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Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

Py-ton listened to Viper and Fabian, and said, "You're both right. These wizards are quite the formidable foes. Not even the mass number of grunts can stop them." Py-ton then told Fabian through the lacrima, "Tell the Apocalyptic Four not to be over-confident of themselves, and go all out against these opponents. If they hold back their power, even by just a little bit, then they just might lose their battle."
"Already done, Master Py-ton." Fabian replied, smiling. "I sent them a warning an hour ago." Sipping from his goblet and letting out a sigh, he smirked. "You know, I'm quite thrilled, actually. I haven't been this excited to fight anyone since my face off with Gray Fullbuster."


'Ghost' evaded yet another dagger swipe from 'Cyrus' as the two circled each other. I only have a minute to kill him so I can keep this body! 'Cyrus' thought to himself as he swiped over and over, to be blocked by 'Ghost' each time. "Screw it, SPIRIT DAGGERS!" 'Cyrus' commanded, but nothing happened. "COME ON! SPIRIT DAGGERS!" he yelled, annoyed. "What the hell's going on?! Why can't I use my magic?!"

"Have you forgotten? It's not your magic anymore. It's MINE." 'Ghost' coughed, smirking. "And sure, I'm in the same situation, but the difference is...I don't need magic to kick your butt! Or...my butt...? Ah, screw it." He began to approach the trembling redhead, cracking his knuckles.

"S-stay back!" 'Cyrus' warned, holding his dagger in front of him. 'Ghost' simply replied by kicking the weapon out of his hand. "Ummmmm...look, I know we kind of fought and said things we might regret, but maybe if you look deep into your heart...you'll find that you don't want to hurt me...?" Fortunately for the possessed mage, Reaper, who was busy fighting Jeanne, crashed into 'Ghost'.

"Cyrus, are you alright?" Jeanne asked, landing beside 'Cyrus'. "You know, it's not like you to be backed into a corner like that. Be more careful!" She looked up at the mage before her, but then her gaze shifted and narrowed into a glare as she looked toward 'Ghost'. "Now then...how should I deal with you?"

"W-wait, Jeanne, it's me, Cyrus!" 'Ghost' exclaimed. Jeanne paused, confused.

"Wait...what?" She muttered, raising an eyebrow. She was doubtful, obviously, but then again, she shouldn't have any reason to believe the Grim Brothers members knew them, given they weren't even registered into the guild roster. "But...you're not Cyrus, you're a minion!"

"Don't listen to him, Jeanne. It's obvious he's lying to try and throw you off." 'Cyrus' mused, approaching her. "After all, I'm the only one you'd allow to do...this." He then leaned into her face slowly, Jeanne flinching as he got close. Before their lips touched, however, a fist sent 'Cyrus' spiraling into the guild wall as 'Ghost' gave him the scariest look yet.

"Oh, no. You're not pullin' any of that Dio crap!" He snarled. "How DARE you try to make a move on Jeanne without her consent! You're nowhere NEAR good enough for her, DO YOU HEAR ME?!" He kept ranting incoherently as he pounded 'Cyrus' deeper and deeper into the stone wall.

"Yeah...it's kind of clear now who's who." Jeanne muttered as she watched her supposed enemy beat up her supposed ally with a deadpan look. Then, another blinding flash of light caused her to look away, and when she could see them again, Cyrus was back in his body again and holding Ghost by the neck.

"Don't you EVER...try that again! Got it?" There was look of menace in his eyes, making Ghost whimpered and nodded frantically, signaling Cyrus to let him go, after which he swung his leg around and slammed his heel into the renegade's temple, knocking him out. Banshee soon came to and saw his teammates.

"Reaper! Ghost! Hang on, I'll get you to a medic inside!" he said, a voice of panic clear in his voice. "We won't forget this!" he shouted toward the duo as he carried his comrades into the guild. After a few moments, Cyrus let out a sigh and sat down.

"Ugh...I feel so sore..." he muttered. "and exhausted..."

"Well, you did just literally beat yourself to a pulp. At least it saved me the trouble of doing it." Jeanne laughed.

"Oh, har har." Cyrus said sarcastically.

