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Ask to Join Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Weathered Paths

“Eek! I must have like slept way too much or something! I’m definitely not having that thing again!” Daniel squealed, before he suddenly jumped up from his bed.

“Okay, okay... let’s just get ready real quick. Hopefully they haven’t started, since I do have to get a bit more in with the other Pokémon unfortunately,” Daniel thought, before he grabbed his small, leafy bag.

His body shifted into the vague shaping of a Ralts a split second later. The body was in a pale shading of gray to conserve every bit of energy the transform Pokémon could. The little Pokémon decided to teleport out of his hideout soon after.

A couple of seconds later, Daniel found himself behind a bush in the village. He decided to slowly shift his body’s shape in a careful, painstaking manner. Once the process was complete a brief moment later, the little Pokémon took a mental note of his most prominent features: a small, sea blue, crocodile-like being with a somewhat big jaw and several red spines on the area behind.

The crocodile Pokémon gripped onto the bag, as he decided to put the sling around his small, right shoulder. He slowly made his way towards the school, while he kept no words towards any other direction of the other Pokémon. The sudden, loud crashes within the area had his tail perked up.

The crocodile Pokémon decided to walk towards the school’s entryway. He noticed a tiny Pokémon that appeared to resemble an axolotl without any arms. The little Pokémon approached the doorway and gulped the moment he saw the door open. The crocodile Pokémon blankly stared at the small, sheep-like Pokémon that gave way past the first lines of defense of the academy.


Previously OtisRolePlays
She noticed a Totodile come up as well. “U-U-Um, I, guessing you both are s-s-students as well?” Mary saw the way the Totodile stared at her. “I don’t know when c-c-class will s-s-start...” The young Mareep put two rocks in front of both the doors of the Academy to keep them open. That outta help... somehow... She gestured for them to come in, and Mary sat at one of the desks. Mary sighed as she waited for the teacher to come and start the class.


Previously Coop2001
Cooper sat at his desk next to the Mareep. "I can't wait to learn!" he said sitting down.

Alex sent another Aura sphere on the unfezant with the help of Furret's helping hand.
Daniel decided to sit at the desk behind the one the Mareep was in. He stayed as silent as a turtle withdrawn in its shell. The crocodile Pokémon blankly stared at the front of the classroom. He rolled his eyes in a slight manner after a sudden blurt of another Pokémon nearby.

He took out a piece of fine paper from his bag once he placed down the leafy container underneath his seat. He also took out a small, pointed, rocky piece and gripped it on his right hand. He discreetly sprayed a tiny amount of water on his left hand. He allowed the small droplet to soak into the pointed end of the chunk of smooth rock, before the water suddenly became a somewhat solid state of matter seconds later.

Once the cold, bluish liquid began to drip, the little Pokémon decided to sketch a moderately sized circle. He drew an almost straight line from the center point to the circumference of the circle. He then proceeded to draw another line on the outer area of the circle that barely intersected with the edge of the flat, circular figure.


Previously OtisRolePlays
(Ima just make a teacher suddenly appear, okay?)

Mary looked at the front of the class when a Watchog came in. “Hello, I am Venus, but you can just call me ‘Sir’. I will be your teacher for today.” The Pokemon replied simply. Mary nodded as the teacher spoke, her wool gave off a tiny spark.

“So, today we will be doing battle training. I will pair you with someone so you can battle them. No K.Oing, or hurting each other badly. If you are really low on health during the battle training, then you lose, so you get to restore your health and watch the others train, okay?” Venus looked at all of the students present.

Mary sighed, she wasn’t very good at battling. Venus gestured to all of the students to follow him outside, and Mary got up and stood behind him.
Daniel swiftly got up from his seat after he placed the small piece of rock and paper in his bag in a careful manner. He gripped onto the bag and wore it around his shoulder soon after he got the hang of the smooth sling. The crocodile Pokémon followed along with the Mareep. The Totodile abided by the Watchog’s command without any sort of meaningful sound to any of the other Pokémon.


Previously OtisRolePlays
Venus lead the three students outside, it was a sunny day, perfect for training. “Okay, since only three of you followed me here, we will have to do a triple battle.” Mary grew more nervous. Would she would have to battle two Pokemon at the same time? Battling one Pokemon is hard enough, but now two? Well, I guess it is unlikely for both of them to team up against me... She sighed in relief, and Mary glanced at Cooper and Daniel. “Begin!” Venus called out, waving one of his arms in the air to give a signal to start training.

She looked nervously at Daniel, then at Cooper. Mary closed her eyes and clenched her teeth as she was collecting all of her power to muster an attack. Come on... She thought to herself as her wool started to collect more electricity.
Daniel took another gulp once he found himself outside with the other Pokémon. The Totodile quickly focused some energy into his hands. A small, brown orb was suddenly fired into the air! The orb suddenly eurpted ino a mystical beam, which rained down upon the crocodile Pokémon! The little Pokémon soon became outlined in a strange, pale brown aura that emanated higher resistance against electrical attacks. The crocodile Pokémon took a deep breath, as he hoped he could quickly get the lesson over with.
"Oh no... I'm late for battle day... now I'm sad... I guess I have to wait for the next one."
He quickly ran in and sat down on the ground, watching the battle, silently starting at them... until it ended... it started with that smile... that dang smile... wait, how is he going to stand up now?


