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Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

Eliza saw Py-tons attack "nice attack but I've seen better" Eliza said as she readied herself for her own attack focusing her power into her next spell, Eliza ran infront of Viper and created a wall of electricity "Thunder Wall!" Eliza said as she said before Py-tons attack collided with her wall, the wall managed to block the attack before disappearing "damn that... Was a tough one" Eliza said as she tried to catch her breath "if I still had that poison... in me I wouldn't have... survived" Eliza said as she continued to try catch her breath
Py-ton looked back, and noticed that his attack didn't do anything to Eliza and Viper.

Dammit! That's it, I have no choice now!

Py-ton then looked at the gigantic lacrima, and slammed his staff right into it, causing a hole. The lacrima then started shining radiantly.
Yes. Yes! YES!
The lacrima then exploded causing half of the room to be blown up with it.
The massive explosion knocked Viper backwards as he soon saw that half the room; including Py-Ton, seemed to have been blown to ashes.

What the hell was that? Is Py-Ton dead? What did he try to do?
The force of the explosion sent Eliza flying into the far wall of the guild hall "what... the hell... was that?" Eliza said as she fell from the wall to the floor, after a few seconds Eliza slowly started to get up "I knew he said he wouldn't stop until he was dead... but I didn't think he was the kind of person to well..." Eliza looked at what used to be half a guild hall "you know what I'm... Talking about"
The whole room rumbled and debris feel from the ceiling, the opposite of the room closes to the main part of the guild caved in, "Was that a bomb?" Brendan asked as he jumped up, surprisingly he had regained quite a bit of magic power back. "Should we do something?" Brendan asked frantically worried for his friends.
As Eliza and Viper gazed at the ashes, it was as if out of nowhere, there was laughter.

Then suddenly, Py-ton came out of nowhere. But there was something different about him, his eyes were red, his hair became all white, and he had light blue streaks running across his body.

"This...is the true power I possess!" Py-ton exclaimed. His magical aura then engulfed him, the aura was as tall as the guild.


As Ara was relaxing, she suddenly felt a strong magic aura. What!? Who's energy is this from!?

Ara then looked at Zane and Sabrina, and exclaimed, "Do you guys feel that!?"
Viper's eyes widened, feeling a massive magic aura from Py-Ton as he brought his combat staff out on instinct while he got in a defensive position.

What the hell...what the hell did he do?
Py-ton had a devilish grin as he stared at Viper. He then said, "Brother.... a mere staff won't protect you!" Py-ton then reached out his hand, and without even reciting a spell, a Poison Dragon Claw came out of nowhere and grabbed Viper's staff. As soon as the claw had contact with the staff, the staff disintegrated.

What do you think of me now, brother!?
Eliza looked at Py-ton's new form "what the hell... is that?" Eliza asked as she prepared to attack "this is just weird... first you blow up half the guild hall along with yourself then... you somehow get more powerful" Eliza said as she began channeling what was left of her energy into her fist "is there something you would like to explain to us?" Eliza asked as she saw Py-ton disintegrate Vipers staff
Viper frowned. Pulling out a couple of explosives as he glared at his brother.

"I think your a psychopath." Viper said matter of factly as he prepared himself for whatever Py-Ton would try next.
Py-ton didn't even glance at the explosives, as he send multiple Poison Dragon Needles to detonate them.

Py-ton then looked at the female wizard, and said, "What is there to explain!? I have gathered new...immense power because of the Putenza Spluttiva!" Py-ton then shot his hand out, and multiple Poison Dragon Needles shot at Viper and Eliza.
Before Eliza could react the needles had already gotten to her and she fell to the ground in pain "Crap!" Eliza yelled on the floor the poison making its way back through her body "y-you... You won't win" Eliza said faintly before she closed her eyes where she laid silent on the ground "this can't be happening..." Eliza thought to herself
The needles stabbed into Viper's body and sent him falling to the ground in pain. Viper couldn't move at this point, and he could barley stay conscious, all he could muster was one more death glare at Py-Ton.

D-Damn you! This...this can't be how it ends...


Previously Sarah316
"Darn it..."

After defeating Azir, Savannah thought the worst had passed. However, the moment she left the room to go look for her friends Savannah was confronted by dozens of grunts. Apparently even losing the Apocalyptic Four had not killed their morale.

"Sand-Make: Great Wall!"

"Great" might be an exaggeration as Savannah had little magic left, but did have enough to form a wall to block several fire magic fireballs aimed at her. Savannah knew she couldn't beat this many in her present condition.

What can I do?
Py-ton walked up to the unconscious bodies of both wizards, and he had a devilish grin on his face. He grabbed Viper by his hair, and pulled it. He pulled Viper close to him, and whispered, "You should've quit while you still had the chance."

Py-ton then forced a Poison Dragon Claw through Viper's abdomen, which caused Viper to go to the other side of the room. Py-ton then did the same to Eliza.

