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Ask to Join Superpower High School Roleplay: Karma High

Yeah if a character has multiple powers, it should be more a support power to a main ability for better synergy and to make them less OP IMO. I think Fifi is the go too example at how her two abilities blend into each other to make a good theme with neither on their own being too concerning.

Also what dorm is my character to be slotted in since I am new to this party?
Godspeed does just seem like a stronger version of Riley, my character, and her power Rush Hour. I was planning on balancing it in terms of gears- each putting an increased strain on the body, and some adding special things (like ranged force attacks). It was gonna go from Gear 1 (about as a professional runner) to Gear 2 (a flash of lightning).
Okay We got I Mr.
My Hero Academia: The Genius of Izuku Midoriya's Motivation
Tenya Ida | My Hero Academia Wiki | Fandom
Gomu Gomu no Mi/Gear 2 Techniques | One Piece Wiki | Fandom
The Flash review: Muddled, poignant and – because of Ezra Miller – morally  tricky | The Independent

Over here-

Also if this Highschool is for people looking to become Hero's that is an extra layer of RP I didn't ask for but I already got ideas for Pamela's hero name going-
Oh- just to mention- Riley currently only has access to Gear 1 and Gear 2- alongside VERY limited access to Gear 3 (it’s essentially a desperation power). And yeah- the main worry I have with Godspeed is that it’s one of I think 3 powers this character has, all of which are relatively strong (as opposed to Riley, our other speedster- whose other power is Corrosion- a relatively niche power). I agree lowering the top speed, at least here at the beginning of the rp, is the best place to start.
I always liked the idea of 'Quirks' over 'Superpowers' because they're usually more unique which is where I think the best powers draw from; Not the idea's behind superpowers, but the unique thinking behind Quirks. So I personally think everyone having a unique power is extremely cool, even though the powers can be divided into 4 general distinctions.
So I am just ticked by 'overdone' powers because there is so much more imaginative potential.
Yeah if a character has multiple powers, it should be more a support power to a main ability for better synergy and to make them less OP IMO. I think Fifi is the go too example at how her two abilities blend into each other to make a good theme with neither on their own being too concerning.

Also what dorm is my character to be slotted in since I am new to this party?
ALSO (y'all killin my finger LMAO)
It's very important for synergy between powers without too much of an overbalance. I tried to do this with Caffeinated and Energy Storage which is a combo that allows the negative effects of the caffeine to be negated for Pamela, as well as putting emphasis on the 'energy' part of Caffeinated. She can drum up energy pretty fast and even go above the average energy levels of a normal human being, leading to increased strength and such. Basically Energy Storage is like Deku's All For One except it's drawback is like a giant meter and not a 'too much power wrecks your body' thing, as well as the concept of 'Storing Energy In Gems' from the book Eragon. Felt like I didn't explain well enough in Bio
Okay We got I Mr.
View attachment 947106View attachment 947107View attachment 947108View attachment 947109
Over here-

Also if this Highschool is for people looking to become Hero's that is an extra layer of RP I didn't ask for but I already got ideas for Pamela's hero name going-

I always liked the idea of 'Quirks' over 'Superpowers' because they're usually more unique which is where I think the best powers draw from; Not the idea's behind superpowers, but the unique thinking behind Quirks. So I personally think everyone having a unique power is extremely cool, even though the powers can be divided into 4 general distinctions.
So I am just ticked by unoriginal powers,

ALSO (y'all killin my finger LMAO)
It's very important for synergy between powers without too much of an overbalance. I tried to do this with Caffeinated and Energy Storage which is a combo that allows the negative effects of the caffeine to be negated for Pamela, as well as putting emphasis on the 'energy' part of Caffeinated. She can drum up energy pretty fast and even go above the average energy levels of a normal human being, leading to increased strength and such. Basically Energy Storage is like Deku's All For One except it's drawback is like a giant meter and not a 'too much power wrecks your body' thing, as well as the concept of 'Storing Energy In Gems' from the book Eragon. Felt like I didn't explain well enough in Bio

I figure since this was a Superpower High School aspiring to be a Pro Hero would be a logical career path. I hope I didn't make a mistake with this presumption XD

Either way can have it be more a family thing if the intent is just a normal high school with superpowered kids in it.
Yeah, Riley’s “Gear” system was slightly inspired by Luffy, more inspired by the gears on a bike or car. The power itself is a general speedster ability, with the name coming from A Hat in Time. That’s where Corrosion comes in to be a more unique lynchpin to bring things together- though I didn’t consider much synergy between them (I was really tired making the first post for this rp lmao).

