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Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

Fabian severed the tomb of vines, but couldn't react to Brendan's flurry of slashes. Keeping on the defensive, he felt every cut as he tried to stay conscious. He grinned, however, as more bats from earlier flew in from all directions from their hiding places in the shadows, targeting the two. However, he felt himself growing weaker as he sank into a kneeling position. Damn...even with all of the magic energy I've sapped from these two, I'm still running close to empty... There were no other options left for Fabian; and when the last strike of the barrage hit him (presumably in the front), he went flying back and crashed into the stairs beneath his throne and the red mist vanished. For a moment, he was silent, then, a small chuckle escaped his lips. That chuckle turned into genuine laughter, no hint of menace or evil behind it. "Ah, god...I haven't had a fight like that in years!" after settling down from his laughter, he gave the two of them a look like a father who was watching his son graduate. "I'm proud of you two. You met the challenge head-on and overcame it, just as I expected of you. If this is what Ender Eye is capable of...it's a certainty your guild has a long future ahead of it. Congratulations on your victory."
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Ara glared at the gigantic doll. "Heh, do you really think size matters?" Ara then turned her arms into blades of ice. And she stayed there waiting to see what the doll will do. Heh, you know what they say. They bigger they are, the harder they fall!

Ara had wanted to take down Sabrina, but it looked like she wasn't dealing with a weakling.
The golden hue around Brendan disappeared as Fabian congratulated them on their victory. "Wait, we won?" Brendan asked a bit confused.
I guess this guy isn't bad after all... Brendan thought as the wave of exhaustion hit him. Brendan fell/sat on the floor, using his arm to hold himself up, he had used way more magic power than he thought.
We won, but that was a really close battle. I need to perfect my Heavenly Body Magic.. Brendan thought as he breathed heavily, his pants were tattered and ripped and the bandage bandana was coming apart.
Brendan looked back up at Fabian, "Thank you Fabian. That was a great battle, hardest I've ever had." Brendan said with a smile in between his breathing.
Frea was knocked back to the ground by Barry's attack and Barry and Bolts gravity's went back to normal "that's it now I'm really pissed" Frea said as she stood back up and held her hands out towards Barry and bolt "Gravity Trash Compactor!" Frea yelled as she greatest increased there gravity from all directions making Barry and Bolt float into she centre of the room Frea let out a chuckle "wow I haven used this move for ages, I have to congratulate you for your efforts but you'll be dead soon" Frea said with a grin "you see with so much gravitational force pushing on you from so many different directions you'll soon be crushed entirely" Frea said as her grin got bigger "I could finish you quickly but I'll watch you suffer instead"
Fabian smiled and gave a nod as he struggled to stand. "Likewise." he said, moving toward his throne. "Now to make good on my promise from before the match." He slid the throne back, revealing a trap door. After pulling it open, he took out a small chest with a clear lid and a large sheathed two-handed sword. Striding toward them with the items in hand, he turned to Orion first, handing him the chest. Inside was a shining, light-brown key with a fist-shaped ring. "You are a very impressive Celestial mage, Orion. This Onyx Gate Key is to Atlas, the titan who held up the sky. It belonged to my wife before she died, and now I entrust it to you. Use it well."

He then turned to Brendan, unsheathing the sword and holding it upright. It had a beautiful black blade with stars twinkling down to the hilt, which was as bright a silver as the full moon. "You truly are like your parents, Brendan, but now I entrust you with a weapon they never had in their arsenal. This sword is called Iron Eclipse. It has the ability to drain a little magic energy if the blade makes contact with an opponent. You can then use this drained energy to either replenish your own supply, or to unleash a super attack from the blade: Eclipse Cannon. Use it well." He re-sheathed the blade and handed it to Brendan. After giving the two mages his gifts, he limped to his throne and sat down with a sigh. "I need a rest to recover from that battle..." he chuckled. "Feel free to either stay here and rest yourselves, or leave and join your comrades."