"I know. Hilarious, right?" Jeanne teased back. Then, she sat down beside him. "I'm feeling pretty tired myself..." she said with a sigh. The two of them sat there, taking a moment to rest in silence after taking care of their share of work.
"Alright, your cell is already unlocked when you want to leave." Brendan said throwing the prison keys into Ara's cell. Brendan walked over to the door, "Your spirit, took care of that bear thing right?" Brendan asked before he was going to kick down the door even though it was probably unlocked.
Ara looked at Brendan, and said, "Thanks. And to answer your question, I don't think so. I can still sense the magical energy it's emitting. But that doesn't matter right now, you guys need to go out and help the others! I know our guild members are strong, but there are too many out there for even them!" Ara was still in her meditating position, and she probably had enough magical energy than she needed.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
"Yeah, Hercules should be dealing with it right now." Orion said responding to Brendan's question. "You should be able to walk right out without any problem." Meanwhile, Hercules was wrestling the Teddy Bear down to the ground while banging it with his club. But the club had no effect as the creature is literally made of stuffing. Back down in the dungeon, "Alright I'm heading on out!" Orion exclaimed. He requiped to an armor that he didn't wear yet, Divine Light Armor, which was Minerva's armor. The armor included a spear like of Minerva's and a full knight like armor with lots of gold and silver. The moment Orion had walked out through the door, he had to begin fighting. He blasted a few enemies on his right with fire magic and a few on the left with some water magic. "Cool! Elemental Powers!" Orion chirped as he casually knocked an enemy out with the use of his spear.
"Let's go!" Brendan said as he ran out the door behind Orion. "Requip! Flame Emperor Armor!" Brendan yelled, a red fiery sword also appeared in his hand. Brendan swung the sword once and a wave of fire engulfed half the guild hall, taking out a bunch grunts.
Zander had been having an oddly easy amount of time since some of the other Ender Eye members and himself invaded the guild captive of their friends. When entering, he had only needed to raise his palm forwards, releasing a short chant of words before a pulse type of energy would emit and reach a decent number of Grim Brothers' grunts - quickly pulling them into a deep sleep almost instantly. He made his way throughout the large guild hall (which seemed more like a fort/dungeon) and followed any traces of magical energy he could pick up.

He was careful, using his cloak as a type of cover up, because if what he heard about these "Apocalyptic Four" were true - even the S Class wizard himself would have trouble fending them off. So he decided to attempt sneaking around and taking down the enemies with the minimum required magical energy. Zane then quickly found himself at a staircase that spiraled downwards, hearing loud strikes and even some conversation. The voices were very familiar - Orion! Brendan! As well as Ara? Those three must have been separated from the others and placed down there in containment. Zane gave out a breathe of relief, being glad they were at least alive. After hearing the shouts of an angry grunt running up directly behind him, he rose his palm facing backwards and emitted another sleep spell, causing the grunt to grow weary and eventually being knocked over and out cold from a simple punch.

The older teen then quickly made his way down stairs, before stumbling upon a giant teddy bear in a struggle with Hercules, one of Orion's spirits. However, Orion and Brendan were no where to be found; except for Ara who was sitting in a cell.

"Ara! Are you alright?" Zane called, moving towards the cell. "Have they done anything to you?"

He was going to continue asking his bombard of questions until he noticed the cell door was unlocked. With a single push it was opened, much to the angelic mage's surprise and confusion. But that was only convenience, he knew he didn't have times for questions.

"Hey, lets get out of here." He told.
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Ara looked behind her, and noticed Zane. "Zane!?" Ara exclaimed, "I'm fine, but the master of this guild sure did do a lot. And I'm going to repay the favor! But man, am I glad to see a familiar face! Lets get going!" Ara got the keys that Brendan handed her, and easily opened up the cell. She then went outside to see Hercules fending off the giant teddy bear. "Ice Make: Blade!" Ara exclaimed, as her whole arm became a clean blade of ice. She charged towards the teddy bear, and cut it up in half (and if you've ever seen Dragon Ball Super, she did it the same way Trunks killed Zamasu).
Eliza walked through the Grim Brothers guild hall one by one making enemy mages fall to the ground "pathetic isn't there anyone who can give me a half decent challenge I mean there's one of me and about... Umm maybe a hundred of you, I mean you must feel so embarrassed that a girl and her friends are stepping all over you like your ants under our boots huh" Eliza said in an attempt to anger them

The mages went into a furious rage when Eliza provoked them "that's it your dead, everyone rush her!" One of the mages yelled before they all ran to attack her