I agree that there’s a lot more that can be done with different systems of naming- I went with Superpowers to be more generic- simply because it allows people more freedom, be it something biological (ala Hulk) or something magical (ala Todoroki).
@Cryronn the Mudkip Very happy to see you back. Concerning dorms, shall we have them decided by House, or as-is?

Upon further reflection, I think there's actually value in having the 'random' dorm assignments; it means students are able to mix and interact with people they usually wouldn't encounter otherwise from other Houses.

From Karma High's perspective, it would allow students to develop a more well-rounded friendship groups and general knowledge of superpowers.

This is especially useful for smaller Houses (Gryphon and Pegasus only have 1 and 2 students respectively after all).

@Godjacob , which 'playstyle' out of Offense, Defense, Mobility, and Support do you feel fits Kimiko best?
@Cryronn the Mudkip Very happy to see you back. Concerning dorms, shall we have them decided by House, or as-is?

Upon further reflection, I think there's actually value in having the 'random' dorm assignments; it means students are able to mix and interact with people they usually wouldn't encounter otherwise from other Houses.

From Karma High's perspective, it would allow students to develop a more well-rounded friendship groups and general knowledge of superpowers.

This is especially useful for smaller Houses (Gryphon and Pegasus only have 1 and 2 students respectively after all).

@Godjacob , which 'playstyle' out of Offense, Defense, Mobility, and Support do you feel fits Kimiko best?

I would have to say Offense if I had to pick one, Kim has background in kickboxing and judo and most of her abilities tie into ways to attack so feel she is more of a fighter.
I would have to say Offense if I had to pick one, Kim has background in kickboxing and judo and most of her abilities tie into ways to attack so feel she is more of a fighter.
But what if mobility could be taken as 'flexibility', as in a well rounded power? Because that is what I would call Paper Heart. Since it has multiple uses in every catagory.
Although maybe that's just loopy thinking on my part-
I don’t believe the house should influence the dorms. I also have done mixed gender dorms in the past- it makes sense for roleplay potential and diversity of dorms- though less sense realistically (maybe this world is just more lenient or people are less weird, idk).

Otherwise, I think we should decide on what the house DOES impact- because if we decided to do different classes- that may fracture the roleplay’s focus with multiple scenes (around 4) going on at any given time.


Previously Deathstalker62
Okay We got I Mr.
View attachment 947106View attachment 947107View attachment 947108View attachment 947109
Over here-

Also if this Highschool is for people looking to become Hero's that is an extra layer of RP I didn't ask for but I already got ideas for Pamela's hero name going-

I always liked the idea of 'Quirks' over 'Superpowers' because they're usually more unique which is where I think the best powers draw from; Not the idea's behind superpowers, but the unique thinking behind Quirks. So I personally think everyone having a unique power is extremely cool, even though the powers can be divided into 4 general distinctions.
So I am just ticked by 'overdone' powers because there is so much more imaginative potential.

ALSO (y'all killin my finger LMAO)
It's very important for synergy between powers without too much of an overbalance. I tried to do this with Caffeinated and Energy Storage which is a combo that allows the negative effects of the caffeine to be negated for Pamela, as well as putting emphasis on the 'energy' part of Caffeinated. She can drum up energy pretty fast and even go above the average energy levels of a normal human being, leading to increased strength and such. Basically Energy Storage is like Deku's All For One except it's drawback is like a giant meter and not a 'too much power wrecks your body' thing, as well as the concept of 'Storing Energy In Gems' from the book Eragon. Felt like I didn't explain well enough in Bio
If you wanna get technical, Carter also kind of counts towards some form of speedster (given enough built-up willpower/motivation), although since it's all his physical attributes that become enhanced and not just his speed, you could probably more consider him as a Lightning Bruiser of sorts. And which character would be fitting to match Carter's type of speed? Well, there's only one that I know of!

