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Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

Viper thought over what Eliza said, making him consider his entire life to this point. The beatings Cobra gave him to "toughen him up", the comfort of his mother before she vanished, the life of isolation as a mercenary. Then he thought of his time with Ender Eye, his partnership with Eliza, meeting his brother and the Brothers Grim guild.

You are free to decide who you want to be.

The words of his mother could be heard loud and clear as Viper began to remove his bandages.

"All I wanted...was what Ara and Brendan had. What I felt I was cheated of. A family. People who cared for me. I...I couldn't put my bitter jealously aside to consider Ender Eye that. Then I found this guild, people in it who offered me what I longed for. As well as a chance to meet...to meet once more the one good thing in my life for the longest time."

Viper finished removing his bandages, and soon enough began to unleash his magic aura.

"I will fight for my mother, my brother and Brothers Grim. I don't know what my future holds, but I refuse to lose this chance. This chance to have everything I dreamed of!"

Viper yelled as soon the power of his Posion Dragon Slayer Magic exploded. The aura caused the ground beneath him to crack as he faced Eliza. Tears in his eyes but with the face of pure determination.

"My mother waits for me. I won't allow you, and more importantly myself, to take that chance from me. I am Viper! Poison Dragon Slayer!" Viper yelled as he got in a battle stance while his magic aura continued to ooze out of him.
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Eliza let out a big grin her eyes filled with exitement "that's the spirit! But since you have a few more tricks up your sleeve I better show you some of mine" Eliza said as she jumped backwards "Thunder Dragons Echo!" Eliza yelled before letting out an ear piercing screech which sent rings of electricity throuout the room bouncing off the walls and ceiling each one of the rings making the same high pitched noise as the one Eliza made to make them "you like it not only will it shock you if you touch it but it can bounce off walls!" Eliza said with as her grin widened "You may have some new powers but when it comes to fighting there are quite few who can beat me"
Ara was there resting, when she noticed another magical energy. "What! Who does this magical energy belong to! This is just as high as Eliza's, maybe even higher!" Ara exclaimed. The magical energy was so surreal.


Py-ton watched the battle through the lacrima, and he had a big grin on his face. Yes, now that he's using his magic, there is no way that Ender Eye wizard will be able to beat him!
Viper made sure to take note of the rings, making sure he wouldn't get hit by them for the moment before he faced Eliza.

"Maybe, but like you said, I've got tricks of my own. Poison Dragon Fog!"

Viper soon shot out a large collection of poison gas from his mouth, as the gas quickly began to spread throughout the room. Viper soon finished as he smirked.

"This gas will soon cover the whole room. Not only will it make it harder to find me, but you'll also be poisoned once it gets in your system." Viper said as the gas continued to spread and Viper hid himself among a cloud of it.


Previously Sarah316
Holy....is that Viper? He was that strong all along!? He and Eliza are on par with each other, this is crazy!

Savannah managed to stand up, the overwhelming surge of magic made by Eliza and Viper impossible for her to ignore. Savannah knew this was a clash of titans, and now had doubt about what she had thought was a sure victory for Eliza. Still she had faith in her friend, but a bitter thought enters her head...

They should be fighting with each other, not against each other...
Barry and Bolt sat in the room he fought Frea. Barry suddenly turned his head after feeling a tremendous magic energy. "Is that Eliza? And the other one, who is she fighting?" Barry though. Bolt felt the magic too. "This can't be good. But I trust Eliza can win." He said quietly.
"Hmph, Dragon Hunters really are crazy, just wait until their breath attacks collide and make this whole come down." Brendan said with a slight frown, he really wanted to help out his friends some more. Brendan looked over to Fabian and noticed his facial expression changed, "Something wrong, Fabian?" Brendan asked.
The vampire was quiet for a moment, his eyes glancing downward. "It's Frea. I can no longer sense her energy." he sighed, "I fear the worst might have happened." He then looked out the window for a moment, sensing the power of the two dragon slayers. "I think perhaps we should relocate, in case your theory's correct." he suggested.
Eliza looked around as the gas began to fill the room "well this is a bit of a nusence" Eliza said as she spun around looking at the incoming gas "well this won't turn out pretty" Eliza said as she let out a sigh "here we go" Eliza began to breath in the cloud of gas trying not to choke while she did until she had breathed in most of the cloud of gas "oh god... I'm going to... Regret that" Eliza said as she tried not to throw up "crap that was a bad idea" Eliza said as she looked around the room trying to see viper
Viper wandered through the thick fog, relying on his keen senses to navigate. All he needed was the right moment...