Eliza let out a laugh "your so funny to think you can take me out by yourselves" Eliza said before holding her hand out at the hoard of mages rushing towards her "Zeus Lightning!" Eliza yelled as giant bolts of electricity came out of her hand and shocked the mages until they were on the floor "well that actually made me break a sweat" Eliza said with a grin
Brendan smiled as he watched grunts fall to the ground, "Requip: Lightning Emperor Armor!" Brendan yelled, "Here you go Eliza, just for you!" Brendan yelled as he twirled his spear, a yellow magic circle appeared on the tip of his spear and it shot a lightning bolt at her for more power. Brendan then jumped up and the air, he then did a flip and slammed on the ground, creating another yellow magic circle that was even bigger. A shock wave of lightning mowed down even more grunts.
Azir grew impatient as he waited in his room, "Boss, I'm about to go out there and join the battle, none of those fools are coming to party on the beach!" Azir exclaimed looking at his communication lacrima in the corner of the room.
Py-ton looked through the communication lacrima, and glared at Azir. "If you join the battle, then those wizards aren't going to be the only ones who are going to have a bite at you! Stick with the plan! Do I make myself clear!?"


Ara could hear screams coming from the guild hall, and they sounded like Azir and Py-ton. She then looked at Zane, and said, "Zane! I know where we should go! Follow me!" Ara then started running towards the noise, and found a hallway with four individual doors, all looking identical. Dammit, in which one do we go into!? Ara chose one of the doors, and slammed it wide open. Inside the room, she noticed Sabrina. Ara glared at Sabrina, and said, "Looks like we'll be the first ones to fight, huh?"


Previously Sarah316
Savannah had wondered off by herself, taking out some grunts as she tried to find the higher up members of this dark guild. Maybe she could beat that traitor Viper's stupid face in. Eventually Savannah opened a door and saw the other Sand-Mage in the corner of a large sand room. Savannah considered her options, with one main thought in mind...

Of course, the one I find happens to be the one with the same power I have. What are the odds?
Azir turned with a smirk on his face, "Well, well, well. What a coincidence you show up to my party!" Azir exclaimed, sand swirled around his legs. "This'll be totally rad!" Azir exclaimed as he got into the maker stance, a brown magic circle appeared in front of his fist. "Shall we begin?" Azir asked with an evil smirk.
Eliza turned and grabbed the lightning bolt that Brendan shot at her "well I am on a diet but one bite can't hurt can it?" Eliza said jokingly before consuming the Lightning "damn that's good" Eliza said as she began to charge electricity into her hand that took shape of a spear "Thunder Javelin!" Eliza threw the javelin at another group of mages making most of them unconscious "piece of cake" Eliza said as she continued to beat up other mages

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Sabrina was playing with her dolls and toys while there was a guild fight going on in the guild hall. The young girl was currently in a dimly lit room fulled with an assortment of dolls and toys. She was singing, or humming more like, a tune that she enjoyed. Her doll that she normally kept around her arms was sitting right beside her playing make believe. Sabrina was minding her own business until she her a crash right at her door. Turning to look at what it was, she saw Adriana, Ara rather, and a young male she hasn't ever seen before. "You found meeee!" Sabrina sang as she knew what was coming up. "Now....won't you play with me?" As if on cue, some of Sabrina's toys 'came to life' and slowly crawled over to the duo, almost as if they were zombies of sorts. "C'mon!" Sabrina cried aloud. "It'll be funnnnn!" Sabrina laughed as already she was enjoying what was soon to happen in this room.
Orion had once again requiped, but this time into Poseidon's given armor, the Atlantis Armor. "Aqua Geyser!" orion called out, spewing a jet of water at his enemies. He was getting a hang of requip now as he's been using it for a while now. Different armor has different properties. But as his armor game from the Diamond Gates, he technically has their magical properties now. "Requip: Moon Deity Armor!" A silver light glowed around Orion as he changed into Diana's armor. "Moonblast!" Orion shouted out as he blasted a silver beam at a cluster of grunts in front of him.


Previously Sarah316
The smart thing would have been to exit the room and get help. No reason for a macho one vs. one fight in this situation.

However, Savannah at the moment valued pride over any strategic advantage. Savannah answered Azir's smirk with one of her own as she also got in a Sand-Make stance, producing some magic aura.

"Well, this place ain't big enough for two Sand-Make mages." Savannah said, ready for the battle ahead.
Zane had followed Ara as she mentioned about knowing where to head next, until they happened to stumble upon a room with a little girl playing with her toys. At first, Zane stepped up with a concerned look on his face - thinking this was just another victim of the Guild, and that she was an innocent girl kidnapped and dragged into this mess. He then heard Ara speak up and mention fighting the little girl.