I would have to say Offense if I had to pick one, Kim has background in kickboxing and judo and most of her abilities tie into ways to attack so feel she is more of a fighter.
Welcome to the House of Chimera! Here are our House Assignments once more :

The House of Chimera represents students with offensive powers. They possess abilities such as energy projection, super strength, or elemental manipulation, making them formidable in combat. The house's emblem could be a chimera, a creature with various animal parts, and its colors could be bold shades of red and black.

Students : Carter Whitaker, Dean Emery, Asuna Ryugetsu, Ffion Drake, Kimiko Takahashi
The House of Gryphon consists of students specializing in defensive powers. They have abilities such as force fields, enhanced durability, or healing capabilities. Students from this house excel in protecting others and ensuring the safety of their team. The house's symbol could be a gryphon, a creature with the body of a lion and the wings of an eagle. Its colors could be a combination of earthy browns and soothing blues.

Students : Omar Shieldson
The House of Pegasus represents students with powers related to general enhanced mobility and flexibility in combat. They can soar through the air, move at incredible speeds, switch forms at will, or have teleportation abilities, among other capabilities. The students in this house excel in reconnaissance, quick strikes, and agile maneuvers. The house's emblem could be a pegasus, a winged horse, and its colors could be vibrant shades of sky blue and silver.

Students : Riley Deimi, Orion Cross
The House of Siren comprises students with supportive powers that aid their teammates. They could possess summoning abilities, telepathy, or powers to manipulate their environments. These students excel at providing emotional support and strategic guidance to their allies. The house's symbol could be a siren, a mythical creature known for its enchanting voice, and its colors could be soothing shades of aqua and lavender.

Students : Edric Fletcher, Jasper Mueller, Pamela Oswald, Gwen Kendra, Frederick Valentine

Dorms :

Boys' Dorms:
Dorm 3 : Jasper Mueller, Omar Shieldson, Edric Fletcher, Frederick Valentine
Dorm 7 : Carter Whitaker, Orion Cross, Dean Emery, (empty)

Girls' Dorms:
Dorm 15 : Pamela Oswald, Asuna Ryugetsu, Kimiko Takahashi, (empty)
Dorm 16 : Riley Deimi, Gwen Kendra, Ffion Drake, (empty)

Each dorm consists of 4 rooms, en-suite (meaning each room has its own bathroom), and a communal kitchen. Rooms will have the standard bed, desk, wardrobe, window, etc. Exact details and style can be customized by each person as they wish; Karma High could easily have gone the extra mile to include special items/conveniences for each student's power or needs.

For example, Carter's room may already be plastered full of motivational quotes and posters on the walls to maximize his Unending Motivation and Radiant Determination. Of course, the details are completely up to you! Be as creative as you wish, within reason (though Karma High is probably loaded, so most things will be within reason).

Upon entering, the door of every assigned room will have a sticker displaying the occupant's name on it so they know which room is theirs.
The dorm building can be of a modern architectural style (whatever that means lol, just not Hogwarts), have a reception and general seating area around said reception. Here's an example floor plan:

Ground: Reception, Seating area

1st : Study spaces on the far left, general common room and elevator in the middle, and on the far right, a recreation room with a TV, bean couches, video + board games, whole nine yards

2nd : One long-ass hallway. Boys' laundry room on the far left, then dorms 1-10, then floor elevator, dorms 11-21, and finally girls' laundry.

3rd: Roof, maybe?

But what if mobility could be taken as 'flexibility', as in a well rounded power?
Good point. I've edited the Pegasus House description accordingly.

