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Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)


Previously Sarah316
Savannah was also slow to get up, panting after having used so much of her magic. Her body shaking, as well as damaged from the massive explosion among other blows she received. The only comfort was that Azir seemed to have used a lot of his magic as well; thought admittedly that was just a guess on her end. Still...

Can't stop here. People are counting on me. I have to...keep fighting. I have to win!

Savannah took a deep breath as she steadied herself and gave Azir a look of fierce determination from across the rubble. In spite of him being an enemy, Savannah had to admit she respected Azir's ability. But Savannah was not gonna give Azir anything beyond credit. For the sake of Ender Eye, she would fight to the very end.
As the duo from Ender Eye inhaled the mist, their magic energy began to slowly drain from their bodies. Fabian saw the fiery blade approaching him, and attempted to steer out of it's way. The blade scraped past his armor, leaving sizable scratch, and burned a hole into his cape. As he landed, he smiled, impressed by what he saw. "Excellent." he complimented. "So far, you two have shown quite the display. I suppose I should kick it up a notch." With that, the vampire's eyes began to gleam, filled with a malevolent red light as another magic circle, larger and a darker shade of red, emerged. "Nosferatu: Eclipse Command Seal!" The magic circle seemed to begin draining the room of light, casting an eerie shadow over the room, while Fabian became a black silhouette with a red outline.

Soon, the magic circle was replaced by what appeared to be an enormous stone coffin, surrounded by black mist. Over the lid were four locks labeled 3, 2, 1, and 0, each number descending closer toward the center of the coffin, where zero was. These locks were surrounded by chains that seemed to rattle all on their own. "Release Command Seal Restriction: Level 3." Fabian commanded. A loud metallic groan came from the topmost lock as the chains fell off and clattered loudly to the floor. The lid slid open ever so slightly, revealing a rather bizarre dark aura of some kind. A dark red aura began to form around Fabian as he reverted back from being a silhouette, and his magic energy output rose an additional 50%. "Now then, members of Ender Eye...time for the next level." He quickly dashed toward them, blades of red energy extending from his forearms, this time larger. "Nosferatu: Crimson Cutter!" He yelled, slashing at the two teens.
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Brendan used his wings of the black wing armor to blow the mist away from him, but it kept coming back. "This guy is a crazy strong." Brendan said, witnessing his coffin spell. At that moment an idea popped into his head, "Requip! Ice Emperor Armor!" Brendan exclaimed, a ancient looking samurai armor appeared around Brendan, but the metal looked and even felt like ice. An Icy Katana also appeared in his hand. "Sub Zero Slash!" Brendan yelled, an icy blue magic circle appeared in front of his blade, as he slashed the blade froze the air. Brendan hoped the mist would freeze with this attack.
All mist has some sort of moisture, so this should freeze, then get rid of the mist. Brendan thought to himself
Brendan reacted quickly to Fabian's attack, his blade began to freeze Fabian's as they clashed. If he would continue any longer his blade might break or Fabian's arm may even freeze.
Azir panted, "I'll admit, you're the toughest person I've ever fought, but this is the end of the line!" Azir yelled. He was covered in bruises and scratches and he was exhausted, but he wasn't ready to give up. "Sand-Make: Chain Gun!" Azir yelled, a sandy chain gun appeared in Azir's hands, he then shot out a barrage of sand bullets at Savannah.
Ara looked at the barrage of dolls come to her and Zane, and she was freaked out a bit, but she remained cool. "Tsunami!" Ara exclaimed as she made a wave of water that overwhelmed the dolls. As soon as the water evaporated a bit, Ara exclaimed, "Ice Make: Icicle Barrage!" Then little icicles stabbed every single doll. Ara knew about Doll Play: Magic, she knew that the dolls weren't actually dead, but she used the icicles to stop them from moving.