Viper quickly jumped out of the way of an incoming ring of electricity. Viper scowled at this knowing he got lucky there.

Double edge sword. The fog makes it harder for her to see me, makes it harder for me to see those bouncing rings of death. Still...

Viper's right arm was soon coated in poison magic, forming a clawed hand.

"Poison Dragon Claw"

With a whisper Viper cast his spell as he dashed through the fog looking to deliver a quick strike to Eliza's left side.
Eliza was to distracted by the poison she didn't notice Vipers strike until it was to late, the attack hit Eliza and she fell to the floor "crap!" Eliza yelled, the pain from the poison nearly unbearable "nice strike Viper... but I'm not done... yet" Eliza said as she got up from the ground barely able to stand from the pain of the poison "THUNDER JAVELIN!!!" Eliza yelled as she formed a giant spear of electricity in her hand and threw it through the roof to the sky, Eliza then fell to the floor in pain
That attack....wasn't even in a direction that could possibly hit me. Either the poison has affected her even more than I expected or she is planning something. Not that it matters...

Viper prepared a second Poison Dragon Claw, as he got in striking position.

Given her current condition, one good blow might be enough to finish this. I'll knock her out and remove the poison from her system so she doesn't die. Just need to strike now!

Viper charged through the fog, looking to deliver what he perceived to be the finishing blow. However...


One of the bouncing rings landed a glancing blow on Viper's shoulder. Viper clutched it as he jumped away while the stinging pain caused by an electric current caused a rather annoying irritation.

Damn these stupid rings!
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Eliza let out a devilish grin and stood back up slowly "it was a feudal attempt Viper" Eliza said as she put her right hand over her wound "you did cause some damage and eating that poison isn't gonna be good for me but even with all of that you haven't even made me try that hard" Eliza said as her eyes filled with anger "so I think it my turn!" Eliza said as she yet again became surrounded with electricity, The electricity that surrounded Eliza became connected to the rings that were moving throughout the room "This is for Ara, Brendan, Orion and Savannah!" Eliza yelled as the rings of electricity began to close it on Viper and a storm began to brew outside "oh and no that attack I threw into the sky wasn't an accident" Eliza said as she walked over and picked up her sunglasses, Eliza put the sunglasses on and turned back towards Viper as she did electricity began to come out of the sides of the glasses "now you'll see what I can really do!" Eliza said as she tried to ignore the pain of the poison not showing Viper that she was still being affected by it "THUNDER DRAGON SECRET ART: REVOLUTION LIGHTNING!!!!!" Eliza yelled as all of the electricity surrounding her went up to the sky, the sky roared with the sound of thunder and lightning before a huge bolt of Lightning that was nearly the size of the room they were fighting in struck down threw the roof of the guild hall heading towards Viper and Eliza
Viper's eyes widened as his life seemed to flash before his eyes. Was this the end? There wasn't anything he could do to...

Where's...where's mommy?

Gone. Truth is, you're probably never gonna see her again...


In a flash Viper sucked up all the poison in the room before he faced the sky and the incoming lightning bolt. Viper took a deep breath...


Viper unleashed a massive stream of poison magic from his mouth. This beam like stream grew in size as the poison mixed with the air while it flew in the air and looked to intercept the lightning bolt before it could hit him.
Eliza fell to the grond and looked in amazement at Viper as he intercepted the Lightning with his own attack, Eliza looked up at the Lightning coming down towards her "no... Not like this... I won't fail them... I won't fail...him..." Eliza said before closing her eyes

"Where am I?"