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Orion turned to look both at Fabian and Brendan. They all are definitely, even barely hanging, close to passing out due to excessive use of magical energy. "Neptune, Diana, thank you for your assistance." Orion said letting his celestial spirits go back into the spirit world. Diana gave a nod while Neptune just grunted. Right about Orion was about to lay down to rest, Fabian gave both him and Brendan a gift of sorts. Orion went up to the throne to receive his gift, despite him struggling to walk up the stairs. Orion took the chest and examined the content inside carefully. The Onyx Key shimmered as Orion had gotten his prize. "Thank you for a great battle," Orion said finally. "And for entrusting your wife's key to me." Orion slightly bowed his head in respect to the king. Turning back to back to Brendan, Orion said, "I'm going to rest up a few before moving on with the others."
Barry and Bolt floated in the air struggling in pain. "Argh!" Bolt shouted. Barry glanced over at Bolt then grunted. "Darn it, I have to do something." He thought. He then managed to extend his hand out to his side. A black orb formed on it. "Dark Dragon's Force!" He shouted as a black wave emitted from the orb on his hand. Barry and Bolt's gravity then suddenly returned to normal as Barry fell on his knees and Bolt on his back onto the ground. "It worked..." Barry said surprised.
Zane watched as Sabrina's doll grew larger and larger - normally, Zane had several angels he could think of that could easily destroy the doll, but she seemed to be able to take control of more than just her things, so he had to think of something. Perhaps Ara could distract her by taking apart the doll while he swooped in and fought Sabrina hands on? Even still, he felt like he couldn't bring himself to hit a little girl in a hand-to-hand combat fight...even though he himself was a bit below average when it came to size and strength of other guys his age.

"Think....think!" He mumbled to himself.

A quick idea came to his mind, but it was a flawed plan. The only thing he could do other than what he thought of earlier, would be to resummon his Heavenly Messengers, but a lot more to the point where Sabrina could only control so many while also in control of her own. It was an idea that might work, but it would require a huge amount of magic energy on Zane's behalf, meaning he would be decommissioned from the fight for quite some time. He ran up to Ara's side, and had no choice but to watch how things played out for now.
Brendan stood and carefully took the blade from Fabian's hands, "Thank you very much." Brendan said respectfully, he was royalty after all. He then put Iron Eclipse and his Pure Heart blade into his magical armory. "Yeah, I'm going to rest up too." Brendan said turning to Orion. "I wonder how everyone else is doing. And Viper..." Brendan said as he leaned against a pillar.
Ara noticed that Zane ran up to her side. She then said to Zane, "Zane, I don't know if you thought of this plan already or not, but I'm thinking of attacking the doll head on, and you go and fight Sabrina in hand-to-hand combat. I know she's a little girl, but she has a lot of magic energy, and is a worthy opponent."

Ara couldn't wait anymore, so she charged at the doll that Sabrina had enchanted to get bigger. Ara got on top of the doll, and went straight for the arms of the doll to slice it up.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Sabrina controlled Lilith to thwack Ara off the doll. "You got this Lilith!" Sabrina cheered despite the fact that she was actually the one controlling and fighting Ara, just through the use of a doll. "Left punch! Right jab! Uppercut! Low kick!" Sabrina shouted as she made her doll do those moves she called out. Though, huge disadvantage of controlling such a huge toy is mobility, but they do have hard hitting attacks. Sabrina decided to bring in another of her arsenals. "Doll-Play: Spider Monkey!" Soon a rush of brown-black monkey like creatures crawled among the ceilings. They began to drop themselves upon the mages that Sabrina were fighting against.
Ara was successful in dodging every single punch the doll laid out at her, except for one. She screamed in pain as she was hit, and the hit slammed her unto the floor. Ara got up, wiping some blood from her lip, and looked at the gigantic doll. There's no way I can beat this thing on my own! But before she could come up with a plan, a bunch creatures that resembled monkeys started attacking her.

"Agh! That's enough!" Ara exclaimed in annoyance. Ara then shot multiple ice lances from her body, each one piercing into every single creature. She knew that they weren't dolls, so those creatures were dead.

Ara then looked back at Zane, and said, "Zane, do you have any magic abilities that can help me fight this giant doll that Sabrina made!?"
Frea stumbled back in confusion "wha... What... How did you do that?" Frea asked as she walked backwards towards the wall "no one has ever done that before... How... You don't even have gravity magic!" She yelled as she held her hands up towards Barry and Bolt "Gravity Pin!" She yelled as she changed Barry and Bolts gravity so they fell back towards the wall becoming stuck there "I won't give you another chance!" Frea yelled as she changed her gravity so she fell to the other wall, Freas eyes filled with anger and frustration "Gravity Spear!" She yelled as she changed her gravity to fall onto Barry, she put her feet out towards him "let's see you fight back once you have a hole in your chest!" Frea yelled enraged
Barry extended his arm again. "Dark Dragon's Force!" He shouted as a wave of energy emitted from the orb on his hand and Barry and Bolt fell to the ground. Barry rolled out of the way to Frea's kick. "You think you're so special just because you control gravity? Well I have to break it to you, Darkness is gravity." He said with a smiling face as he got up. He looked at Bolt who was laying on the ground and gave Barry a thumbs up. Sweat started dripping from Barry's head. "I still haven't mastered this part of Yami's arsenal, I have to finish this quickly." He though. He extended his arm with the orb in front of him. "Dark Dragon's Grasp!" He shouted as a force started to pull things toward the orb.
Zane knew that he was out of options for this battle. He had to do his best to end it quick before both him and Ara were overcome by all of these now-living toys. He managed to weave his body in dodging pursuit as multiple spidermonkeys appeared and gave off a barrage of attacks to the two Ender Eye mages. However, he was quickly striked backwards as he soon was outnumbered. Stumbling back to his feet, the blonde teen stared ahead and noticed Ara having a troubling time as well, and then heard as she asked if he had any abilities to help this situation. He didnt want to use that spell, but he had to.