@Cryronn the Mudkip , feel free to add Dorms and House Assignments to the first post for ease of access. A link to the RP thread could also be convenient.
All right. I’ll also improve Riley a bit- I think I made her a bit poorly since I was so tired lmao. Before I do though, does anyone have a better and more synergistic idea for Riley’s secondary power that isn’t Corrosion?
Match Tips: A power that allows someone's finger to function as Matches, lighting a fire when a finger experiences a certain amount of friction. Naturally, the user's finger become fireproof.
The power itself is somewhat unique, and would be cool when paired with speed. I mean, she could just zoom around, lighting stuff on fire as she runs! Drawback probably would be the wind produced while running. Totally would kill finger fires.
Will edit this as I think of more possibilities!

Weight Manipulation: A power that allows someone to change their weight at will.
This power would go well with super speed I guess; I mean, imagine becoming light as a feather to help jump over huge canyons when combined with super speed! And imagine being a living battering ram when you become as heavy as a boulder, rushing to your target!
Otherwise, I think we should decide on what the house DOES impact- because if we decided to do different classes- that may fracture the roleplay’s focus with multiple scenes (around 4) going on at any given time.
Here are some suggestions:

We can have a set of core classes that all students, regardless of their house, attend together. These classes can cover essential subjects such as history, mathematics, ethics, or basic power control. We can also give students team projects that require different types of expertise from students of varying houses. By having shared classes, students from different houses will have opportunities to interact and collaborate, fostering unity and a sense of community.

We can introduce specialized elective classes that are unique to each house. These electives can focus on honing the specific powers or skills associated with each house. For example, the House of Chimera might have an elective on advanced object manipulation techniques, while the House of Gryphon could have a class on defensive combat strategies. These electives provide an opportunity for house-specific development without overwhelming the roleplay with multiple concurrent scenes.

Why not assign faculty members or older students as house advisors or mentors who guide and support students within their respective houses? These advisors can provide guidance, offer assistance with powers training, and serve as a point of contact for house-specific matters. They can also facilitate interactions between houses and help students navigate the complexities of their abilities.

Periodically, we may create challenges or missions that require students from different houses to work together. These challenges can be designed to showcase the unique strengths of each house, emphasizing the importance of cooperation and unity. By overcoming obstacles as a team, the roleplay can maintain a cohesive narrative while allowing house dynamics to play a significant role.

Perhaps we can introduce activities that involve students from multiple houses. For example, extracurricular clubs, school-wide events, or field trips can be organized where students from different houses participate together. This allows for cross-house interactions and the development of diverse relationships.

We can include all, some, or none of these; whichever we think has the most potential.
Getting a bit confused regarding the whole potential dorm system, dunno if it's gonna be what Battler said or if it's just gonna be random like Mudkip said, gonna be hard for me to think up my next post until I have better dorm knowledge.
No, no, the DORM system is random. Battler is talking about a HOUSE system, which affects other things. The dorm assignment is independent of the house system, so yes, the Dorm assignment has nothing to do with House placement and is entirely random...Between genders, that is. Apparently from what I read the number dorms share a hallway, but I imagine all these dorm numbers are connected in one big super building.
But what if mobility could be taken as 'flexibility', as in a well rounded power? Because that is what I would call Paper Heart. Since it has multiple uses in every catagory.
Although maybe that's just loopy thinking on my part-

I understand the logic, but I just think she leans better in attack than movement personally. Don't see her as like a speedster or a warper or something.
Welcome to the House of Chimera! Here are our House Assignments once more :

The House of Chimera represents students with offensive powers. They possess abilities such as energy projection, super strength, or elemental manipulation, making them formidable in combat. The house's emblem could be a chimera, a creature with various animal parts, and its colors could be bold shades of red and black.

Students : Carter Whitaker, Dean Emery, Asuna Ryugetsu, Ffion Drake, Kimiko Takahashi
The House of Gryphon consists of students specializing in defensive powers. They have abilities such as force fields, enhanced durability, or healing capabilities. Students from this house excel in protecting others and ensuring the safety of their team. The house's symbol could be a gryphon, a creature with the body of a lion and the wings of an eagle. Its colors could be a combination of earthy browns and soothing blues.