Ara looked at Zane, and said, "Never underestimate your opponent, Zane. She might be a little girl, but she is one of the strongest mages in the guild. She is part of the Apocalyptic Four. Now, get focused, we don't know what other tricks she has."
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Barry started to feel heavier. "This must be her magic." Barry said struggling to stand. "Bolt!" Barry said. Bolt grabbed Barry and flew upwards. "Urgh, so heavy." Bolt said, struggling to fly. "You're doing great Bolt. Now fly towards her." Barry said as his arms were covered with darkness. Bolt grunted then flew towards Frea. "Dark Dragon's Claws!" Barry shouted as he tried to hit Frea.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
"Circe! Gate Closure!" Orion called out as he attacked the now vulnerable Fabian as he took on Brendan one on one. He quickly called out another gate. "Open, Gate of the Sun Diety: Apollo!" The crimson haired man with a bow and arrow appeared before Orion. "Start smiling the enemy from afar, the Solar Shield should provide enough vision for you." Orion called out right before attack the Vampire with his Solar Sword. "Flare Blitz!" Orion jumped and hoped to attack the Vampire from above and behind while Apollo just then shot a flaming arrow, aiming at Fabian's leg, hoping it'll get him to stay down.
Sabrina looked at the girl formerly known as Adriana. "Ooohhh, you're good!" Sabrina said as she clapped her hands. "Alright my turn again! Doll-Play: Robot!" This time, instead of the frilly dolls that came alive, it was robotic toys that were moving on their own right now. Sabrina controlled them to each pick up an icicle, using them as weapons. The mass of miniature robots hurled an icicle right at the duo mages. During so the dolls came back up alive again. Almost as if it were a zombie apocalypse, each toy moved lingering closer to the mages. Controlling a mass of dolls were a mess as the more Sabrina controls, the slower the dolls are.
Frea looked at Barry and bolt as they flew towards her and she let out a laugh "I'm sorry but that's not going to cut it" Frea said before moving out of the way of the attack and and behind Barry "but i have to say it was a pretty stupid attempt at an attack but ill take pity on you and lighten the gravity a bit" Frea said before getting rid of all gravity she put on Barry and bolt as well as all gravity they had in the first place making them speed quickly upwards towards the roof due to the amount of power bolt was using to keep flight with such intense gravity
The mist remained intact, though some did condense into puddles of red liquid, a form in which it could temporarily do no harm. Fabian felt the heat of the attacks from Orion and Apollo as Brendan leaped up at him with his icy blade. As his crimson cutter struck the Katana, they dissipated, the freezing blade phasing through as they did so. Fabian then grabbed Brendan by the wrist and threw him at Orion, Apollo's arrow striking his shin guard and shattering it, the metal around the broken area warped from the heat. He tumbled back a bit as he landed, another piece of armor breaking off, and there was a long, thin cut seen going across his leg. Fabian winced slightly, but after testing it out, slightly adjusted to the pain. "That was a close one..." he muttered, looking to Brendan and Orion. They certainly react quickly, but their movements are slowing down a bit due to the gradual buildup of fatigue from their magic energy being slowly sapped away from them. Brendan might have condensed some of the mist, but given about 10 minutes, it'll evaporate back into mist. He then considered his options. I can probably play it defensively and wait them out, or I could use THAT spell...Yes, with that, I can take the offensive once more. AND they could learn a thing or two from the experience. The only problem is the amount of magic energy it costs to maintain it. I should be able to hold the darkness for about five minutes in my current power, and I can slightly extend that by absorbing the reservoir of magic energy I sapped from them with the mist.

With his plan decided, the vampire king placed his hands to the floor, a dark red circle forming beneath him. "Nosferatu Secret Art: Eternal Darkness!" he commanded. Soon, a shroud of dark aura expanded from him and covered every surface of the room, even the windows. This aura absorbed all light in the room, effectively leaving the Ender Eye mages in an endless abyss of darkness. Hidden within this darkness, Fabian then glided silently across the floor, leaping onto a pillar, and then to the roof. Landing there, and standing upside down above them, he waited to see their reaction, and prepared to strike at an opening.
Bolt flew strait at the wall with intense speed after his gravity was restored. "Oh crap! Watch out Barry!" He said spinning around and throwing Barry at Frea before he hit the wall. "Bolt! Thanks for that." Barry said as he flew above Frea. His arms were then covered with darkness. "Dark Dragon's Wing Slash!" He shouted as he dove down at Frea.


Previously Sarah316
"Sand-Make: Dome!"