"I-...I do! I can only do this once - and I might be down and out after this....so when you get your chance, take it!!" Zane shouted out to Ara, holding both of his arms out sideways.

He began chanting at a rapid pace once more, two bright magic circles appearing at the ends of his two palms. An aura of bright light lit up in the room, and Zane was focusing so hard on gathering as much magical energy as he could that it looked like his veins were about to pop.

"I....c-call....upon two divine acquaintances! Come to my side, and in the cost of my mana, I summon you to filter out the darkness!" This time, multiple golden coins appeared from thin air and levitated around Zane's body before separating into two groups. "Appear -- my Heavenly Messengers, and the Archangel Raguel!!"

The room was immediately filled with bright light, making it almost impossible to see. Once again, several upon several of the white razor-teethed creatures poured into the room - some smashing into the spidermonkeys, and multiple of them flew throughout the room and up to Ara, and began swirling around her until she was completely covered. They formed a complete barrier around her, and smothered her ears. Immediately after, another angel, but much larger, formed beside Zane. Hovering beside the boy revealed to be a large white being, adorning two gigantic wings and 5 round heads all close to each other. The Angel had four arms, and was wearing a long white robe that matched its pure white skin. Each of the arms tightly gripped a cornucopia horn, ready to be blown into.

"Do it, Ragul! Release your divine Song of Judgement!" Zane called, panting at a severe rate.

The five-heads of the angel then each blew into their large horns, releasing an ear-splitting sound, that could be felt as if it was thunder. Numerous pulses of magical energy emerged from the horns that they emitted the loud sound, and each of the pulses flew towards the spidermonkeys and the large doll referred to as 'Lilith'. Ragul's spell, 'Song of Judgement', was the dangerous sound that seeked forth and brought divine death and destruction upon all magical energy nearby; friendly or hostile. Zane watched as each of Sabrina's toys had begun to be ripped apart or crushed where they stood. Even Sabrina herself was knocked back into a wall by the continuous force. Luckily, the Heavenly Messengers were smothering Ara, so she shouldn't be effected by the spell due to her hearing being blocked off.

Ragul continued to release the sound until each of the toys were demolished, and although Zane himself wasn't effected by the noise, summoning Ragul alone was a huge sacrifice of magical energy, so conjuring up two angels at the same time had nearly drained his power. It was a risky move, even for someone of Zane's ability. Finally, all of the toys managed to be destroyed, at the moment, at least, and the Messenger angels disappeared. Sabrina was left wide open for Ara to strike.
Ara had no idea what just happened, but she noticed that Sabrina was left wide open. "Ice Make: Chains!" Ara exclaimed, as chains made of ice then flew to where Sabrina was, they tied themselves around her wrists and ankles, and at the end of each chain was a ball of heavy ice.

"Ha! Now you can't escape!" Ara exclaimed, but she still had her guard up; she didn't know what kind of tricks Sabrina has left. She also noticed how a lot of magical energy had left Zane, and that she was the only one who can fight, right now.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Sabrina flew back from the impact of one of Zane's angels. She crashed into a wall of the room from the devastating attack. Before Sabrina had time to react back, her body was suddenly tied up by chains made of ice. Sabrina gave out a small scream from the pain she was recieving. "Argh!" She cried out. Sabrina began to chant another spell, but slower and lots of stuttering at the same time. "Doll.....Play....Puppeteer." Sabrina grunted as she had used up much of her magic already. She controlled the giant Archangel Zane had controlled. But due to the massive power that was needed to control it and the major loss of magical energy Sabrina had left, the angel was only half mind-controlled. The other half of the angel wasn't able to be controlled as she ran out of magic. Struggling to stay conscious, Sabrina controlled the half-mind controlled Ragul to attack Ara, hoping that the other half won't rebel against her orders.
Zane, although on his knees leaned up against a wall, smirked as he watched Sabrina attempt to take over Ragul. It was only taken over halfway, but even if it were fully taken over it wouldn't do much to help Sabrina out. It was the main flaw of Ragul - although its spell is powerful, the angel itself had no combative abilities - the only thing the archangel could do to obey Sabrina's orders of attack, was to attack the only way it knew how - sounding its horns again.

