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I open a door my melting the lock into a key and my cat, Flora, jumps up at me and severs my hands. I die of the thought that I can never play LeafGreen again.

I drop My LeafGreen game.
I catch it and beat the game, but mewtwo came out the game and I get killed by a tiny spider

I drop mewtwo
I say "Awww a mew, I always wanted one." so I try to catch it, but the mew hit the poke ball, and instead it caught me. I died of starvation, because no one released me.

I drop a Christmas present....
(Merry Christmas!!!) ;D
Cynder lands on top of me, and struggle desperately to crawl across a busy intersection. Multiple cars slam into me at once, and I'm sent high in the air. I conveniently land in an ambulance after falling through the roof, and they take me to the hospital. Unfortunately, I somehow got trapped in an episode of House, and they took too long trying to figure me out to treat my tetanus. I am terribly disabled, and have to go up ramps when I go places. When I try to enter an IHOP, a random suicide bomber sets off their bomb, and I fly away. I land two hundred miles outside the city, and I've apparently lost my legs.

I die of starvation.

I drop the coding language PERL.


Formerly psy-teen
I spend three weeks trying to crack the code and die of both boredom and thirst

*I drop Ziva* ( 4 those who don't watch NCIS shes a mussad working for NCIS)

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I enter the library and begin reading all the manga, educational books, and any other books that appear interesting. During my research I forget one important thing, the need to eat. Ironicly I die of starvation reading a book on propper nutrition.

I drop a book on propper nutrition.
I read the book on proper nutrition and learn that calcium is in bones which are in the body. I eat myself.

I drop a condom.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I could go into extreamely naughty ecchi detail with this one, but I think I'll keep it kid friendly. As such, I tell the younglings it's a balloon and blow it up to try and make balloon animals. One of the kids points out that there is something inside the monkey I attempted to make. I gag realizing that this is infact a used condom. I drown my self in peroxide and other chemicals in an attempt to purify myself.

I drop the contense of the condom (I'm sorry)

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I get in a fight with Ichigo because I believe he's the the one that blew up the plastic monkey I wanted. We're pretty even until he uses his Bankai and completely thrashes me. My wounds bleed as much as they do in Bleach, but because this is reality that's all my blood.

I drop a zanpakto
It is a giant bucket, so it would make a good container for the giant flood thundering towards me. However, since it's a paper bucket, it breaks up and I am washed away...

I drop a flood
I can't swim, so flood drowns me.

After the flood dries up the item I dropped is found.

I drop the pun involving Psycho Monkey: Quit Monkeying Around!
I don't get that it is a pun, so I try to work out how it's a pun, and my brain overloads.

I drop a brain.
It happens the brain of Hiro from the show heroes, and like Silar i use it to take his power...
In an freak accident i teleport to where an atomic bomb is hitting and die instantly...

~i drop nuclear waste~

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I drop the pun involving Psycho Monkey: Quit Monkeying Around!

(I loled ;D)

I'm walking along, minding my own business, when the waste falls on me. Instead of getting some awesome superpower, I get cancer and die.

I drop the superpower I should have gotten
(*sigh*. Not again)

The superpower happens to multiply the power of AIDS. (What? That sucks! >:( ) Wait, I still have Psycho's AIDS don't I? I die within five minutes from the suped-up AIDS.

I drop a Spanish-English dictionary.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I didn't thuroughly read it enough before entering a Mexican ghetto. I then say: "Hola homies! Tu es mi bitches!" I get stabbed to death.

I drop the Excel Saga DVD I got that line from
I walk up to see why he's dancing. But because he's a 'big guy' I get squashed.

I drop a Ds game chip
As I have no idea what the Twilight Zone is, I try to find out in the Library. Because I have no idea, I have to search though the whole Library. As I walk around a bookshelf, a raving maniac jumps out and kills me with a gun.

I drop a used bullet
It makes concact with my ribs, and sinks into my skin. Then it blows up me and everything within in a 2 mile radius.

I drop the Rasengan technique. (Yes, the actual chakra sphere.)
The Rasengan drops into a washing machine making it spin even faster than before, throwing out all the clothes at supersonic speeds, killing a lot of innocent bystanders, including me.

I drop a washing machine.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Rotom possesses the Washing machine and starts spamming Hydro Pump on me. I'm able to get away but I'm so soaked my naturally spikey hair is actually laying flat and my clothes are heavy and sticking to me. I start shedding my wet clothes cause it's winter and I don't want hypothermia. I get caught by a cop who says I'm charged with indecent exposure even though I still have my pants on. I argue with him and end up getting arrested for refusal to cooperate. On the way to the station the cop car is hit by an oil tanker and explodes with me inside.

I drop an oil drum
I get caught in the oil drum, which rolls off a cliff with me in it cartoon-style.

I drop The Twilght Zone again. (Google it people.)

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
(I already know what the Twighlight Zone is :p)

I find the Twighlight Zone facinating because it's full of freaky things like me. After awhile I start to become slightly insaner because my shinanigans are viewed as part of the norm despite them being dangerous and possibly life threatening. Not getting the responses I want, I decide to drive a motorcycle over a volcano. It's only after I start that I realize my 2 mistakes. 1) I don't have a drivers license so I have no idea how to work the motorcycle, and 2) I have no sence of balence so I'm unable to stear propperly without falling over into the volcano where I burn up.

I drop the year-old chocolate I found in my room this afternoon.
The rock flies though space at a million miles an hour and catches fire. I happen to jump up, and the rock collides with me, well, not really. It goes though my heart.

I drop my heart.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Because of your inner evil, your heart mutates into one of the stronger breeds of Heartless and goes on a rampage. I'm in the mood for a good fight so I fight the Heartless. After a tough battle I manage to win, but the millitary was already called about a disterbance in the general area. Seeing that I'm the only one there and no evidence of the Heartless because it was destroyed, they shoot me with a rocket launcher. Monkey goes boom!

I drop a rocket launcher
the rocket launcher bounces off my head and it falls in my hands ???, :o Realising what it is i throw it at an old man :-[ , who realises
what i have done and shoots me. :-X

I drop my wallet
I get all happy (yay money!) and open it. Guess what jumps out? My heart-that-is-now-heartless!

I drop a dollar that I found in Yoshi's wallet