"You passed out because you overused your power again"

"Oh... Sorry about that"

"Heh it's ok... Don't worry, just promise me you won't lose, Not now not ever, I didn't give you this power and train you so you can go around and ruin the name of dragon slayers by losing"

"Ok I promise I'll never lose, I'll never lose for you master Laxus!"

Eliza opened her eyes again a determined look on her face "No!!! I won't lose!!!" Eliza yelled as she stood up as the Lightning engulfed her "I promised him I wouldn't lose, He gave up his time and effort for an unwanted child and helped her by teaching her to use magic and giving her food and I don't intend to disappoint him" Eliza said from within the Lightning as her shadow appeared in the Lightning "This is for my friends, for Ender eye, This is for him!!!" Eliza yelled as she began to harness all of her energy and the energy of the surrounding electricity until it was all focused into her hands "THUNDER DRAGONS RAMPAGE!!!!!" Eliza yelled as she forced her hands into the floor releasing all of her magic energy into it making the whole floor of the guild crack into pieces and causing electricity to spew out of the cracks, just as Eliza released her margin energy into the ground the sky let out Lightning bolt after lightning bolt towards Eliza "Now Let's get this show on the road!" Eliza said but in a darker more evil voice her eyes filled with electricity and her face became far more frightening and she produced an evil smile, the effects of the poison seemingly worn off, her body began to be circled by electricity but this electricity seemed different then the what it used to be "so are you ready for round 2?"
Viper gave a stare to Eliza's apparent darker form...and began to laugh. Laugh quite a lot actually.

"That's it? That's the reason you fight? You don't want to lose...so you don't disappoint someone? What a joke." Viper said with some bitterness as he began to release his own aura. Viper dropped a couple of poison gas bombs and sucked them up for a quick snack before he prepared his next move.

"Poison Dragon Secret Art: Eight Heads of Hydra!"

Soon Viper was engulfed in a massive amount of poison magic the originated from his mouth. Before long Viper was at the heart of a massive poison hydra monster that began to hiss at Eliza with its eight frightening heads.
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Eliza looked at the hydra enraged by Vipers comment "Your wrong the reason I fight is to become stronger and for fun, I don't want to lose because I promised I wouldn't, and when the person you promised that to is the reason your alive, well let's say it would be pretty sad if I couldn't keep it" Eliza said as she looked at the Hydra trying to find a weak point "You said that you hated Ara and Brendan was because of there parentage and what they represented, I don't have what they do but I'm a close second" Eliza said before jumping at the Hydra channeling her electricity "I'm Eliza Elcavilir the one and only pupil of the legendary dragon slayer Laxus Dreyar!!!" Eliza yelled as the electricity that Eliza was channeling became red "RED LIGHTNING!!!" Eliza yelled as she shot a giant bolt of red Lightning at the hydra
"Frea huh, I thought she was fighting Barry. Considering he's also a Dragon Slayer anything is possible." Brendan said, suddenly the room shook, "That doesn't sound good. She must be using that mode." Brendan said as a bit of rubble feel from the ceiling. Brendan sat in thought for a while, "I don't why he hates his father so much.. When I meet Erik, well Cobra, he was in Crime Sorciere with my father. That was a long time ago though." Brendan said as he rubbed his chin, "Did he fall back into darkness or something?" Brendan asked aloud.
The Hydra moved its eight heads in front of the red lightning bolt which intercepted the attack. There was a massive explosion that ended up blowing off half the heads of the monster, but kept Viper and the body of the Hydra safe.

"You should know this about a Hydra. When you remove one head, two more shall takes its place." Viper said, as eight more heads were generated in place of the four that were destroyed. Twelve terrible heads now stood. Viper began to sweat a little.

Generating more heads for this spell eats as my magic. I pride myself on having good reserves, but I do have limits. I need to take the offensive...

