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Private/Closed Pokemon Warcraft! Discussion

Which jewel should be the next one?

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This is kind of a weird question but I was just wondering what would be like the pecking order for the guild (either strength or position)? I was curious cause I joined late so I haven’t been able to fully understand every character so I just wanna see how Wes fits in and if I did another character what role they would need to fill. Also if we are lacking a certain element I could use that one.
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Name: Esa Toru
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Guild: Was a member of the temple of balance but will probably join Storm breakers
Class/Job: Monk
Element: Life force (will explain later)
Height: 5"4
Weight: 115 lbs
Appearance: Esa is slightly on the short side. She does not have large muscles but is definitely well-toned. Esa is considered by most to be very attractive, a trait she often uses to her advantage to get what she wants. Esa has long black hair that goes down to her mid-back. Similar to her brother she has a unique eye color- although hers are a stunning shade of purple, and also has tanned skin. Esa prefers to wear minimal armor to allow maximum movement, even traveling barefoot. She wears what resembles a cloth black sports bra, and a black sarong around her waist. Between the two articles of clothing she has a light purple tattoos, resembling flames, that run along the side of her body from her hips to her shoulders. She has dark purple linen wraps around each arm, silver earrings with amethyst gemstones, and a belly-button piercing with an amethyst.
Personality: Esa is fiercely independent, hating to have to rely on others for anything. Her background has formed her into a master of blending in and is often well liked as a result. However; at her core she secretly despises most people and only truly cares about a select few, whom she is extremely protective of. Intelligence apparently runs in the family as she is even brighter than her brother Wes, often talking down to him like he is stupid. Her cunning and charisma has allowed her to live a life in which she gets most everything she wants, and when she faces resistance, she will find a way to crush it. Esa is also very vengeful and will not forget a single misdeed done to her, and at some point in time, whether it be in 15 minutes or 15 years she will get her revenge.
Skills: She is fairly agile but is not naturally extremely fast or strong, her battling ability is dependent on her intelligence and her use of her element. Her element enables her to influence the flow of one's life energy. She utilizes this expertly in combat, whether it be focusing all of her energy to her fist for a very powerful punch, distributing it between her legs for a speed boost, or focusing in on her stomach to resist an incoming attack. She can absorb magical attacks of those weaker than her. She has even gained the ability to allow her to project her energy in a field around her (a circle going out about 3 ft on either side of her body) that allows her to detect any discrepancy in the flow of energy, enabling her to dodge attacks that enter the perimeter while it is activated. Her most powerful ability is to cause discrepancies in the flow of energy of other people's bodies. If she makes contact with another person she can clog the flow of energy in that particular place, for instance: if she hit someone on their right shoulder their right arm would become physically weaker and unable to use magic.
Weakness: Esa does not have any projectile based attacks so is only able to defend when kept at a distance. When boosting a specific part of her body, the rest of her body becomes extremely vulnerable. The magic blocks she places on others can be overflowed and undone by those with a stronger spirit that her (although that is not many), or they are undone when Esa is attacked and is unable to keep the necessary focus needed to maintain them.
Ability- Chlorophyll
Personality- Very kind, helpful, and happy Pokemon.
Ability- Rattled
Personality- A very fierce a stubborn pokemon. Poochyena is very loyal to Esa and will be distrustful and sometimes aggressive towards anyone her owner doesn't approve of.
Background: Esa is the long older lost sister of Wes. When their home village was burned down she was kidnapped by the one of the rogues involved, intended to be sold because of her rare purple eyes. While being transported a group of monks that worshipped the legendary dragons of Unova rescued her, despite not actually killing a single criminal. She was then raised in their temple where she trained in there ways of combat, hoping to one day avenge her family. She met both Bulbasaur and Poochyene while in the mountainous temple and grew close with them. Even though the monks were always kind to her, the pokemon were her only true friends growing up. One day when she was sent to hike down the mountain to a nearby town in order to purchase resources she stubbled across an outlaw board that caught her eye. After looking closer she realized that the criminal with the highest bounty she had ever seen greatly resembled her lost brother- Wes. She was stunned at the image and upon reading more she learned that the reason there was no name below the picture was because everyone who encountered him either ended up dead, without memory, or were unwilling to give him up for some strange reason. She quickly tore the poster of the criminal nicknamed the "Lighting Drifter" and sprinted back to the temple. Upon telling the monks her desire to seek out her brother they greatly encouraged her to pursue this quest, giving her equipment and the two pokemon to take with her for protection. Since then she has been tracking Wes, even getting villagers to admit his great philanthropic deeds as an apothecary after telling them she is his sister. Esa was extremely proud of her brother, knowing there was no way he was the criminal he was made out to be, and continued her search. Most recently, she heard talk that he may be located at the Stormbreaker's guild and has been making her way there...
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This is from the rp rules page “Lastly - being what they are, Legendary Pokémon are doubtless to have, well, legends about them. Myths and stories, depictions in art and on the walls of ancient temples, rumored cryptid-esque sightings that cannot be proven or disproven as being the actual being - the works. Needless to say, such myths and stories would doubtless capture the minds and imaginations of trainers - whether or not they actually have the skills and capability to survive an encounter with such monsters. Reading stories about legendaries, chasing rumored sightings (that are most likely a case of mistaken identity), being fascinated with old folklore etc. is perfectly fine and does not require special approval so long as no actual encounter takes place. Any actual encounter with a Legendary (even at the culmination of a long pursuit) is subject to the rules mentioned above.”
We've gotten warnings about simple stuff like that before, that's why we try to avoid it as much as possible. If it's really really necessary then we can let it slide, but if you could reference it (like I did with Samantha) it would be better. Sorry but I prefer to play it safe.
I might have idea for Sarah's part. It would involve a certain entity if they would help her out. I thought it would be fun if Sarah had a bit of knowledge about the creature. It would be something she would know about. If you do not want to go with idea then I would gladly go with anything else.