3 of the heads (the only ones mind controlled) blew into their cornucopias, releasing the loud and powerful pulses of judgement once more. Zane threw his palm up towards Ara, and the remaining Messenger angels zipped through the air to shield her once more. The attacks Ragul sent out were sent flying al throughout the room, slamming into Sabrina again and again, due to her being the only open target in the room.

"It seems to have backfired, huh?" Zane coughed, mumbling to himself under the roaring siren. He hoped that not too many of the others from Ender Eye were above them, or surely they would be impacted if they were in a close diameter.
Frea crashed into the wall as Barry wives out of the way before noticing that the orb that Barry shot out was trying to pull her in "N-N-NO!" Frea yelled as she tried to cling to the wall "I will not go out like this" Frea said as she tried to increase her gravity in the other direction but to no avail "How!" Frea said before looking at the orb "No! Not like this!" Frea yelled before being pulled into the orb

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Sabrina realized her mistake once she ordered Ragul to attack. The only attack it had and can use was it's horns. Plus with Sabrina's current inability to move due to the chains, she had took on the full impact of the attack. Once again, Sabrina was sent flying against another wall, this time knocked unconscious. Excessive use of magic, all her toys torn and broken, and fainting, it was pretty clear who had won already. Sabrina laid against the wall still tied in chains, currently in a mini coma. It wasn't healthy for such a young girl to use such excessive amount of magical energy.
Ara shooed off all of the angels, and went running towards the area where Sabrina was at. "Ha! Looks like we won!" Ara exclaimed. She noticed that Sabrina had passed out, and for some reason, Ara felt bad. I guess she is just a little girl, after all. Ara then got rid of all of Sabrina's chains, and engulfed her in a giant bubble of water. Ara then exclaimed, "Healing Water!" Inside of the bubble, all of the injuries that Sabrina had prior were healed. The bubble then popped as Sabrina was fully healed. Ara then fell onto her knees, and started coughing a bit.

You see, by-standing reader, Healing Water is very magical water that can heal anyone, but it uses a lot of magical energy from the user.
The orb kept on absorbing everything. Bolt hung onto a ledge for dear life. "Barry! Turn that thing off!" Bolt shouted. Barry was holding his arm with the orb with his other arm. "I'm trying! I still can't manipulate this power very well!" He shouted. The orb then suddenly vanished and barry flew into a wall and grunted. Bolt fell to the ground and ran to Barry. "Are you alright?" He asked. Barry looked at Bolt. "Yeah, looks like we won." He said still sitting against the wall.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Sabrina regain conscious after a few moments. The weird thing though was that she wasn't feeling pain anymore. Looking up, Adriana.......erm Ara, was hovering over Sabrina. The little girl sat up and rested even more despite having been healed by whatever healed her. "That was fun!" Sabrina cheered to Ara. "We should do that again sometimes again!" Sabrina stated happily. "You too mister! You were great!" Suddenly though, Ara fell down. "Thanks for helping me, but you should rest too miss." Sabrina told Ara, still not knowing her actual name.
Ara chuckled, and said, "Yup, that was fun. And you don't have to call me 'miss', my name's Ara." Ara then got up, and dusted herself off. She then gazed at the exit.
I could get out of this room, and go on and fight some more. I don't think the Apocalyptic Four will be a problem anymore, because I don't sense the same amount of magical energy like I did before I stepped into Sabrina's room, and I guess the others took care of them. But because I used Healing Water, I don't have much magical energy to be good for anything. Looks like I'll do what Sabrina said, and stay here.
Ara then sat back down, and said out-loud without really thinking, "This fight might be over, but there's still Py-ton, and I don't know who there is left in the guild."


Py-ton looked through one of the lacrima's and noticed that all of the Apocalyptic Four have been defeated. Agh! They all lost, that easily to these wizards! Ugh, what am I going to do now? If they get through Viper, then my plan will be ruined. Py-ton looked frustrated beyond belief.