Viper sent six of the heads charging at Eliza, leaving six behind with the body. This posion was some of the strongest Viper could produce, a mere glancing touch could severely posion somebody. One top of that each head hit with the physical force to smash concrete. Viper just needed one head to land a good shot and he'd be in control.
Eliza looked as the Hydra grew more heads "Interesting" Eliza said before noticing the heads coming towards her "Nice try" Eliza said before she became a bolt of red electricity and burst over to the wall and then to behind the Hydra in the blink of an eye "But I'm not gonna let you hit me with those" Eliza said as she changed from the bolt of electricity back to her own body again "If I destroy a head it grows back two but what happens when the body gets destroyed?" Eliza said as she crossed her arms infront of her head "Thunder Dragons Roar!!!" Eliza yelled as she moved her crossed arms to her crossed arms and released a devastating amount of electricity aimed at the back of the Hydra
In a flash, the Hydra heads regrouped and formed a shield on the flank. Viper however wasn't done...

"Won't be that easy!"

Viper then detached all the heads which pushed the body of the hydra out of the path of the blast. Instantly this vaporized all the heads. But soon enough even more grew in their place. Viper began to pant noticeably as well as sweat even more inside the hydra's body; showing the technique was taking a toll.

Damn it. Detaching the heads myself takes even more stamina. I can't keep this up for long. I need to slow her down...

"Hydra Mist!"

Suddenly the heads all began to spit out a poisoness mist, much like the fog from before, only much more powerful and it spread even faster. Viper aimed to cover the entire room and add to the poison in Eliza's system; trying to slow the faster opponent down.
Eliza smiled when she saw that getting rid of the Hydras heads took a toll on him "And just like that I've found your weakness" Eliza said before Viper released a poisonous gas into the room "And just like that you've become even more of a pain in my ass" Eliza said before charging electricity into her arms and holding them out wide "Thunder Dragons Wing Beat!!!!" Eliza said as she quickly crossed her arms sending massive amounts of wind and electricity towards the gas in hopes it would send the gas backwards
Indeed the attack had pushed back the gas for the moment, but it also gave Viper time to plan his next attack. The heads that had been lost had multiplied into dozens now and each one began hissing and lashing at Eliza. Viper sent then several heads forward. Unlike the last attack, these heads moved in an omni-directional formation. Covering each escape route Eliza could consider. Ontop of that they were also moving faster than before and they also seemed to be leaving a misty stream as they moved, which generated more poison gas.

I can't match your speed, but if I cover each area you can try and run towards that isn't gonna matter. I will hit you. All I need is just need one glancing shot...

No matter what happens. I will win.
Eliza let out a sigh she knew there was no point in waiting anymore "You've really driven me into a corner but your at your breaking point" Eliza said as she started to create a giant sword made of red electricity "Now let's finish this!!!" Eliza yelled as she charged at the Hydra with the sword in her hand, the closer Eliza got to the hydra the more toxins she began to breath in "this isn't good" Eliza thought as she began to feel the poison doing its work, the pain of the poison began to cause so much pain that Eliza began to enter an uncontrollable rage "ELECTROSCALIBER!!!" Eliza yelled as she jumped up, as she did she greatly increased the size of the blade and attempted to cut of all of the hydras heads at once
The red lightning blade sliced through each and every Hydra head like butter.

Well, almost every head.

One head, coordinated by Viper inside the body of the poison beast, managed to just avoid the blade as every other head was sliced to oblivion. Viper understood that Eliza was currently in mid-air with limited options at maneuvering herself. So he pushed past the fleeting stamina concern and focused his efforts on one thing only...

This is my chance!

Viper shot the last head forward at Eliza, with the aim to deliver a sever counter strike.
Eliza landed on the ground, thinking she had cut of all of the heads she turned around prepared to finish the job when a surviving head hit her full on sending Eliza flying backwards through one of the walls, Eliza lay silent on the ground for a few seconds before getting back into her feet, she could feel the poison was affecting her even more now since the head of the hydra hit her "die!" Eliza yelled as her rage began to get more and more intense "feel my wrath!!!" Eliza yelled as she created another sword even bigger then the last one and began charging at the Hydra in an attempt to destroy the hydra, Eliza jumped onto the remaining hydra head and ran down its neck while dragging the sword of electricity down its neck in an attempt to cut it in half, when Eliza reached the end of the neck Eliza jumped into the sky and then began to fall back towards the body holding the blade out towards the body in an attempt to pierce the Hydras body and destroy it
Viper smirked, despite the fatigue he felt, as he finally landed a clean blow on Eliza with a Hydra head.