Savannah surrounded herself inside a sand dome to block the sand bullets while she used the time to think of something to use to get back on the offensive.

Just think, there will be an opening. Just need to wait for the right moment...
"Damnit" Brendan grunted as he was slammed into to Orion. "We have to finish this before the mist melts again." Brendan said looking up at Fabian. Brendan then got an idea, "I got this armor a while ago, but I felt dumb because I knew real vampires didn't exist.. Or at least I thought. So you could say I was saving this armor just for you." Brendan said with a smirk, "Requip! Vampire Hunter armor!" Brendan yelled. A red tunic, black pants, boots, and cape appeared around Brendan. A long, wooden stake appeared in his hands.
Brendan was surprised when he said secret art, "No way!" He exclaimed, "This isn't good, we need to turn the lights back on now." Brendan muttered.
Azir grit his teeth, "Let's see your stupid dome survive this!" Azir exclaimed, "Sand-Make! Great Tsunami!" Azir yelled. A giant wave began to build and build until it was stopped by the roof of the building. Azir laughed as the giant wave began to crash toward Savannah at an alarming rate.
Without any warning, Fabian dropped down toward the blinded duo, firing another Winged Bombardment spell at them. As he landed behind them, he let out a chuckle. "Remember: you have other senses than your eyes. A mage should be able to use all tools in their arsenal, both magical AND physical." He then dashed around them, the clanking of his armor echoing around his opponents in all directions, making it difficult to pinpoint exactly where he was.
Ara melted all of the icicles before they were able to hit her and Zane. She noticed the whole army of dolls and robots. She made another Tsunami, and all of the robots self-destructed. Ara still had to deal with the dolls, however. "Ice Make: Multiple Lances!" Then out of nowhere, ice lances started to pierce through every single doll. "You're really something Sabrina! I'm actually getting excited!" Ara exclaimed.


Py-ton watched through one of the lacrima's, only to see that some of Ender Eye's mages have made it to the Hallway of Hell. "Dammit" Py-ton exclaimed, "These mages are way better than I thought! But no matter, they will not get past me!" Py-ton had a smirk on his face, like if he had a devious plan soaring through his head.
The old man is right, our other senses... His armor makes him hard to pinpoint his location. Oh yeah! This dude always smells like blood. Brendan thought as he remembered back, he had always had a bloody smell on him. Brendan closed his eyes and sniffed, There you are. Brendan thought as he spun 180 degrees, and leapt forward. A magic circle as bright as the sun appeared on the front his spear, "Sun Strike!" Brendan yelled as he sent a series of jabs at Fabian, each time Brendan jabbed the point of his spear glowed like the sun. Vampires are weak to sunlight and wooden stakes, this weapon has both!

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Orion perked up when he heard that he had to use his other senses. "Doesn't this guy have extremely powerful magic?" Orion muttered to himself. Orion stood still trying to sense Fabian's magical property within the room. Orion focused and focused until he finally pinpointed where the Vampire could be. Orion threw his shield in a boomerang like way while calling out, "Solar Blade!" Apollo on the other hand began setting up sonar arrows above the ceiling, as he could sense where the enemy could be. Apollo soon shot a huge arrow at where both Orion and Brendan had attacked. "Scatter Arrow!" A bombardment of arrows where sent in the general vicinity, giving itself a wide range in hopes that the attack wouldn't miss.


Previously Sarah316
All right, Azir is going with a big large scale attack like I guessed. Got everything ready...I hope this works.

Savannah emerged out of her dome with a pair of giant sand boxing gloves and a sand cannon.


Savannah launched a chunk of hardened sand which created a hole in the sand wave. That hole wouldn't be there for long so Savannah put the next part of her plan into action...loading herself in the cannon and launching herself through the hole.

I did it!

