaze on the comic that's page has been turned. Goldie red, somehow instantly being able to read.Violet smiled at Freddy and then casted a glance at Goldie.
Syvery smiled. "Thanks, but it's my fault you got hurt.. Are you hungry?" She said, looking back at Icarus and the phone. She backed up slightly, scareful to not step on the two Eevee before springing off the bed and grabbing the phone. She quickly dialed room service.
"Hello? This is room service how can I help you this fine evening." A voice said from the other side.
Syvery didn't know what to say.
"U-um.. Hi um. C-can I.. uh.. never-nevermind.." She just hung up and left the phone. She looked back to Vio with a nervous smile. "I think I'll just got get some food from the buffet.. What do you want?" She said. She began to take off the coustume, allowing herself to look a lot less noticeable.
Violet shook her head and smiled "Maybe some Oran Berries for the kids?" She asked politely, watching Freddy, who tried to jump off the bed so he could follow Sylvery. "Hey Sylvery, could you take Freddy with?" She asked, gesturing to the Eevee that successfully jumped off the bed and headed for said Eevee.

Goldie accidently turned the page, the squeaked when he realised what he did, but he continued reading anyways. 'He's a lot more vocal than Freddy...' Violet thought, smiling down at the Eevee that had his full attention on the comic she was reading. Violet red the comic with Goldie, easily keeping up with his medium pace.
Syvery looked down at the Eevee, and looked back at Violet. "Are you sure you trust me to keep him safe? I don't even trust myself..." She hesitated and took a moment to think. She knew all the ways around the main area of the hotel, under couches that is and also thought that even if Freddy had moved away, it would be pretty easy to notice the silver Eevee.
"I'll try my best" She said, giving a smile. She adjust the flower band on Freddy's head and unlocked the door.
"Time to go!" She said, holding the door open for him.

She pointed towards the couch and motioned Freddy to go under it, for she would follow quickly after him instead of leading the way.
"Oh, if you're gonna go to the buffet, pick me up either a Custap or Mago berry. They are super yummy, if you haven't before, then you need to try them." Icaurs said, hopping up onto Violet's bed, careful not to hurt Goldie.

Icarus found this Sailor Moon comic interesting, despite starting in the middle of it. Goldie also seemed intrigued by it, so he thought he might as well continue reading. His pace was a bit slow, but he tried.


Bella stared in confusion at Olivia, and she noticed that she occasionally opened one eye just enough for her to see what was happening. Bella figured out that this was an act, and decided to play along. "Goodness, Olivia! Do I have to get a nurse?" She asked in an over-exaggerated tone, winking to Flicker, Honolulu, and Orion. "Oh, gosh, here. Let me pick you up." She grabbed her quite aggressively with her vines and lifted her up off of Orion's lap.
Freddy lunged out the door and glanced at Sylvery, knowing that she was his only source of protection now. He smiled, then crawled under the couch. Freddy looked around, finding that hiding under things was fun to do, he wanted to pounce on the red Eevee that pranced by, but decided against it.

Goldie turned his head to look at Icarus, then tilted it and made a whining sound. Seemingly uninterested, Goldie turned back to the comic and red it carefully. Violet copied suit, not missing a heartbeat.
Syvery pointed and moved between couches, chairs, and tables. Finally, she made it to the last couch before the Buffet. She pointed at the mountain of berries and said, "There's nearly every single kind of berry in there. We're looking for Oran, Custap, and Mago berries." She looked around. The Buffet was nearly full due to it being dinner time. Quietly, she made her way to the bottom of the counter, crouching down. She signaled Freddy to follow.
"Here, I'll push you up" She whispered quietly.
Freddy crawled over to Sylvery silently, then looked up at her with his purplish-blue eyes. He sat on his hind legs and raised his front paws, ready to be pushed up. Freddy glanced around, again, he saw the red Eevee running last.
Syvery pushed the Eevee up before jumping up herself. She carefully looked through the berries, taking two of each that they needed, one for the moment and the other one for the sad empty fridge. She then looked over to Freddy and said, "Do you have anything that you want? If you do, you can pick one but you have to get your mom's permission to eat it first." Syvery then took another Mago berry for herself to try because of Icarus's request.
Icarus lay down next to Goldie and Violet, suddenly enthralled by Sailor Moon. "Vio, how many of these books do you have? I need to read, like, all of them. This is so cool!" He said, soft but excited. His stomach growled, so he pat his belly to quiet it and continued reading.

Back at the sauna, Bella still had Olivia in her grasp. "Oh, Flicker, please! You must save her! Bring her to... the pool." She said, in an evil tone to top it off. She felt Olivia twitch, tensing up. She was going to be pretty angry at her later. I'll make it up to you by getting a Castelia Cone from somewhere, promise. She thought to herself, and she lifted Olivia's not-so-limp body over to Flicker, not yet putting her down. "Would you kindly?" She asked Flicker with a wink.
"Ah! What the? Why, you... it was supossed to be him!" Olivia growled angrily. "It was supossed to work!"

Olivia got up from the pool and stormed off. She had actually dozed off momentarily while pretending to faint, and forgot that she was to be dunked in the pool, which angered her. She sat down at the buffet, soaking wet - right next to Syvery and the small silver Eevee. "Oh. Hey Syvery. Hey Silver." She said, still decently peeved.