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Ask to Join Pokémon Highschool

When she is about to answer him a small floating computer that is highly advanced floats here
"Hey kyu!"
She sighs hard "yeah trainer?"
"We both know you don't call me that" he smiles playfully
She sighs "yeah Adrian? By the way this is my trainer jack hold on on that thought"
He took out a Kelpsy berry from his bag and started to slowly eat it. "You can eat the berry I gave you now Sun."
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"And who's this little fella?" Adrian said as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully as you see he's in a scientist suit
"He's one of my freinds dad and you were kinda interrupting something important" she rubbed the back of her head
"Well at least let me get acquainted with him"the computer floated close to jack "what's your name?"
He slowly started to clean the dust from his hoodie. "That fight was really troubling for me you know Sun. I was afraid that you would push her too far and then there would be nothing for me to do in order to help. And even when I tried to help my power started to fail."
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Kyu decided to introduce her trainer to everyone else and she took jack with her and her trainer casually floats beside her on his tv thing
She sees there still in the gym
"Hydri you've already met him but sun this is my trainer"
The computer floats next to sun and he's rubbing his chin
"And what's your name big guy?"
"I even tried to stop that one attack from hitting you, I don't even know what happened to my attack in that whole thing. Maybe it is really slow right now?" He looked back up at the bleachers and saw the aura sphere slowly inching towards them. "Guys maybe we should move out of the way?"
She saw the aura sphere slowly coming towards them
"Ehh it'll dissipate soon since it's using a lot of energy to even move so it's losing power every second we will be fine"
"My name is Adrian corona head scientist of my company and creator of multiple robots and machines even the new one we made called the g-" he was quickly interrupted by kyu "yeah dad do you think is wise telling them this we're just teens yet your talking about secret techs"
He turned his attention back to his friends. "I am actually interested in this tech stuff Kyu and would like to hear more about it. So what were you saying Adrian?"
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"Ah yes yes our new tech is something that will be introduced to your very own school tomorrow in gym class after your coaches permission I have created a robot that is valuable to testing Pokémon trength for those that do not have any friends or family to help train with them" he pulled his glasses up "i called it (the Gods Sheild) since I created a nanotechnology shield around it that can withstand attacks that can level large skyscrapers! It has a pressure gauge on it to test how many pounds of force a object gives out which makes it perfect for testing out how strong your attack is" he lifts his glasses up "or in more simple terms it's a testing robot with training capabilities, it managed to withstand a full power hyper beam from a gyrados that was quite angry so it takes a lot to take out the shield"
He was very curious now. "And what if this robot were to turn corrupt like a Shadow Pokemon. How would it be disabled in a safe way?"
He smirked a smirk that looks very similair to kyu's......weird
"Ah yes yes I have been thinking about that possibility and I came up with a failsafe for my failsafe basically if it revolts or gets corrupted by anything that can control machines,which by the way is very difficult since it has a powerful a.i, then it has a small electrical circuit to its chest when it is activated it will short circuit the robot disabling it,but if it also gets smart and tries to take it off that will also activate the short circuit,yes yes I know this technology is very valuable so it has to have a few failsafes so that the government won't be bitching about it"
He for some reason has a very......weird connection with kyu although what exactly?
He started feeling weird talking to Adrian. He looked over at the aura sphere, it was still getting closer and had not lost any of its energy. "We can talk more about this robot of yours later Adrian." There was an almost sad look in his eyes but he hid it by pulling his hood down over his eyes.
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Kyu sighs "you two can continue talking ima go see how the aura sphere isn't losing any power" she goes to the aura sphere and pokes it "awe it's kinda c-"it blew up in her face and her entire face is black with ash and she is slightly burnt "well that hurt I'm ok though"
"It isn't supposed to burn you though. I-Is there something wrong with my moves today?" He thought for a moment looking over her wounds. "When I get back we must talk Adrian alright? And maybe I can test your robots limits by my own means."
He lifted his glasses again slightly as this is a habit for him
"Ah yes yes we shall I haven't met a lot of people who are thoroughly interested in this work we shall hydri we shall"
Kyu wipes her face off a bit "maybe you put so much energy into it it caused that?"
She smiled as she wiped her face
"Well I mean it hurted quite a bit but nothing too bad to the point of me limping or anything like that although it did hurt"
"So then is our school day over? I can't exactly keep track of time. Plus I think we should go get more berries. I am almost out of them after all. What kind should I even get Kyu?"
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"Now where is the shut down switch on this thing?" He looked over the floating computer for a power button of sorts. "I guess I will not worry about it then." He laughed and walked away from Adrian's computer. "Hey Sun?"
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Sun was watching the commotion from the bleachers as he worked on his comic book, keeping to himself for a bit. He was finishing up another page when he felt a familiar chill and let out a sigh. He already knew who it was, and he wasn't looking forward to seeing her. Pandora slipped upward, emerging from the shadows with a sickening smile on her face. "Seems you've made a few friends, darling." the gengar chuckled. "Master would be proud." She then looked Sun in the eyes. "Also, stop glaring at me like that. It's very rude."

"What do you want from me this time, Pandora?" Sun growled. The ghost simply chuckled in response.

"All I want is to meet your new friends." she replied with a grin. "If that's a crime, I suppose I should turn myself in." She then slunk into the ground and became a shadow, snaking it's way toward the group unnoticed. She then emerged behind Hydri and let out a terrifying scream.
The blades simply phased through her as she chuckled. "What, can't you take a joke?" Pandora implied, with a smile. "Pleased to meet you. I'm one of Sun's teammates, Pandora."
He kept backing away from the gengar. He then stopped and started shivering as he kept an eye on the gengar.
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"She's a witch who will drive you mad to no end." Sun said before Pandora could respond. "She also happens to have the same trainer as me."

"Honestly, Sun, must you always be so rude to a lady?" Pandora griped, though seeming amused. Then she looked to Kyu. "My name is Pandora. And as Sun said, he and I share a master." As she said this, she took out a pipe and used Will-o-Wisp to light it. "And to answer your question, I just thought it would be an amusing way to introduce myself." she chuckled.

(OOC: I'll be offline for a little bit. I need to get outside for a while and get some fresh air.)
She sighed
"Well I mean we have nothing else to do to be honest lunch is almost done so we might have to go to class in abbboooutttt 15 minutes or so it's our last class anyways"
"L-Lets go, I don't know how much more my heart can take today." Tears dripped onto the ground. "What is our last class anyways Kyu?"
She rubs her chin
"Well it's art class but I haven't met the teacher yet so umm let's go!" She walks with him to where there next class is
Ooc ( I have a swim competition in 10 minutes I'll be back in a half hour or so see you guys)