"A-Ara...I think you're mistake-" However, before he could finish his sentence, Zane was cut off by the girl who asked the two to 'play' with her, before a plethora of the child's toys came to life.

"What the heck is going on here!?" He asked, taking a quick leap backwards. "She's just a kid...she isn't actually apart of this guild, is she?"
"You got it girl!" Azir exclaimed as the sand around him began to raise into the hair, it paused for a few seconds before it feel to the ground, signalling the start of the fight. "Sand-Make: Crashing Sand Wave!" Azir yelled, four waves of sand came crashing toward Savannah at an alarming rate, they were almost like the violent, crashing waves of the sea.


Previously Sarah316
Savannah saw the incoming sand waves...and smirked.

"Gonna borrow this little trick from you. Sand-Make: Surf Board!" Savannah called out as she generated a sand surf board and began to literally ride Azir's waves. Savannah had a grin, actually enjoying herself before she re-focused on the task at hand, moving against the current of the waves to try and get close to Azir.
"You sure got skills girl!" Azir exclaimed he then jumped onto the waves and made his own surfboard, "Sand-Make: Great Blade!" Azir yelled out with an evil smirk. "Let's see you dodge this without crashin' and getting buried by the sand!" Azir yelled as he swung his Great Sand Blade at Savannah. The sand it was made of seemed to be almost as hard as rock.
"So they're finally finding their way to us, hm?" Fabian wondered, smirking as he watched the fight. "Good. Finally, I can see what this generation of mages has brought to the table."

The closer the other members of Ender Eye got to Fabian's chamber, the fewer guards there were to fight, and most of them didn't seem interested in fighting at all, sitting idly and chatting as if an invasion wasn't even happening, like everything was normal. One grunt spotted them, and smiled. "The foreign king awaits ahead." he warned.


Previously Sarah316
Savannah just barley dodged the blade, though it cut her top just a little, as Savannah struggled to keep her balance.

"Shit...oh...oh hold...no...wait...I can do...just gotta...AH HA!" Savannah called out, regaining her balance as she formed her own sand blade.

"Let's see if you're so cool with a sword coming for your face" Savannah said, moving her board over to try and slice Azir.
Brendan was one of the members who had ventured closer to Fabian's quarters, "I sense that Vampire guy down this way." Brendan said as he took a small break from destroying the grunts of Grim Brothers, "Foreign King, huh. More like an immortal geezer who just wants to be bested in combat." Brendan grumbled as he walked closer to the door. "He sounds like another immortal guy my parents used to talk about." Brendan said.
Azir laughed as he and Savannah clashed blades for a while. Azir then jumped off his board on back onto solid ground, Azir got into a different stance and the sand and room around him rumbled. "You're pretty good, so I might as well go full force!" Azir exclaimed, "Sand-Make: Great One-Tailed Beast!" Azir yelled. Sand flew up into the air, a figure started to form. The figure got larger and larger until a beast that looked like a raccoon feel onto the ground, causing a small Earthquake. The beast roared and with one wave of it's arm a giant wave of sand shot at Savannah with incredible force.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Orion was dealing with a whole bunch of grunts before getting tired of them. "Can't you guys at least put up a fight?" Orion muttered. Finishing up the last grunt around his area, Orion began trying to sense magic around him. 'Where are they....' Orion thought to himself. He wanted to fight one of the Apocalyptic 4 as he wanted vengeance on what they did to him and his friends. Sensing magic was hard as the magical properties of everyone were jumbled together, but he managed to sense the vampire guy's magic eventually. "Gotcha.." Orion quietly said to himself. He ran to where 4 sets of doors were only to see Brendan in the hallway as well. "I sense that Fabian guy." Orion said to Brendan pointing to the door right in front of the son of the great Titania. Orion senses around once again and felt the magic of Ara, Savannah, and Zane. "So they others are fighting too..." Orion said. "Anyways, the vampire guy Fabian is residing in that door in front of you." Orion told to Brendan as he stepped over a couple of grunts that he assumed Brendan took out.


Previously Sarah316
"You've got to be kidding me!"

That was all Savannah could say as she quickly summoned. It did little as the massive wave of sand crashed through it hitting Savannah and sending her crashing to the wall. Savannah needed a moment to collect herself as she stood face to face with the massive sand monster.

