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Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
"There would be no problem woith joining Ender Eye..." Orion said tiredly. "We will gladly accept anyone who understands the true meaning of a guild..." Orion looked at the tired ex-enemy. "Are you considering to join by any chance?" Orion asked the vampire.
Eliza stomped her foot on the ground "your wrong!!!' Eliza yelled in frustration "you may be more ruthless ill give you that but more powerful that's a laugh" Eliza said "if you were truly more powerful then your brother then you would have challenged him to a fight instead of making it appear that he's just another member of your guild!" Eliza said as she got into a fighting position "your scared to fight him so you try make it look like your stronger!"
"Maybe I am." Fabian chuckled. "It's good to know I'd be accepted if I chose to do so." He gazed up at the moon, the night sky bringing him peace. "I suppose the best we can do now is rest up for the final confrontation, or wait to see what happens."
Viper considered what his brother said...and became infuriated.

"You piece of filth! And what about mother!?" Viper yelled, his focus now on what was looking more and more to be another empty lie his brother made to get his trust. Viper began to build whatever tiny amount of magic he had left.
Py-ton glared at the female wizard, and said, "You think I didn't fight him, because I'm scared!? HA! No! I haven't fought him, yet! I was planning to test his magical ability, but now, I don't have to do that! I saw your little battle with my brother. You both looked pretty much on par, and then I thought, 'Looks like I don't have to worry about Viper anymore. If this is his full power, then I'll wipe the floor with him easily!'"

Another magic circle then appeared under Eliza, and Py-ton exclaimed, "But now you've made me mad! Hidden Magic: Constrict!"

Py-ton then looked at Viper, and said, "I don't know what happened to mother. I was thinking that as soon as we take over most of Fiore, then we could easily find her. But now, I don't care about you or mother!"
Viper was seething in pure fury. The manipulation, the lies. All of it infuriated him. Viper didn't care about what little magic he had. Didn't care about the condition he was in. Viper had one thing in mind...

I am gonna make you pay!

Viper focused and gathered what little magic he had left in an attempt to break these bindings. Viper needed to escape first before he could try anything.
Eliza was caught up in the magic circle and found herself trapped her shock caused the electricity around her to fade "w-what is this!?" Eliza said as she could feel the magics grasp on her getting tighter, Eliza then heard
Py-tons statement about Viper and his own mother "you bastard!" Eliza yelled "how could you not even care for your own family!" Eliza was getting furious "you spoilt brat, at least you had a family!" Eliza yelled as electricity began surrounding herself again "but enough about that we can settle that argument in a fight right now I've got to escape" Eliza said as her whole body turned into a bolt of electricity and she moved out of the bonds of which Py-ton had created, Eliza ran over to Viper trying her hardest to fight the poison in her system "thunder dragon claw" Eliza said as she cut threw the bindings that Viper was in
Py-ton noticed how Eliza escaped his magic circle. "Ah, what does family matter....WHEN YOU HAVE POWER!" he exclaimed, as two magic circles appeared before Eliza. One of the magic circles was white, while the other one was purple. "Hidden Magic: Constrict and Poison Dragon: Inject!" The purple magic circle then shot purple needles at Eliza, the needles are supposed to inject a poison into anyone it comes into contact with.

Py-ton then noticed how Viper was trying to escape his Constrict Magic, just like the girl. "You're not going to get away that easily. Hidden Magic: Constrict times two!" The magic circle then increased in size, causing the constriction magic to be twice as powerful.
Viper felt himself break free thanks to Eliza, only for stronger bindings to soon halt his movements. This once felt more powerful than before, Viper knew with what little magic and stamina he had he wasn't gonna escape. Still...

No! I won't let him beat us this easily, I won't give this trash that satisfaction!

Fueled by desire and anger, Viper focused what little magic he had left in his left hand. Sure enough it began to move; slowly as it reached for Viper's belt. Viper grabbed a single explosive and flicked it with his wrist. It bounced and soon rolled by Py-Ton's feet.