Students : Omar Shieldson
The House of Pegasus represents students with powers related to general enhanced mobility and flexibility in combat. They can soar through the air, move at incredible speeds, switch forms at will, or have teleportation abilities, among other capabilities. The students in this house excel in reconnaissance, quick strikes, and agile maneuvers. The house's emblem could be a pegasus, a winged horse, and its colors could be vibrant shades of sky blue and silver.

Students : Riley Deimi, Orion Cross
The House of Siren comprises students with supportive powers that aid their teammates. They could possess summoning abilities, telepathy, or powers to manipulate their environments. These students excel at providing emotional support and strategic guidance to their allies. The house's symbol could be a siren, a mythical creature known for its enchanting voice, and its colors could be soothing shades of aqua and lavender.

Students : Edric Fletcher, Jasper Mueller, Pamela Oswald, Gwen Kendra, Frederick Valentine

Dorms :

Boys' Dorms:
Dorm 3 : Jasper Mueller, Omar Shieldson, Edric Fletcher, Frederick Valentine
Dorm 7 : Carter Whitaker, Orion Cross, Dean Emery, (empty)

Girls' Dorms:
Dorm 15 : Pamela Oswald, Asuna Ryugetsu, Kimiko Takahashi, (empty)
Dorm 16 : Riley Deimi, Gwen Kendra, Ffion Drake, (empty)

Each dorm consists of 4 rooms, en-suite (meaning each room has its own bathroom), and a communal kitchen. Rooms will have the standard bed, desk, wardrobe, window, etc. Exact details and style can be customized by each person as they wish; Karma High could easily have gone the extra mile to include special items/conveniences for each student's power or needs.

For example, Carter's room may already be plastered full of motivational quotes and posters on the walls to maximize his Unending Motivation and Radiant Determination. Of course, the details are completely up to you! Be as creative as you wish, within reason (though Karma High is probably loaded, so most things will be within reason).

Upon entering, the door of every assigned room will have a sticker displaying the occupant's name on it so they know which room is theirs.
The dorm building can be of a modern architectural style (whatever that means lol, just not Hogwarts), have a reception and general seating area around said reception. Here's an example floor plan:

Ground: Reception, Seating area

1st : Study spaces on the far left, general common room and elevator in the middle, and on the far right, a recreation room with a TV, bean couches, video + board games, whole nine yards

2nd : One long-ass hallway. Boys' laundry room on the far left, then dorms 1-10, then floor elevator, dorms 11-21, and finally girls' laundry.

3rd: Roof, maybe?

Good point. I've edited the Pegasus House description accordingly.

@Cryronn the Mudkip , feel free to add Dorms and House Assignments to the first post for ease of access. A link to the RP thread could also be convenient.

Nice nice! Also uh maybe I should make a defensive guy or something, cause I feel we need another Gryphon House member so Omar is not alone.
I think I’ll make a defender and another Support or Damage. Perhaps even an alternate universe Nero, hohoho~

Houses are an interesting idea because it allows more mixing between male and female students, but also we can have some side characters that are upperclassmen!

I like both of those powers though, I think I’ll use them for a different character, specifically the defender. I think they’re great, I just dunno if they fit her vibe.
I’m afraid to see how much I’ve missed in-rp, so can I please have a summary of the current interactions so I can steer everyone in the right direction?
Relax, Cryronn. Nothing important has happened yet other than
Pamela Likes Fifi
Orion Likes Asuna

Nothing but the groundwork of interaction has happened yet, dear creator, so I proudly present;
Four idiots in a hallway; Pamela, Omar, Ffion, and Dean
One + One (and clones); Jasper and Edric
The Confidence Factory, Complete with Smokestack and Bubble Machine; Carter, Asuna, Orion, and Gwen
Those who Stand in Loneliness; Frederick, and Riley

Decently sure I got everyone.
Currently working on a google doc that I’ll share the link with everyone. It contains every character, alongside the Faculty (any faculty with a person’s name on them can only be played by that person- otherwise they’re generally free-use to control).

an exception is regarded- when someone is using a character- I.E, when I’m controlling them to teach the class, nobody else can use them.
Name: Fuyuko Redtail
Age: 16
Gender/Pronouns: Female (She/her)
Sexuality: Straight.
Height: 5'7"
Appearance: a medium frame, fairly curvaceous, yet athletic. Her frame has claw mark tattoos on her hips. Her eyes are the color of the scales of a Gold Dragon. She also has whisker tattoos on her face, as a gold dragon has, alongside shimmering, slightly dark skin. Her outfit is a cut off long-sleeved gold shirt, that is somewhat tight to her, and usually a knee length skirt that is black and white, with black shoes as of current. Her hair is long, braided dark hair mixed with streaks of gold.