The poison of the Hydra is among the strongest I can produce. She should be incapacitated. I just need to collect myself and...

Viper's eyes widened when he heard Eliza and saw the girl charge with a sword again. Cutting through the final head and making her way to the body.

Shit! I have to make more heads. Damn it, too tired I can't work this fast!

Soon the blade sliced through the Hydra's body destroying it as Viper jumped back just in time to avoid being slashed himself. Well, mostly...

"Damn you..."

Some blood dripped from Viper's shoulder as Eliza managed to give it a graze with the blade. Viper shot a glare at his fellow Dragon Slayer.

"The poison of the Hydra should leave anyone incapacitated from a simple graze. You took a shot head on and are still able to fight?" Viper asked in disbelief. Then he began to chuckle.

"I hate to admit, but I'm surprised. I never thought I would ever have to use my old man's magic, much less the Hydra. Not only did I use it, but you beat it." Viper said as he focused on regaining his breath as he wiped away some sweat.
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Eliza fell to the ground after landing the strike on the hydra, Eliza stayed there while Viper was talking and once he had finished she began to stand up"Viper..." Eliza said her voice going back to normal "The reason that poison didn't take me out is simple, I have things that I need to protect, not only my promise but also my friends and my guild!" Eliza yelled before taking a big breath of air "if I were to lose, I would have failed myself and them, without something to fight for you will never be able to win!" Eliza exclaimed before finishing her big breath of air "THUNDER DRAGONS ROAR!!!"
Viper took a deep breath. Eliza's speech made him think of why he was here. What he was fighting for. Time slowed down as he thought of his mother, his brother as well as the members of Brothers Grim.

I don't know what my future holds. I don't even know if what I've done was correct or not. But I know that you are not the only one with something on the line. You're not the only one with people counting on you. I will not lose!


Viper shot his own blast of poison magic once he finished his breath. The blast was shot right at Eliza's Thunder Dragon Roar, the two set for a collision course.
The collision of the two roars created an enormous explosion that sent Eliza flying backwards into the ground, Eliza laid there for a minuet trying to gather enough energy to stand or even just speak "Viper you... don't have to... do this" Eliza said as she laid still on the ground completely drained of energy "y... your father may have... done some bad things but... he tired his best to correct them... afterwards, he tried his hardest to correct his sins and... you should... to" Eliza said as she slowly stood up and walked over to Viper trying to overcome the pain of the poison "you... have a choice... you can stay here and live your life a criminal... or you can join us... and start correcting your sins as your own person... and not as a shadow of... your father" Eliza said weakly as she held out her hand "chose wisely"
Viper was knocked backwards from the force of the massive explosion. Now on the ground Viper said almost completely drained as he struggled to make it to his knee.

Damn it. Damn it. DAMN IT...

Viper suddenly saw Eliza's hand reach up for him. Viper glanced as he saw his opponent...explain his father wasn't always a monster. That he still had a choice to be better than this. That he could join Ender Eye. Viper was in disbelief.

I destroyed their trust and went to war against them, yet she...she still is giving me the chance to join them? After everything?

Time froze as Viper contemplated everything Eliza said. Mostly her comment on her father trying to be better than...than the monster Viper saw in him. This made Viper think back to what his mother once told him. Something he had forgotten.

You may think he's a monster, but I know there is a good man in there. A man who tried to correct his mistakes. A man who tried to be better than the demons inside him. Don't let those demons consume you they way they consumed him. Be something better than that...

Viper began to tear up.

