• Welcome back to Pokécharms! We've recently launched a new site and upgraded forums, so there may be a few teething issues as everything settles in. Please see our Relaunch FAQs for more information.


Previously PrincessPika~chan
Hillo all! I'm here and ready for some requests!

First off, some rules:
1. I won't draw anything nsfw, I can draw things like minor scratches, bruises, etc., just nothing too excessive.
2. I can draw humans/humanoids, but they will take much longer and I will take less human/humanoid requests at once.
3. I may refuse certain other requests if I don't want to do them OR the correct form was not used.
4. As part of the above rule, you MUST use a form WITH the title line-section thingys
5. If you use my art in you're signature, as you're profile picture, etc., you MUST credit me

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So, without further ado, I will list of what you can request off me!

Pictures of pokemon, humans, gjinkas, etc. with a bit of detail!
Description(be as clear as possible, pictures drawn by you can be used as well):
Preferred Size(in pixels, Optional):
Background Preferences(if any, Optional, If you do fill this section, then describe the basic background 'theme'):
Shading Amount(either 'None', 'Subtle', 'Medium' or 'Detailed'):
Style(as I have tons of different art styles, name or link the work that I've posted that you want me to do the request in the style of):

Pictures or sprites of multiple Pokemon fused together!
Base Pokemon:
Other Pokemon(separate names with a comma):
Sprite or Artwork?:

Simple sprites of any human/humanoid character!
Description(be as clear as possible, if you want a specific sprite used in some way, mention it here):

Quick, large-scale sprites of almost anything!
Pixel Size(2x2-16x16):
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Oh hey can you draw a Scyther with a choice band wrapped around its neck for me?
Scyther is kinda hard to draw so you can maybe leave so details out?
I dont really care about the background. :'|


Previously PrincessPika~chan
@Gripz, A couple things: you have to use the form for me to accept you're request, I'd like a description of the pose, and a choice band would more likely to be on a Scyther's arm just before the scythe than around the neck.
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I want a normal Scyther with a average size. And i still want a choice band wrapped around its neck :p. I really want it to stand like a fairy type z move pose.
As i said, you can choose the background
I would like a medium shading
I want a original style
Thats it


Previously PrincessPika~chan
Okay, done:
That still counts as medium shading to me, just barely.
And yeah, the choice band looks kinda bad
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Previously Luma_Star
May I request something?

I would like a simple Whirlipede, not shiny, and not too detailed. Please make the eyes cute and emerald green. Please, please not too detailed, that's very important to me. If you need more details, go ahead and tell me.


Previously Luma_Star
Oh, of course! Sorry I forgot it!

Description: I would like a simple Whirlipede, not shiny, and not too detailed. Please make the eyes cute and emerald green. Please, please not too detailed, that's very important to me. No colour, except for the eyes.
Preferred Size: I would prefer it if the image was small - ish.
Background Preferences: White is fine, though I would prefer black or dark red.
Shading Amount: Like I said, simple, so no shading, please.
Style: Original.
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Hey princess pika can you make a cyborg evee
Hillo all

First off, some rules:
1. I won't draw anything nsfw, I can draw things like minor scratches, bruises, etc., just nothing too excessive.
2. I can draw humans/humanoids, but they will take much longer and I will take less human/humanoid requests at once.
3. I may refuse certain other requests if I don't want to do them OR the correct form was not used.
4. As part of the above rule, you MUST use a form WITH the title line-section thingys
5. If you use my art in you're signature, as you're profile picture, etc., you MUST credit me

All 'new' style requests will be put on hold for the time being!
1. Emerald green-eyed Whirlipede (@Doctor_Hoo)
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So, without further ado, I will list of what you can request off me!

Pictures of pokemon, humans, gjinkas, etc. with a bit of detail!
Description(be as clear as possible, pictures drawn by you can be used as well):
Preferred Size(in pixels, Optional):
Background Preferences(if any, Optional, If you do fill this section, then describe the basic background 'theme'):
Shading Amount(either 'None', 'Subtle', 'Medium' or 'Detailed', not avalble with the oringal style):
Style(say 'original' if you want it like the top two examples or 'new' if you want it like the bottom two examples):

Pictures or sprites of multiple Pokemon fused together!
Base Pokemon:
Other Pokemon(separate names with a comma):
Sprite or Artwork?:

Simple sprites of any human/humanoid character!
Description(be as clear as possible, if you want a specific sprite used in some way, mention it here):