Personality: Fuyuko is a kind and gentle soul in most situations, a watchful individual, more on the background of events, but if someone hurts someone close to her, you are dealing with something that is on par with some of the most powerful students in the school. Her honesty is more than average.

Backstory/History: She was born powerless to a Wind Manipulator and a Medium. Her father, the Medium spoke with the Metallic Dragon Spirits to embed the Gold Dragon Spirit not too long after she was born. It was at that time her Father's separated wife had died unexpectedly. He then after around a year, Married Fuyumi and brought his eleven children with him. Two of her brothers had died of a Medical condition that had killed their mother, so Naturally, he had been watching for warning signs on the other nine children. Fuyuko was around 8 years old when the Dragon Spirit activated in a Young Dragon Size to defend her from two Fully grown Black Bears. The spirit is currently an Adult Size and intends to stay at that size. As she got older, people started bullying Melanie, after she had her own abilities, calling her names, one eventually tried to test her powers, and was laughing as she was nearly beaten to a pulp. The bullies promptly crapped themselves when Fuyuko showed up, seeping Dragon Spirit out of her midsection, hips and whisker tattoos on her face. Melanie was hiding behind Fuyuko. After that, the bullies transferred schools. The bully incident was a little over a year ago. She has been working on controlling when the Spirit takes over to the present day.

Draconic Features: Fuyuko can sprout draconic wings, along with Claws and a Tail of spirit form when preparing for Combat. These usually wear off at the end of combat and don't use much of her energy. She can also, at night, create a mist that covers the school, it creates haunting images when threats to the school are in range of her. She is automatically awoken by the mist, and aware of the general location of the threat.

Breath Weapons:

Normal Form (Fire)- She can use a Fire
Breath that reaches anywhere within a 60° cone that is 60 ft long, it can catch opponents on fire if they are nicked by it.

Spirit Takeover (Weakness)- This Breath is a smog like gas that affects a 60° cone that is 60 ft long, this one however reduces strength based capabilities by 20% for one minute.

Draconic Spirit Takeover- The Dragon Spirit starts seeping out of Fuyuko's midsection, and tattoos, taking the form of an Adult gold Dragon, in a gold outline, Fuyuko is conscious but not in control of her actions. She automatically uses her Fire Breath and Frightful Presence upon transformation. The dragon spirit has Attacks that a Dragon would normally use, like Claws, a Bite attack, a Wing Attack, which can send people back up to 10ft (this is up to the target's RPer how far), still standing or knocked prone (which would be knocked down, again this is determined the target's RPer), can use both Breath Weapons described in the Breath Weapons Section, and can Use Frightful Presence, which can make an opponent unwilling to move closer to her, but only lasts about 20 seconds and can only affect 2 targets (It would be up to the RPer to determine if the targets would be affected). Breaking the Dragon Spirit is the only way to get this power to stop, and it takes a lot of hits, or a few unusually strong hits Break.

Likes: Order, Shiny things, wide open spaces, Watching events as they unfold.
Dislikes: Chaos, Bullies, especially those that bully her friends and family, Bears, spaces that are too cramped.

Relationships: Fuyumi Redtail (Deceased, Mother), Smithfield Redtail (Father, Alive), 10 Half brothers (8 are alive, 2 deceased), Melanie Redtail (Half-sister, 16, Alive).

Other: Sleeping Dogs are sometimes to be left alone. Even more so if it's a bear.