Now on the other side of the wave Savannah's body flew towards Azir, boxing gloves ready as she would aim to punch the dark sand mage when she got in close.
"What?!" Azir exclaimed as Savannah jumped through the tiny hole. Azir didn't have enough time to react due to Savannah's speed, "Sh-" Azir was cut off by being bunched right in the face, he was sent flying backward, crashing into a small dune going through it and then crashing into the wall which crack behind Azir as he slammed into it. Finally, Azir feel of the wall and into his mini ocean, he floated to the top and lied on his back, pupils whited out.
The sunlight faintly singed Fabian's exposed skin as the stake caught another piece of armor among the attack flurry, tearing it off. With a grunt, Fabian did his best to parry each blow from the stake with his Crimson Cutter. "While you're correct in choosing a wooden stake, it's not really effective unless it pierces my heart." he pointed out. Unless said wood is Hawthorne... he added mentally before throwing a punch Brendan's way to knock him back a little. Then, he felt himself being bombarded by arrows. However, their path slightly skewed off course as they got close to his armor. As the smoke cleared, he was kneeling, with a few more armor pieces missing from his suit. "Well...you're certainly meeting my expectations." He panted, trying to catch his breath. "Perhaps even surpassing them a little." He then stood up, and the red mist surrounded him and turned purple. Waving his hands, he separated the red mist from a new blue mist. Returning the red mist to the battlefield, he absorbed the blue mist and felt some stamina and magic energy return to him. Then, he held out his hand. Nosferatu: Winged Bombardment! Another hail of energy bats swarmed his opponents, exploding whenever they made contact and sapping their magic energy even further.


Previously Sarah316
Savannah walked over to Azir's body and would create some sand cuffs to restrain his hands and feet. Once that was done Savannah stepped back and let out a sigh.

I did it...I really did it...

Savannah soon fell on her back, exhausted after spending nearly all her magic as well as weak from the damage she received. Savannah would need some time to recover from such a battle.

I hope the rest of you guys are okay...

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
'More bats?' Orion thought to himself, remembering the first battle against the Apocalyptic 4 . If he remembered correctly, both the mist and bats sucked magical energy out of the target. 'Best not to have any physical contact.' Orion pondered. "Apollo, you're done as of right now, let your sister take over." Orion called out to the Sun Twin. "Yes Master." With that, Apollo disappeared in a puff of smoke. "Open, Gate of the Moon Twin: Diana!" With a flash, Apollo's replacement and sister, Diana, came before Orion. Orion on the other hand, requiped into his Moon Deity Armor. "Take out those bats!" Diana, with her piercing eyes, shot down every single one of those bats. "Scatter Arrow!" Diana chanted, using the same spell her brother had just used. There were a couple that got a bit too close, but Orion took care of them with his Lunar Lance. Unfortunately, a bat had touched Orion. BOOM! Immediately, Orion felt an immense drain in magical energy within him. Orion stood back up and casted another spell. "Moonblast!" A beam of silver energy was blasted out of the lance aimed at Fabian at an immense speed.
Brendan grunted as he was punched in the stomach, he stumbled back a bit. Brendan looked at Fabian and took note to each spot of missing armor. About 6 minutes remain until the mist melts, and it seems light is more effective than the wooden stakes. Brendan thought as he planned his next move as he fended away the bats, they immediately disappeared as soon the spear got close to them. "Orion are you alright?" Brendan asked as he had seen he had been hit by a bat.
Brendan smirked when he got up, "Requip! Vanquisher Bow!" Brendan called out, a sleek black bow appeared in his hands, he drew back the bow, a magic circle appeared behind the bow when he did this. Brendan shot four spiraling black arrows. They then surrounded the moonblast and create a miniature unison raid.
"Those arrows are suppose to vanquish any darkness, hence the name of the bow." Brendan said as he jumped next to Orion.
The beam blazed across the throne room toward the vampire, tearing through the darkness. "Nosferatu: Crimson Cutter!" The red blade formed around his forearm as he used it to sever the beam in two. As either side blazed past him, he felt severe pain in his arm, but grit his teeth and kept on his feet, even though he slid back a good ten yards. More of his armor was destroyed, and his right arm was seared black, limply swaying at his side. They should be tired out by now... He thought as a blue aura, the magic energy he absorbed from the beam, faded. They ARE getting slower, so my draining magic is working. I think it's time I shed this armor. A red aura emitted from him, and his armor burst outward from his body. Under it was a simple white long-sleeved shirt under red sleeveless vest, a cravat, black pants, and loafers. Taking a moment to catch his breath, he looked down at the armor, letting out a sigh. "Thank you, Marcus. Your magnum opus served well." he muttered, then he straightened and looked over his two opponents. They're both skilled at requip magic, and show immense versatility. The only way around them, then, is to force them into making mistakes. "Heh. You two really are something else." he said, smiling. He then got into a stance, waiting for them to make a move.
Brendan stayed back, "We should attack him together, we also need to defeat him quickly due to his draining magic." Brendan muttered to Orion. Brendan watched Fabian as he glowed in a red hue, "This isn't good.." Brendan muttered as he grit his teeth.
Realizing he needed to stay calm, Brendan took a deep breath and analyzed Fabian carefully to see any distinct differences. Sadly all he noticed was the lack of armor and his intense red aura. "Alright Orion, you led and I will follow. We need to blast this guy with a bunch of light" Brendan said confidently

