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Your heart is still spurting out blood when it lands next to me. I just happened to be a recently turned vampire, and-OMGBLOOD!!! *pounces and starts sucking* Ah well that was refreshing, now where was I? Oh yeah, and then-OHSHIT!!! YOU HAVE AIDS!!!!! D: I die a few weeks later due to your AIDS infecting me.

I drop a set of false vampire teeth.
I grab the vampire teeth and use them to scare people to death. Once I accidentally did so in front of a mirror, scaring myself to death.

I drop a mirror.
It breaks and I now have 100 years of bad luck. I die of something to do with bad luck (use your ****ing imagination or something)

I drop imagination

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I use your imagination combined with my own to create the greatest novel in human history. It is epic, romantic, comedic, full of well described action, and any other adjetives that can be used in describing works of literature. Not only do I make a ton of money off the book, but it gets made into a movie, unedited because the director couldn't bring himself to cut any of the amazingly well done pages. The movie is a box office hit breaking all records and making me even more money. Brendan comes knocking on my door one day looking for his cut because I used his imagination. I'm a billionaire at this point so I willingly give Brendan $100 million just out of generosity. In fact, this giving gave me the idea to help the poor. I've give to various charities weekly from now to the end of my days. This actually happens pretty quickly as I got AIDS from Chibi (Wow that doesn't sound right)

I drop what remains of my vast wealth
(Woo hoo! I have $100 million! ^_^)

I spend it all on candy that rots my teeth so I can no longer eat anything, I die as a young, old man

I drop St. Catherines (it's the mountain I scaled last week :))
@ Pyscho: I use it to find a cure for my AIDS then use the rest to go to my pyrokinetic fox army then I but out all of the Deceoticon fleet so I can come after Psycho for giving me AIDS. Then I'm later killed by a backhanded potshot from Obi Wan Kenobi.....Yes. Obi Wan.

@ Brendan: It's a mountain....and well, it kinda...crushes me....yeah. Lame-ass way to die.

I drop Obi Wan Kenobi.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Obi-Wan trains me in the ways of the Jedi, but I turn Sith because the dark side has cookies and better attacks. I then summon my Evil Space Monkeys to help me in human extinction while using my new Sith powers. Obi-Wan refuses to allow another one of his apprentices turn to the dark side and we have an epic battle inside a volcano. I, however, learn from Anikin's mistake and don't jump when Kenobi has the high ground. Instead I pick him up with force choke and throw him in the lava. As he's falling, he throws his lightsaber at me, impailing me through me chest. I also fall in the lava having been knocked off balance.

I drop a lightsaber.
I roundhouse kick the body into oblivion.
Unsure how the hell I should finish this, I grab a conveniently-placed gun and shoot myself.

I drop a bullet.
well, it's a bullet... so it kills me... What? You wanted the bullet to kill a farmer's wife and the farmer turns me into a slave as punishment and I am eventually killed by a bucking donkey? Well too bad! This is what happened! Okay?

I drop one very pointless rant

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I die of boredom because I'm tied up and can't escape the pointless rant to do something more amusing.

I drop a rope
I am the rope suffocates me, but that isn't how I died. I died because the bloody brain-dead noggin I called a buddy tried to save me by lighting the rope on fire.

I drop fire

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Gollum harasses me because I have the Precious so I kick him in the face because he's bothering us... er I mean me. I then feel bad about it because he's so pathetic. My simpathy causes the Smeagol half to come out and I become Smeagol's master. We (am I refering to myself in the plural again?) get him to lead me to Mordor so I can destroy the Ring (basically I take Frodo and Sam's place). When we get there I'm consumed by the Ring's power and use it to overthrow Sauron and become the new Dark Lord of Mordor. Just for amusement I go to Mt. Doom to stare into the lava. It is here that I am ambushed by Gollum who really wants the Precious now. Our battle plays out the same way as Frodo's where I get my finger biten off. While Gollum's dancing on the edge, he falls in the volcano and I laugh. I eventuallyt die of infection from my finger.

We drop the Precious
Gollum catch it and become the new new Dark Lord of Mordor and a orc kills me

i drop Sting (sword of Lord of the rings)
i have a anti-dragonshield (runescape) but a dragon attacks me from behind...

I drop Santa Claus (hehehe ;D)

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I ask Santa if I could see his naughty list. Not to see if I'm on it, I just want to know where all the naughty girls live ^_^. He tells me its at the North Pole and brings me with him. We hates the cold and die of hypothermia. (Did I just say we again?)

I drop Santa's naughty list
It lands next to me, but it's a dud so it doesn't blow up. I kick it into the sunset but then a Bomb-Omb comes after me because I killed his brother and blows up in my face.

I drop a Starman.
Turns out there's a whole field full of them. I die from the burns and unability to find the end of the field.

I drop a field
The Snorlax falls on a cake, which explodes, messing up a little boy's birthday party. I feel sorry for him and i give him some money. The boy runs out and tells all the poor people in the world that I can't resist giving away money, which is true. I give all my money and all my possessions to the poor people of the world, resulting in my own transformation to one of them. Nobody cares about me and I die under a cardboard box in the outskirts of Manchester.

I drop a wet, miserably ruined cardboard box.
The box decomposes on me and a tree grows on my head, using my body to feed itself (now the producer becomes the carnivore)

I drop what my perverted friend is faxing me... wait for it... [size=4pt](it's a badly drawn p****)[/size] AAH! IT BURNS MY EYES!! I'm being killed twice in one post for crying out loud!

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I set the picture on fire for the horrible grotesquery of it. Unfortunately, the image has already been burned into my mind so I commit sappuku to end my suffering.

I drop a sea shell
The sea shell falls into the sea, where it slowly descends to the bottom. Some random fish swallows it whole, believing it is his lunch. After some months, the random fish is caught and taken to a fish store. I feel like eating fish one day and go buy that random fish, which I do not know contains a whole sea shell. While eating the fish, I swallow the shell and it gets stuck in my throat. Miraculously I survive. But then I see Brendan's friends fax and die of the pervyness. (or something like that)

I drop some random fish.
I see the kitty, and I go "awww look at the little kitty". Then I pet it, but it jumps on me and scratches my face, I die from the loss of blood.

I drop an ornament.
The ornament lands in front of me and wobbles a few times. I get bored and decide to kick it, but as i go to kick it it explodes!

I drop a Christmas Tree.

(You all knew some one would do it.)

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I set it on fire to amuse myself. I unknowingly inhale some of the smoke and get high from it. Because I'm already insane and naturally behave like I'm high, my mind implodes from not knowing how to respond to this. I then begin having siezures and fall into the fire I started. My charred siezing, but somehow still alive, body is found 2 hours later by police. Stupid medical technology is able to keep my body alive with the help of various machines in a vegitative state. The evil space monkeys feel pity on their once proud master so they pull the plug to end my torment. The moral of this story: Drugs are bad, m'kay.

I drop stupid medical technology.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I challenge Salamence to a contest to see who's Dragon technique is stronger. I use my Super Dragon Breath attack which deals critical damage. Salamence uses Dragon Dance, followed by Dragon Breath which burns me to a crisp.

I drop a key