Previously PrincessPika~chan
Hillo all! I'm here and ready for some requests!
First off, some rules:
1. I won't draw anything nsfw, I can draw things like minor scratches, bruises, etc., just nothing too excessive.
2. I can draw humans/humanoids, but they will take much longer and I will take less human/humanoid requests at once.
3. I may refuse certain other requests if I don't want to do them OR the correct form was not used.
4. As part of the above rule, you MUST use a form WITH the title line-section thingys
5. If you use my art in you're signature, as you're profile picture, etc., you MUST credit me
So, without further ado, I will list of what you can request off me!
First off, some rules:
1. I won't draw anything nsfw, I can draw things like minor scratches, bruises, etc., just nothing too excessive.
2. I can draw humans/humanoids, but they will take much longer and I will take less human/humanoid requests at once.
3. I may refuse certain other requests if I don't want to do them OR the correct form was not used.
4. As part of the above rule, you MUST use a form WITH the title line-section thingys
5. If you use my art in you're signature, as you're profile picture, etc., you MUST credit me
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So, without further ado, I will list of what you can request off me!
Pictures of pokemon, humans, gjinkas, etc. with a bit of detail!

Description(be as clear as possible, pictures drawn by you can be used as well):
Preferred Size(in pixels, Optional):
Background Preferences(if any, Optional, If you do fill this section, then describe the basic background 'theme'):
Shading Amount(either 'None', 'Subtle', 'Medium' or 'Detailed'):
Style(as I have tons of different art styles, name or link the work that I've posted that you want me to do the request in the style of):
Preferred Size(in pixels, Optional):
Background Preferences(if any, Optional, If you do fill this section, then describe the basic background 'theme'):
Shading Amount(either 'None', 'Subtle', 'Medium' or 'Detailed'):
Style(as I have tons of different art styles, name or link the work that I've posted that you want me to do the request in the style of):
Pictures or sprites of multiple Pokemon fused together!

Base Pokemon:
Other Pokemon(separate names with a comma):
Sprite or Artwork?:
Other Pokemon(separate names with a comma):
Sprite or Artwork?:
Simple sprites of any human/humanoid character!

Description(be as clear as possible, if you want a specific sprite used in some way, mention it here):
Quick, large-scale sprites of almost anything!

Pixel Size(2x2-16x16):
Pixel Size(2x2-16x16):
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