No one can stop me!
A pillar of energy suddenly erupted from the ground right below Py-Ton and kicked his jaw. A tall man walked up to Eliza and Viper after the kick. "You kids fought well." He said as he turned to face Py-Ton with a serious look. "Using cheap tactic to power your self up, you are truly a coward." He said. The man was master Ed.
Py-ton rubbed his jaw, and he still had a devilish grin on his face. "Hehe, you can kick really well, old man! Let me guess, you're the master of one of the strongest guilds in Fiore, Master Ed, the master of Ender Eye. And the Putenza Spulttiva is not a cheap tactic, it's a lacrima that builds up from anger. I knew angering Viper to this point, and the anger I've felt for so many years, would get the lacrima to power up. I simply used it's power, and now...I might be the strongest mage in Fiore!"

Py-ton then shot multiple Poison Dragon Needles at Master Ed.
Ed Stomped the ground and an energy barrier appeared blocking the needles. He dashed to the side and threw an aura fist at Py-Ton. "Energy Punch!" He said as the fist flew at Py-Ton
"Agh!" Py-ton exclaimed as the punch flew him through the other side of the room.


Py-ton then started screaming, his magical energy increasing. "I'll make you suffer!" Py-ton exclaimed, as his hands were filled with magic energy.

Py-ton then charged at Ed with Poison Dragon Fists, and tried to punch Ed in the stomach.
Brendan smirked, "Master Ed is here, the victory is ours." Brendan said with a sigh of relief. "Now we really should get out of here. Now that he is here the place is almost garinted to be destroyed." Brendan said as he got up on his feet and was ready to move.
Viper glanced up, barley conscious as he saw Ed and Py-Ton battle. He glanced at Eliza next to him, not sure if she was conscious or not.

I...I can't do anything in this fight. I have to trust...Ed is powerful enough to finish this. Still...there is one thing...I can do...

Viper crawled over to Eliza and extended his arm to the girl. Viper began to draw the poison out of the girl's body. Unfortunately this technique meant he had to accept this mystery poison Py-Ton created which would worsen his own condition. Still...

I don't have another antidote...this is the only way...maybe this...will be a...way...to make up...for what I've done...

Viper finished he he soon collapsed, unconcious as he drew the poison out of Eliza's system and into his own.
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Ed got ready when Py-Ton ran at him and dashed from side to side to dodge the strikes. His arm was then covered with aura that started turning like a drill. "Drill smash!" Ed shouted as he uppercut Py-Ton in the chest.
OOC: It's not really an uppercut if it hit's the person in the chest


Py-ton felt the impact of the attack on his chest, and he fell to the other side of the room, again.
How could this be!?

Py-ton then stared at his brother, who was limping, and trying to help the girl.

"You two should stay out of this! This battle doesn't concern you anymore!" Py-ton exclaimed, as he used Poison Dragon Claws to grab both Viper and Eliza. But, there was something different about the claws, they weren't causing any pain to Viper or Eliza. Py-ton then tossed them both to the front of the guild.

Py-ton then stared at Ed, and said, "I'll show you what a Dragon Slayer, is truly CAPABLE OF!" Py-ton then charged up a Poison Dragon: Rampaging Echoing Roar to hit Ed.
"Very well." Fabian stated, standing from his throne. After taking down the large family portrait behind the throne, and gathering a few other belongings, he walked over to Brendan and Orion. "You might feel a little dizzy after this spell, but don't worry, it won't last any longer than a few seconds. I'll also warp out your companions as well as my own." He then closed his eyes and focused on the cliff side that faces the building. "Nosferatu: Shadow's Wings." Swarms of bats emitted from him, forming a cyclone around the three and warping them to the destination in mind.

Throughout the Grim Brothers' guild hall, Sabrina, Azir, Barry, Bolt, Ara, Zane, Viper, Eliza, Savannah, Cyrus, and Jeanne were suddenly surrounded by swarms of bats, then warped to the same location. Ed and Py-ton, however, weren't affected.

"Okay, what just happened?!" Cyrus asked, confused that he was suddenly warped out of nowhere. Meanwhile, Fabian sat down, a little winded from warping several people.

(OOC: If there's anything wrong with this post, let me know and I'll delete and remake it.)
Ara looked around, to see she was suddenly out of the guild. "What just happened!?" She exclaimed, basically repeating Cyrus, when suddenly.... she noticed Fabian!

"Why...you!" Ara exclaimed, "What the hell did you just do!?" Ara didn't know if she should be mad, or thankful, for what Fabian had just pulled.
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"Don't worry Ara he's on our side. He was never really even bad to begin with." Brendan explained to Ara, "He's actually going to join the guild!" Brendan said with a smile.
Azir sat still with no expression and didn't say a word. He couldn't believe Fabian would even think about joining them.
"I just...warped you all...out of the building..." Fabian said between his breaths as he tried to get some air into his lungs, "That way, if it collapses, you won't be buried in a sea of rubble."

"Aren't you one of them, though?" Jeanne asked suspiciously as she looked toward Fabian.

