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Open Shinies On The Run!

Winter lay there in the pond fell her burns starting to soth themselves in the cold water the blood on her being cleaned off showing the extent of her injuries that she had indured from her trainer showing both old and new scars and burns
(OOC: Yes it's been a little while here since I haven't been getting alerts that much. I'm going to maybe have them interact soon since they're still trying to get themselves together.)

Zephyr had woken up from his rather long nap, as Noel was still out cold. He quietly got up and ate another apple from his stash, as he grabbed another one and placed it next to Noel's mouth. He attempted to wake him up, as he gently rubbed his head and said, "Wakey wakey sleepyhead, I've brought you another apple!" He waited for him to get up, as he seemed rather unresponsive.

He gently shook his body in small motions, while he felt awfully warm, as he said to him, "Come on buddy, don't be passing out on me now. I've got another apple here for you, so time to rise and shine!" Noel was aroused from the clutches of his slumber, as he yawned and said to him in a faint tone, "Ahh my, how long have I been sleeping for? I still feel rather tired here..."
Zephyr replied while he held out the apple for him, "Well you were pretty much knocked out there here for quite some time, I guess that your sleeping patterns must be messed up too. Just try to relax here, eat this apple, it'll help you."

Noel ate the apple at a snail's pace, as Zephyr smiled at him and patted his back. He said to him while he took the first small bites of the apple, "Ouch, seems like you're a little sick possibly, you feel extremely hot here. I think that I might have to get something to cool it down, because I'm pretty sure that your senses might be a bit coo coo with your body being in a bad shape." He nodded at him with a hesitant look, while he continued to eat his apple, as he had not finished even a quarter of it yet.
Winter stood up and looked at them with a smile even if it hurt to move much she knew she had to because it could cause problems later on and possibly make her crippled in some way which she knew would be very bad.
Name : Cerise

Species : Sylveon

Ability : Pixillate

Gender : Male

Frequently Used Moves : Hyper Voice , Wish , Last Resort , Trump Card

Caught before ? : yes , but was released due to the trainer recieving a duplacate shiny .
Winter nodded and smiled as she grabbed her goggles and put them on her neck she saw cerise and walked over to him in confusion feeling like she knew him for some reason it was probably nothing but she had to make sure
She looked at the beer is and nodded "my name is winter and you are?" She asked telepathically she she started to go over to the berries and make a paste out of a Fer of them and ate some leaving the rest for the frokie and other pokemon thar helped her
"No, I got beat up from a trainer trying to catch me and the forest if was living in caught fire." Froakie said sadly. "This was the forest that caught fire but me and my family put it out even though a lot of them got caught trying to catch me."

(Also @LordBezard, your supposed to explain how you escaped)
Name: Sky

Species: Zorua

Gender: Female

Previously caught?: Nope, but has had one too many close calls

You know, I probably have it easy compared to most other Pokemon. I can disguise myself as a non-shiny Zigzagoon, and I'll be left alone. Sky thought to herself, as she walked along the path in a forest. She suddenly noticed something nearby. A trainer! Reacting quickly, Sky took the form of a trainer and went with the others. As we were going towards the old house, I saw something only a Pokemon could see on the side of a path. A Froakie, and it was a shiny! I veered off to the side, the others not noticing me, and went towards them. There was a pond nearby, and I saw a Kirlia in it, covered in burns. Sky's eyebrows (urgh, so unnatural) shot up, and I quickly ran to the nearest bush and grabbed a few Sitrus berries, as well as an Oran berry. Quickly, she ran to the Froakie and said "Can you give these to the Kirlia?"
Name: Annie

Species: Drifloon

Gender: Female

Previously caught?: No. She uses the old fairytale about drifloon to scare humans away.

Annie watched with a self-satisfied smile, as the man who had been dumb enough to approach her to catch her ran away with a terrified child sobbing into his chest. Of course, being a shiny, Annie was a prize for any trainer. But since she was a shiny drifloon, she could use the rather terrifying tale about her kind to scare away her potential captors.

All she'd done was glare at the child as she wrapped her feelers around her arm. And then she made like she was going to steal her away. She lifted her about fifty feet up, before her father decided not to try and catch her. She dropped the child into his arms, and floated up into the clouds.

She never planned on actually dragging any unsuspecting humans to Hell. She just made it look like she was going to, so that they would be too frightened to catch her.
Name: Orchid
Species: Vaporeon
Gender: Female
Previously Caught? No. She lives in places where no humans go.

Orchid was a lone sole, with not an affectionate bone in her body. Or so she thought. She had lately wished for friends, for a team. For adventure and fun. Maybe even a trainer! She splashed in some puddles, (it had rained a bit ago) and set off to find new pokemon.
"Nah, I'm a Zorua, remember? I can make illusions, and to be safe, I took the form of a trainer, because they don't go round chucking balls at each other. Also, I can do this" Zorua took the form of a non-shiny Zorua. "This makes life much easier for me." She grinned.
Froakie popped his head and walked into the rode nearby, then some trainers tried to catch him but he used double team and dig. Then they found him and 2 Greninja and some Froakie came out of there pokeballs, it was his family! Froakie said "MOM! DAD! You're okay." But the Greninja said "These are our trainers and we will do as they say." Froakie used double team and dig to get away back to his friends and Sky.
Winter sent several pycho cuts at the grininja to help them get away as she turned and ran into the forest and hiding as best she could up in the trees
"Wait, those guys your family? Nice evasive manoeuvre, by the way. Now, I'd better scare them away, cos I'd prefer to not be caught" Sky took the illusion of a massive Machamp, and loomed over the trainers with an angry expression
She soon found sky and frokie "are you to ok?" she asked through telepathy as she came down from the trees and landed beside the two of them scanning around for the trainer
I was owned by a team rocket executive and spent 15 years training to become strong enough to take on champions. In a raid on the base my trainer was killed and an ace trainer tried to to capture me as my trainers pokeball had shattered. I proceeded to beat his Machoke no problem then i bit the trainer and as he screamed in pain i ran deep into the forest. I am now wanted by the authorities for assaulting a trainer
Hm.....if I had to say I think we should act like we have the same trainer or better yet find pokeballs and capture ourselves and hid the poke balls deep underground would be my best bet and way of doing it .....hehehehe" she said rubbing the back of her neck
Sounds good to me and do you know how to speak human it wound be far more convincing if you where able to if not I can show you how through memory share?" she asked her yellow eyes glowing in the darkness of the trees
"Hey, come down, we need to go home." Sky said, it being translated into English with her powers, but it also being understood by Pokemon. "Sorry, she's a shiny Pokemon, so she's very shy and scrapers every time a trainer comes nearby" she said to the nearby trainer