Once that explodes it will cause Py-Ton to lose focus. I can break free and free Eliza before trying to get that poison out of her system. This maybe our only chance...
Py-ton noticed the little thing(?) that rolled right next to his feet. "Do you take me that much of a fool? I saw your battle with this little Ender Eye member, I know what these things do!" Py-ton said. He then picked up the little explosive, and threw it directly at Viper. The explosive looked like it was ready to blow.
Viper grinned.

"I thank you for being predictable. I guess you didn't' pay enough attention. I don't only carry explosives..." Viper said as the bomb exploded which released poison gas rather than an explosive kaboom. Viper sucked up the poison to regain some power.

Yes, I can feel it!

Viper uses his replenishing strength to break the binding before he faced Py-Ton.

"You said you were confident in beating me based on my fight with Eliza, right? Well let's put your money where your mouth is!" Viper said as he got in a combat stance.
Py-ton started laughing maniacally, and exclaimed, "I want this battle brother! This battle well determine who is actually the better fighter!"

Py-ton then had his magical aura surround him, and he charged at Viper. "Hidden Magic: Constrict!" Py-ton exclaimed, as a tiny magic circle surrounded Viper's mouth.
Viper found he couldn't open his mouth thanks to this circle. He shot Py-Ton a glare.

Cut off verbal spells and make it hard to breath. Not bad but I won't let this stop me.

Viper charged Py-Ton and aimed to deliver an elbow to Py-Ton's stomach. During this he would channel some magic to his free hand to try and rip the seal off his mouth.
Py-ton caught Viper's punch with fast reflexes, and ease.
You're a lot stronger than you look brother, but I'm not going to let you win that easily!
Py-ton then went in and he goes to kick Viper in his face.
The needles that Py-ton shot out were too fast for Eliza and all of then managed to hit, Eliza let out a scream the pain of the needles and the newly injected poison along with the poison that was already in her body was excrutiatingly painful, Eliza stood still for a moment the pain making her freeze, Eliza litsned to the conversation and watched the fight commence, "what am I doing? I need to join him I need to fight!" Eliza thought to herself before noticing Viper "That's it!" Eliza yelled over the pain that she was enduring, Eliza ran at Py-ton and engulfed her hand in electricity "I've had enough of this!" Eliza said before attempting to punch Py-ton "Thunder dragons fist!"
Py-ton noticed Eliza, and was able to dodge her attack. He then said, "You think you can actually be of any use in this battle? Well you can't, so leave!"

Py-ton then exhaled, and exclaimed, "Poison Dragon: Raging Roar!" The magic spell was aimed directly at Eliza.
"Don't you dare!"

Viper managed to rip the binding off his mouth as he charged Py-Ton and looked to deliver a punch to his face while he fired the poison attack. Py-Ton couldn't dodge and this impact should knock the blast away from Eliza.
Py-ton noticed his attack get blown, and then he looked back at Viper, who then punched him. Py-ton felt the impact of Viper's punch, and he exclaimed, with a smile no less, "Yes, YES BROTHER! This is what I want! Show me your anger! Feel the same way I did! The anger I felt when I wasn't chosen as father's prodigy, but instead it was you! You, the one who didn't want to complete father's wishes! Which is why I'll prove father wrong, and be the strongest mage Fiore has ever seen!"

He then looked back at the female Dragon Slayer, and said, "And you...THIS BATTLE DOES NOT CONCERN YOU!" Py-ton then aimed to kick her stomach, with too fast reflexes for Viper to respond.

He then looked at Viper, and said, "Let us battle like Dragon Slayers, brother! But just a fair warning, my poison isn't anything like father's, or yours, poison by a landslide!"

Py-ton then remembered a time when he had a training session with his father.