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Orion was heaving heavily as magic was still being drained out of his body. Clearly, movements were being restricted now, leaving Orion more vulnerable. Although, Brendan and Orion both do have lots of magic left. They are an A-Class Mage for a reason. "Alright." Orion responded to Brendan's ideal tactic. Orion looked at any potential weaknesses that could be found in Fabian. Well, there was the lack of armor left, but that's pretty much it. It might be hard to attack him though as he still is quite fast and the mist is still blocking their visibility, but it's still worth a shot. "Diana, is there anyway possible for you to restrict him?" Orion asked the moon goddess. "Yes master, I do have minimal plant manipulation." Immediately, Diana shot a couple of arrows down onto the ground and grew out some rose thorns. "Great, do whatever you can to restrict the enemy!" Diana began to control the plants to find and strangle Fabian. Meanwhile Orion had caster another Moonblast spell at Fabian. The lance shot out a silver beam at Fabian once again.
"Nice!" Brendan exclaimed, "Now my turn!" Brendan said as he pulled out the wooden stake/spear once again, not wanting to get close, Brendan tossed the spear like a javelin right at Fabian, it speed toward him at an alarming rate. As the spear approached Fabian, the brighter it's color got until it was practically glowing. The spear was reacting to Fabian's vampiric magical power.
Frea let out a sigh "don't you ever learn" Frea said as she increased Barry's gravity while also reversing her own so she would fall to the sky "bye" she said as she passed Barry midair narrowly dodging his attack and landing on the roof "oh what's this?" Frea said as she changed Bolts gravity to be the same as her own "aww is this your little kitty cat?" She asked while picking Bolt up by the tail "how cute I think I'll keep him once I'm done with you" Frea said with a laugh
Barry fell to the floor and struggled to get on his knees. "Hey let go of me!" Bolt said hanging upside down. Barry looked at Bolt as his expression became frustrated. "You really shouldn't treat Bolt that." He said smiling a bit. Bolt started to generate electricity through his body. "Don't treat me like a stuffed animal!" He said angrily as he slammed both his fist together and electrified his entire body including his tail.
Zane stood, a bit surprised at what he was witnessing. This little girl was apart of the Apocalyptic Four? He wouldn't have believed it if he hadn't seen the multiple toys come to life and make hostile actions towards Ara and himself. He leaped back, avoiding the attacks of the dolls before Ara wiped most of them out. More and more dangerous dolls seemed to be coming to life, and Zane faced the fact that they would have to fight this little girl - even though morally he felt awful.

Bringing his right hand closer to his chest, he closed his eyes while quickly mumbling a chant - a golden aura beginning to form around his body. The light that outlined Zane's body grew brighter as he chanted, and a couple of golden coins that also shone brightly were conjured up into the palms of his hands. Zane snapped his eyes open and threw the coins in the air. They began levitating and radiated a blinding light before forming into a magic circle. He then finished up his chant.

"I summon thee from the divine worlds - I beckon you to my side to distinguish the impurity and darkness of our enemies! Come to me, Heaven's Messengers!"

After Zane called out, wind mustered by magical energy kicked up in the room as several upon several quite small round creatures shot out of the golden magic circle. All of these heavenly beings were identical angels - all small, round-shaped creatures with pure white coats and wing-like tails, as well as each of them having razor sharp teeth. They all flew forwards and slammed right into the hostile dolls, some of the angels even sinking their teeth and shredding apart the toys.

