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Open Pokemon World.

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Bailey put Oshawott on his shoulder and held Chikorita in his arms. 'Do I ask or do I not ask?' Bailey thought not noticing his face was once again red.
"Okay there's no point in keeping it a secret now because you know something's up ummmm.......... I'm gonna be completely honest, I kinda like you and well..... do you wanna go out with me? sorry i'm not very good when it comes to talking to girls."
"Sure, I will go out with you." Lucy smiled
Braixen smiled and hugged Lucy, Eevee went from Braixen paws to Lucy's shoulder.
"I know you are happy about me." Lucy said "I think I know what do you want. You want to help me about date?" Lucy whispered to Braixen
Braixen nodded
"Let's talk about that later, but first we need to go..." Lucy said and continue walking
Bailey's face lit up with excitement "Wow!" Bailey whispered to Froakie and Chikorita who's mouth's were wide open in awe.
"Nothing." Bailey quickly replied
After arriving in Cherrygrove city Bailey looked at Lucy and smiled, before saying "I heard this is a really nice place to go fishing at sunset, have you got a fishing rod?"
"Ok, then what do you want to do while we're here?"
Oshawott jumped off Bailey's shoulder and looked in a store window where he saw a beautiful light blue bow, Bailey noticed the bow then gave a slight nod to Oshawott hoping Lucy wouldn't notice.
Oshawott then headed inside the shop and exited with the bow hidden behind him, he then handed the bow to Bailey.
"Hmm...? Where is Bailey?" Lucy asked when she noticed that Bailey is missing
Braixen shook her head.
Eevee jumped from Lucy's shoulder and went to Lake.
"You want to swim?" Lucy asked
Eevee nodded.
"Go, ahead." Lucy smiled and Eevee instantly jumped into Lake and swam around
"Watch for Gyrados." Lucy smiled and sat next to Lake
"I heard there's this really nice hill on the outskirts that overlooks the city and beach and it looks really pretty at night."
"oh that makes sense, but still it's getting pretty close to sunset, I say we go to the hill then stay at the hotel here."
"Okay." Lucy said "Eevee come here! We need to move one!" Lucy called for Eevee
Eevee went from water but when she started to swim, Gyrados followed her.
"Eevee!" Lucy screamed
Eevee turned to see why is her master screaming. When she turned back she saw Gyrados who was growling at her
Eevee screamed.
"Oh, no! What should I do?" Lucy asked worriedly. "I can't send Braixen or Cyndaquil they are both fire type. They might drown."
Gyrados was staring at Eevee.
Gyrados growled and dives.
"Eevee, are you okay?" Lucy shouted to Eevee
Eevee as fastest as she can back to Lucy.
Lucy took Eevee in her hands. "You will be okay." Lucy pet wet Eevee
Name: Ethan
Age: 15
Personality: Stubborn, Can't turn down a battle
Appearance: Long black hair, Denim jacket, Light brown trousers, Belt with pokeballs and cap with pokeball on
Team: Sceptile (starter), Heracross, Gliscor, Garchomp
Region: Johto
Previous regions: Hoenn, Kalos, Kanto, Sinnoh, Unova
"I'm Lucy, from Kalos and these are my Pokemon: Braixen, Eevee and Cyndaquil." Lucy said and showed wet Eevee in her heands and Braixen who was standing beside her with Cyndaquil in her paws.
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