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Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I put the dollar in a vending machine to by an apple pie. However, the vending machine spits out a lemon pie. I don't realize my mistake until my throat starts swelling cause I'm allergic to lemons.

I drop the devil fruit know as lemons
I rip the lemon in half, and Satan jumps out. She (yes, she) kills me before realising that I'm her bestie for her human form.

I drop a pitchfork
(Aura, I would never kill you...)

Ah yes, thank you for returning my pitchfork that's now falling through the sky. I'll just catch it and-*gets impaled because the pitchfork was falling pointy-sides down*

I drop a pair of sunglasses.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Man I look sexy in these 8). It's too bad I can't see out of them and walk into a conviniently located pit where I break my neck.

I drop an exclusive sneak peek to my fanfic which will be posted as soon as I finish the prolouge. Enjoy!
(Thats nice to know Chibi... WAIT! Then who? *looks between Chibi and Sarah*)

OMG!!! SNEAK PEEK!!! I read it while walking and fall into the same conveniently placed pit that Psycho fell into.

I drop a button

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Hmmm... What does this button do? *pushes* *Earth explodes* Now that we're all in hell together Chibi has he pyrokinetic foxes set me on fire once a day for the rest of eternity (yay double death!)

I drop a lever
(Good foxes! )

@ Aura: I push the button and the ground opens up beneath me, dropping me into the same conveniently located pit Aura and Psycho fell into. (It was too fun not to post)

@ Psycho: I pull the lever and the ground opens up beneath me, making me fall into yet the same pit. (I never learn do I? Oh wait, now I'm next to my dead clone. o.O)

I drop a vanilla-scented candle (unlit)

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Knowing Chibi this is probably an explosive. I light it anyway and go boom.

Since I seem to die so often I drop my will incase I don't come back next time.
Knowing Chibi this is probably an explosive. I light it anyway and go boom.

Hah. You know me too well.

I read it and while I am reading it, your army of space monkies come after me since you are dead and I have your will so they assumed I killed you. My pyrokinetic foxes leap to protect me and a long and bloody battle follows, where I die when a banana is shoved in my ear. Yes, a banana.

I drop a banana.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Yay bananas! best part is the earwax and blood is only on the peel. After eating the banana I get the brilliant idea to go for a swim since I heard potassium makes you swim better. Instead I get a cramp and drown.

I drop a pool
OMGNOOOOOOOOO! Water is my only weakness!!! Get away! Nooooooooooo! I die a horrible and agonizing death. (And the super ironic thing is I actually love water. But Chibi doesn't)

I drop a highlighter.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
(Irony is I love water too, but monkeys aren't very good swimmers. Go figure.)

I ignore the highlighter because I never use them. However this is an evil highlighter that starts haunting me in my sleep because it's angry I didn't pick it up. It starts giving me nightmares where I'm highlighting everything! I wake up in a cold sweat only to see 'Use Me!!' written on my ceiling in highlighter. Unable to take the stress I comit Sappuku to put an end to my torment.

I drop a sharpy
Omg I love sharpies! I take the sharpie and use it to draw on myself, since that's what I actually do with sharpies. Then later on the ink runs out ;-; I'm so depressed by it I go into a depression and I wlk hunched over, not looking where I'm going, and I fall into a coveniently located pit on top of Psycho, Arura, and my two dead clones.

I drop a clone.
I push the clone into the pit (so there's 4 Chibi's down there...), but get pulled in by the clone.

I drop the pit that holds the bodies of Psycho, 2 me's and 4 Chibi's

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I fall in the pit with all the Auras Chibis and the other me. All the bodies cushioned my fall and gave me time to count. When I realize the total is 8, I remove the shoes from all the bodies. The dictionary says that 6 or more people in the same room (or pit) with out shoes is an orgy. Chibi and Aura come back to life and kill me for that.

I drop a dictionary
I look up the meaning for 'orgy' because I feel like it. I read the meaning, but Chibi posseses it, and I catch on fire. I burn VERY slowly.

I drop an ember

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
(Oh Aura, you're so innocent. Orgy is group sex, the dictionary just explains it as 6 or more people in a room without shoes on.)

I put the ember on a pile of sticks and dump gasoline on it to make a huge bon fire. While I'm not paying attention some idiot throws a bottle of hair spray in the fire. The bottle explodes sending a flaming log half way across the field and hits me in the head. I'm not dead, just burned and pissed. I dump the remaining gasoline on the idiot and throw him in the fire, laughing as he turns to ash. Smokey the Bear comes out of nowhere and mauls me for making such and uncontrolable inferno. I die of rabbies.

I drop Smokey the Bear
Fi decides to set him on fire, but Smokey can't stomp himself out easily, so he stomps me instead.

I drop Fi and a bucket.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I find my old Death Note and begin writing names again with the pen Typhlosion dropped. Someone brings me a package that I have to sign for so I do. The ink from the pen leaked through the paper I signed into the Death Note. Once again I have a heart attack.

I drop my package
I open it up and a snake pops out, scaring me to death. As I fall, dying, I see my name writen in the Death Note.

I drop my lyric book of DEATH and all things MORBID.
i take pictures of people and post them on the internet... some psycho sees his picture on my site and hunts me down and beats me unconscious with the camera takes pictures of my severely beaten self and posts them on the internet... when i wake up i see them and commit suicide because of how horrible i look...

#I drop Final Destination from Super Smash Bros Brawl#
It falls on my head and electrocutes me a little. Samantha, my Raichu gets angry and kills the other Raichu by beating it to death. The other Raichu's trainer then shoots me for "poorly raising" my Pokemon.

I drop the band members of MCR.
(Oh Aura, you're so innocent.)

(You're not the only one to have said that... Curse you for finding out about my innocence... But I'm only half innocent... I'm addicted to violence... :p)

I tell them that they're all geeks, and they bash my brains out with their instruments.

I drop my innocence
I mistake it for chocolate (how the hell?) and eat it. I get possesed by Secad, and she makes me commit suicide.

I drop the pencil I used to kill myself

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
The pencil's covered in blood so I can't write with it. Instead I decide to lick the blood off for a good lunch. I get distracted and swallow the pencil. It gets lodged in my throat and rips my airways, causing me to drown in my own blood.

I drop a pint of blood.
I try to eat it, but I fail because my mouth still hurts from my oral injury. I become discouraged and drop the plate. Unfortunately, I dropped it on Fi, who becomes mad and burns me.

I drop Fi and her new buddy, Tempus, the hydrokinetic hamster of awesomeness.
Chibi pwns them both and suddenly falls into Psycho's conveniently-placed pit. (Damnit!)

I drop a paper towel.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Chibi pwns them both and suddenly falls into Psycho's conveniently-placed pit. (Damnit!)

(Doncha just love my pit of doom :D)

I swallow the cough drops thnking they're candy. The next time I have a really bad cough the cough drops won't work because my body became immune to the ones Secad dropped. While eating random food items I cough causing random food items to get stuck in my throat.

I drop random food items
(Let's experiment with Brawl Themed deaths)

Just before I fall into the pit of doom into my death, I rip off Wolf's "wolf flash" and save myself from an ugly demise. Just as I grab the ledge and make the crowds gasp, Diddy throws a peel that makes me slip and save Jigglypuff from Link's "Triforce Slash" which sends me flying again, This time, I'm not so lucky getting out

... Chibi's pit of doom... that would make an intersting stage... (goes off to build it)

Oh yeah, I drop a banana peel