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Open Pokemon: Adventure in Unova!

"Yeah... It's weird how they just come into your lives, like you were meant to be together. What about you, Lysand? How'd you and poochyena meet?"

Sweeney watched aipom playing with his rocks. Feeling mischevious, the gardevoir used his psychic powers to move the rocks around, trying to see how long he could play with aipom before he was caught.
"Well, my family--as I've said-- lived in Dewford before moving here to Unova. The summer before we moved here, I found an injured Poochyena near the cave. I wasn't quite sure what had happened to her, but I took her in and nursed her to health. From there, she let me capture her and we have been friends ever since." He said, smiling at the small pokemon splashing about in the water.

Aipom noticed his rocks begin to move, and looked over to see Sweeney messing with his rocks. The pokemon didn't seem to angry about this though, and handed the Gardevoir a rock in return.
"Pokemon are truly wonderful, aren't they?" Roy asks while petting Espurr. "Just think about how different our lives would be without them.." Eevee and Mawile go to play with Aipom, while Weedle sits on Roy's head.
Moanna looked at Lysand, eyes shining. "That was very sweet of you to do that for a pokemon you didn't even know. I'm sure that's why poochyena trusts you so much. And I'm sure life would be pretty boring otherwise!" Moanna laughed.

Sweeney looked at the rock in his hand, not sure of what to do now that he had been caught. Gale, who had been watching them, made a deep rumble of a chuckle that shifted the rocks at his feet. Thinking of a game to play, Sweeney began to levitate a handful of rocks around aipom and the other pokemon in a neat circle.
"It would be very different," Said Lysand. Poochyena had stopped swimming and came over to lay down next to him, "You know, I had never intended to become a trainer. Not because I didn't like pokemon, just because I wanted to stay home and help," He said, petting the small pokemon, "But, I don't know what I would have done now that I think about it."
"Thanks for joining me on this adventure." Roy says to Lysand and the others. "Thanks to you two, I've learned more about Pokemon. I've learned more about people." Espurr sits on Roy's shoulder and leans against him. "I think I might do a bit of training for a little bit." He says.
"No problem, I've had fun traveling with you two so far. While you train, we should probably think where we are going to stay tonight. Are we going to find a pokemon center to stay at, or sleep out here?" Lysand asked, Aipom climbing onto his shoulder. Poochyena was fast at his heals when he stood up from the ground.
"I don't care where we stay, that's up to you two." Roy replies as he gets out of the water. "Weedle, Espurr its time for some training." Roy tells the two small Pokemon. He scans Weedle with his Pokedex, allowing Roy to know what moves it has. "Hmm, Poison Sting, Bug Bite, and String Shot, eh?" Roy said. "Alright, Weedle use Poison Sting!" Roy yells. Weedle shoots a medium-sized purple needle, barely damaging Espurr. "Espurr, use Hidden Power (Ice), lightly though!" He says. Espurr sends small whitish-blue orbs at Weedle, doing massive damage.
"Same here, I'm really glad we met." Moanna smiled. "Be safe with your training, Roy. And Lysand, I don't know where you guys are planning on sleeping, but I'm gonna stay out here and sleep with Gale and the others under the stars." Moanna laid on the grass, watching the sky as it began to turn burnt orange and pink as the sun set. "If you guys want to stay in a center, that's okay. I'd be happy to make us all something to eat before you all go."
"I'll stay here as well." Roy replies to Moanna.