But behind the throne room, there was a strange looking lacrima that was powering up, and had extreme amounts of magical energy. As soon as the Putenza Spluttiva is done powering up, nothing can stop me! Py-ton then started laughing maniacally.
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Viper knew that it was likely they were on the losing end of this battle. From what he had sensed, the Apocalyptic Four had either been beaten or were about to be beaten in their battles. This meant the only thing keeping the remaining Ender Eye members away from his brother was himself. Viper was ready, but also incredibly conflicted.

Damn this. Damn everything. No doubt whoever comes will be a challenge, and Ender Eye happens to be the one guild I have some issues fighting. Not to mention there's little doubt I'll have to resort to using my old man's magic...

Viper took a moment to glance at his bandaged arms before he let out a sigh.

What am I supposed to do? I guess that's a dumb question. He's my brother, and he has knowledge of our mother. I can't afford to lose this chance. I have to fight...
All of Zane's angels then disappeared in a poof of mist as they noticed the extremely low amount of magical energy left within their summoner. Managing to bring himself upon his own two feet, he approach the two girls, who seemed just as exhausted as he did. Oddly enough, though, Sabrina didn't seem as hostile. Maybe it was because she was in chains, or was truly a confused and pure spirit - but she began complimenting the two and speaking about the battle as if it were just a game.

"It seems, things are drawing to an end..." Zane spoke, sinking down to a sitting position as he continued to focus on his breathing. "But...I can only hope the others are all alright - because I'm afraid I won't be of much use any longer for the time being." He admitted.
Frea awoke in a Dark void "wha- where am I?" Frea sales as she tried to move around but to no avail "where the hell a-" Frea began to remember the fight against Barry and she stopped her scentance short "No no no no NO!" She yelled as she tried to move around but still failing "how could he beat me!" She yelled as she continued to struggle around in the darkness.
Eliza continued to go around beating up the enemy mages until all of them were lying unconscious on the floor, Eliza looked around the guild hall "huh where did everyone go?" Eliza asked as she looked around the room again catching sight of a familiar purple haired person "oh hey Viper didn't see you there" Eliza said before she began to turn and walk away then she realised something "wait since when were you here and how did you know about..." Eliza paused for a second "No..." Eliza said as she took off her sunglasses to see him better "how could you"
Viper scowled. of all people, it just had to be her. Viper let out a sigh.

"My brother is the guild master here. Not gonna lie, I wished it was anyone else but you." Viper said as he stood up and faced Eliza.

"I guess you were wrong. We are nothing but the extension of our blood. In spite of everything, I ended up as another dark mage...just like father always wanted." Viper said, his voice showing clear doubt as he did not want to fight Eliza. However, to protect his brother and get information towards his mother, Viper was willing to do whatever he had to.
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Eliza grit her teath her expression turned to one of anger "Well to bad if you don't want to fight me cuz right now I really wanna kick your face in" Eliza said as she got into a fighting position "I tried to show you how you could live a better life and not always be in your fathers shadow" Electricity began circle around Eliza like a tornado as her anger grew more intense "but I guess since you won't listen I'll have to beat the message into you!" Eliza yelled before all of the electricity surrounding her moved and began circling her arms "THUNDER DRAGONS WING BEAT!!!" Eliza yelled as she quickly crossed her arms sending mass amounts of electricity towards Viper
Viper quickly pulled out his battle staff, pushed a button on it, and slammed the staff to the ground. The staff shifted till the pure metal was exposed. Viper jumped back away from the staff and planned to have it act as a lightning rod to attract Eliza's electricity. If this worked, Viper would pick out a couple of explosives on his belt and toss them at Eliza.
All of the electricity from Eliza's attack was absorbed by the lightning rod "nice trick but if you think that will secure your victory your wrong" Eliza said as she began to focus electricity into her hands "if I can't hit you from over here why don't I come down there and give it a shot" Eliza said before running towards Viper slowly building up electricity in her hands "ELECTRO SHOCK FIST!" Eliza yelled as she went in to punch Viper
Viper got his hands up to block, the force of the punch still sent him flying backwards. Taking a moment to let the electric pulse pass through his system, Viper got up and threw another bomb at Eliza's feet. This time, it would explode and release an incredibly stick substance that would hopefully stop Eliza in her tracks.
Py-ton was watching Viper and Eliza's battle through a lacrima, and he was infuriated. "Why the hell isn't he using his magic!?" Py-ton exclaimed, "Against a wizard of that caliber, Viper is going to lose without using his magic!"

