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Open Pokemon World.

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Name: Nix
Age: 14
Personality: Funny, Laidback
Appearance: Looks like Gold from Gen 2 with a red hat and scarf on.
Team: Riolu and Cyndaquil
Region: Johto
Previous Regions: None
Ethan makes his way to Professor Elms lab to get his starter Pokemon. " Hey Professor I'm here to get my starter."
" Ah Ethan who do you want: Cyndaquil a fire type, Chikorita a grass type or Totodile a water type."
Ethan thought long and hard but then he made his decision " I choose Cyndaquil!" He took Cyndaquil in his arms and said " Cyndaquil we're gonna be great friends."
Nix walks out of Ilex forest and looks around with his cyndaquil on his shoulder and his riolu by his side and he sighs "Is it only me or is this region getting boring." He says.
"well first I have a gift for you!" Bailey pulled a red box with a yellow ribbon on out of his bag, it contained the blue bow he'd bought for earlier "I want you to close your eyes."
Nix was walking back to New Bark Town and when he got there he noticed someone in the lab picking up a Cyndaquil "Well Cyndaquil you sure are a popular starter." He said to his Cyndaquil.
Bailey opened the box, took the bow out and put in her hair, he turned her so she could look at her reflection in the pond behind them "now open!"
Lucy opened her eyes and looked her reflection in pond. She was first confused but then she realized that she have blue bow in her hair.
"Awww! Bailey you are so sweet." Lucy said and hugged Bailey with her free hand.
"you're welcome, yeah let's head back to the hotel and try to get a room."
When they arrived they found out there were only three rooms left and all three only had one bed each.
"uhhhh..... I guess we'll have to share a bed then."
"No, room is too small for all our Pokemon. Plus I love to sleep alone in bed with only Eevee warming my knees." Lucy said
"Vee." Eevee nodded
"I think I will find another room." Lucy said and went from Bailey's room
Lucy went into room which was next to Bailey's room.
"Okay, let's try to get some sleep." Lucy said and put Eevee on her bed.
Braixen and Cyndaquil found pillow and blanket and they laid down next to Lucy's bed.
Lucy laid on her bed and Eevee curled on her knees. "Night."
The night went by quickly and bailey woke up, got dressed and headed into Lucy's room to wake her up "hey Lucy, you need to get up we should be having our first gym battle today, plus I need to talk to you."
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