"All this time...I thought...I thought my life was decided for me. That I was destined to walk the darkness and be nothing but a criminal. Yet even now, even after what I've done, you see something better in me than that. I...I don't know what I can say. Except...I don't want this to define me. I don't want my dad's demons to define me. And now...you've convinced me of what mother always said. That I can be my own person. That I do have a choice." Viper said, before he accepted Eliza's hand as well as the offer that came with it.
Eliza pulled Viper up onto his feet "so.. I take that as a yes then" Eliza said with a smile "I'm glad your joining us" Eliza said before taking back her hand "and don't worry about it.. there's always room for someone in Ender Eye... no matter who they are or what... they have done" Eliza said before turning around to look at the guild hall "but... if i remember correctly if this is a guild... there has to be a guild master somewhere which means... our jobs not over so stop your crying... and lets finish this, ok" Eliza said as she began to surround herself with electricity though it was easy to tell that it was incredibly weaker then what it was before "so you know where this guild master is?" Eliza asked as she tried to suppress the pain of the poison
Viper glanced at Eliza, giving a nod as he wiped the tears away.

"Yeah. I know where he is. Let's end this war." Viper said as he began to lead Eliza to where Py-Ton was. Viper had lost, the Apocalyptic Four had lost, so it was time to put this to an end and prevent anymore needless fighting. Viper had been walking slow, nearly drained of all his magic as well has still dealing with some stinging after effects of Eliza's lightning attacks. Soon enough the two arrived at the entrance of the room Py-Ton was in. Viper kicked the door down.

"Brother. It is over. I can't fight anymore. Neither can the Apocalyptic Four. This war is over. Let's put an end to this so no one else gets hurt." Viper said as he walked in the room to make his plea to his brother.
Fabian looked out the window as he sensed the wild energy being thrown between the two sides of the battle, and let out a sigh when the fight had concluded. "It seems your friend has defeated our latest recruit. They're about to face off with the guildmaster now." He informed Brendan and Orion. Looking back out the window, he began to ponder what he should do now. After years of being accepted by this guild, it feels kind of sad to be seeing it fall apart so fast. he thought, What about Azir, Frea, and Sabrina? And what of the others? What could possibly be next for us rejects of society? What is there left for me? I wonder...

"So, suppose I offered to join Ender Eye." He thought out loud without turning from the window. "Would I be accepted?"
Py-ton noticed how Viper, and some girl, entered his throne room. Viper told Py-ton that the "war is over," but Py-ton wouldn't take that as an answer. He started laughing maniacally, and he exclaimed, "Are you joking me brother!? The war is not over, until there is a winner! Yeah, some of my men are down, but so are some of Ender Eye's. I'm not going to give up, until I'M DEFEATED!"
Viper was taken slightly aback but quickly acted to counter such a statement.

"Brother, don't be foolish! Dragging this out any longer is only going to get people hurt, maybe even killed. Besides Ender Eye has more people, and the ones who are "down" will recover faster than we could. Continuing this is madness!" Viper yelled, wanting to just put an end to the fighting.
"I'm being foolish? I'M BEING FOOLISH!? I'm doing what I was meant to do! And if you're going to get in my way, then you should just leave!" Py-ton exclaimed.

A magic circle then appeared under Viper. "Hidden Magic: Constrict!" Py-ton exclaimed.
"Yes it seems so.. Good luck, guys." Brendan said aloud, he was actually starting to feel a bit better now that he had time to recover a bit.
Brendan was surprised when he heard Fabian's offer, but he then smiled. "I don't see a problem with it. It would awesome if you joined!" Brendan exclaimed with looking at Fabian.
Viper felt a magic presence seem to strangle his body in place, too weak to offer much resistance. Viper shot his brother a glare.

"W-what...you were meant t-to do? What....what the hell are y-you talking about? I thought you wanted to be different from dad..." Viper said in the midst of his struggles.
"Don't be such an ignorant fool, brother. What do you think the real reason why I invited you to this guild is?" Py-ton said, "It was so you could help me rule over Fiore! I wanted to prove father wrong!" Py-ton started glaring at Viper, and then said, "I wanted to prove my father, that I should've been his successor, not you! I am much more powerful than you, and more ruthless! The only reason I told you I wanted to be different from our father, was so that I could get you to be on my side, but now it looks like you're against me, so I have no choice to eliminate you!"