Previously OtisRolePlays
Venus noticed a Wooper watch the battle. He walked over to him. “You can still join, the battle just started, so it’s not too late for you.”

Mary closed her eyes even more and her tail rose up from the ground. The bulb on her striped tail started to glow. Focus... focus... n-n-now! Mary then let out a small burst of electricity, she was using Thunder Shock. She opened her eyes and saw that Daniel had made himself more resistant against Electric Type moves. Hmm, this will be a lot harder...
Daniel emitted a light cry once the Mareep emitted a burst of electricity! The Totodile quickly blasted a forceful stream of water on the ground! His body was then propelled upwards away from the electrical blast! The crocodile Pokémon launched a swift barrage of shots of water in the direction of the Mareep and the Eevee!


Previously OtisRolePlays
Mary nodded to Cooper, “T-T-Thanks, but why are you h-h-helping me? Aren’t you supposed to fight me and D-D-Daniel?” She took no notice to the shots of water coming towards them. Mary fell to the ground as water hit her in the face. Although it wasn’t very Effective, it still did a lot of damage.

“Here is some advice, don’t get distracted!” Venus called out, his large eyes looked at Cooper and Mary.

Mary sighed and looked up at Daniel. She started to use Charge Beam on Daniel in the air. She turned to Cooper and whispered, “Sorry...” Mary then used Thunder Shock on Cooper, feeling a bit bad.
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Daniel immediately shielded his face with his hands the moment the electrical beam rushed against his direction! A great jolt of electricity went through his tiny body, as he grunted from the stinging pain! He immediately fell several feet from the air, as he took a series of deep breaths in front of the other Pokémon.

A loud, shrill cry came from the Totodile! A huge stomp came soon after, as the ground started to violently quake! Suddenly, a series of columns of highly pressurized water eurpted from the ground in all directions near the crocodile Pokémon!


Previously OtisRolePlays
Her Special Attack was raised, so that was good for the young Mareep. But Mary was taken by surprise by the water that rose up from the ground. She was able to dodge one of them, but another one erupted underneath her. She was flung into the air, and she fell onto the ground. Mary took a series of heavy deep breaths, and picked herself up. Mary shot a look of determination at Daniel, and then she aimed a Thunder Shock on all the things around her.
Daniel sprinted away as quickly as he could to avoid the sudden rush of thunder! The crocodile Pokémon immediately hid behind the Watchog, as he panted from the sudden loss of energy he started to experience. His skin started to turn pale, as a spark of electricity came from his cough.

“Drat... I’m probably gonna be popcorn with that little sheep at this rate! Guess I got no choice then!” Daniel thought while he pondered about his selections of transformation a split second later. He hoped that a little Pokémon like him would not catch the eyes of the teacher.


Previously OtisRolePlays
Venus didn’t notice Daniel behind him, his eyes tracked Mary and Cooper’s movements. Hmm, I wonder where Daniel is, maybe he used Dig or something... He simply shrugged.

Mary looked around, where did Daniel go? She had used most of her electricity, and she was low. I need to find more electricity, but how?
"Oh... okay! These guys look like they're having fun... so I'll go with them! Okeeeeey... what to do... ooh! Ooh! I know this! Take out the biggest threat!"
Wesley skipped his way into the middle of the fray, and stood in front of Cooper, guarding him from the others.
"It's gonna aaaall be okay! I can make those guys go bye-bye! Sooooo you just stay behind me and you'll be okey-dokey, lickity split!"
Wesley looked at Mary, then stared at her for a bit... not a bit... a while. Then, he walked up to her, and stood in front of her, using Mud-Slap on her face, staring into her soul...
"Oops... your wool is dirty... sorrrrrryyyyy! Why do my attacks make people look yucky?"


Previously OtisRolePlays
Mary recoiled from the Mud-Slap, as it was Super Effective on her. She looked at her muddy wool, “It makes it yucky because it is Mud-Slap, and mud is very yucky.” Mary replied simply as she used Cotton Spore on Wesley to lower his speed. Mary looked at Wesley and used Tackle on him.
Daniel carefully snuck out of the field of battle the moment he noticed the Wooper that attacked the Mareep recently. The crocodile Pokémon took another deep breath, as he made his way back into the classroom. He hid underneath the desk in the back row for a brief moment. He placed down the bag, as he decided to shift his body’s shape soon after.

After the process was complete within an intense minute, he slowly crawled out of the area underneath the desk. He carefully looked down at his light blue body, as he swiftly noted the most prominent features it had: a big, oblong head, shiny green eyes and colorful, finger-like protrusions on his hands.