"That should be about 30 of them - enough to hold off any toys this girl can control." Zane mentioned, however this Sabrina girl had surprised him a great deal before, so he knew not to get too comfortable or confident.
"Don't think I'll make it that easy for you." Fabian said playfully with a smirk as he took off, kicking up a trail of dust as he moved faster now that his armor was no longer restricting his movement. Dipping to the side as he approached the attacks, he felt the sting of light on his skin as he raced toward the mages and celestial spirit, leaping off a pillar and sailing at them through the air as he held out his uninjured arm. "Nosferatu: Bloody Chains!" Chains of red light shot out of his arm, whipping about to entangle the three in them.
"Wow, you guys are so cool! Now it's my turn again!" Sabrina said, her childlike innocence shining through as she channeled some magic for a new spell.

"And thanks Mr., you gave me some new toys to play with! Doll-Play: Heavenly Army!" Sabrina said to Zane as she would aim to take control of his Heaven's Messengers. If she managed this, she would send them against him and Ara and try to overwhelm them.

"This is fun!" Sabrina said with a giggle, seeing this as more of a game than a battle.
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"Woah, he's fast!" Brendan exclaimed as was surprised due to that speed boost he had gotten just from removing the armor. Brendan had litten to to react and no idea what to do next... As the chains came closer and closer Brendan found himself within a flashback, it was a training session with his mother...
"Don't get me wrong, Armor is great, it will protect you better than regular clothing and it can even give you boosts... But there are times your offense is your best defense." Brendan's mother told him as she pulled out a special Katana, "This blade can only be used once you shed all armor, and I entrust it to you..."
Brendan opened his eyes, "Requip!" Brendan yelled, as the light from the requip faded, he wore red pants with flames around the ankles and a bandanna made of white bandages appeared around his head. Brendan raised his blade and cut straight through the red chains with ease.
"This blade can only be used once one sheds all armor, and I shall vanquish you with it. Let's finish this undead guy, Orion!" Brendan exclaimed, glaring at Fabian.
Ara looked at Zane, and exclaimed, "What have you done!?" Then one of the Heavenly Messengers launched themselves to Ara and bit her arm, luckily her body is made out of water, so she didn't feel it. She turned her hand into a giant water fist and punched the little demon...angel(?) off of her. Lucy told me about this, when she fought someone with similar magic, they were able to control her Celestial Spirits, I guess it isn't different for Zane's Heavenly Messengers either. Ara didn't want to kill any of these creatures, because they all belong to Zane, but she didn't know what to do. All she kept doing was pushing them away. "Hey, Zane! Can you help me here! There's too many of them for me to fend off!" Ara exclaimed.
Zane panicked - how had she been able to control all of his angels so easily? She really was just as powerful as he was, if not - stronger. He had to think quickly as the angel summons began unwillingly attacking himself in Ara. He flipped around, leaping in every attempt to avoid taking damage from the Messengers. They had managed to deal some damage to quite the lot of Sabrina's toys, and it was too dangerous to keep so many mind-controlled and active.

"Heavenly Messangers, I no longer need your assistance," He called, holding both palms out and closing his eyes tightly. "Return!"

In the next few moments, each of the angel's would have disappeared in a poof of mist. Zane wondered what he could possibly do. If this girl could simply control his summons, he was basically useless! Ara would be the only one able to do actual damage. However...there was always that option, but the blonde mage would do whatever he could to avoid that situation - for the sake of himself and everyone else nearby; friend and foe. Zane quickly made his way to Ara, landing behind her.

"We need to distract her." He whispered. "You're the only one who's powers she cant necessarily control, so our best option is to wait out until her magical energy runs out - but that isn't looking like its going to happen anytime soon."

The summoner racked his brain trying to figure out what he could rationally do in this situation, beginning to feel a bit defeated already. The two of them had to figure something out quick or things could take an ugly turn for Ender Eye.
Ara nodded to what Zane said, and she came up with a plan. "You better be good at fighting, because I'm going to leave you here to fend off your Messengers," Ara said.