Name: Melanie Redtail
Age: 16
Gender/Pronouns: Female (She/They)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5'0"
Appearance: Long brown hair, usually in a bun, but if untied, it would reach her hips. Her eyes are brown, and she has freckles all over her face. Her frame is slim and small. She generally wears Baggy clothing. There is a pouch with a small notebook in it on her belt. She also has the Gold Encrusted Scimitar that Francis Drake owned when he was alive. Keep in mind that she weighs 93 pounds.

Personality: Melanie is a somewhat shy and quiet individual, she is known to stutter during first encounters with people. She may seem nerdy, but she is a watchful individual. Once you break that shell, she is an individual who would prefer to listen.

Backstory/History: Melanie was the last child and only daughter of the marriage of Smithfield Redtail and Lyla A. Redtail. She was born the same day as Fuyuko, whose mother was Fuyumi. Her parents were legally separated for about six months before she was born, her mother had died during childbirth. Fuyumi helped Smithfield with raising Melanie up until her death. From then, Melanie was bullied up until some crossed a line and ended up having to deal with Fuyuko. She has used her power a total of 5 times since she received it and the special possession slipped out during a possession by The Actor.


The Spirit Seeker- Melanie can temporarily let herself be possessed by the spirit of someone of Historical significance. All possessions last 10 minutes or until a Condition left the spirit is fulfilled. There are 10 possibilities in the normal range and one special possession that is much stronger than the others, however, one does somewhat rival that due to an item that is in her possession. Current possessions that are available as follows (the first five and the special have been used before):

1. The Revolutionary (George Washington)- Upon possession, she gains a spectral cover of George's Revolutionary War uniform, gives her confidence and leadership she otherwise would not have, she can also understand authority and officials better than most while possessed by George Washington. Washington's ability is to increase morale of allies in a short radius

2. The Actor (Charlie Chapman)- Upon Possession, she gains a spectral outfit of Charlie Chaplin's Suit and Bowler hat. Chaplin's ability is thst She can use Charlie's Skills to either distract or deceive those in a short radius. She gains sensitivity to situations that she would normally not have sensitivity to.

3. The Defender (Joan of Arc)- Upon Possession, the spectral outfit has 15th century plate armor that would most likely have been used by Joan of Arc. She gains Combat knowledge and leadership, and is more courtly and polite than most. She also gains the ability to help defend areas, any structure touched by Melanie when she is possessed by Joan of Arc will have double the durability for the length of possession.

4. The Conductor (Harriet Tubman)- Upon possession, she gains an outfit worn by women in the 1840's, Melanie is free from any physical and mental restraints. She can also free others in a 20 ft radius of any physical or mental restraints. She gains a sense of navigation and guiding.

5. The Scientist (Albert Einstein)- Upon Possession, the spectral outfit changes to be more of a lab coat with her hair standing on end, her hair turns white as a special effect when Albert Einstein possesses her. Melanie gains knowledge in sciences such as physics. She speaks alot more intelligently than normal. The ability is to move one piece of mass under 186 pounds 20 ft in any direction very quickly. Albert's possession ends and allows for another to possess Melanie if the Ability is used.

6. The Gravitist (Sir Isaac Newton)- Upon possession, her spectral outfit changes to a black robe that would have been born when Isaac Was alive. She gains immense Knowledge in Maths, and can temporarily change the speed of gravity around her in a 10 ft radius. This lasts five minutes and the change can be set once.

7. The Draque (Francis Drake)- Upon possession, she gains a reddish orange outfit with white sleeves and a white frilly collar. This possession is stronger than even Washington, but not as strong as her special possession due to the Sword that she wears on her belt. She gains knowledge related to the sea, Seamanship and, Naval encounters. The ability given by Francis Drake is to transfer his sword knowledge to Melanie, becoming "The Draque."

8. The Unifier (Oda Nobunaga)- Upon possession, the spectral outfit changes to sixteenth century samurai attire. Nobunaga's Ability allows for Melanie to gain temporary insight into her surroundings, allowing her to plan out an ambush from the best perspective.

9. The White Death (Simo Hayha)- Upon Possession, She gains a Finnish uniform from World War II. She gains the ability to summon an attack that seemingly came from nowhere. This can be used 5-7 times before Simo Hayha's possession ends and lures out another possession.