"My loyalty lies with whomever I find worthy of it." Fabian pointed out. He then looked to Azir with a smile. "Such as my friends, and those who fight for a cause bigger than themselves. Speaking of..." He walked over to the Sand Make mage and sat beside him. "What will you do now, with Grim Brothers no longer in operation?" he gently asked.


Previously Sarah316
Savannah remained defensive, keeping a close eye on Sabrina as she stood by Azir.

"Join the guild?" Savannah asked, surprised that Fabian a former enemy was gonna be part of the guild. Though she wasn't gonna reject the idea. If Brendan trusted him she'd trust him.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Orion lost his sight momentarily as the newly reformed Fabian helped most of Ender Eye escape the guild. After being teleported, Orion gave a huge sigh still being tired from the fight. Celestial and Requip magic ain't easy. "Don't worry you guys...." Orion finally called out. "He's reformed...."
Doll-Play mate Sabrina closed her eyes for a moment only to open her eyes to be outside the guild. "What happened.....?" The young girl mumbled. The only thing she heard was that Fabian was joining a guild. Sabrina got up on her feet then. "If Fabian's moving...." Sabrina called out. "I'll follow!!!"
Ara then said, "Really?" Her face quickly changed to a smile, and she took out her hand for the vampire mage, "Well, then I'm glad to have a new member in the guild!"

Ara then looked at Sabrina, and said, "That would be great!"

As Ara was having this happy little moment, she noticed Viper and Eliza, and they weren't looking too well. "Guys!" Ara exclaimed as she ran to them. There's only one thing to do. Ara held out her arm, and a giant water bubble then appeared. "Healing Water!" Ara exclaimed as the two mages were engulfed in the water bubble. After a few minutes, the bubble popped, and the two mages were looking brand new.

Ara was breathing heavily, and fell unto her knees. Three people in one day! I think I might be working myself too much!
Viper's eyes slowly opened, seeing the members of Ender Eye and the Apocalyptic Four together. Viper was surprised to find he no longer felt Py-Ton's poison in his system. He naturally glanced over to Eliza. The girl seemed okay.

That's good...

Viper then turned to see an exhausted Ara in front of him. A gut feeling told Viper she was responsible for saving him just now. Viper moved himself to a knee, unable to look Ara in the eye.

"Thank you..." Viper said softly to Ara.
Ara got up, still a bit exhausted, and said, "It's no problem, I'm just happy to help some friends."

Ara then looked at everyone, and said, "Do you guys know what's happening in the guild? Because I am completely lost. Those two magical energies felt godly!"
Brendan stood back and smiled, he was glad mostly everything was resolved. "Now we have to wait for master Ed to defeat that guy." Brendan said as he retied his bandana.
"I don't know what I'm going to do but I know one thing; I'm no joining the other stupid guild." Azir grumbled wondering where Frea was.
"Your guild master Ed arrived. He's battling my brother Py-Ton. Who has beefed himself up with some unknown lacrima." Viper explained, offering more detail than Brendan due to having seen it in person.
"Fair enough." Fabian said, "You know, there's a coastal city I know of with fantastic tides for surfing. Maybe you could go take a vacation there until you find out what you want to do. Go out and see the world for what it is, and find your place in it." He patted the surfer's back. "After all, our lives are only what we make of them."


Previously Sarah316
"Master Ed fighting? I've never seen that, though I'm relatively new. Still I'll bet he's strong." Savannah said, having not seen Ed do anything but hand out missions since she joined. Still, you don't become a guild master just by barking out job assignments.
Ara was shocked. So, that's the true power a guild master possess. It's really crazy, but....somehow it makes me want to surpass them! I still want to achieve my goal, to become one of the best mages in all of Fiore!

Ara then fell unto some grass, and stared at the sky. Who knows what the future holds? Because I want them to keep their mouths shut!
It's no problem, I'm just happy to help some friends...

Viper had those words on the forefront of his mind. Much like Eliza, Ara considered him a friend in spite of everything he had done. Viper sat on the ground and glanced at the sky while he allowed himself time to recover.

"In spite of what I've done, you still consider me a friend?" Viper asked Ara, not having believed the possibility himself.
A small serpent of black liquid stared at Ara with beady red eyes as she laid down, then melted back into the shadows, retreating back into the forest behind the cliff. When it re-emerged from the shadows again, Fredrick knelt down and gave it a small pat on the head before liquifying it and letting out a sigh. He sat down under the overhang, waiting for his chance to speak with Ara. It felt strange, wanting to talk to a human instead of hunting them, but there was something bothering the liquid nightmare...something he was hoping to clear up by talking to her.
Ara looked at Viper, and said, "Of course I still consider you a friend! You didn't do anything wrong, you...you just wanted a place where you could belong. I think...that everyone deserves that. And besides, I should be the one apologizing, I lashed out at you only because I felt frustration from failing our mission."

Ara then looked around, because she felt like she was being watched. But there was nothing there. Hmm.