Ape Escape: Neo Pipotrons
The Neo Pipotrons, elite genetically modified simian warriors that are associated with the Banner of Specter. They were each experimented grotesquely and thoroughly by humans, only appearing as echoes of the species they used to represent. Breaking out of their bondage, they seek revenge on the humans that wronged them and seek dominion over them, so they can play their twisted games on the populace for their own amusement.
Their team is consistent of;
Pipotron Krak:
The most cunning, depraved, and morally despicable pipotron. They do not believe in fair fighting or rules, and will violate any law or rule in order to gain the advantage. Lies and cheats are tools to success don't you know? Being the team's esteemed technician and scientist, he has a frightening knowledge about what makes the body tick...and how to make it stop ticking.
Using his custom eyepiece that's implanted into his head, this devious creature can spawn objects at foes at whim. From Crates, Barracades, and Boulders, to Cannons, guns, and Veichles. He can even hollow out entire rock faces into tunnels by teleporting the rock out.
If you are unfortunate enough to use technology for battle, Pipotrons Krak can summon up a holographic keyboard, and use it to hack most of any advanced machines. No firewall can surpass this genius's skills, not even the most advanced A.I. on his world. Even specter finds Krak a worthy challenge to his brain.
Even through all of that, there is more he can do. Pipotron Krak can lastly implant imagery into his foe's brain to throw them off guard. Weather it be a fighting move than makes them want to use that move, flashes of strobe like imagery, or even...NSFW material that takes them completely off guard, making them easy prey in battle. All is fair in love and war!
Pipotron Meta:
Pipotron Meta, the unsightly creature who has a knack for shapeshifting. Meta's slimy morphing body can change into a solid, liquid, or gas to mimic whatever he's trying to duplicate. Giant snake? A Mech? A giant cup of ramen? It doesn't matter! He can do it, so long as it is under twenty feet.
Meta usually fights by trying to find the enemy's fears, transforming into them and leaving them paralyzed by their own phobias as he finishes them off. However, if this doesn't go well, he transforms *into* them, turning their own might against them. He's not above duplicating the winning strategy of other power players well...not even Specter himself.
Pipotron G:
Crash! Here comes the wall of muscle! Pipotron G is a force to be reckoned with, tearing through walls of iron like tissue paper! Her Berserking fighting style could be seen as mindless brutality, when in actuality she is a honorable fighter. She will always fight fairly, refusing assistance and never attacking those that are unarmed.
She sympathizes with the cause of the other Neo pipotrons, as she was a mother before she was ripped away from her family to be hideously experimented on. But even through all of that, she still kept her heart intact.
Pipotron J;
Pipotron J, the leader of the Neo Pipotrons. He is their stern and collected head that longs for entertainment. All foes fell too fast for it to be fun, so he searches for mighty foes that could prove a challenge to him and his power.
Pipotron J's primary ability is sprinting at blinding speeds, capable of crossing thirty feet and stopping on a dime in two milliseconds, blowing foes away via sheer wind pressure. He uses this speed to juggle foes, impacting them with several light hits to prod their weaknesses or simply slice them apart with his powerful 'J-Cleaver'
Using his abnormal energy that courses through his hands, he is capable of limited alchemy, capable of changing objects into those he requires, namely being able to turn household objects into exact duplicates of his J-Cleaver. There's no way to separate this foe from his weapon!