"When...when and how did you learn to do that?" Savannah asked, having never considered or seen a Sand-Make technique like this.
Barry knocked around many foot soldiers as he ran across the the guild floor with bolt following. "Bolt aerial maneuver." Barry shouted. Blots smiled. "You don't have to tell me twice." He said as wings appeared on his back and he took off into the air after grabbing Barry. He then changed direction and flew strait at the ground, Barry's arm was covered with darkness. "Dark Dragon's Lariat!" He shouted as he smashed the ground, creating a huge shockwave sending many grunts flying. "Too easy." He thought as he noticed a door with strange magic energy emitting from inside. He walked in followed by Bolt. As soon as they went inside, they felt heavier. "Is it just me or do you fell heavier in here." Bolt said a bit startled.
Brendan turned to Orion, "I figured. I thought I sensed him here." Brendan said, "Let us join to battle against the four together." The teen said with confidence, "You ready?" Brendan asked as he place his hand on the door handle, his lightning spear rested on his back.
Azir smirked as he jumped onto the beast's head, "You know that fool from Lamia Scale, what was?" Azir said, he thought for a moment, "Ah, Lyon. He uses his maker magic to create creatures all the time, so I thought I should give it shot." Azir explained. The beast roared and bullets of sand were shot at Savannah from seemingly out of nowhere... It was like the beast could control the sand itself.
The doors slowly opened, revealing the medieval throne room lit rather well by the silver moonlight seeping through the windows. Along the sides, pillars adorned with decorative artwork and portraits of mages and other people. One portrait in particular that was hung behind the throne was larger than the rest, depicting a king and queen, along with their child. This was the portrait Fabian was looking at. "So, you finally made it this far." he chuckled. "I expected no less from the mages of Ender Eye." Turning around, it was revealed Fabian was wearing a suit of his own armor, steel plates covering his body and decorated with golden patterns. His long white hair draped down his back, and a red cape added the finishing touches to his outfit. "Sorry if this seems a bit much." he said, looking rather sheepish. "It's just that...this armor brings me back to the days where I was, at least in my opinion, in my prime, as king of my people." He then approached the small table by his throne and finished the last of the red liquid in the bottle resting on it.


Previously Sarah316
Savannah had to act quickly, using her power to generate some roller skates Savannah began to duck and weave, trying to avoid each sand bullet to the best of her ability.

"Sand-Make: Bow & Arrow!"

Savannah summoned a sand bow with some arrows and began to fire them at Azir while he stood on the beast's head while also trying to dodge the bullets. It was a difficult time to multitask, but Savannah really had no choice.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Orion nodded his head in confidence, ready to deal with the leader of the Apocalyptic 4. Orion held on to his shiny light blue keys, ready to deal with the vampire. Both he and Brendan had dealt with Fabian's Magic already, so at least Orion should be wary of what is to come. When Orion stepped into the room, there was Fabian sitting on his throne within a medieval-like room. Not to mention the armory that Fabian had on him made the room seem like a bast into the past. "No worries," Orion calmly claimed. "May the best mage win..........Your majesty." Orion wasn't as aggressive now as he finally knew what type person Fabian is. "Requip: Sun Deity Armor" Orion glowed a silver light, changing his outfit to a orange-yellow knight armor, such as Fabian was wearing. Orion went into his stance with his Solar Sword and Shield, ready to fight whenever it's initiated.
Brendan glared at Fabian, he pulled out his spear and twirled it around and slammed the end on the ground, the sound echoed throughout the whole room. "We will be the ones to defeat you." Brendan said, flat out. Brendan waited for someone to attack, he knew Fabian would be fast, vampires usually are.
Azir motioned up with his fingers and a wall of sand blocked every arrow, "You'll have to do better than that do beat me." Azir said with a smirk, "In this room my magic power is increased and I can control the sand with ease." Azir continued on, "You might as well give up before things get gnarly!" Azir yelled with an evil look on his face. The beast then brought its tail above Savannah and went to strike her with incredible force.
"Indeed. But before we continue, I would like to raise the stakes a little higher." Fabian replied, descending the stairs and stopping about thirty feet from them. "If you defeat me, I have something I would like to entrust to each of you. A prize of sorts, to show how far you've come." His smile then faded into a more serious expression as he shifted his stance slightly. "Now remember: You must not hesitate in this fight. Come at me with everything you got! Show me what you and your guild, nay, the next generation of magi are capable of!"