Roy goes back to his training. "Weedle, try using Bug Bite!" Roy says. Weedle rushes towards Espurr, doing a decent amount of damage. "Espurr, retaliate with Signal Beam!" Roy adds. Espurr fires a pink beam of light towards of Weedle, hitting him. Suddenly, Weedle begins to glow. Roy stands there in awe, while Espurr quits her attack. Weedle begins to change shape, becoming taller and more cocoon like. A few moments pass, Weedle has evolved into Kakuna. "Wow! Wow! Wow! Weedle...er, I mean Kakuna!" Roy exclaims. "I wasn't expecting Weedle to evolve so quickly! It also looks like you've learned Iron Defense! That's amazing!" Roy says with much excitement. Espurr smiles, feeling proud that she helped her friend. "That's good for now, you two." He says to the two Pokemon.
OOC: Making some final edits on my team, replacing Bulbasaur with Tyrunt for a bit more diversity in types.
Roy wakes up the next morning, he stretches and heads off for a short walk. That was a great rest. I feel ready for anything! Espurr wakes up and follows him. "Oh, Espurr." Roy says as he picks her up. Espurr smiles at him and she looks energized.

Shortly after entering the forest, the two come across a strange rock. "What is this?" Roy says as he grabs it. "It looks like a jaw-bone. I bet the other might know something about it." They had back to the lake, to find his Pokemon still sleeping soundly.
Lysand woke up, stretching himself. He had let his two pokemon stay out of their pokeballs for the night, seeing as they enjoyed it much more than being inside. Just as he was finally awake, he heard footsteps approaching, and Roy walking out from the woods holding something that looked like a jaw.

"What's that?" Lysand yawned. The bone looked fossilized.
OOC: is there mega-evolution in this RP?

"I would probably ask Moanna when she wakes up. She has more experience with fossils, seeing as she has Gale," Said Lysand, offering Roy a slight shrug. The fossil could be a pokemon, or it could simply be a fossilized rock. Either way, this was an interesting find to find in the forest and Lysand was a bit excited to find out what it was.
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OOC: You can have a Mega if you want, but according to the forum rules you can only have 1 Mega.

"You're right." Roy replies. He places the fossil near Eevee and sits near his other Pokemon.
Moanna rolled over underneath Gale's neck, his shining fins acting as her makeshift tent. The grass beneath her broke as she moved, having froze during the night. It was so nice and cool, she didn't want to wake up just yet. She could hear her friends talking not too far away. How long had they been awake? "Ugh, morning people," Moanna grumbled, scratching at her messy blonde hair. It would be nice to have a big cup of hot tea, but that wasn't something she'd be likely to find out in the woods. Pulling on her black beanie hat to hide her bed head, she wiggled her way out from her sleeping aurorus and crawled over to the lake. Cupping her hands, she sipped the clear waters and splashed some on her face. "Mornin guys..."
Moanna does not look like a morning person, Lysand thought to himself, this is something that we need to take account for next time. "Morning, Moanna," Said Lysand, smiling at her, "Did you sleep well?"
"Lysand, if you want, we also picked some berries for breakfast." Roy says as Espurr hands Lysand a couple Pecha Berries. The other Pokemon eat a few of the berries picked.
"Thank you," Lysand said taking the berries from Espurr. He hands out a few to his pokemon, and keeps a few of his own to munch on. "So, since we don't know what the fossil is, do you think we should take it somebody who might know?"
"I wonder if Cheren would know anything about it? He seems to be pretty knowledgeable." Roy replies. "If he doesn't, the Pokemon Museum is in Nacerene City."
"That sounds like a good idea to check out," Said Lysand, "When Moanna is ready to go, let's head there to see." Aipom had resumed his position on Lysand's shoulder, and was happily eating the berries.
"Great!" Roy replies as he picks up Espurr. Eevee hops on his shoulder, while Mawile and Kakuna finish up their berries. "We're all set and ready to go, now we just wait for Moanna.
Ooc: oog, sorry guys, I'm pretty sick and haven't done much but sleep. I'll update when I can, but you guys should keep moving forward and I'll jump in where I can.

"Yeah, i slept pretty well." Hearing the guys talk about a fossil, Moanna wandered over to them, munching the the berries espurr had given her. "These are really good espurr, thank you. Can I see that fossil? It looks kind of like a jaw fossil but I'm not too sure."
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OOC: I've been a little busy myself, so it's cool.

