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Private/Closed Pokemon Warcraft! Discussion

Which jewel should be the next one?

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I will lower Con and increase Wis, I forgot about the apothecary part when I was writing it down. However, rogues ALWAYS need high Dex, because this is used for Stealth, whereas a lot of rogues don’t NEED to invest in Int. I will still switch them if you want.
Here is my last character. I am still working on him. I want to tweak a few things before I am completely finished with him.
Name: Phoenix
Gender: Androgynous Male
Age: 19
Race: Elf
Guild: Storm Breakers
Class: Bard, Inventor
Element: Fire
Height: 5'6
Weight: 110
Looks: Phoenix is very slim. He has a soft look about him. His muscles are toned, but not overly so. He has long thick wavey dark red hair. It comes to the middle of his back. He will pull it up into a messy bun when he is working on an invention of some sort. He has bright blue eyes. His face is very soft and hairless. He has elf ears that can be seen when he puts his hair up. He tends to be mistaken for a girl most of the time. When he is working on an invention his face will tend to get dirt on his cheeks.
Clothing: He tends to wear a form fitting tonic that opens in the front and forms a upside down V and the bottom. It comes to about mid thigh. He wears this with a leather belt that holds items that he likes to have around. The tonic is a bright green color. It has golden details around the edge and long sleeves. He wears a pair of dark green leggings that tuck into a pair of soft leather brown boots. The boots lace up in the front with gold laces. They come to his knees. They have a slight heel to them.
Personality: Phoenix is a jokster. He loves to laugh and have fun. Hey can not be serious. He tends to be working on something. He can not sit still unless he is making something. He loves to make things go explodey. When he is playing a song he is very focused. He loves to preform and make people smile.
Weapons: He has a long staff that he will use to defend himself. He is not very skilled with it.
Instruments: Flute, Guitar or Lute, Violin, and Harp.
Weakness: He is not very strong. He tends to want to explode everything. He is not very skilled with his staff. He can not stay focused on things to do much. Well unless it is something he enjoys.
  • He is very smart and loves to create things. His favorite thing to make is bombs. He loves to watch things go up in flames.
  • He has some control of his powers. He has mastered one thing with them. He is able to shape flames and have them crackle and explode on command.
  • He is a master at makeup and is able to change his look in a pinch. He has worked in a circus where he learned to preform along with his pokemon.
  • He is able to ride his Mightyena, Sass. Phoenix has had been able to do that since she had evolved.
  • He is able to make some potions. Though the only ones he really knows how to make or the ones that have dangerous results.
  • Phoenix worked in the circus as a tight rope walker. He has amazing balence.
  • He is ver limber and fast.
Sass has been with Phoenix since he was a kid. She was a very protective pup of the small elf boy. They grew together and their bond grew as well.
Blaze is a very caring. He loves to work with Phoenix on his potions. He will fetch things for him. He will also be the one to make sure Phoenix does not get too carried away with the fire and bombs.

Too bad I can not use the stats I had rolled for Sarah. Though they would probably be a little OP seeing as I rolled 13 for Strength, 18 for Dexterity, 15 for constitution, 18 for intelligence, 14 for wisdom, and 17 for charisma.
I enjoy a good fight, but not when people are like:

“Attacked with unavoidable speed”

And then

“Dodged our of the way”

It just gets annoying fast when people do minor autoing like that. I think people could be more like:

He darted in quickly, hoping to strike before his opponent could regain their balance.

Instead of:

He rushed in with unavoidable speed.

(Sorry for the rant.)
Got my new character!

: Samantha (Sam) Parker
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Guild: Will join Stormbreakers
Class/Job: Avenger
Element: Wind
Height: 5"0
Weight: 100 lbs
Hair: Dark Black
Eyes: Gray
Personality: Sam is an extremely quiet person. When she does speak, you must pay close attention because her voice volume is really low. She is not shy, she will feel comfortable with anyone, that doesn´t mean she is going to talk to them. For being, someone so quiet she like loud places. She pretends not to care for anyone, but deep inside she is always on the lookout for her friends. She is expressionless most of the time, only shows her feelings when she feels strongly about something.
Skills: Handles her weapon with ease, years of practice. Despite being small, she has great resistance and quick reflexes.
Weakness: She does not run fast, lazy and prefers to avoid battles.
Alola Rattata (Bob)
Ability- Hustle
Personality- Curious and playful.
Banette (Chuck)
Ability- Curse Body
Personality- Prankster and vengeful.
Background: Sam grew up in an orphanage that was very religious. She never believed though, since she could not understand why she was an orphan. She was bullied and cast away because of her size and serious attitude. She made a pact with Myrlkul to gain the powers to get revenge and now wonders the world punishing the bad.
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Well I am going by DnD logic for Elves. They don't sleep. They go into a trance like state and rest for four hours. Due to their Fey ancestry they can't not sleep. The can not be put to sleep either. They can be knocked unconscious but they can not be magically put to sleep.