Previously Sarah316
Savannah once again generated a large wall, one bigger than before, but it proved not enough as the tail easily smashed through it sending Savannah crashing to the wall of the room once again. Savannah was a little slow to get up, taking damage from the blows. Savannah shot a defiant glare at Azir.

Damn it. What can I do? I don't have any spell that can beat this thing. No, wait there is one, but I never can generate enough magic to stabalize it. If only I had a boost like this guy...

Savannah then realized something. She and Azir had the same magic. Logically, there would be no reason for one of them to get the boost and not the other. Savannah took a moment to feel her aura and realized it was higher than normal. Once Savannah realized this, she gave a smirk to Azir.

"You know, you might have beaten me. But you forget, you're not the only Sand-Make mage here!" Savannah said as she channeled a large amount of magic aura as she moved for her big spell.

"Sand-Make: Sand Titan!"

Soon enough, a large hulking humanoid monster stood, right at eye level with Azir's demon as Savannah stood right on top of its head. Savannah took a moment to admire her monstrosity before she faced Azir with a look of pure determination.
"We won't." Brendan said as he glowed and requiped into leather armor that had a cheetah print on it, his sword was thin and sleek, it was made of pure silver. In a fraction of a second Brendan was behind Fabian and he went for a quick jab at Fabian's back, making it easily for Brendan to escape.
Azir scowled as he had not realized the room also gave her a power boost as well. "Sand-Make: Cannon!" Azir yelled as a giant cannon appeared in his hands, Azir shot a huge clump of harden sand at Savannah. The beast opened its mouth and began to form a huge orb of energy, it's magic power was extremely dense.
Fabian reacted as quickly as he could, quite surprised by the speed Brendan had achieved as red aura formed around his right hand. Nosferatu: Crimson Cutter! he mentally commanded as a blade formed from the aura, which he used to parry the blow. He then leaped up onto a pillar and up into the air. Nosferatu: Winged Bombardment! A red magic circle formed in front of him, and from it, a barrage of bats made of red magic energy launched at his two opponents.


Previously Sarah316
"Sand-Make: Sun Shield!"

Savannah generated a large shield made of harder sand to block the impact of the clump of hardened sand. The titan then began to generate a large amount of magic power that Savannah sent to it, soon focusing it at its right fist.

Get in close, and give it everything!

Savannah then had the titan charge Azir and the sand beast, all the while it charged up a large amount of magic power in its right fist, which it pulled back as it seemed to ready itself to deliver a massive magic powered punch.
Brendan quickly slashed every bat, the armor he was wearing gave him a drastic boost to speed and attack speed. Brendan then jumped into the air, "Requip: Black Wing Armor!" Brendan yelled, this armor doubled his attacking power. Brendan then extended his wings made of black scales and flew up toward Fabian and clashed blades with him, Brendan kept a calm composer.
The Beast's attack had finished and it jumped straight at the titan. The explosion that followed was even bigger than an explosion caused by a Jupiter Cannon. Sand flew everywhere creating a miniature sandstorm. Azir grunted and slowly got up from the rubble...
Frea let out a laugh as she closed the door behind Barry and Bolt "look what I've found, a wanna be Mage and a little kitty" Frea said as she began to circle Barry slowly increasing Barry's gravity as she did "it's quite funny that you think you can defeat the queen of the Brothers Grim and a queen will do anything to protect her subjects and for hurting my subjects your going to pay, preferably with your life as it doesn't seem like you have any other option" Frea said with a laugh before greatly increasing Barry's gravity
As Brendan flew at Fabian, the vampire smiled. Nosferatu: Crimson Mist! At the mental command, he exhaled a torrent of red mist at the charging mage. The mist slowly began to fill the room, growing thicker and thicker, reducing visibility. Now hidden in mist, Fabian darted silently around across the ceiling above the two.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Orion reacted quickly at every attack Fabian threw at the duo mages. As Fabian's mist attack filled the room, Orion made his move. "Open, Gate of the Sorcerer: Circe!" Once again, a flash and bell chimes could be seen and heard and out came a woman in a red robe. "Use your eye magic to locate the enemy!" Immediately gathering energy, Circe created a giant eye about the room to scan the whole area. "Enemy above and behind you!" Circe called out. Orion, with his fast reactions, threw his shield in the general area to create visibility within the most .Seeing as a shadow had crossed, Orion attacked. "Flare Blitz!" Orion threw his sword at the area in a circular motion as it flared lively, hoping the sword would hit the Vampire. The spinning made it give out a greater diameter to make it easier to hit the enemy.
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