Py-ton: Poison Dragon Slayer: Roar!
Cobra: That won't work on me!
*Cobra then eats the poison*
Cobra: Ha! You se...
*Cobra then starts coughing intensely*
Cobra: Agh, what the!?
Py-ton: Hahaha! What do you think of me now, father!?

Py-ton had a devilish grin on his face, as he glared at Viper.
"Stretch fist."

During Py-Ton's rambling, Viper simply held his right hand out and shot it forward, looking to deliver an elongated punch right to Py-Ton's face.

For once I don't give a damn about dad. And I've heard enough of your crap. We're gonna end this now!
Py-ton noticed Viper's elongated arm, and was able to dodge it.

"Poison Dragon: Claw!" Py-ton exclaimed as he slammed his magic claw into Viper's arm.

Viper recoiled his arm as he felt...pain from the attack. Viper was more confused than anything else.

As a Poison Dragon Slayer a poison attack, even one from another Poison Dragon Slayer, shouldn't do any damage. So why does this hurt?

Viper put those thoughts on hold as he pulled out another sphere and tossed it. This one exploded with a blinding flash. Viper aimed to stun Py-Ton and deliver a running knee to the gut.
"Agh!" Py-ton exclaimed as he was blinded. Viper then kneed him in the stomach.

"Why you little!" Py-ton then exclaimed, "Poison Dragon: Merciless Fist!" He then aimed to punch Viper right in his face.
Viper got his hands up to block the attack, but the force of the punch still knocked him backwards. Not to mention the poison of the punch was having a stinging effect. Viper was unable to make heads or tails of this. Still...

"Stretch Leg Sweep!"

Viper crouched down and elongated his leg in an aim to trip Py-Ton with a wide leg sweep.
Py-ton jumped up into the air, dodging Viper's attack in the process.

"Hidden Magic: Constrict!" Py-ton exclaimed in the air. A magic circle then appeared under Viper.
And before Viper could do anything, Py-ton exclaimed, "Poison Dragon: Rampaging Roar!"
Viper had more movement than when he was caught last time, but he still would not get out of the way before the attack would hit him. So the only chance he had was to counter.

"Poison Dragon Roar!"

Viper launched a blast of his own poison magic from his mouth in an aim to intercept Py-Ton's attack before it reached him.
As the two dragon slayer's roars collided, Py-ton's magic was much stronger than that of Vipers, so it basically over-lapped itself over Viper's. The roar was much bigger than ever now.

Py-ton used this to his advantage, and was able to get behind of Viper. "Poison Dragon: Merciless Fists!" Py-ton exclaimed as he punched the roar, so it could cause much more of an impact as it hit Viper.
Viper cursed as his attack was consumed and overpowered, though it did help buy a little time that allowed him to break free of the bindings around his feet. Viper jumped to avoid the blast, but the explosive shock-wave created when it hit the ground caused Viper to fly across the room. Viper tumbled on the ground, a little slow to get up as the injuries from his battle with Eliza and new ones being sustained now were starting to pile on.

Damn it, can't even use my magic to block his. What the hell kind of poison magic is this? My only chance is to get in close and try to beat him in hand to hand combat. But my body, can it even hold up?

Viper considered his options before he brought out his combat staff.

There's no other choice. I refuse to let this bastard win.
Py-ton looked at Viper, and said, "You're fast, brother. I never expected to have this glorious of a battle with you, but now...I'll show you true fear! Poison Dragon Slayer Magic: Makeshift Staff."

Out of nowhere, a staff appeared in Py-ton's hands. The staff didn't look like any regular staff, it was dark red and purple, and it had magical energy pouring out of it.

"Let us see who the better combatter is, brother!" Py-ton exclaimed, as he charged at Viper, aiming to sweep his legs with the staff.
Viper, much like Py-Ton earlier when he tried to sweep his legs, jumped and aimed to bring the staff down right on his brother's head.

Seems he doesn't want to just prove he is the better Poison Dragon Slayer, he wants to prove he's better than me in every way. This gives me an idea...
Py-ton quickly moved his head away before his brother's staff hit him.

