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She gets hit a couple times and is bruising a bit but catches both of his fists as she growls and her power doubles from her releasing more power
"Ok now warm up is over"she brought both of his fists forward and knee'd him hard in the chest and kicked him downward back to the arena as she lands and her white aura flashing violently and she's growling from the released power
Who Pokémon there are:Frogadier
What grade they are in10th
Likes:Gaming, Ninjas, Anime
Dislikes:Talking in public, Bad food
Personality:Introvert, Nerdy
Abilities:Water pulse, Grass knot
Sun landed on his feet with a grunt as the arena shook beneath him. "You seem to constantly insist on making this a melee fight, hm?" he pondered. He cocked his head side to side, stretching his neck. "You might want to reconsider that strategy. I'm using my moves. Don't be afraid to do the same." He then launched forward and skidded to a halt just out of the gardevoir's attack range before launching a gunk shot at her.
"Because I figure I might as well beat you old fashioned style but since you insist here's a glimpse of my power!!"
She fired a massive shadow ball and it engulfed the gunk shot and headed fast toward him
Sun's brain worked quickly as the shadow ball careened toward him. Quickly he leaped up over the shadow ball, back flipped onto the other side, and catapulted himself forward above Kyu, then somersaulted downward as he delivered a blazing drop kick.
She growled and caught the blaze kick and struggling hard to push back
"You really enjoy using that kick eh?well then in that case" at point blank range she used dazzling gleam at him
Sun grunted as he tumbled back and nearly fell off the ring. He got back up and took a moment to catch his breath. He still couldn't activate his ability yet, but he knew he was close. The infernape let out a smile as he slammed his fist into the earth, sending a stone edge attack right at Kyu. He then leaped off one of the stones and used gunk shot, landing on another stone and leaping back to keep his distance.
She then actually blasted the gunk shot away with a shadow ball
She's smirking then realizes she can barley contain her power and she growls and grunts as her power raises more "hehe let's see how you can do when I try hard!" Her aura lifted again slightly as she charged up a large blast in her hand and shot it and its extremely large
The aura sphere started to fluxuate in his hand, completely losing its original shape. He threw it at Kyu's attack hoping that it was still accurate and fast enough to destroy it before it reached Sun.
Sun braced himself as the blast crashed into him with a powerful explosion. dust flew all around the arena, and for a while, the infernape couldn't be seen. Then, as the dust slowly settled, Sun was still standing, badly battered, but now with a fiery aura blazing around him. Straightening up, he let out a powerful roar of fury and took off in an earth-shaking lunge toward Kyu, the air around the ring rippling from the intense heat emitting from the simian.
her power rises and she teleported hydri back on the bleachers so he can be safe s as she yelled and charged at him extremely fast colliding two massive powers together as she starts throwing punches fast "I have one last trump card but first let's see how you deal with my full power!!!"
When Kyu charged at "Sun", she didn't realize in time that sudden changes in temperature can cause strange effects, and phased through the mirage. Meanwhile, the real Sun crashed into Kyu with Gunk Shot from behind.
She got hit and took a lot of damage from behind and her power is dampened highly dramatically
She's panting "from behind eh?"she chuckles "such a dishonorable fighter having to take out the opponent with their back turned but good shot" she smirked and wiped the burning gunk off and is severely damaged but she's strangely calm
"In that case you'll be one of the only two who have ever seen me use my trump card"she smirks "mind letting me power up a bit before you attack? I have. A 50-50 shot at this if I do it improperly my body will tense up and I may die but if I do it right"she chuckles "it means I win so let me show you this power that I haven't shown to anyone in a long time"
Sun was silent, stunned that she would take such a chance. "Don't be a fool!" he snapped. "Gambling your very life in a sparring match?! Have you lost your mind?!"
She chuckled as she crossed both of her arms getting ready to use it
"One thing you have to know about me is that I'm a sore loser if I lose without at least doing this"
She's grunting as her white aura is shifting slightly to red and she teleports jack and hydri behind the bleachers and puts a shield around them so they won't get hurt and she is struggling extremely hard to harness that inner power
"MGHHH!" She's growling as her power is rising and she is struggling extremely hard to harness it and not get the unlucky 50%
He pounded on the inner wall of the shield trying to stop Kyu. His body had changed to fit snuggly in his hoodie as the white light became unbearable as it covered him.
She suddenly realized that the power was getting to her head and her personality has changed since they first started fighting and her aura disappears as she is back to normal
"O-o-oh no.......not again"she hits her head for being dumb "your right this is just a sparring match.......I-I always g-get carried away when I fight I-I act like a completely different p-person" she sighs "I'm sorry sun........I can't risk that on something as stupid as a sparring match......I'll do that if there's something actually important......I'm sorry all of you" she releases jack and hydri from the shield
Huh? You evolved? Cool! and ummm sorry sun"she rubbed the back of her head embaressingly
"I just.....I love fighting a bit too much heh" she chuckled
"Your amazing really you are I actually a few times there almost thought I'd lose"she smirks as she picks up jack
She nods her head
"I'll make sure tommorow isn't as crazy I won't be fighting like that unless you guys want o" she smiles and has a small pink blush on her face when she smiles
"So ummmmm what now?"
(OOC: Mom and pop needed to talk with me, sorry for the delay)

Sun let out a sigh of relief that Kyu had come to her senses. "It's alright, I'm just glad you didn't really go through with it." He then picked up his jacket. "By the way, congrats on evolving, Hydri."
She sighed
"I heard that you DO know you could just choose to leave for a while right? I'm not FORCING you to hang out with me" she gave him a warm smile