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Pokemon: Journey With Me

"Rank? Well, in the Garet region we don't really use ranks. But I guess you could say I'm usually considered the final trainer before the Elite Four. It's quite an honor, really."
Evon chuckled a bit before seeming to freeze. "Black outfit... mask... the Mask of Ice?!" Evon rushed over to Kanna. "What do you know about him? What can you tell me?"
"U-Uh n-nothing!!" She shoved him off and hid behind her brother. "J-Just asking! Heh heh heh..." She laughed awkwardly, and pointed to the sky. "OH LOOK A BIRD!" She went running in a random direction.
Hydrox rolled his eyes and sent out his Grotle. "Vine whip." He blankly said and pointed at Kanna. Vines came out of the leaves on Grotle's back, and brought Kanna back. "There is something you are hiding." Hydrox said, putting his hands on his hips. "What is this about?"
"Let go! Get off off off!" She struggled against the vines. "Let Go!" She soon gave up and yawned before Kutsu picked her up and piggy back her.(ignore the first one!)
Hydrox told grotle to stop the vines. "Sorry about that." He said to the others. "I get carried away sometimes." He returned his Grotle, sighed, and sat down on a nearby bench.
"She has never hid anything from but crushes but this...What are you hiding sis?" He asked the sleeping girl on his back. "We should go though, the sooner we leave the farther we can get before dark. You wanna tag along Evon?"
"Might as well." the trainer said. "I'm always up for adventure." He tapped something under his vest before starting to walk. He dropped his nine Pokeballs, releasing his entire team. Behind the gym leader followed Eevee, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Glaceon, Leafeon and Sylveon.
Hydrox looked in awe and stood up, smiling at all the eeveelutions. "This is amazing!" He said. "Speaking of Pokémon, are there any other Pokémon in your region?" He asked.
"Yeah! Quite a bit, actually. Our resident professor, Professor Toby Spruce, has currently cataloged over one hundred and fifty Pokemon exclusive to the Garet region... and growing! We usually don't have Pokemon from other regions, but the nearby islands have plenty of off-region Pokemon. I got this band of nine from one of the islands."
"They usually start off small and cute, but grow to be strong and ferocious. Just look at Treedut, for example." Evon said. "Treedut start off small and weak, but they evolve into Treedodon, some of the most powerful Pokemon in the region. Most champions of the Garet region have used a Treedodon to help them achieve victory."
(Here's a written work I made for the Garet Region starters: http://pokecharms.com/works/001-009-treedut-to-nympherena-starter-pokemon-and-evolutions.7251/)
"Evolution means nothing....a pokemon's strength comes from the heart, if they want to evolve they evolve. Flareon only evolved because she wanted to, we found three stones, a fire, electric, and water when I wasn't paying attention she took the fire stone and evolved." Petted both pokemon.
"I remember Claire said something about base statistics, and EV's, but I was only nine. I know that too. She also said something about how Pokémon are more than friends. That they live alongside us, and they should be treated just like us." Hydrox cited. "She is really smart."