Marabelle scared as ever, since she was late on her first day, ran to the school not worrying about exhaustion. When she finally arrived, she asked around to get the directions to her homeroom. "Thank you so much!" She bowed at the principle when she received the directions.
Marabelle, followed by her a little Cutiefly and Flabébé, "Pom! Floe! We are far too late, to begin with, no time for breaks!" She told them, running up the yellow ramp, passing other rooms on her way. When she finally reached the classroom, Marabelle stumbled, falling headfirst, pushing the door open with her body weight and her bow falling out in the process.
Though she spoke in a muffled tone, with her face in the floor, she said whilst pointing her hand, "I am so sorry for my tardiness, I will try my best to be on time from now on!" Marabelle was uncomfortable and embarrassed from the scene she had made. Pom, the larger than average Cutiefly landed on her back, making a sound resembling giggling; Floe, the average looking Flabébé, floated outside of the classroom, staring at her Trainer lying there on the floor.
When she looked up, she saw no one in the Homeroom, she just sat there, confused.