He then looked at Viper, and said, "Let's end this brother! I want to show you how powerful I am!"

Py-ton then charged at Viper, and started aiming his staff for every weak spots Viper had, like his head, neck, arms, and legs.
Viper, thanks to years of experience and practice, masterfully blocked each and every strike Py-Ton made against him. Viper was thankful for having developed these other skills during the period her refused to use his Poison Dragon Slayer magic. During this exchange, Viper knew it was time to put his plan in action...

"It's such a shame that someone with so much potential turned out to be nothing but an insecure crybaby. And yet you wonder why father didn't pick you." Viper said with a smirk.
"WHAT DID YOU SAY! I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU EAT THOSE WORDS!" Py-ton exclaimed. He then charged at Viper with really high speeds, and aimed to give him a really powerful blow to the stomach.
Viper simply moved to the side to avoid the blow, a smirk still on his face as he aimed to trip Py-Ton's feet with his own staff.

"I mean your guild has a literal child in it and yet you are by far the most childish of the lot. That says everything that needs to be said." Viper said to continue his psychological warfare.
"That is it!" Py-ton exclaimed, "Hidden Magic: Ultimate Constriction!" A gigantic magic circle, almost half the size of the room, appeared under Viper.

Py-ton then exclaimed, "Poison Dragon: Multiple Needles!" A bunch of purple needles then aimed for Viper, specifically his neck.
Shit! Guess it's now or never.

Focusing every bit of magic he had, Viper pulled out the antidote to the poison and tossed it to Eliza. Once there he could only manage to flimsily get his staff up in an effort to try and block the poison needles aimed for his neck. Either way he could guess this wasn't gonna be pleasant...
"These needles sense heat energy, and your staff doesn't seem to have any, so blocking them will just be useless!" and as Py-ton said this, the needles moved away from the staff. But because of Viper's interlude, the needles didn't go for his neck, but instead his shoulders and arms.

Py-ton then noticed how Viper tossed something to the female wizard. If that's what I think it is, then I might not have a choice but to resort to the Putenza Spluttiva, but it's still not done charging. I'll wait for more time, and besides these two are weak, I can easily take them on.
Eliza laid on the floor trying to fight the poison and the pain, "I could survive with the injuries but this poison is unbearable" Eliza said to herself before noticing the antidote that Viper just threw at her and she picked it up and took a sip of it before spitting it out "discussing..." Eliza said before reluctantly drinking most of the antidote and forcing it down her throat Eliza stood up "wow, it may taste like crap but it sure works" Eliza said as she straightened her back, Eliza then looked at Viper and Py-ton and noticed that Viper was in trouble "no you dont!" Eliza yelled as she harnessed electricity into both of her hands to create dart like bolts of electricity "Lightning Darts!" Eliza yelled as she threw the darts at the needles destroying them "phew I guess the poison is still there" Eliza said as she tried to catch her breath after the attack "kinda pathetic to be tired after that attack"
Eliza managed to buy Viper time as he focused his magic to his legs. Using his strength Viper broke the bindings and charged his brother looking to slam his staff right into Py-Ton's ribs.

Damn it, drained myself a bit just to escape. But I can't stop. Py-Ton cannot win...
"That is it!" Py-ton exclaimed. Py-ton was able to dodge Viper's staff, and exclaimed, "Poison Dragon: RAMPAGING ECHOING ROAR!"

Py-ton's roar was so huge, that it was able to fill up the whole room, and was basically impossible for anyone to dodge. But this took a lot of magic energy from Py-ton. My only hope left is the Putenza Spluttiva, that'll definitely help me defeat them.

Py-ton then ran behind the throne, while Viper and Eliza were distracted by the attack.
Viper grunted as he grabbed a couple of his high explosives and tossed them at the Dragon Roar. His poison was useless against this strange poison and the explosives alone would not stop it, he needed Eliza's help. But whether she could or not was the question...