Quick, large-scale sprites of almost anything!
Pixel Size(2x2-16x16):
Hey can you make me a cyborg evee please

Yoshi Star Shine

Previously Moo Moo
Description: Shiny female pikachu, wearing a light green bandana around her neck (like in my profile picture) a female Bulbasuar standing next to her smiling while wearing cool sunglasses
Preferred Size(in pixels, Optional):
Background Preferences: like pokemon super mystery dudgeon, looks like a villange with buildings around and signs ECT.
Shading Amount: detailed
Style: original

Yoshi Star Shine

Previously Moo Moo
Hey Pikachu can you plz make mega siczor,blastoise ,charizard ora arceus plz

Who are you talking to?, i am aware you are (most likely) talking to princesspika, I think you should be mores clear on who you were referring too, maybe say their whole or apart of there name (just a suggestion to avoid any confusion in the future with you and anyone)


Previously FearfulNights
Oh! Right. sorry.. I'll try.

Description: I would like a shiny mega gardevoir wearing a gothic top-hat. For a pose...you can choose because I can't describe any poses and I don't really care about what pose she has.. I am sorry if that's not helpful either.
Background: Night sky
May I please make a request?

Description: My OC as a sprite
She is a 14-year-old girl with white skin yellow eyes curly white hair with dark blue streaks and it goes to the middle of her back and she has foc ears that are white with dark blue insides and 7 foxtails that are white with dark blue tips and for an outfit a black tank top
dark blue basketball shorts and black platform heels

if you can do this please do this : )


Previously PrincessPika~chan
May I please make a request?

Description: My OC as a sprite
She is a 14-year-old girl with white skin yellow eyes curly white hair with dark blue streaks and it goes to the middle of her back and she has foc ears that are white with dark blue insides and 7 foxtails that are white with dark blue tips and for an outfit a black tank top
dark blue basketball shorts and black platform heels

if you can do this please do this : )
Oh, I almost forgot I had this thread :'|
I have hardly any motivation for that right now, though I'll try to get to it soon-ish. Feel free to remind me occasionally~


Previously PrincessPika~chan
I have very little motivation for any requests right now, so I will temporally close requests until I can actually be bothered to do a lot at once.
Which will likely be who knows how far into the future.


Previously Lily May
Hey Pika! If your not busy I would love it if you could draw me a picture of my character, Kylee from Beyblade. But I want her in her blading outfit:
Kylee AKA “Kiko” has yellow, shoulder length hair and sky blue eyes. She wears a sky blue long sleeved shirt, a green baseball cap, a denim vest, gray pants, blue shoes, and green fingerless gloves.

Nothing too big. So what ever you see as a “normal” size.
Do whatever you like, I don’t like solid colors though, so maybe like a fade or a pattern, idk.
I don’t care about shading, so to make your life easy: none please.
I really liked the picture you drew for “School of the Gjinka Forest: chapter 1”


Previously PrincessPika~chan
Hey Pika! If your not busy I would love it if you could draw me a picture of my character, Kylee from Beyblade. But I want her in her blading outfit:
Kylee AKA “Kiko” has yellow, shoulder length hair and sky blue eyes. She wears a sky blue long sleeved shirt, a green baseball cap, a denim vest, gray pants, blue shoes, and green fingerless gloves.

Nothing too big. So what ever you see as a “normal” size.
Do whatever you like, I don’t like solid colors though, so maybe like a fade or a pattern, idk.
I don’t care about shading, so to make your life easy: none please.
I really liked the picture you drew for “School of the Gjinka Forest: chapter 1”
Yeaaaaaaaah, perfect timing...
XD I literally just requested!
Exactly what I was going to say.
(Also, what about the title-line-section-thingys but nevermind)
I'm really sorry, I just don't have anywhere near as much time to do this stuff compared to when I started this thread.
0D5021A5-35AE-4B3E-A873-E3B9AE7B7C42.jpeg 22C64D2A-6175-4E47-BF6B-93DA644F19AD.png Hello! :)
I was wondering if when you get back from your break (take as long as you want art can be stressful) you could make a sprite of my character cecia in the game tera that I could use as my profile pic and a trainer card I tried but learned that I’m terrible at all kinds of digital art :/ I saw how good your sprites look and love them I have photos of cecia the one in blue are her but I’d like Her in the outfit in the other picture and the same pose as the pictures is fine please thank you for offering requests I completely understand if you don’t want to do her I struggle drawing more then just her face most the time XD Much love and thanks:)

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