Before Zane could say anything, Ara used her water powers to launch herself to where Sabrina was. She stared at Sabrina, and said, "Alright, Sabrina, it's just you and me. Lets see what one of the strongest wizards of Grim Brothers has to offer!" Ara stood in magic making position.
Frea fell to the ground as everyone's gravity went back to normal "you wreched cat!" Frea yelled her eyes filled with rage "now you will know true pain!" She said as she kept changing Barry and Bolts gravity so they hit the ceilling and then falling back to the floor, Frea then went under neath Barry as he was falling back to the floor and she increased his gravity ten fold and as Barry was close to her she attempted to kick him mid air "take this!"
Fabian closed his eyes and exhaled as he allowed his body to relax. I still can't move my right arm...and I have to keep an eye on those plants, or I'll be immobilized. He let out a smile and chuckled. These two are amazing. I've never been cornered like this since Fullbuster. The smile faded, and his eyes shifted around the room, then back to his opponents. The mist swirled eerily around the room as he moved into a more relaxed stance. I hope this works... More red chains wrapped around his hand, acting as a sort of makeshift guard. "Nosferatu: Winged Bombardment!" He fired another swarm of energy bats toward his foes. Although most of them flew directly toward the Ender Eye mages, others flew into the shadows of the room and swerved around the pillars to attack from the sides and back. All the while, he discreetly threw his chain, aiming through a blind spot made by the bats.
Brendan slowly exhaled, he listened carefully so he could hear every bat that came close. Brendan pulled out a second Katana and rabidly slashed through each bat, but he missed one thing... The chain, "Argh, what?!" Brendan grunted as the chain wrapped around Brendan's bare stomach, "I can't move!" Brendan called out as he struggled to slash through the chain.
Barry hit the floor and celling and groaned in pain. He saw Frea is about to kick as he was falling heavily. "Darn it, I got to rebalance myself." He struggled to regain balance but managed to get vertical before falling into Frea's kick. He drew his head back. "Take this! Dark Dragon's Roar!" He shot a breath of darkness at close range at Frea.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Orion was almost hit by the bats while Diana stood a safe distance away, still trying to immobilize Fabian. Luckily, Brendan had destroyed all the bats, but was caught by the chain during the process. "I got you!" Orion shouted. He ran up to the chain and sliced it with his Lunar Lance, setting Brendan free. Meanwhile Diana had enforced a circular wall of rose vines around Fabian, entombing him within. "This might hurt, but is needed....." Orion mumbled. "Gate of the Sea God, I open thee: Neptune!" Majestically, the merman appeared. "WHATT?!!" Neptune asked angrily. "I WAS ABOUT TO KICK JUPITER's BUTT GOD DANG IT!" Orion pinched his forehead in frustration. "Can you not?" Orion asked annoyed. "Can you entomb the enemy even more?" Orion pointed over to the plant cage. Neptune raised his fingers and cast an ice spell over the plants. "Can I go?" Neptune asked. Orion stared at him. "Uhhh no? Because aren't I your master? And you should listen? Because we have an enemy to defeat?" Orion said in disbelief. "Alright alright alright....." Neptune mumbled. Orion turned over to Brendan as he required into Atlantis Armor. "Fabian is probably going to break out real quick, so attack when you have the chance." Orion told Brendan.
"Oohhhh, Ms. Adriana wants to playyyy." Sabrina sang. She waited until Sara got close to her before casting another spell. "Doll-Play: Puppetmaster!" It was quiet. Nothing happened for almost ten seconds. The doll within Sabrina's arms started twitching. Sabrina threw her doll onto the floor. Suddenly the doll came to life, but this time is different. The doll grew bigger as well. About three or four times as big as Sabrina. "Yay!" Sabrina cheered. "Meet Lilith!" Sabrina introduced her doll to the duo mages.
"Thanks Orion!" Brendan said as he was set free, "Man that guy has anger issues." Brendan mumbled referring to Neptune.
"Yeah, you're right so let's give him full force!" Brendan said as he raised his Katana above his head, then putting it to his side, "This is a new move so I hope it works..." Brendan mumbled, "Heavenly Body Magic, Meteor!" Brendan yelled a yellow magic circle appeared below his feet and his whole body glowed a bright yellow. Brendan then shot at Fabian and sent a barrage of sword slashes at him, he moved so fast he left a bright yellow trail behind him.