"Oh, sure." Roy replies as he hands you the fossil. Espurr looks pleased as everyone has enjoyed the berries she picked.
" I think we should go get it checked out to be sure," Said Lysand, examining the fossil a bit, "Not that I don't trust your judgement, Moanna." Lysand smile at Espurr, who looked pleased.
OOC: I am new to the Unova region so I will be taking time to aquaint myself with surroundings as I progress, but I may need some assistance.

Name: Zachary Stahl
Hometown: Dewford Town, Hoenn.
Appearance: He looks like he could be a child of a marriage between Lt. Surge's family and Steven Stones. He has steel colored eyes and light, almost platinum blonde hair. He is also very fit and lean, every muscle is clearly defined. He wears Army green tank top and white colored Cargo Pants. His outfit is rounded out with steel toed hiking boots as he spends a lot of time in Granite Cave.
Personality: Smart and determined, but humble and friendly.
Goal: To start an Aron breeding Ranch in the Unova region.
Likes: His Aron, Rock music, Favorite foods are anything easily able to be gathered in the wild.
Dislikes: Pokemon thieves, Large Cities.
Starter Pokemon: Aron-Male-Nickname: Metal Head
Future team: Aggron-Metal Head (His Strongest), Scizor, Steelix, Magnemite, Shiny-Gyarados, Skarmory
Bio: Zachary grew up on the small island inhabited by Dewford Town. His mother was a pokemon researcher and his father was a store owner on the man land. It was during one of the hikes his mother and he took every week that he fell into a small hole and landed deep in Granite Cave. While he was unconscious an Aron approached him cautiously and laid next to him until his mother showed up with some rescue workers. The Aron refused to leave his side and followed him home. After several days of it hanging around him, Zachary's mother bought him a pokeball and he used it to catch the Aron. After a few years, his mother went back to the city and left on an adventure of his own. After some time traveling he came to the Unova Region and decided to make his start there, even though he had no idea where he was going.
Zachary stepped off the boat, the S.S. Tidal with his Aron, Metal Head, in tow. He looked around at the quaint beach side town as he looked over to Mr. Briney the Captain. "Thanks old man. I think I'll make it from here. What town is this by the way?" he asked as he leaned against the side of the vessel. Mr. Briney informed him that it was Nuvema Town and that he should try asking around for further directions other than that. "Okay let's go exploring Metal Head." The Aron just gave affirmative growl and they moved into the town.
OOC: Welcome aboard.

Roy tends to his Pokémon, calling them back and gets ready to head out. "Moanna, Lysand, you two ready?" Roy asks them.
Zachary looked for the first person he could and asked for directions. Metal Head in toe they wandered the town for a while before deciding to just head out the road to the north. "Let's hope we can find a good place to establish ourselves bud."
Seeing that his friends aren't, he goes to forest and looks for some Pokemon.

Moments later, he returns with a Butterfree. "That was a great battle, Mawile!" Roy congratulates the Pokemon. Butterfree lands on his head.
Orlando's eyes were bloodshot, and he hobbled to the camp. He had trained without stop for the last few days, only sleeping while nurse joy healed his pokemon. He felt like dropping dead, but he decided to just keep hobbling. The training had been exhausting, no doubt, but it was worth it. He had grabbed his basic badge before the training, easily, and only needed a nap. Perhaps twiggy could take care of the other pokemon for him?

OOC: Srry I didn't post for so long guys! Anyway, can I also play a neo plasma grunt if needed?
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"Oh, do excuse me. I wasn't watching where I was going." Roy replies to Jay. "Orlando... you look horrible, what happened?". He asks Orlando. Espurr brings him some berries.
Orlando replied, "Training. Say hi to my team. Fluffy and Twiggy evolved, and I caught a honedge named arsenic. Anyway, I need to rest. See you in the morning."

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
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