He decided to lightly float up near the desk, as he allowed his mind to have the bag float alongside him. He decided to gently descend himself and his bag down onto the ground soon after. He crawled underneath the desk and took the bag with him. He curled up and placed down the bag on his right side, as he decided to remain there for the time being.
Wesley barely dodged Mary's Tackle because of her lowered accuracy, then attacked once more with Mud Bomb.
"All around the Bluk Berry bush, the Stunky chased the Sneeeeeasaaaal! The Stunky thought 'twas all in good fun, POP goes the Sneeeeasaa-"
Wesley felt the force of the Quick Attack to the back of his head, landing face-first into the ground. He then backflipped back and looked at Cooper with his blank stare.
"Ohhhh... I seeee... you want to get started with me already! Okay then! I'll focus on you now! Time for a niiiiice bath time!"
He took aim at Cooper, and his entire body started gyrating, and he kept Cooper in his sights as long as possible... that stare seemed like it went on for miles...


Previously OtisRolePlays
She missed Wesley because of her poor accuracy. Mary tried to see where Wesley was, and soon she caught sight of him. She quickly used Cotton Spore on him, trying to lower his speed. Mary leaped over to him, and tried to use Tackle on him. She knew that her Electric Type moves wouldn’t effect Wesley because of his Typing.
Daniel ignored the battle that unfolded outside of the classroom. The little Pokémon decided to take out a thick, sky blue scarf from his bag. A few yellow stars twinkled from the nearby, outer sunlight. The scarf was carefully wrapped around his neck soon after. He took a silent breath, as he decided to have a brief session of rest underneath the desk in the backmost row.
Wesley took the Tackle attack, keeping his eyes only on Cooper... still gyrating... almost as if his head is going to start spinning around or something creepy like that... then it hit you. Not an idea, but the massive Water Gun coming from his mouth, which lasted ABNORMALLY long... maybe because he held it in for so long...
"Squeaky clean, squeaky clean! Here, I'll make you nice and cleans as well!"
He sprayed a bit of water on Mary, washing away all of the mud he put onto her before, making her wool glimmer a bit in the sun.
"Pretty wool, pretty wool! So soft and squishy! Happy happy day!"
He did his little happy dance, which consisted of... basically hopping between his two feet, occasionally shaking his little tush, then spinning on his head like he was breakdancing. Then he stayed on his head... and stared more at Cooper... this kid needs help. His stare practically says 'I know where you sleep at night...'


Previously OtisRolePlays
Mary was a bit surprised that the Water Gun Wesley shot at her cleaned her, instead of hurting her. “U-U-Uhm, Thanks...” She was happy that her wool was clean, and Mary smiled at Wesley. Then she turned towards Cooper. Mary focused all of her energy and shot a huge Charge Beam at Cooper, her wet and shiny wool glimmered even more from the electricity and sunlight.


Previously OtisRolePlays
She saw the Charge Beam do nothing against the Protect. Mary leaped away from Cooper to avoid the attack. She skidded across the ground on her feet, and Mary released a Thunder Shock quickly on Cooper. She also used Cotton Spore to lower Cooper’s Speed. She smiled at Wesley, feeling more confident in battling.
Wesley, noticing this powerful attack, simply walked in front of Mary, then stood there... patiently.
"Everything will be a-ok, Mary. I know a veeeery seeecret move I learned from my mama! She said to never forget it, so I didn't! You just stay right there for me, and I'll take this guy down."
Once more he was just standing there... patiently... getting ready for... something, I guess... either that, or he was just being EXTREMELY chivalrous to Mary... because morals.


Previously OtisRolePlays
Mary nodded and stood behind Wesley. “Okay, I-I-I trust you...” She hoped that Wesley was right, she didn’t know how powerful Woopers were. Maybe they are really tough, or really strong... Hmm... Her mind pondered on what ‘secret’ move Wesley learned from his Mother.
"Awwww... I didn't get to use it... sad time..."
He looked down at the ground in pure depression, with an actual little rain cloud over his head... so sad... and then suddenly it's as if he's bipolar and literally is happy again in five seconds.
"Now's our chance now's our chance! To finish hiiiim off~"
He used Water Gun on Cooper while he was on the ground, using it as a tactical advantage.
"Zappity zap, that's how you attack~! Water makes him weaker, so go and attack~!"


Previously OtisRolePlays
She nodded to Wesley and dodged the Last Resort. Mary shot a Thunder Shock at Cooper three times. Mary noticed that Wesley seemed to be sad for a moment before being happy again, and she smiled at that. She wished she could happy almost every single part of her life like Wesley seemed to be.
Juuuust in case, he stood in front of Mary after she shot the Thunder Shocks, waiting once more.
"I am your shield, and you my sword!~ When we're together, we'll never get boooored!~"
He does his happy dance upon seeing Cooper on the ground once more.


Previously OtisRolePlays
Venus saw Cooper collapse. He quickly ran over to him, and picked him up. “And Cooper is ooouuuttt!” He laughed a bit at his own joke, and he brought Cooper to a nearby bench. “Okay, I have LOTS of Oran Berries, so if you are still awake, then here is one.” Venus placed an Oran Berry next to Cooper. It’s the best I could do, I’m no doctor...

Mary danced with Wesley, “Yay! We beat Cooper!” She smiled, and then she realized something. “Wait, do we have to fight each other now since Cooper is out and Daniel is gone?” Mary didn’t really want to fight Wesley, he was really nice.