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Private/Closed Pokemon Warcraft! Discussion

Which jewel should be the next one?

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Thanks, but it honestly doesn’t really take much effort... I already had Wes’ stats, so editing them into a female monk instead of a make rogue was honestly very easy, as they use some similar skills. Not to mention you described her skills very well, making it much easier.
All I’m saying is apparently Amra didn’t sustain a hit from Wes when they fought, reading back Sarah defeated Napoleon without taking any damage, somehow resisting his attacks, now Sarah is able to completely withstand the torture of an insane demon ghost thing that scares the crap out of me, and apparently Amra is capable of easily getting past expert traps. There is nothing wrong with having strong character’s, but there is strong and then there’s insanely overpowered. For example Tyler is probably the most powerful right now, but he’s confined to a one mile radius and can’t fight much without completely draining an ally
Haha he might, probably needs to learn a lesson about working with a teammate.. like before if he sustains a cut or something he will probably be overstimulated with nerves from the pain and the electrical charge, causing him to black out. Or if you cut off the current suddenly by getting Joltik off him, his body will not react well to the sudden change and he will again, pass out
I was debating making a weaker character too but then I got the idea for Esa I thought it’d be more fun... if it’s at all a problem that I have two strong characters I can scratch that idea and go on with my idea for a half orc barbarian that’s scared of fighting
You have to remember Sarah is a trained assassin. I have reasons for why she is able to resist most torture attack. You have to take into account that she has been doing this since she was very young. Sarah can not use magic like the others she fight with more of her skill then her magic. Sarah is not all powerful.

With Wes he basically just saying that he is smarter then normal. Amra is an elf they do not have the same training that a human would. She had also been training with the Royal guard and army of the Elven kingdom since she was younger. That is why she is able to do some of the things she does. Also Wes has basically been doing his own thing. He trapped Rolen when all he was doing was hiding. You had Wes see him when he was hidden. Then you cut the rope before Amra could even execute her plan.

I am not going to have Sarah withstand much pain, but with her assassin background it is not unheard of for them to have some tolerance to small amounts of pain. I am not trying to be over powered I am going by the background that I have set for them. Amra lived in a forest where she spent most of her time. It is not unheard of for her to train to pass difficult terrain.

Honestly I like the idea of the orc barbarian.
Wes was raised in a guild of thieves and an apothecary, I feel his intelligence and ability are more than warranted as he’s been doing similar work to Sarah for near as much time, but I still included that she is stronger than him. Wes didn’t find Rolen... Sam revealed his location.
He still would not have noticed him because he was focused on Azumi and I could see him curting the rope, but he would have trapped Sam along with Rolen seeing as she was right behind him when the flying rock type used the to moves.
Well seeing as they were so close it woulf been impossible to even trap Rolen without trapping Sam as well. She basically came right up behind him to startle him. It would be near impossible unless he somehow. Pushed her away as well.
Alright mine is edited @Hecotoro

Also I’m not sure it would be smart for Amra and Rolen to attack now, they are fighting what appears to be a threat, I’m not sure you want to take out your teammates

Edit: sorry @JayBird Joe I just had to edit the dishwashing part out of mine along with other things so your post might be affected
Yeah it’s hard but I just completely reworked my post to make sense because hecotoro had to edit his post to make sense with the post jaybird had made but hecotoro didn’t see before he posted. Also I’m confused as to how Amra could shoot an arrow with great precision onto the roof and somehow not notice the guy Azumi and Wes were facing off against
She would have saw Azumi on the edge of the roof when she climbed the tree and shot where she though she would go. Besides it is a forest of trees there are bound to be some that are taller then the building. It would not be unheard of to see part of the roof from where she was at.