A grunt then came up to Py-ton and said, "I'm sorry, master, but all of us are down...even The Spiritual Triad." Py-ton gave the grunt a glare. Then a magic circle appeared in front of the grunt, and the grunt started floating, and he looked like he was being choked by something, but nothing was there. "You think I didn't know that!" Py-ton exclaimed, "You guys are more pathetic then I thought!" The grunt was then tossed aside, and Py-ton kept watching the battle through the lacrima.


As Ara was resting, she sensed high amounts of magical energy. She sensed even harder, and exclaimed without thinking, "That's Eliza! Wow, I know she's an S-Class wizard, but she's emitting so much magical energy right now, that it's so surreal!"
Brendan smirked once he sensed Eliza's magic power skyrocket, "She must be fighting Viper." Brendan said as he sat against a pillar in Fabian's room, "Once he's defeated we'll just need to take care of that failed successor known as the guild master and we'll be done here." Brendan said as he slowly started to regenerate his magic power.
"I feel it as well. How extraordinary. I've heard tales of the might Dragon Slayer mages, but this..." Fabian stated as he rested on his throne. "This is something else." He then closed his eyes and attempted to detect his teammates' magic energy. He sensed Azir and Sabrina, but Frea's...he couldn't seem to find. Fearing the worst, the smile on his face fell into a troubled frown.
Eliza was so engaged in the battle that she didn't notice the bomb that Viper threw under her until it exploded covering her with the sticky substance Eliza examined the substance "what is this stuff?" Eliza said before checking her hair to find it covered in the sticky goo "oh that's it your dead!" Eliza said as even more electricity began emitting from her body until she was covered in electricity like it was a yellow cloak "YOU COULD HAVE DONE ANYTHING ELSE BUT THIS!!! THIS IS A DEATH SENTANCE!!!" Eliza said as the electricity surrounding her exploded through the room revealing Eliza standing in a puddle of what used to be the goo "your not going to beat me like that, your just gonna make me more pissed!" Eliza said before taking off her sunglasses and throwing them to the floor revealing massive amounts of electricity emitting from her eyes "so still wanna go?!" Eliza asked in a threatening way


Previously Sarah316
Savannah felt Eliza's magic power as she recovered form her battle with Azir, a grin on her face as she rested on her back.

"Wow, so that's the power of a Dragon Slayer? Rather scary." Savannah said, before a frown came out over something.

I felt the magic of those guys, the Apocalyptic Four, which means Eliza is probably fighting Viper. So, why can't I sense Viper's magic?
Viper cursed himself as his sticky trap failed to work. Viper sensed quite a lot of magic energy from Eliza and thought his situation over.

No good, this kinda power I can't beat without magic. The only chance I have...

Viper glanced at his bandaged arms, a glare on his face.

You will be my greatest creation! You will surpass me and all who stand against you!

Viper's body shook, not out of fear but anger, as he slammed his fist into the ground.

"Damn this..."

Viper decided to try and use a secondary magic for the moment. One he developed so he'd have less reason to use his father's magic. First he used an explosive to blow up the ground, creating large debris of rocks, then...

"Stretch Magic: Projectile Storm!"

Viper's arms began to stretch as they wrapped themselves around the large debris of rocks. Soon Viper tossed these at Eliza trying to bury her with them.
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Previously Sarah316
Savannah's eyebrows were raised when she finally felt the magic of Viper against Eliza. Still...

That's...less magic than I expected. Viper can't be that weak, can he? But if he can do more, why wouldn't he? Someone as strong as Eliza is not someone you hold back against. It makes no sense...
Eliza watched as Viper threw rocks at her "Pathetic..." Eliza said as she began to focus electricity into her arm "Thunder Blade!" Eliza exclaimed as she began to cut threw the incoming rocks with electricity that was surrounding her arm "your not helping yourself Viper! The more you fight like this the more you piss me off and the more you piss me off the more likely it is that your gonna get hurt!" Eliza yelled as she ran toward viper redirecting the electricity from her arm to her hand to create a sword made of electricity, Eliza reached Viper and put the blade to her neck "I'm tired of fighting this pathetic excuse of a Mage! I want to fight the real you! You don't need to use your fathers magic, use your magic! You were given your magic not because of what your father wanted you to become but because of what the world wanted you to become!" Eliza said as she absorbed the blade and stepped back "so you gonna get back up and be yourself or are you gonna stay down and never realise your potential?"