10. The Lover (Giacomo Casanova)- (This spirit tries to take control whenever her crush is around) Upon possession, an outfit similar to Washington's would form. This one is slightly different as it is more civilian in appearance. She gains the confidence to flirt with her crush from this spirit for two minutes.

S. The Emperor (Genghis Khan)- Upon Possession, Melanie's emotions turn off, and gains Combat prowess of various weapons of the 13th and 14th century, alongside immense tolerance for anything that isn't a direct action against her or those close to her. Those actions will be responded harshly. Her spectral outfit turns into Mongolian Armor, with her hair in a helmet, her eyes turn red when she is possessed by Genghis.

Likes: Social events, Happy feelings, seeing new places, meeting new people, learning the ins and outs of powers.

Dislikes: Her Shyness getting in the way, Cows, getting flipped off, and things not according to plan.

Relationships: 10 Brothers (8 are alive, 2 Deceased), Smithfield Redtail (Father, Alive), Lyla A. Redtail (Mother, Deceased), Fuyuko Redtail (16, Half sister, Alive).

Other: She let the sleeping Dog lie. If possible, could Melanie develop a crush on Riley Deimi?

Fuyuko in 15/Chimera

Melanie in 16/Pegasus
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Both characters are really cool, Cmeriwether! I’m a fan! I also like the DND gold dragon- that just made me happy. :)
The only thing is that you need to go back and edit what Oda Nobunaga does- seems you missed that! Otherwise great..!

And it’s all up to you if she does! Riley probably wouldn’t mind-! Also, where do you want the two to be dormed?
(Aka- dorm 15 or 16)
Oh and their houses.
A “new” character approacheth-!

Nera Vasquez
Age: 16
Gender/Pronouns: Female (she/her)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5’2”
Appearance: Nera is a rather unassuming Hispanic girl, with shaggy brown hair, and pure red eyes. She has a slender build- and a more impressive body than it might seem- given she usually wears baggy clothes that hide her figure. She has a bit of a slouched posture as well, and a constant bored look on her face.
Personality: Nera likes to think of herself as rational, reasonable, and down to earth. She is definitely that- unfortunately that makes her a bit of a dick. She’s not directly antagonistic on purpose- she just is incredibly blunt, and doesn’t mince her words. Nera has a longing for meaningful human connection, like most, but doesn’t express it as outwardly as her pragmatism.
Backstory/History: Nera’s grandparents moved to New Mexico in 1978, and in due time, their family would establish themselves- having two children- one of which would eventually go on to give birth to Nera. Her birth was rather unconventional- as his eyes were incredibly baffling to the nurses- and the girl didn’t seem to cry.

Eventually, they discovered she’d been born with a power from birth. She and her older brother, Richard, lived a relatively calm life for about 10 years- until her brother decided to study abroad in Sweden. This distance from her brother- perhaps her best friend for a long time, left an impact on Nera, as she became more apathetic- though never truly lost her empathy. With some of the money sent back from her brother, and a fund Nera’s grandparents put together, Nera was able to go to her dream school- Karma High

Mind Seer:

If Nera looks someone in the eyes, she can form a link and see into their surface thoughts- able to hear their internal dialogue and an active feed of their planned actions as they form. With more sustained eye contact, she can push through to access deeper thoughts- like memories and core aspects of the human in question- though Nera is very thoughtful about privacy, thankfully.

Active Copy:
A side-evolution to her main power she developed in her early teens- allowing her to copy a baseline, untrained version of a person’s powers after she uses her Mind Seer ability on them. The deeper her Mind Seer is on that person, the stronger and more refined their power becomes when she uses it. The window for her to use Active Copy remains even after the link is severed- though only for about 5 minutes.

Likes: Cool rocks, fishing, the warmth, summer, baggy clothing, science videos
Dislikes: Emotional people, sour food, corn tortillas, people who think they’re smarter than her
Relationships: Richard (Older Brother), Sara (Mother), Drew (Father)
Other: Yes
House: Siren